Chapter 5: Ch.5: Meeting the Gremory and Lucifuge for the first time – Part 1
While the two Super Devils have their own meeting.
Back to the main estate of the House Sitri.
In one of the many rooms within the towering tower, the home of the main bloodline of the House of Sitri, a magic circle appeared out of nowhere, and from the circle of runes and magic, Set, still in his elder sister's arms, walked out of the teleportation circle.
"We home~!" Serafall went with a cheerful tone, with her little brother in her arms, Serafall cannot resist but to spin around once or twice. However, in her happy moments, Serafall halted halfway her span around dance, when she noticed they are alone.
Within most Pillars, especially the estates belong to the House of Sitri, and the Sitri Estate itself. Has many barriers in placed. One of those barriers, should had alerted the ones maintaining the barriers, that someone has entered the estate, especially the main castle within the Sitri Estate.
Counting who entered, if it is guest, or family. It is common courtesy for the lady of the estate to welcome either their guest or their family.
Of course, there many cases when the lady of the estate is busy, especially if the estate belonging to one of the Pillars households. So, it often the role of the servants to greet them on their behalf.
This is the courtesy and etiquette that the role of the lady of the estate must follow.
Not to mention, the lady of the estate of the Sitri Estate is Zlata Sitri, who also Lady Sitri. As it is common knowledge, as they are many estates within the Sitri Territory, the ones used as the main estate of the Pillar household, is always called after their family name.
It only natural for the lady of the estate, to be the Lady of House Sitri. Not to mention, both Serafall and Set knew, their mother knew Set should be back around this time. And normally she will be the one to greet them.
So, it is no wonder, why the brother and sister pair became confuse, upon seeing their mother nowhere in sight. But this confusion soon faded, as they could sense someone coming to them.
And that person was a servant, a young man that looked around his late 20s, long blond hair, that tied in a ponytail, and a pair of crimson red eyes, that carry a mysterious aura to them.
The blond haired man, who looked like the perfect image of a gentlemanly butler, due to his appearance and clothing, bow his head, greeting the two of them upon seeing them in this room they are in.
Both Serafall and Set knew who this blond haired gentleman in the butler attire is, no anyone who involve with the House Sitri knew who he is, even if the man himself is just a butler himself.
Because this man before them, is part of their father's peerage, Aidon Sitri's Knight.
His name is Otto Waris, a former dhampir, and now a Reincarnated Devil. Not to mention, due to many reasons, he also currently serving as Set's personal butler as well bodyguard.
"Welcome back, young master, and Satan Levithan. I am extremely sorry to inform you two, the lady of the house, the madam is unable to greet the two of you, since she is currently entraining guests right this moment." Otto went, due to being part vampire, shows how pale his skin is.
"Guests?" Serafall asked, while Set pay attention to his personal butler.
"Yes, Lady Gremory, along with Lady Lucifuge, as well Lady Grayfia, as well the Heiresses of Gremory and Lucifuge are here to see madam, as well the young madam, they here for a gathering and a greeting between the future heiress. Madam also told me, as soon you come, to meet them in the main guest living room. Allow me to escort you Satan Levithan, and young master." Otto went, as he bows slightly, and closed his crimson red eyes.
"Thanks, and didn't I tell you to call me, Levi-Tan, or Serafall?" Serafall went with annoyed look with Otto's professionalism.
"I am shamed, that is I cannot do. I am just a mere servant to Lord Sitri. I have no rights to be on equal grounds with the Great Satan Leviathan. Please overlook this selfish reason of this servant." Otto went, still smiling, as Serafall shows a deadpan expression, before she sighed.
She not good with people like Otto, they are the serious professionalism types. Unlike her, who more like a wildcard.
Set who listen to this nonsense, wasn't interested. What interests him, was the Gremorys, as well the Lucifuges that came here. He is very interested seeing other Pillar families.
As a 3 year old boy. He doesn't get involved with the other Pillars, even if he belongs to one of the highest ranking ones. And in terms of ranking, the Gremory are just right below them, with the duke ranking, besides their prince ranking among the 32 Pillars.
Of course, as an Extra Demon household, the house of Lucifuge doesn't have a rank, but each clan from the Extra Demons cannot be looked down upon, as most of them might not get involved with the current society of the Devils. They still a force to reckon with.
In fact, some of them might be more powerful than most of the Pillar families. It's just they refer not to get involved with the political matters of their society… which in a way made this young three year old Devil envious of them, since they don't have to deal with those political bullshit, unlike the Sitri, who is highly ranked among the Pillars.
Not only they have the rank of Prince as their noble rank, the House of Sitri is also known as the second richest household among the Pillars, second only to the House of Phenex themselves.
The house of Sitri is known for them being the most advanced in terms of medicine and health technology. They own countless hospitals in the underworld, and even in the human world.
Not to mention his personal bodyguard, before became a Devil, he was a doctor. The main reason he became a Devil, of more like Half-Devil and Half-Vampire, was due to the offer to increase to his own knowledge of medicine itself.
