Within DxD, as Set sitri

Chapter 4: Ch.4: Time passes, and things changes.

Three years went pass in a flash.

And in those three years, many things changed in the life of the young Devil, known as Set Sitri.

Due to some nonsense he cannot understand, or more like not interested to know about.

Set Sitri has become the second heir, aka the backup heir of the House of Sitri. Of course, that is in the eyes of the public. In closed doors, Set Sitri has no rights to become an heir to the House of Sitri.

Honestly, Set to begin with, has very little desires to become some house leader. But in reality, the reason why Set Sitri cannot become the next head of the House of Sitri is very simple.

Because he is going to be too powerful, to a point the nobles of the Pillars wouldn't want him to become the next head, in fear he tries to control the noble factions.

Honestly, to the young Devil, former human, this sounds like he going to run a gang called Sitri, and he going to manipulate or forced the other gangs, aka the Pillars or whatever they liked to call themselves, let call them the Piller Gang, into his own.

Seriously? What kind of bullshit is this?

Is what Set thought, as he heard the reasoning behind closed doors, why he cannot become the next head of Sitri.

Of course, like stated before, Set Sitri has very little, he means very little interest to be the head of the House of Sitri, or the Sitri Clan or gang whatever they want to be.

Set always been a simple guy, give him job, be it cleaning or cooking, that he good at. He will be fine, give him a simple room, not the big house size room he has for his bedroom. He will be okay.

He is a simple guy, who also very blunt at times… or properly all the time?

In the end, Set could deal without this damned nonsense. Especially with him becoming a damned Satan, when he turned 18?

He has very, very little interested becoming a clan or gang leader. And now they wanted to become one of the leaders of his race?

Of course, the young 3 year old Devil who has over 2,500 DPU or whatever they called it. Has three words to say the one who offered this damned leadership job.

"Go fuck yourself."

A cute childlike voice sounded within the white room, that Set, and one other person are currently in.

As for the other party? As soon they listen to the small cute voice cursing, if it were the most natural thing to do, they begin to laugh their ass off.

Of course, the other party wasn't his parents. No matter how blunt Set is in either this life, or his past. He never been the one to swear before his parents.

After all, they are his parents, people that given birth to him, because of that, he doesn't want to disrespect them or any of his family, if he cannot help it.

But the person before Set? He doesn't care.

He doesn't, if this mosshead, whose Demonic Power feels like data of all things, is one of the two Super Devils among his race, hears him swearing or not, in fact, this so-called supernova level being, actually fell to the ground, due to laughing so much after Set's words.

This man is no other than Ajuka Beelzebub, one of the leaders of the Devil race, that are known as the Four Great Satans, named after the four original Satans, who are former Angels who that been sent to hell, by the man upstairs himself.

"You cannot say that Set-Kun, but seeing you blunt as always. And it not like being a Satan, means you will become a leader, you also can become a protector as well. But in the end, it doesn't change the sole fact, your Demonic Power reserves will not change the fact, you will become a Satan-Class Devil, even your body growing to match the strength of your reserves, you know?" Ajuka went with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it, I will either be a Satan-Class or Super Devil when I become 18, right? You think I give two shits, If will become either, I have no desires to become someone leader, I don't like being controlled, and I don't like controlling others. That is who I am, not to mention… why me being so powerful, have anything to do with that Pillar gang?" Set went, which caused Ajuka to laughed yet again at the child calling the 32 Pillars of hell, a gang.

"Well, true they can be pain in the ass, but it is without grounds. I am sure, you learned about the four houses based on the bloodline of the Four Original Satans, right?" Ajuka went.

"Yeah, I know… Lucifer, you, Beelzebub, sis, Leviathan, or should I say Levia-Tan? And finally Asmodeus. You guys are named after the four original Satans, who also the four original leaders of our kind. This is why, these days, the Four Great Satans, refers to the leaders of the Devils, our kind, right?" Set went with unamused look.

"After the Great War, and the fall of the Original Satans. The underworld was in a mess, the houses that are related to the Original Satans, Lucifer, Asmodeus, Leviathan, and Beelzebub wanted to carried on legacy of the Original Satans, and that is to kill God, and take over the world.

But at that time, most of the surviving members of the 72 Pillars decided against the madness of the four houses, as they saw this as pure madness, as well the end of our race. However, they, who later referred to the Old Satan Faction, refused to listen.

