Chapter 343: Princess over Queen
Sienna came back into her room in a really upset mood. Sorcha's fake face as she talked about killing her mates flashed in front of her eyes. Suddenly, letting her melt inside that amber did not feel so wrong... Sienna imagined it and shook in disgust...the poor amber...yak..." No, it is still not right!" she mumbled to herself and took her warm cape off.
Sienna stood in front of the big golden-framed mirror. She felt like a wicked stepmother from Snowhite fairytale and it made her feel more weird."Stepmother! I did not ask to be a stepmother! I did not even have kids yet and now I'm a stepmother Queen!"
Sienna stared at her beautiful face. Her pale skin was blushing from the frost, her long golden hair framed her face like a shining veil. She looked stunning! Just her expression in her tiger-like eyes was bewildered, sad and angry. She felt her heart clenched painfully as she touched the Thunder's mark on her arm.
" He did not say anything to Sorcha's rude comments! Will he be ok with killing off Tyrell or Sharchan? Or will he destroy their cities? Would he dare?" she thought with furrowed brows.
Sienna felt as if she had made a big mistake by accepting Thunder. "But it was the only way how to keep them I will have to live with it!"She bit her lips. "Saving a girl who despises me without even knowing me! She wanted to make a banquet for Sarcos! Yes, he was the one to save her, but I helped too! She could at least say thank you!"Sienna felt as if she just got a cold shower. She felt extra and unwanted.
"Will I feel better if I let them all be killed?" she asked herself.
"No," she shook her head."I did not know who she was. I'm not responsible for how they treat me. It is their problem! I did what was right!"She bit her lips."I got a new mate and saved their lives...but I will need to warn Sarcos and make a deal with Thunder about my mates. If he dares to touch them he is dead meat or a tiny blue diamond...silly man has no idea how hard it was to keep him alive..."Sienna thought as she went to look out of the window in the opposite corridor. She saw the snowy gardens and the three of them walking together; Thunder held his arm around Dagen's shoulder fatherly and Dagen held Sorcha's waist as they walked.
"They look so peaceful together! They are family. They do not need me here."Sienna thought." I want to go home! "she said aloud. She fell nervous suddenly, like an intruder in their happy family. She walked frantically back to her room where she fell by her back into the soft bed to watch the painted ceiling...
"Dragon...Did I ask to be the Dragon Queen now?"She sat on the bed dizzily. Her heart clenching in crushing pain."I want to go home!"She called punching the soft bedsheet with her clenched fist."To Sarcos and Tyrell, Sharchan and Marco."I miss you, my Kings." she whispered.
Sienna took off her dress from Thunder and put on her old dress from Tyrell. It was dried already and although it was ripped short, it felt better than the dress from Thunder, because it felt strange somehow to wear a dress from the Dragon King.
Sienna went to look from the corridor window again but the garden was empty. "I'm going home! I have enough of it here!"Sienna finally decided and went to find Thunder. She wanted to ask him to send her home...
Sienna walked down the corridors and peeked into countless rooms. She met a few servants and guards, but even though she greeted everyone kindly, they just ignored her strolling past as if she was made of air...
"Looks like I'm invisible now. Whatever!" Sienna shook her shoulder determined to leave even more when she saw a beautifully decorated door. She opened them and went in curiously.
The candles were lit at the picture of a beautiful brown-haired woman with a sad expression on her face. She looked like Dagen."Was it his mother?" Sienna stared into the face of the dead Queen.
"Rest in peace, "she told to the picture." Your son is happy again."She smiled a bit sadly.
Just then Dagen with Sarcha and Thunder came in! They must heard what Sienna said...
"What you are doing here?" Dagen glared at the beautiful Queen.
" I just walked around and saw a pretty door, so I came in to have a look."Sienna smiled kindly.
"You should not be in here."Thunder said a bit coldly.
"Why? Can't I see the picture of your previous mate and Dagen's mother? She looks like a lovely and kind person."Sienna said gently.
"It is not your place to be here, so please get out! Give some respect to our family and let us be alone with mother's picture, stepmother." Sorcha said coldly.
Sienna did not want to cause a scene at the memorial of Dagen's mother so she bit her lips."Of course."She put on a fake smile. She was on her way out of there anyway! She just wanted to wait outside for Thunder and ask him to send her home!
"Wait for me in my room, it is closer."Thunder touched her hand as she passed him.
"I want to go home," Sienna whispered to him with furrowed brows and went out. She wanted to walk back to her room, but she turned startled as she heard heavy steps after her. It was Thunder.