'Now I think about it, mother is known as the greatest doctor among the Devils, father also has medical knowledge as well. Wait a moment… both parents are involved with medicine… the household is as well… does that mean me, and Sona will be as well?'
Set cannot imagine himself being a doctor but now thinking about it. He doesn't think with his monstrous increasing rate of Demonic Power; he will be a doctor. Learning medicine will benefit him, but becoming a doctor, like his mother, as well father, is a whole different matter.
While still being hugged by his sister, and her bountiful pillows known as his sister's breasts. Set thought what he wanted to do in this life.
In his past life, he was a caretaker for his disabled twin brother. He was the cook and cleaner for his mother and brother, before she has died. He was always someone who took care of someone, but Set didn't mind that.
Taking care of someone, who cannot take care of themselves, wasn't something to be shamed about.
Set did this, because he thought this was the right thing to do. Like the times when he old enough to take over the cleaning and cooking duties from his mother, so she wouldn't further burden herself, when she is managing many jobs on the side, to support their lives.
Set Sitri, in his past life, was a man who lived for others, and he wasn't shamed of it. That is why, he wasn't suited to be a leader, he wasn't suitable to follow someone, he always been at his own pace. Following his own rules.
And the question is, in this strange, but not so boring world. What is there for him to do? Will he become a Satan or a protector like Ajuka told him he could become. But yet again, could he handle such things?
Was he a protector?
If his mother, father, Sona, or even Serafall were in trouble. He wouldn't think twice to get involved.
But a stranger?
That he doubts. He wasn't a saint, never mind a hero. If he sees injustice before him, he will step in. But his reasoning of stepping him, is because he doesn't want to live a life of regrets. It simple as that.
In the end, that is who Set Sitri, no, who #### #### is.
(AN: #### #### will be hidden until he goes to School aka Kuoh, MC will use his past life name when he goes to school. But the question is, what it will be?)
Somewhere within the home of Sitri, lies Zlata Sitri, along with Sona Sitri, and before the mother and daughter duo, stood five guests of theirs.
All of them are women, however, only three of them are adults, while the last two, are children around Sona's age.
Sona looked at the two young Devils before her, one of them are chatting with her, the other one, seems out of focus, if her mind is elsewhere.
(AN: I changed the fact Sona was wearing glasses, I don't think a three year old Sona will be wearing glasses just yet.)
Sona than turned her attention to her mother, who happily chatting with the three women, who seems close with her.
"It been a long time, Lady Sitri, thanks for inviting us." Went a very beautiful woman, with a womanly aura around her. She has long silver hair, and crimson red eyes, and her body are different to her mother's.
It is true, her elder sister, and mother has quite a charm, with their slim and bit smaller than average height. But they also have big assets, however, this woman's seems to be a level or two higher compared to her mother's or sister's assets.
Of course, Sona didn't seem to care about those things, she just simply took note of this fact, not only this silver haired woman, but that also looked like in her mid or late 20s. But even the two woman besides her, has quite matured bodies.
Her name is Alfia Lucifuge, she is the current head of the House of Lucifuge, one of many Extra Demon Houses, that are different to the Pillars where she belongs to.
"No need to say it like that, Lady Lucifuge, and please call me Zlata, you are Venelana's friend, as well her in-law, and Venelana is a dear friend to me, as well your daughter, isn't that right, Grayfia?" Zlata went, as she looked at the beautiful woman in a French style maid outfit.
The maid in question, has the same shade of silver as Lady Lucifuge, not to mention, the maid herself looked very similar to Lady Lucifuge, only difference is her eyes are not crimson red, but silver like her hair.
Not to mention, both silver haired ladies have similar body shaped, with breasts that seems want to be free from her French maid outfit, and the perfect hourglass body, that Alfia also has.
However, there another thing that spilt these two Devils who looked like sisters, is their expressions, as Alfia looked gentle and refine, like the ideal imagine of elegance. The maid looked very serious, and expressionless, as well calm.
But Sona, even if the maid herself wears such clothing, she knew very well who this Maid is, because she is as famous as her elder sister is, as well one of the unofficial Satans among their race.
(AN: Unofficial Satans refers those at the peak of Ultimate-Class, but they don't have any position among the government. While Official Satans has leader positions among the Devils.)
The Yellow Satan.
The Strongest Queen.
Lucifer's Wife.
And finally the strongest magician among the Devils, as one of the few Master Magicians among Devils, titles given to those that has mastered Magic, or their own systems of Magic.
She is Grayfia Lucifuge, someone who is as famous as the Four Great Satans.
"No, the pleasure is mine, Lady Sitri, I am thankful for allowing me, and my daughter to be here." Grayfia went with a bow, while holding the ends of her skirt, like any servant will bow. Alfia, who saw her daughter like this, sighed, even the beauty next to Alfia shows a bitter smile.