They proclaimed it was their birthrights to control the 72 Pillars and the Extra Demons, and restarting another Great War will do our ancestors proud. And those that refused the Old Satan Faction, were be killed without question, even if they are High-Class Devils themselves.

And like that, the Devil Civil War began, and many lives were lost. But in the end, we won, but the problem was… after the war. You see… with me and Sirzechs became Super Devils, and your sister and Falbium Asmodeus becoming more powerful compared to your normal Satan-Class Devils, and that spark fear and caution among the noble houses.

They fear, the repeat of history will happen again. That our households will do the same thing, that the Old Satan Faction did. In order to avoid unnecessary conflict. We forsake our rights of our heritage of our households. And even cutting all ties as well.

We also promised not to get involved with our families, unless if they are in danger, when we four became the Four Great Satans. Do you see, Set-Kun, as someone who will naturally become Satan or a Super Devil. You will also spark that fear among the remaining Pillars. They will fear, with you behind the House of Sitri, they could do the same thing as the Old Satan Faction." Ajuka went with a hint of seriousness to his tone.

"Say… Ajuka…" Set, who heard all of that, narrowed his eyes at the Super Devil before him. Who became curious why the monstrous boy before became serious all of the sudden. But his next words almost caused him to fall of his chair again.

"Don't your throat hurt, saying all that in nearly one go?" Set asked with pure curiosity, while Ajuka laughed hearing three year old kid, who too smart of his own age.

"That is the first thing, you say, when you heard all that?" Ajuka asked.

"What you want me to say? In the first place, I am not interested in becoming a head of Sitri, so it works for me. I only desire to do what I like, not to be tied down, that is all… not to mention, more I hear about the 32 Pillars, that my house is a part of, more it sounds like a pain in the ass to be part of it.

I mean, they don't what you and the others not to get involved in the matters of the Pillars, unless it effects the Devil race overall. And yet, those very guys, are offering you marriage offers, or their house members to become your lover or one of your lovers. That fucking shameless in my book." Set went, with an annoyed look, that seems to increased his cuteness, due to his age.

"Well, that's how things are, of course, after a while, the offers get less and less. But to our kind, our bloodline is the most important, it sets us how strong we become, or how powerful we will be. Having the blood and genes of a Super Devil, is tempting to the Pillars. Okay, enough about this, it almost time for your sister to pick you up Set-Kun, like always, it is interesting to listen to you."

Ajuka went, as he summoned his tablet, and wrote something in it.

For each month for the past three years, that Set comes to this laboratory of this Super Devil, to have his body checked. Nothing seems to be wrong, besides his physical strength rivalling Greater Low-Class Devils. And having Lesser High-Class in reserves of Demonic Power.

Besides that, everything is fine with Set.

And once they are done, like always, the green haired Devil, and the young Devil chat, until someone picks Set up. And like what Ajuka said, moments later, a familiar magic circle appeared before them, only for a teenager looking girl, with twin black hair tails, wearing a pink magical girl getup appeared before them.

"I am here Se-Tan~!" Serafall, the one that teleported here to pick Set up, went with a spin, and pointed her magic wand towards the three year old, who shows a deadpan expression, as he looked at his elder sister.

"Is everything okay with him?" Serafall askes, as she turned to looked at one of her close friends, Ajuka who nodded at her question.

"Yeah, same old, it has been an interesting time, Set-Kun. Now I have other things to do, it nice to meet you, Serafall, say hi to your parents for me." Ajuka went, as he walked away, and out of the room they are in.

"I will, thanks as always, Ajuka!" Serafall went with a spin and a bow. Before she went and picked up Set and rest his head against her bountiful breasts of hers. Of course, as a three year old child, he felt nothing when his sister hugged like a doll, while pressing her large breasts against his head.

Not to mention, Set… got kinda of used to be treating like a doll by his sister. Nor did he care to begin with.

"Did you have fun?" Serafall went with a warmth tone, as Set turned to looked at his sister in her eyes. Of course, due to being hugged behind like a doll, Set has to pushed his head against her breasts, to look at her.

"Umu, kinda?" Set went in wonder. It is not boring talking to Ajuka, but sometimes he has to get into complicated matters, like just now without any reason.

Of course, Set tells him honestly how he felt. After all, not only Set is blunt, but he also honest… which is a bad combo in a way.

