Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 023


As a spiritual treasure, Ms. Yunxia not only knows how to test spiritual roots, but asking her to test candidates' spiritual roots every ten years is definitely an extremely overqualified task.

However, Ms. Yunxia herself liked this task very much. It seemed to be a very happy thing for her to personally contact each new disciple one by one.Even repeating it every ten years for tens of thousands of years, she didn't show boredom.There is no doubt that she has true love for Yunxiazong.

My spiritual root was tested by Ms. Yunxia ten years ago, at the selection meeting ten years ago, when the candidates of that class were still climbing mountains, I took the test through the back door.

Ordinarily speaking, although Ms. Yunxia does not often appear in front of ordinary disciples, it is still very easy for the elders to see her, but my father...he is too lazy to take me to see Lingbao just to satisfy my curiosity, Lingbao He even tested the root for me by himself.Ten years ago, I went to Ms. Yunxia to test the spirit root purely because I wanted to have a close contact with the legend.

Well, now, I have a second chance to get close to the legend - I have to take the test again after the test, anyway, Ms. Yunxia has a good temper and will not refuse to test the spiritual root of the candidates at the selection meeting, and more importantly, Ms. Yunxia's test of spiritual roots for candidates in public is like a stamp, which must be stamped in order to be considered as a pass for the official examination.

The order of testing Lingen is according to the order of reaching the top of the mountain, and I ranked second.

The first guy in line was a very silent teenager, and I haven't heard him make a sound since I got to the top.However, if someone took the initiative to talk to him, he would listen carefully, nodding his head from time to time, and he didn't seem like a difficult person to get close to, but he just didn't speak.

Dumb perhaps?It doesn't matter if you are dumb, as long as you reach the level of cultivation, you can cure all diseases.

"Congratulations to all of you who have passed the pre-selection items." Standing next to Ms. Yunxia, ​​the senior brother said something that stunned the candidates, "Please continue to work hard. After you pass the next formal exam, we will be in the same class. Now, we will start the formal exam. The first is the spiritual root test, and those whose names I have read, please come to the stage."

Candidates whispered restlessly, unable to believe that the mountaineering road they have worked so hard to pass is just a "pre-selection item", and the "official exam" should start immediately when they are so tired.

There are endless complaints and objections, but some people accept it indifferently. It may be that they have a strong psychological endurance, or they may have channels to know the real examination process of Yunxiazong-every time they passed the mountain climbing road but were rejected in the formal examination. There are quite a few, even if Yunxiazong erased their memories of the formal exam, but this eradication is not thorough in order not to hurt the examinee's mind, of course it is impossible to completely block the news.

Like me, I belong to the one who knows the inside story, like the No.1, I guess it belongs to the one with strong endurance—he froze for a moment when the big brother announced it, but soon recovered his facial paralysis.

My observation is very careful, because he fits my taste very well, no matter his appearance or his silence.However, the specifics need to be in-depth contact to be sure.

I sincerely hope that he can stay, and looking at the history of Yunxiazong's exams, there are very few mountaineering No.1 who fail the official exam.Therefore, the future can be expected.

"I didn't expect that," Master Shi Bolin, who was sticking to me, had a good ability to accept.Although he was also stunned when the elder brother finished speaking, he quickly returned to his true self, and continued to approach me heartlessly without worrying about the exam, "The Yunxia sect is really strict."

As for this young master, I tend to hope that he will not stay, because he is quite annoying.Still, he wasn't annoying enough to make me want to trip him up on purpose.Let it be, anyway, he is unlikely to join my father's family anyway, the chances for me to get in touch with him in the future... Well, there are quite a lot, it's a headache to think about it.

0068_Stone wall

Eldest brother: "The order in which you test your spiritual roots is the order in which you reach the top of the mountain, so first, Min Lun, please come to the stage."

It turns out that No.1 is called Min Lun, which sounds good.I looked at the name displayed on the stone wall and thought to myself.

Although we all call the Zhenzong treasure of this sect Ms. Yunxia, ​​or Mrs. Yunxia, ​​or Senior Yunxia, ​​in short, they are all called as human beings, but in fact, Ms. Yunxia seldom appears in human form, and rarely uses her spiritual treasure. When the original form appears, it often appears in various forms.

For example, when testing spiritual roots, her transformation form is a stone wall, and the measured spiritual roots will be displayed in the form of a three-dimensional histogram.For example, my sister’s single-fire spiritual root is displayed as a red cylinder. The brighter the red color, the taller and thicker the cylinder, the better the quality of the spiritual root.

Ms. Yunxia would occasionally give some advice when showing her spiritual roots. For example, the advice she gave to my sister back then was not to go to Yushou Peak.

In fact, even if Ms. Yunxia didn't mention my sister, it would be impossible to go to Yushou Peak, because she really doesn't like spirit beasts, and she doesn't like spirit beasts too much.

Except for such situations where self-knowledge is necessary even if the person involved is not mentioned, Ms. Yunxia generally does not give advice. According to my father, this is because:

"There are many possibilities for people. If you are not suitable now, it does not mean that you are not suitable in the future. If you are never suitable, it does not mean that you cannot make some achievements. It is because Ms. Yunxia is a foregone conclusion as long as she speaks, so she will be more cautious. And as she lives She has existed for a long time and has seen a lot, and she believes that miracles will happen more than ordinary people, because she has seen things that have a small probability happen."

After hearing the senior brother's name, No.1 walked onto the stage, and under the gesture of the senior senior brother, put his hand on Ms. Yunxia...

