yu-gi-oh: I have a stand deck?!

Chapter 41: (31) Pegasus versus Jonah!! standing on business (prelude)

Hey guys I wanted to ask this before you begin reading, when Jonah enters yugioh GX should he be a student or a teacher? Or both?

Also fun fact apparently part two was an extension of part1 so all this time I had to watch part1 to get to part 2, I'm an idiot.

Also since my alien deck has alien based link monsters I'm going to make them contact fusion monsters.

Now onto the chapter.


[you have been crowned the king of games! You have been given Spin user-Gyro Zeppeli and Hamon user-Joseph Joestar(young).]

"Huh, I got two of them this time, was becoming duel king really that big a milestone?"

I was sitting alone in my room as I was going through my cards when I heard the notification in my head, a young Joseph Joestar and Gyro Zeppeli has entered my mind scape.

"Well I should probably meet them." I mutter to myself as I close my eyes and find myself in my mental space as I see two named yet blank cards placed on the table.

Spin user- Gyro Zeppeli (wind-warrior)(lvl4)(effect) (atk:1800 def:1200)

When this card attacks a monster, if it has 1900 or more atk or def, this cards attack is doubled.

Hamon user- Joesph (young) (light-warrior)(lvl7)(effect)(atk:2950 def:2450)

When a face up Hamon user is on the field while this card is in your hand, special summon it onto the field.

When this card attacks or is attacked by a dark attribute monster, that card is automatically destroyed.

(Would the old Joseph Joestar still use Hamon?)

"I should bring Caesar and Lisa Lisa here before I bring Joseph to life." I say as I touch Gyro Zeppeli's card and watch as it lights up and in the seat across from me I watch as a man wearing short sleeved black leather coat, leather pants with cowboy boats.

He also wore a belt with the buckle which had a pair of hands pointing at his crotch, he also had pair of steel balls in a pair of holsters.

He started to stir as he opens his eyes as he looks around the room, "ugh where the hell am I?" He says before locking eyes with me as he reaches for his steel balls.

"I would t do that if I were you, lest you wish to die with me." I warn him right when he was about to throw his balls(giggity).

That caught his attention as he slightly lowers his balls(giggity) as he looks me in the eyes, " the hell you mean I'll die with you?" He asks as I couldn't help but feel glad he didn't follow through, "good fucking grief."

"Alright listen up, you know how Funny Valentine has a stand that gives him infinite timelines? Well you're in another world because of a goddess who gave me a new life where you and many others became my cards." I briefly explain as I point to the door opposite to me, "you can have the others properly explain it to you when you go through that door…actually I need to grab some people in there so I'll come with you." I say as I get up from my chair and I walk over to my spirit realm and it's not what I was expecting at all.

when I first saw this realm it was only an auditorium but now it looks like a full on college dormitory! I hear whistling behind me as Gyro looks inside, "man this is some fancy mansion you got here." He says as I spot DIO and Pucci sitting in what looks like a common area reading a book together with pucci snuggling up to his master.

"Hey DIO, we got a new guy here, do you think you can tell him the situation while I grab some people?" I ask him as he looks over at Gyro and nods as I walk up the stairs and look at the doors.

After finding the door with Caesar's name I knock on the door and open it up" hey Caesar get Lisa Lisa, I'm about to wake up Joseph." I tell him as he freezes for a few seconds before getting up and runs to where I think Lisa Lisa's room and as he gets her I walk back to my mind scape.

(Hey should I make the spirit realm a giant dormitory or a five star hotel?)

And as I get to the table I see the spirit realm door open and I see both Lisa Lisa and Caesar walk in as I touch the card and as the room lights up I see the young Joseph looking at me.

"You're about to say I'm in a new world and I'm now a card spirit, am I right?" He says as I don't respond and just nod, "yeah but I got your friends here as well." I say as I point at his two comrades.

"Now let me guess you're about to shout out CAESAAAAAR!!! YOURE ALIVE!!!" I say to him as he starts trembling at the sight of Caesar as he slowly walks toward him.

"CAESAAAAAR!!! YOURE ALIVE!!!" He says hugging him as I chuckle at the sight, "well I'm going to prepare for my next duel so I'll leave you three here to catch up.

And like that I open my eyes and I'm back to my room as I hear a knock at the door, "Master Kamijo I'm here to inform you that we will be starting your duel with Pegasus in ten minutes."

I get up and as I walk I couldn't help but smile, I've come this far and it's thank to the goddess who gave me a second life.

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