"I see, I see! Well, Se-Tan let's go!" As soon Serafall said that she used her Demonic Power to teleport them away from here. And as soon Serafall went away, Ajuka returned, but not alone.

"He's interesting, like I said, right?" Ajuka went, as he turned to the young handsome man besides him. The man looked like in his early or mid-20s, with his long over his shoulders crimson red hair, and blue-green eyes, as they looked at the spot where Set and Serafall teleported away.

"As you said, he is interesting. So, he is the boy of the Sitri Twins? I heard the oldest is very smart, the young brother seems smart as well. But also blunt, and uninterested in most matters. Not only that… his Demonic Power reserves, like you and Serafall said, are unnaturally high for a 3 year old child." Went the crimson haired young man, or his name, Sirzechs Lucifer, one of the leaders of their race, as well a dear friend to Serafall and Ajuka.

And also the one that lead the Anti-Satan Faction within the Devil Civil War, and the first Devil to become a transcendent being, known as a Super Devil, just like Ajuka, the second to become a Super Devil.

"But that is not all, his physical strength also another matter. His body is evolving, keeping up with his insane increasing reserves of Demonic Power." Ajuka pointed out, and shows Sirzechs Set's DPU he has, that already a little over 2,500. Which is the standard between Lesser High-Class beings, and normal High-Class beings, in terms of Demonic Power.

"He's really a Devil? Not a deity in Devil form? Even if you classed him as a mutation, he growing a little too fast, than I expected you told me. Not to mention, these figures, are higher compared to my Lucina."

As soon Ajuka heard the name of his best friend's daughter, and the seriousness as well. He almost coughed blood. As a doting father, as well brother, he spoils his daughter and younger sister as much. But maybe his daughter a little too much.

And yet again, Ajuka knew why his friend is like this.

His daughter's DPU rate, is at 0.72, not at the monstrous level of 2.28, but still not comparable to 0.07 that normal High-Class Devils are born with.

Ajuka knew this has to do with the sole fact, Lucina shares the bloodline of a Satan-Class Devil and a Super-Class Devil, making her specs higher compared to most. Making her classed as a mutation like Set among their race.

Not only that, Ajuka recalled something that happened last month, and cannot help to cast a worried gaze towards his best friend.

"How is Lucina-Chan, since that day…?" When Sirzechs heard him, a bitter smile came on his lips.

"She is fine… thanks to my mother-in-law, Lady Lucifuge, she managed to seal her Lucifuge Bloodline Ability, as for her Power of Destruction also manifested, but compared to her Lucifuge Bloodline Ability, it didn't go out of control..." Sirzechs went, as he recalled the day, that many people don't knew about, that he almost lost his daughter just a months ago, when she awakened her bloodline abilities.

Lucina Lucifuge, his oldest, due to agreement with his mother-in-law, if they have a daughter, she will be called Lucifuge and will become the next heir of the House of Lucifuge, a noble house among the Extra Demon Houses.

And last month, was the day when his only child awakened her bloodline abilities 3 years earlier compared to most Devils.

It is not unheard of. But it doesn't change the sole fact, the horror both him and his wife faced, when he heard his dear Lucina crying and screaming in agony when her bloodline ability was actually killing her.

It wasn't the Power of Destruction, that also awakened, that was doing this. But the Lucifuge bloodline ability, Parallel Minds was doing this.

Parallel Minds, the bloodline ability of Lucifuge. This is the ability that the Original Lucifer created for the ancestor of Lucifuge who become his most loyal servant, as well the Prime Minister of the Devilkind.

With Parallel Minds, it is possible to think if you have more than one mind. Higher the parallel minds you have, faster you could think.

But there also downsides to this ability. More you use Parallel Minds, higher the mental burden this will carry. Which is why, when his only daughter awakened her Parallel Minds, she didn't awaken 1, 2 or 4 Parallel Minds.

But 508 minds, that were ripping her mind apart.

His Lucina is the first Lucifuge to awakened this many, not even the ancestor of Lucifuge who also same amount as his wife has, Grayfia Lucifuge, had total of 128 minds cannot think that fast.

And even if they could think up to 128 minds, they have to be careful not to overload their minds, becoming braindead.

Lucky enough, his wife, Grayfia Lucifuge went through the same thing, not at the same level as their daughter. But still managed to prevent their sweet daughter from dying, before they rushed to the House of Lucifuge to see his mother-in-law, Lady Lucifuge, who formed the seal on her mind ability.

