Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 935 - Go to the Western Continent


On the grass in the courtyard of Albert Castle.

A little baby was climbing and rolling on the grass, and Itana looked at the baby Lilina with a smile.

Will sat back against the ancient tree of life, squinting as if asleep.

“Sir Emperor, will Lirina call her mother?” Itana suddenly cried out in surprise.

“Really?” Will walked over and poked Lirina’s cheek. “Come, call Dad.”

Will, Itana, Lilina, the family of three looked so harmonious.

“Will, are you going to say something to me?” Phoenix said bitterly.

Why does Phoenix have a hard face?

Because Will gave Phoenix a toy for Lilina to play, at this time Phoenix was being licked, bitten, and sucked by Lilina, and her body was covered with saliva.

“Children, bear with me as an adult.”

“Don’t talk aside … Come on, I can’t eat it.” Phoenix struggled in Lilina’s mouth.

Not only did Will not stop this scene, he even smiled indifferently.

After playing around.

Phoenix finally got rid of Lilina’s claws, wiped off her saliva, and sat on Will’s shoulders.

“Will, have you played a lot with each other?” Phoenix asked.

“I think it’s okay.”

“Did you forget something particularly important?”

“Have it?”

“Three years ago, you will never forget the invitation letter sent from the western mainland.”

“Not just three years … Oh, has it been three years?”

Will’s concept of time is very different from ordinary people.

Even the second-level wizard who owns the owner for thousands of years, three years can be regarded as a short period of time.

But for Will?

With his tens of trillions of computing power, three years can be very long or short.

the most important is–

What matters on the western continent?

It may be important for other people, especially the wizarding organizations in the western continent, but in Will ’s view it is a trivial matter.

Isn’t it just a bunch of first-level and second-level wizards?

For him, it is not much higher than the ants on the roadside.

When he thought of fighting openly with the second-level wizards, Will was absolutely depressed.

But at this stage, he doesn’t want to show all his strengths as a level 4 wizard, so even if he is in trouble, he will ask for it.

“It’s been three years, so let’s go.” Will said, standing up and stretching.

“Are you going to take the witchcraft?” Phoenix asked.

The Wuxing is a spacecraft made by Will in the Crab Galaxy, which can travel hundreds of billions of light years.

After returning to the wizarding planet, because it was temporarily unavailable, Will temporarily stored the witchcraft in Riota.

“Flying, teleporting, spaceship … There are too many ways, but it’s not a big deal, so what is the hurry? Isn’t it good to go with a play mentality?”

“what do you mean?”

“Take a boat.”

Hain Port.

The largest port in the eastern continent is also the port with the densest ships to and from the western continent.

On the port, a 300-meter-long black sailboat stayed. The entire sailboat exudes a strange atmosphere, which is out of step with the blue sea and clear sky as the background.


This sailboat is one of the ships that travels between Dongda Road and the western mainland.

Hundreds of years ago, when this type of sailing ship appeared in Hain Port, it generally blinded itself and prevented it from being seen by ordinary people with insufficient mental strength.

Now it is not necessary.

The black sailing boat was parked there in such a bright and fair manner that everyone around him would not be surprised by this, and it was already commonplace.

In the past, wizards were extremely mysterious to ordinary people.

Most people don’t even know what a wizard is or what a bloodline is.

right now?

Not even the first-level wizard and the second-level wizard are secrets. Are they sailing? District of the western mainland?

Will held the invitation and walked orderly towards the sailing boat with the others as the sailors shouted.

The people around looked at Will and others with strange eyes.

The wizard is indeed not a secret, nor is the western continent, but traveling to the western continent is still very difficult for most people.

Especially this ship, which is not an ordinary business or travel, is related to the wizarding forces of the Western Continent.

In other words, everyone on the ship is a wizard and has a close connection with the wizard.

These people are either talented wizards who intend to go to the Western Continent for further study.

Either the wizard realm has reached a certain point, and the middle-aged and elderly people who intend to go to the Western Continent to find advanced opportunities.

There are many similar people in the Cairo Empire.

If you want to say why-

Will has been suppressing the birth of formal wizards before, and there will not necessarily be one for the advanced quota for a hundred years.

Will those who were expected to become formal wizards and ended up stuck in the third-class apprenticeship for policy reasons be reconciled?

of course not!

Since it is not possible in the Eastern Continent and the Cairo Empire, then go to the Western Continent!

For these talents, Western China is quite welcome.

Another kind of person is a person who has the talent of a wizard and wants to change his destiny on his own, but he cannot become a wizard in the Cairo Empire for various reasons.

For example, Wuke’s quota is limited?

For example, the decree issued by Will before that does not allow transplantation of magic species?

Transplanting demons is indeed very dangerous, with a survival rate of less than 50%, but in the eyes of many people, this is the only way to change fate!

Even if it is because of this life is willing to work hard!

However, Will ruthlessly broke their desire, and made them lose the opportunity to gain strength, and could never become a man.

What can I do?

Can only travel to the western continent.

For these people who went to the western continent for various reasons, the wizarding forces on the western continent are quite welcome.

Because there are too many people in Cairo Empire, 1.5 billion people!

There are many people, and there is also a lot of gold coming out of the big waves.

Moreover, the basic education of the Cairo Empire’s various talent tests is very perfect, and almost everyone’s talent level is recorded.

But you have talent, it doesn’t mean you will be used.

Since the Cairo Empire does not give geniuses opportunities, can those geniuses not go to the Western Continent?

Of course, Will has restrictions on such signs of brain drain, but he has not completely cut off.

Not to mention that it is not good to shut down and lock the country.

The eastern and western continents are now very friendly, with various trades and transactions on both sides. This is recognized and strongly supported by Will. What reason do you have to prohibit talents from going to the western continent?

In response, Will opened his eyes and closed his eyes.

In terms of performance, strict inspections are required, and everyone who goes to the Western Continent for further studies must undergo strict qualification tests, but in fact they are quite relaxed.



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