Chapter 42: (32) Aliens vs stands!! a duel to remember! Part 1
Hey guys I lost track of how many jojo's cards I have made over the course of the series, but I will look over the series and write down who I've made so far.
But besides that should I add evil duel spirits as a side quest for Jonah? He has to defeat the possessed duelist that holds them and in exchange he gets a jojo themed card?
(Comment yes here)
(Comment no here)
Also thank you kalachri for suggesting I make Jonah's spirit realm the Joestar mansion.
Anyways onto the chapter
As I get up I hear a notification.
[your gacha for part 5 has ended, now spinning new gacha]
As soon as the message ended the wheel popped up again but this time part 5 was changed to spin again.
"Alright wheel, spin."
And like that the wheel spun for a full minute before stopping, and I hear awake by itaku iwasaki as the number 2 was shown.
[congratulations! You have landed on part 2 Battle tendency, will you use you're free spin now?]
"Yes." I say to the prompt as I watch the usual animation until I see the usual eleven, but there was no commons this time.
(You have gained the following)
Cyborg-rudol von Stronheim (uncommon)
Stone mask(ritual spell) (Rare) (3 copies)
Stone of aja (ritual) (rare)
Pillar man-Kars (super rare)
Pillar man-Esidisi (super rare)
Pillar man-Wamuu (Super rare)
Vampire-Straizo (uncommon)
Nigurundayo!! (Trap) (Ultra rare)
Ultimate lifeform-Kars (quarter century rare)
(Can you guys guess what deck Jonah is going to use In season 2?)
I sat there stunned at the results, I watch as three naked men as well as the cyborg of Germany appear right in front of me In alarm as they look around before Wamuu locks eyes with me.
"Welcome to a new world gentlemen, the year is 1997, I know you have questions so I'll answer them the best I can starting with the cyborg of the group." I say pointing at stronheim who clapped his boots together before doing his salute.
"Salutations I am Rudol Von Stronheim, and did Germany vin de var?" He asked as I sigh, good thing nobody can see them except a select few.
"To answer your question, no Germany lost, but to give you all an idea as to why you all are here instead of dead, talk with the others." I tell them as I turn to the pillar men.
"Now then, I have a duel to go to so I'd like for you three to talk with the others in my spirit realm, I'll talk with you after the duel." They all look at me before nodding, but one person stayed behind.
"Are you planning on joining the duel with Joseph, Straizo?" I ask the man before me as he studies me for a bit.
"…tell me did the pillar men succeed in their plan or did they get defeated?" He asked as he walks alongside me, "yeah Kars managed to become the ultimate lifeform, but in the end Joseph managed to beat them in the end, but lost Caesar in the end."
As I told him that he sighed in relief before giving a defeated smile, "I just hope Joseph can forgive me for what I've done." He says as I pat him on the shoulder, "time heals all my friend, time heals all, now let's go duel an old man." I say with a small smiler as he chuckles before taking a spot in one of my blank cards
Who followed were Lisa Lisa, Caesar, Joseph, Wamuu, Stronheim as well as Nigurundayo!, The stone mask and the Hamon infused sword from the part two side.
Before I could see who else is joining I notice one card that never appeared in my inventory, the card was simply named drawn by fate.
"Where did this come from?" But before I could take a look it flew into my chest and disappeared, and a new prompt was shown.
[congratulations, you have gained the skill Drawn by fate, this card allows you to draw what you need when your back is against the wall, you will know when your deck gets a golden glow.]
"Good grief" was all I mutter as I turn the corner and see Rosaria, and she didn't have her arm cast.
"You healed fast." I remark as she chuckles, "yeah one of your spirit friends used a breathing technique and fixed it." She said as I nod and open the door and see Pegasus waiting for me.
"We will now begin the exhibition match between Jonah Kamijo and Maximillian Pegasus! Will the player shake hands and shuffle their opponents decks?!" I hear the referee say as I hear cheers from my friends.
(Does Hamon heal wounds fast? I forgot if it can)
I walk over to Pegasus who give me a smile as I hold out my hand, "win or lose I'll go out with my head held high, so let's give them a show." I whisper to Pegasus who laughs a little, "oh I agree Jojo boy." He says as we finish shaking and we hand each other our decks.
"Did you call me Jojo?" I ask as I begin shuffling his deck while he shuffles mine, "oh yes I saw that you had a Jo in the beginning of your first name, and the end of your last name, so I gave you the nickname Jojo." He remarks as he finishes shuffling mine and cuts my deck before handing mine back, I do the same and we head over to our designated platforms and the duel begins!
Yeah sorry if you were expecting a duel now, but I misplaced my alien deck so I'll have to find it before I begin the duel, but what do you guys think of adding part 2 into the mix?
Should I have Jonah use a Hamon deck in Battle city(with limited stand users)?
And finally I'll have to post the effects for the cards Jonah has gained but I'll begin the duel next week, peace 😁✌️