"Humble as always, aren't we? Fine, anyway, how are things Venelana?" Zlata went, as she looked at the beautiful woman with the long over her shoulders brown hair. Not only her body could rival Alfia and Grayfia, but even her violet eyes have their own charm, as she looked both lady-like, as well mature aura around her.
She is Venelana Gremory, the wife of Lord Gremory, as well a dear friend to her mother.
"Same as always, besides a few happenings, everything is fine. How about you? And your children? Serafall aside, since I do see her once in a while. But I don't see your son anywhere." Venelana asked with a smile.
"Set, he will be here soon, Serafall and Set went out for a bit, my youngest wanted something… and you know how Serafall is, that girl of mine, what I am going to do with her?" Zlata lied, as she cannot bring the real reason why Set Sitri isn't here.
Zlata cannot even say her son is not well.
As it is true, that Devils can become unwell, but the case it not so often, after all, Devils has different immune systems compared to Humans, to the point, all human made illness and virus are completely useless to them.
Not to say, Zlata cannot even tell her dear friend the truth either, because they both Devils themselves.
It will be troublesome matter, if her son's abilities and power were to be known by any other Devils from either the Pillars or Extra Demons.
Not to mention, how peculiar it will be, if she told her dear friend, her son's Demonic Power reserves already rival a Lesser High-Class Devil, can she?
Zlata only can thanked the Original Satans, that her son, Set Sitri's nature of Demonic Power seems to hide itself.
However, while Zlata thought of this, and lied to her friend, Venelana. Zlata didn't notice the look on Grayfia's face, before her silver eyes turned away from Zlata, and at the girls besides Sona.
"What you think Sona?" While Sona was listening to her mother, and her friends, a young voice sounded in her eyes, causing her violet purple eyes to look at the source of this voice.
And the source was the young sitting across her with another girl around her and Set's age. the young girl in question, has long crimson red like blood hair, and blue eyes, that shows a hint of green in them, making it feels like looking at the reflection of a lake itself.
Sona looked at the red haired girl, than at the book, no, comic, no, that wasn't right either, manga, was it? In her hands, showing the manga to her.
"Hmm… don't know, I am not interested in those kind of things, I often refer chess, like this." Sona went, as she shows her own book, a book more maturer than kids around her age reads, especially when it is a beginner guide to chess itself.
"Chess?" The red haired girl went, her name being Rias Gremory, asked in a fairly cute and innocent voice.
"Umu, dadd- I mean father likes chess, so I thought to look into as well. It is quite interesting." Sona went.
"Really?" Rias asked with a curious smile.
"Yep, it is interesting seeing how this thing called tactics, could move the board." Sona went with a smile.
"Ooh, tactics??" Went the 3 year old Devil, that looked confused of the word she never heard before. Which is normal, even among Devils, who are a lot mature compared to other races, especially from an early age like them.
It is normal for Rias not to knew such things, especially when such lessons are only taught, when they officially begin their education when they turned 6, when their first Maturity Phase passes.
So, it is no wonder why Rias Gremory, who nothing but a cute child, looked confused.
"What's tactics??" Rias innocently asked with a harmless smile.
"Tactics… refers to forms of action, or manoeuvre of planned actions… if I am not wrong?"
The who said this, and also sounded unsure at the end, wasn't Sona, who looked stunned hearing this, along with Rias, who both looked at the third girl around their age among them.
So far, besides greetings, this girl hasn't spoken much.
The little girl in question has silver hair, that tied into a twin tail hairstyle, adding an innocence and childish charm to her.
Due to her pale skin, and her lazy expression, doesn't help to think the person before them, wasn't a person, but a doll itself.
Her unfocused silver eyes looked at the black haired and the red haired girls before her, with a lazy look.
Her name is Lucina Lucifuge, the daughter of Grayfia Lucifuge, and the granddaughter of Venelana Gremory and Alfia Lucifuge.
And she also…
"Planned actions…? I still don't understand…" Rias went with annoyed look.
"Don't worry aunty, I don't understand it fully either." Lucina went with a small smile, as she yawned cutely.
The niece of Rias, who also at the same age as her aunt, due to Rias's elder brother, Sirzechs Lucifer, being Lucina's father.
"You don't know… even if you knew what they are??" Sona confusedly asked.
"Tactics… is a deep question, not to mention… it makes me feel sleepy… maybe another day~?" Lucina asked while yawning, that made Sona looked strange, seeing such uniqueness she is, just like her twin brother, who also cannot be called normal either.
However, before Sona Sitri could say anything, the door suddenly opened, getting both the adults and children's attention, only for a handsome blonde man with crimson eyes, opened the door, and bow to everyone inside.
"I have guided young master Set, and Satan Levithan here madam, call me when you need me." The butler went, while Zlata says her thanks towards the man called Otto.
Everyone, even Sona and her mother, turned their eyes on the child that being treated like a doll, as a twintail Devil carried the young boy like a teddy bear.
"Mother! I have brought Se-Tan with me!" Happily went the teenager looking twin tail girl, who span with a child, who only looked like it wasn't bothered… or more like used to it?