And in case, the seal wasn't enough, the first thing Sirzechs did, was to bring this matter to Ajuka, who beginning to think he is no longer a creator, but a doctor instead?

In the end, they managed to deal with his sweet little darling, along with a spell sealing her Parallel Minds, and also a system placed in the seal, that will unleased number of minds so his daughter could get used to it.

"That's wonderful, seeing little Lucina fine and all, I heard she and Rias get along well with each other." Ajuka went, changing the topic, as Sirzechs, who not only a doting father, obsession husband, but also a somewhat siscon as well. Smiled hearing the fact, his little darling and his little sister are getting along.

"Well, both Rias and Lucina are half a month from each other, and we raised them together like actually sisters. Due to me and my wife's duties, we cannot be there for them most of time, so I am thankful for my father and mother, and sometimes mother-in-law pops in, and take care of them as well." Sirzechs stated this personal matter to his best friend, who nodded, as he took out a tablet.

"Even so, both Set and Lucina has amazing growth rates, your daughter being your genes. And Set-Kun, well a mutation… speaking of mutations… I heard about it, Lord Bael's oldest, what his name was again?" Ajuka went, trying to recall the boy's name.

"Sairaorg Bael, my cousin, yeah, its harsh truth, little Sairaorg wasn't born with the Bael Power of Destruction. Knowing my uncle's personality… it only be a matter of time, both him and his mother, the first wife of Lord Bael, will be kicked out of House Bael… worst thing is, as a Satan, I cannot interfere, neither could my mother, as she said, my aunt, Lady Bael, will refuses help from others."

Sirzechs went with a sigh, as a Gremory, they are not as heartless as the common Pillar houses are, like the Bael, who will forsake their own, even if they are defaults due to their mutation. But they nothing he can do, since his hands are tied due to becoming Lucifer, a Great Satan.

"As sad it is, so are the nature of our kind. Like humans, we all are not the same, but many of us, are the same to our core. Most High Class Devils, believe they don't need to train, and become arrogant due to their natural talents, in the end, this will become their downfall.

However, lucky for us, we Devils are changing, we just need someone to spark the motion, we need a hero to be fair." Ajuka went, as Sirzechs laughed hearing his words.

"A hero, you say? A hero among Devils, oh the original Satans, you say the strangest things… but you are right, with the current state of our race, the Angels, and the Fallen Angels. Not to mention the other factions and their g-o-ds, while we are not the same as the Old Satan Factions, but we are still selfish, as this is our core of nature.

But compared to the before the Devil Civil War, we as a race want to change… not to be the enemy of the world's believed us to be. The reason why they haven't attack, is due us Satans being on per of the g-o-ds, not to mention us two, who are Super-Class beings.

But as the Old Satan Factions lives, and the unstable status between the other factions… our peace, that we worked so hard to gained, might all fall one day… but a hero, or a Devil Hero, you think Set is suitable?" Sirzechs asked, as he looked at his best friend with not a carefree look, but a serious one.

(AN: Loophole of not saying God, is by saying it in phases, like G-o-d. This way, they wouldn't get backlash of talking about God.)

"Honestly, if I told Set-Kun if he wanted to become a hero, he might look at me, if I am on drugs, before telling me, 'I am not doing this shit', before he runs off. However, besides his blunt and too honest personality, that is the waste kind of combo to have, he's not bad, he might seem he doesn't care, but he loyal to his family, he respects his parents, and love his sisters, like a brother should do.

Plus, it might not just be Set, others might come, we changing as a race, we no longer what we used to be like, and I believe, one day, even if it Set-Kun, or anyone else, someone will show up, and become our hero, or heroes. Until that day, we can only pray for that person to come before it too late." Ajuka went and told.




Author Notice (Old Notes)

Don't you think it strange, that in the canon, most of the higherups in the canon is on purposely trying to make Issei as a Hero to their race?

After all, a hero can spark change, maybe that is why they did everything to make him out into a hero, to show the Devils are no longer what they used to be.

And to encourage the Devils, specially the younger generation, it is time to change, as someone like Issei to become their icon.

Or least, that is how it looked like in my eyes, what about you readers?

Anyway thanks for reading this, and sorry for any grammar, least it readable… right?

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