Chapter 3: you are definitely my type


 Chapter three

 Deborah's POV

 It a different thing when your crush for a long time now as been admired from afar.but when he comes closer it like your hearts does a little jolt and all you want his to stay so mute in other not to say something stupid and embarrass their self.

Kenneth:wassup ladies (he greeted)tayo wetin?

Tayo:can you help me get something's for the ladies?

Kenneth:okay… what do you girls want to get?(he grinned)

AY:just a soda and maybe some doughs

Emmanuella:like I said.I'm fine

Kenneth:okay.what about you?(he turned to look at me and smiled)

Deborah:uhm...anything you like

 ^AY and Ella giggled secretly ^

Kenneth:what!(he giggled)

Deborah:oh I mean might have a better choice ,and I am not really great at making great choices.....i am sorry(I blushed and lowered my head a little biting my lips in the process)

Kenneth:(he laughs)alright girls I will be right back (he walked away)

AY:what was that?(she laughed)

Deborah:how could you girls let me embarsss myself like that? I'm so stupid....he probably thinks so too(I groaned)

Tayo:(raises an eyebrow)is this what I think it is?

Emmanuella:don't do that.and don't tell Kenneth

Kenneth:don't tell me what?

 ^they all turned to his smiling figure^

Deborah:nothing.we were talking about someone else ....a friend

Kenneth:oh,well I got your orders....I got you some chocolate,cupcakes and a soda to go with .how did I do?

Deborah:great,thanks.(I smiled)you guys should stay and have some with us?

Emmanuella:yes pleaseee(she looked pleadingly at tayo who looked at tayo)


AY:Debby look shindara and her friends flaunting like always (she scoffed)

Deborah:ugh,they make me sick (I made an irritated face)

Tayo:you mean Kenneth's cousin?

Deborah:(chokes)I am so sorry(I placed a hand over my mouth)

Kenneth:it fine (he chuckled)really.

Shindara:(walks over and kisses Kenneth on the cheek)

What are you doing here?(she wrapped her hands around his neck)

Kenneth:not much.what about you?

Shindara:nothing(she pouted)

Kenneth:I will talk to you later.I'm kinda busy

Shindara:with what?(she finally spared the rest of us a look)no one in particular here

Kenneth:c'mon .Deborah and her friends.I will come check up on you later I promise 

Shindara:(growls)fine (whispers)stay away from her she is not good for you(she looks at Deborah,stands up and trots away)

Deborah:you know my name?I didn't know that?(I asked starting up a conversation with Kenneth)

Kenneth:I found out during the last beauty peace that show

Deborah: you saw me.....I hardly noticed

Kenneth:of course I saw you. Who wouldn't notice you

Emmanuella:so then do you mean you like my friend?( she asked out of the blues)

Deborah:emmanuella!(I gave her a signal to quit it)

Kenneth:Yeah I do(he replied)

Emmanuella:I am so sorry she tends to play a lo...…..wait you do?(I stared in disbelief) are definitely my type....hey you mind if we exchanged digits?

Deborah:thank you...….I mean yeah sure(I chuckled)and you are so my type too.

 ^they exchanged numbers^

Kenneth:I should go cousin would be to you later(he said to me)

Deborah:yeah sure(I watched him leave and turned to my friends)guys that was so cool(I squealed)

Tayo:okay babe I have to go now talk to you later.

 *bell rings*

 ^later that day I had just finished with my assignments when my younger sister walked into my room^

Deborah:and what happened to knocking before coming in(I glared at her)

Mercy:whatever. Dad said to tell you we have a guest he wants you downstairs in five minutes (walks out banging the door)

Deborah:(I scoffed and mimicked her)

 ^i got into something presentable and walked downstairs to meet my dad and his best friend conversing . I also took notice of a younger person about my age smiling at them

Deborah:good evening sir(I greeted)

Mr akin:my lord.Deborah is so big now .how are you doing dear?

Deborah:very fine sir(I smiled)

Dad:Deborah this is mr Akin's son.his name is martins

Deborah:hi(I waved and he did the same smiling)

Mum:(walks in)please let move to the dining table I have prepared dinner.

 ^throughout dinner martins kept staring at me which was quite weird. No doubt he was really good looking.he had more of the looks of an American,light skinned ,smart looking with a very nice akin had been my dad's best friend for as long school days. He was once married to a white woman who died about a year or two back. Martins for some reason was in rehab and just got out. Reasons why he was there I don't know or care about , probably for some bad reasons . What I really cared about was the fact that he wouldn't stop staring at me so I glared at him and gave him a vicious look^

Deborah: dad(I dropped my fork) I would like to go upstairs now I still have some assignments to finish up with.

Dad: before you go.what class are you in again?

Deborah:dad,you are always forgetting (I pout)

Dad:I'm sorry honey.just loads of things on my mind

Deborah: well I just got into my senior year two

Dad:that true. I forgot.okay honey you can go now

Deborah:alright daddy.uncle akin do have a nice trip home.

Mr akin:thank you dear

 ^After clearing my dishes,I was heading upstairs when I received a text message from Kenneth .I froze.^

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