" But this is your home now too," he said in a raspy voice looking at her puzzled.
"No," Sienna shook her head," It is your home and I do not know what I'm even doing here! I don't belong here. You get what you wanted so let me go to my mates now!"
Thunder furrowed his brows. He did not understand what made her so upset.
"You will wait for me in my room! I will come to talk to you shortly," he said in a strong ordering tone. He felt as if he was losing his ground under his feet at her words. Like he was losing control over his life again!
Sienna's insides moved upside down. She felt even more upset.
"As you wish!" She said coldly and bit her lips.
"This way."Thunder pointed her on the way to his room and went back inside the decorated door.
Inside the candle-lit room, Sorcha saw that Thunder had come back to Dagen. He put his hand on his son's shoulder as Dagen watched the only picture of his mother. This picture was the only mother he had ever known...
"I will take care of your Queen, it must be hard for her here." Sorcha touched Thunder's shoulder." Do not worry, Dagen was missing you dearly." She said and closed the doors behind them with a cheeky smile. Now, she will count it to her!
Sorcha already ordered her guards to tell everybody that Sienna was leaving on her way to the gardens and now she went to finish her plan.
"Make her leave if she would not. She is no one here. Make sure everyone knows it and treat her such." She chuckled as she remembered instructing her guards in the morning!
Meanwhile, Sienna who walked the empty corridors and got lost finally saw a guard." Please, can take me to the King's room?" she asked politely.
"I can't take you there," the guard said," Only the King can order it ."
"To my room then."Sienna sighed tiredly.
"You do not have a room here anymore," the guard looked at her confused." Princess Sorcha already informed us that you are leaving, so she took your previous room," he explained.
Sienna took a deep breath." To any guest room then?"
" Only the King can grant a guest room."The guard recited.
"What about the Library, can I wait for him in the Library?"Sienna asked seeing something was off!
The guard just shook his head.
" Throne room?" she asked checking more for amusement.
"No." he shook his head.
"Kitchen? "Sienna asked with furrowed brows."Can't I wait in the kitchen for him then?" She asked almost satirically thinking about the food." At least I will not starve there!" her mind chuckled bitterly.
"Yes you can, but the King never goes to the kitchen." The guard was getting annoyed with her.
"Then can you tell him, that I'm waiting for him there?"Sienna asked politely.
"I do not need to take orders from you!"The guard said.
" I'm your King's mate, and I'm asking you nicely. Can I trust you, that you will do me a favour and give the King my message?" she asked firmly.
"It is not my duty", said the guard.
"Fine! Have a good day." she nodded and walked away from him.
"Where are you going? You can't walk to the King's quarters," he called after her when Sienna turned around abruptly;
"I am a Queen to five Kings! I can do what I want and if your King has a problem with that, he can complain to me directly! He requested me to wait in his room, so that is what I'm going to do for now!" she said in a strong voice. The kindness was gone.
The guard stood speechless, Sorcha told him to be annoying, but it seemed that Queen's patience had its limits...He shook his shoulders and turned back. He did not want to provoke the upset Queen more. She did not look harmless anymore...
When Sienna finally came to Thunder's chamber, another guard stood in front."This is my King's chamber, you can't go in!" He crossed his hands in an intimidating pose.
"Go ask him then, he ordered me to wait here."Sienna walked straight through him. The guard rather dodged because did not dare to touch her." If the King smells my scent on her, he will be raging. The insults nobody can prove!" he thought.
"I will wait for him inside. He can complain to me."Sienna opened the door and went in. The guard furrowed his brows. Sorcha gave an order not to let Queen anywhere! He went inside after Sienna following the Princess's order to be annoying...
"Sorry my Queen, but you need to wait outside." he stood at the door looking puzzled.
"What are you doing here?"Sienna snapped at him coldly."You should guard the door. Get out!"She stumped her foot. The guard did not know what to do, so he rather went out.
Sienna was almost shaking in anger. She picked a book from Thunder's table and stared at the pictures. It was already past lunchtime and Thunder was still nowhere to be seen. Sienna was getting tired, hungry and cold. The fire went out but she did not want to call the guard. She went through the Thunder's chest and picked a warm cloak. She tugged herself into it and sat on the bed. She closed her eyes and thought of Sarcos's warm gardens in the Sand City full of blooming flowers, butterflies, gazebos and bowls of fruits and sweet rice. It seemed like a paradise opposite the cold room in Thunder's dark castle...