Is it a bit obscene to say that?In fact, it looks like it’s just a hand on the stone wall, but all the disciples of the sect know that the stone wall is the incarnation of Ms. Yunxia... No, no, my brain is too insignificant. Ms. Yunxia's hand is equivalent to an old woman holding a baby, and the picture is still very warm.

Yes, it is like that.

0069_Pseudo-single spirit root

The spiritual root on the stone wall of Ms. Yunxia uses five colors to represent the five elements respectively.Red fire root, green wood root, black water, yellow earth, and white gold.Variant spiritual roots such as thunder and ice are also included in the basic spiritual roots such as wood and water, and then differentiated from the five basic spiritual roots with fine-tuning of color and shape and additional logos.

After No.1 put his hand on the stone wall, a cylinder was displayed on the stone wall, which means he is a single spiritual root; the cylinder is silver-white, which means that he is a gold-type spiritual root; it is pure silver-white, simple cylinder, no logo, It means that this golden spiritual root is not mutated, it is just the golden spiritual root of the basic five elements; at the end, the silver-white column is very light, which means that although he has a single spiritual root, the quality of the spiritual root is not good, although there will be no other system in cultivation. Other interference, but his own limited affinity for the gold system will also hinder his progress in the gold system.

This kind of single spiritual root is actually very tasteless, because the single-line affinity is too weak, and there is no passion for the rapid advancement of ordinary single spiritual roots, and it has no affinity for other lines, so it cannot be used concurrently to expand means. The three spiritual roots of the same quality spiritual root, some radical claims even think that even the five spiritual roots are inferior.

Therefore, this kind of spiritual root is also called pseudo-single spiritual root, inferior single spiritual root, liar single spiritual root, etc.

"Single spirit root, gold spirit root, the quality of gold spirit root is inferior." One of the disciples in charge of recording read aloud.

As soon as the result came out, the candidates immediately exploded again.As I said before, those who can reach the summit through the Yunxiazong Mountaineering Road, normally speaking, the three spiritual roots are the last one, and there are not a few single spiritual roots and double spiritual roots.

Single and double spiritual roots should be praised no matter where they are, they are extremely talented, and it can be said that they were all grown up with praise—including me, although I was praised mainly because I had a cow father—and now, these The favored sons of heaven were taken over by a pseudo-single spiritual root, as if they were insulted.

The reason why I didn't care so much was that on the one hand, I liked this No.1 boy based on his appearance, and on the other hand, I knew that in Yunxiazong, this No.1 mountaineering was actually meaningless. Although he is also No.1, the reason why he is a big brother has nothing to do with this ranking.

This kind of No. 1 that must come out every ten years is probably similar to the monthly exam in the previous life in a place where a hundred years is often used as a unit in the cultivation world.At that time, some people may discuss one or two, but they will be forgotten soon, unless you are No.1 in the next, next, and next exams, just like the big brother.

0070_Entering the Main Peak Assessment

The No.1 boy is also in the Qi training period.It is impossible to hear the commotion under the stage with the ear strength of the Qi training period, but he behaved fairly calmly, just withdrew his hand from the stone wall, and then quietly looked at the elder brother.Only the slight stiffness of his body showed that he was not as calm as his expression made it seem.

"Enter the assessment at the main peak," said the elder brother.This is also the most conventional conclusion, unless there is a peak owner or elder who has taken a fancy to a good seed that must be pulled into this peak immediately.

The No.1 boy obviously breathed a sigh of relief, saluted the seniors who were sitting higher up, then walked off the stage, stood at the designated position and waited.

"No.2, Pei Lin, please." The elder brother said, with the same businesslike tone as he had just said when he said No.1's name, and he was looking straight at the person whose name was being said just like he was saying No.1's name just now.

"It turns out that the beauty's name is Pei Lin, it's really nice." Young Master Shi Bolin murmured next to his ear.

I ignored him, walked onto the stage, and put my hands on the stone wall.Ms. Yunxia's voice sounded in her mind.

"Meet you again, little Pei Lin," said Ms. Yun Xia, "from now on, I will be an official disciple."

Me: "I would like to borrow your good words."

Ms. Yunxia: "Hey, this rigid tone is not good. Your father escaped when you were your age. I was surprised that he could go so far later. The world of cultivation is full of miracles, isn't it? But your sister is in control The beast side really can't go, it's not good for her or the spirit beast, it's not just a matter of personality incompatibility."

Oh, let's not mention my sister's question, it turns out that it is a miracle that my father can reach the Mahayana period.The experts complained, I must tell my brothers and sisters that I will laugh at my father together when I have a chance in the future.

During the communication in my brain, my spiritual root also appeared on the stone wall. There are two columns, one black and one green. The green is naturally wood. The surface of the black column is densely covered with sharp small thorns, making the whole column look hard And it is aggressive, which represents the ice system of water system variation.

One of the disciples who was in charge of recording read aloud: "Shuanglingling roots, mutated ice spirit roots, wood spirit roots, the quality of ice spirit roots is high-grade, and the quality of wood spirit roots is low-grade."

After he finished reading, the elder brother did not immediately announce my whereabouts like the No.1 boy just now, but continued to communicate with someone with a mirror in his hand.This kind of talking mirror can prevent the voices of both sides of the communication from being heard by the people next to them, but I don’t need to listen to know who is opposite the mirror—my father didn’t run away.

After a while, the elder brother looked away from the mirror and looked at me with sympathy.


Big brother: "Enter the main peak assessment."

I knew my dad hated me again.

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