Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 936 - Elf fleet

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There are more than one hundred people standing on the deck, there are men and women, old and young.

The faces of these people are nervous and confused. A few people look around with curiosity, most of them keep their heads down and do not speak.

A middle-aged man in a shaman’s black robe who appeared to be in charge stood in front of the crowd.

“The one who has become a wizard apprentice, stands on the left, has bloodline ability, stands on the right, prepares to transplant the magic species, stands on the right …” Under the direction of the person in charge, people moved in an orderly manner.

Will stood on the edge of the deck, overlooking the vast blue sea.

Will is not an exception, and a few people are also free to act.

Those who come together to listen to people’s arrangements are irrelevant, there is no path, and people who have to wait for distribution.

Like those who have already found a good way in the Western Continent, or those who have invested in the Western Continent, or are not prepared to join any organization, they can move freely.

“Hey, boy, where are you going?” A 16-year-old or seven-year-old aristocratic young man wearing a wizard apprentice’s robe and looking extremely arrogant came over.

“Are you talking to me?” Will smiled.

Will didn’t change his name or appearance, but no one thought of Will and Holy Emperor together.

This is not because those people are stupid, but Will uses a little bit of the ability to make people wrong.

Therefore, even if people know that his name is Will Albert, he looks exactly like the Holy Emperor. He lives in Albert Castle and is familiar with Luna, Quinn, and Itana.

Even with a lot of doubts, no one doubted him.

Even if he wanted to, even the second-level wizard could not discover his true identity.

“What kind of organization are you? Do you want to mix with me? Tell you, my uncle went to the western continent seventy years ago to join the magic claw, and became a noble first-level wizard ten years ago.”

“Oh.” Will was expressionless.

“Do you know what this means? That’s a first-level wizard, the magic claw!” The noble master stared at Will. “The magic claw is a direct organization of the abyss corridor. If you perform well, you can even join the abyss corridor. . “

There are many wizarding organizations in the western mainland, but there are only two of the most powerful, namely the Abyss Corridor and the Jiuhuan Tower.

Under the Abyss Corridor and the Nine Ring Tower, the Magic Claw is indeed one of the strongest, and the other party also has a first-level wizard’s uncle, which is understandably arrogant.

“I already have a purpose.”

“What kind of organization can compare with the magic claw? Mixing with me is a great benefit.” The noble young master patted his chest.

“Why are you thinking of recruiting me?” Will smiled.

“Because I think you are promising, it’s completely different from those who get nervous when you get on the boat …. How about? Think about it? How about being my little brother?”


“Hey, didn’t you hear clearly?”

“I reject.”

“Which organization are you going to? Actually refuse my invitation?”

“Witch’s Forest.”

“Ah? Just the broken organization? I heard that only two first-level wizards rejected me for this.”



The aristocrat stared at Will with dissatisfaction. He did not expect Will to give him such a face.

If you just refused him, it would be okay. He gave him a chance that the other party didn’t catch it. That was the other party’s loss. He shouldn’t be so angry.

But Will didn’t give him a face too much!

Hearing that his uncle is a first-level wizard, the organization he is about to join is the Claw of Magic Energy, and there is a chance to enter the abyss corridor in the future. Will actually have no respect for him?

As he stretched his right hand towards Will, planning to teach Will, a cold vision enveloped him.

It was the cold sight of a sailor not far away, which seemed to warn him-don’t cause trouble!


He gave Will a last glance and left with a grunt.

Will does not care about this episode.

But I didn’t expect a talent to leave and another to lean in again.

This time it was a little girl who looked like a weak nerd, wearing a wide wizard hat and thick black glasses.

“You shouldn’t offend him,” the little girl said.



The little girl glanced at a spot on the deck, where the noble young master who had troubled Will was surrounded by a crowd of people.

“It’s okay.”

Will’s double pupils still fell on the vast sea.

After a long time, the little girl with black glasses still did not leave.

“Do you have anything?” Will could not help asking.

“My name is Anne Lalde, and I also went to the Witch’s Forest.” The little girl named An Li whispered.

“So we are on the same road?” Will smiled.

“Yes, yes.” An Li nodded quickly.

Then, Will casually talked with An Li.

The sailing boat was driving in the vast blue sea.

The eastern and western continents are located almost at the opposite ends of the wizarding planet.

It can be said that the eastern continent is at the foot of the western continent, and the western continent is at the foot of the eastern continent. The two continents are separated by tens of thousands of kilometers.

Ordinary merchant ships travel to the western mainland by detours.

The boat that Will took was straight through the blue sea to the west continent!

It is equivalent to crossing the Pacific Ocean directly in the previous life!

In this world of extraordinary strength and existence of extraordinary creatures, Bihai is far more dangerous than the Pacific Ocean.

Along the way, you can see thousands of whales passing under the ship’s bottom. When passing an island, a king’s head suddenly protruded from the water …

On the sea, huge whirlpools of thousands of kilometers can be seen everywhere, and tornadoes can be seen everywhere.

In addition to dangerous World of Warcraft and natural disasters, there are all kinds of illusions, puzzles, water monsters, mermaids … the danger is endless.

If you don’t know the correct way and the route, it is very difficult for the weaker first-level wizard to cross the blue sea safely.

this day.

After the storm that lasted three days and three nights finally stopped, the people in the boat went to the deck to enjoy the rare sunny weather.


The crowd rioted and people exclaimed in a place.

In the distance, on the misty sea, there is this huge fleet!

The huge fleet was driving in the mist, and could vaguely see the elves in the ship walking around.

“That’s the legendary elven invincible fleet!”

“I didn’t expect that the elf fleet is still floating in the blue sea from the mythological era hundreds of millions of years ago.”

“I don’t know if it’s true or false? Is it a mirage or a ghost ship? Isn’t the elf alive?”

People all looked excitedly at the sprite fleet that appeared suddenly and kept talking with each other.

Will looked at the fleet of elves. He found that the elves in the fleet actually looked at him. He also gave out some inexplicable laughter of “hee hee” with a strange smile on his face.

Facing this weird scene, Will in the past could only fear in his heart.

right now?


Will stared.


As if a cold wind blew through, the bodies of all the “elves” on the fleet were suddenly stiff.

The face with a strange smile originally gradually twisted and scared.

“get out.”

Will sipped softly, as if the elven fleet had escaped, the entire fleet disappeared from Will’s sight.

“It’s quite fast to escape.” Will smiled.

“With the ghosts of our elves in the sea to pretend to be ghosts, throw our elves’ faces and not drive them away?” Phoenix said in disgust.

“Don’t be so angry, as an interesting landscape, they still do very well.” Will smiled.

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