Wings of Fire in MHA

Chapter 17: 17- Vanguard Action Squad attacks!

The following morning Carter wasted no time and woke Aizawa up, "It's not even 8:00 am yet, what do you want?" he asked as a string of curses resounded in his mind as well. "Mole." Carter said as Aizawa spanned awake, seeing that he was up Carter grabbed him and burst from the window and set him down gently on the roof, "Stay here, I'm getting Mandalay." he said as Aizawa glared at him "Let me change at least next time." he grumbled as Carter flew off.

A few minutes later, Mandalay, Aizawa and Carter where on the roof and having a conversation mentally with Mandalay being the in-between. 'Its Aoyama, there was another voice in his head last night, it told him that they would attack tonight and to find Ragdolls location as well as mine.' he told Mandalay 'How did you know there was another voice in his head' Aizawa asked as he narrowed his eyes, 'Because I can read minds, its something new.' he said simply as Aizawa's eyes widened. 'Relax I won't go evil, but we need to prepare because the voice said they would attack tonight.' he said as Mandalay nodded 'I'll contact Nezu for reinforcements' she said but Aizawa stopped her 'No, that'll tip our hand that we now something, we don't want to scare them off, Carter can you do the same as you've been doing and let us know when they arrive?' "Yeah, I'll give a signal.' as Mandalay cocked her head 'What signal?' she asked as Carter grinned despite himself 'I can breath fire ya know.' he said and they strategized some more after which he took them back to their rooms as everyone was starting to wake up.

As he brushed his teeth Carters head started to hurt a little as now not only was he having to hear the sounds of nature and most of the people around him, but now he had to listen to their inner thoughts as well, some of which were either stupid or just weird. He didn't let that slow him down however as he started his morning exercises to get the system points. 

As he went about doing his pushups Katsumi and Kirishima joined him but said nothing so he left them alone. 'Hey system, how many points do I have?' he asked as he hadn't checked in a while [Host has 80 system points]. Seeing as he had nothing he just browsed this in the store and found a few interesting things 'So I can buy weapons? Can they be customized?' [Yes host is able to purchase a variety of cold, and hot weapons, with a variety of customisation. Although more expensive, Host can also buy weapons of mass destruction as well.] it said as his eyes lit up, 'How much would a small nuclear bomb set me back?' [For a low-yield nuclear device, the minimum is 1 million points, the price goes up from there.] it told his as he scowled hoping to have a little surprise for 'just in case'.

As the day wore on Aizawa and the others pushed the students more than usual, at lunch time seeing as Ochako and Katsumi were too exhausted to cook for everyone Carter felt a little bit of pity and decided to cook them a meal. As he dug around in their kitchen Carter grumbled as he couldn't find anything to use as a grill 'I have magic.' he thought smacking his face as he grabbed a spoon 'I command this spoon to turn into a grill that I have thought of and to never change back' and he watched as the spoon turned into a grill large enough to cook several steaks upon.

Going back outside he started to grill and had to smack several hands that tried to take their burger before it was time. "Katsumi, cut some potatoes into slices, Ochako can you get a pan and some oil?" he said as Ochako nodded and ran off with Katsumi grumbling as she wielded the knife with deadly efficiency. As everything came together Carter and the others dug into the meal prepared, a classic American cheeseburger with a side of fries. Hearing everyone's verbal and mental thoughts of how good the food was made him smile as his efforts didn't go to waste.

After the meal was over with though he laughed as Aizawa pushed them some more 'burning off those calories' he said the students went at it. As the evening rolled around Carter did a flyby around the camp, watching everyone train, Katsumi and Shoto were going above and beyond the others as they were still mad about losing during the sports festival 'I can't fall behind' 'Even the damn nerd did better than me!'. As he flew around a bit more enjoying the setting sun Carter saw Izuku talking with Kota over at the cave, but seeing as they were fine he let them be as he went back down where Mandalay and Pixie-Bob had gathered the students as Aizawa dragged a few others away for night lessons.

As he touched down Mandalay's voice entered his mind 'Anything?' she asked as he shook his head 'Where is Ragdoll, she was a target.' 'She is with Aizawa and Vlad, no one else knows.' she told him as he nodded keeping an eye on Aoyama who was happily chatting with the others. "All right kittens, since its your last day here at the training camp we'll be doing something other than the hot springs, tonight we'll be doing a test of courage! Now pair off and then we can begin." She said as everyone started to pair together. Ochako looked around for Izuku but since he was still with Kota she decided to go with Tsuyu instead.

As the students started along the trail, Carter felt a chime go off in his head. 'The mark.' he thought as his head snapped to where he placed the mark on the mountain. Seeing him tense Mandalay and Pixie-Bob look at him 'Whats going on, are they here?' Mandalay asks and he just shakes his head 'Here, only watching, wait.' he tells her as he takes off towards the camp building.

Touching down outside Carter walks in calmly but briskly and when he reaches the classroom where Aizawa and Vladking as passing out worksheets he grabs Aizawa by the arm and drags him out to everyone's surprise. "What in the world is your problem?" He demands as he lets him go "They're here, only watching, stay alert." Carter says as realization hits Aizawa and he nods before going back to the classroom. Leaving the building he flies back to Mandalay and the others.

Looking at the mountain he sees only what appears to be a the same satellite/antenna Nomu that was there before. Seeing him tense the few that had already made it back stayed a bit away from him as they had never seen him so focused on something, 'Go with it.' Mandalay tells him as she walks over "Hey it's starting to get a bit dark out, can you fly around and keep an eye on everyone still in the forest?" 'I want to try and draw them out' she says as he nods 'Tell Aizawa' "Yeah I don't mind." and with that he was in the air again.

As he flew around he spotted several pairs of students, soon to be couples holding hands and jumping at every breaking branch, girls screaming and boys charging in to mask their own fear, but despite doing several loops he can't find Aoyama anywhere.

As the night descends further Carter feels several people suddenly enter the camp area 'teleporter is here too' he thinks as he whips his head around to see several villains led by the one with hands all over him land right near Mandalay and the others. Before he can rush over however several more portals open around the forest as a couple of Nomu and more villains pop out, deciding to go for those closest to him, calling on the fire within him, he lets loose a jet of flame that lights up the night sky alarming everyone who sees it.

Back with Mandalay, Shigaraki dodges another swipe from Tiger and Spinner and Magne fight Mandalay and Pixie-Bob, but the fighting pauses when a huge jet of flames erupts from the forest and shoots into the sky, 'Dabi can handle him' he thinks as Mandalay sends out a message to everyone 'VILLAINS ARE ATTACKING, STUDENTS MAKE YOUR WAY BACK TO THE CLASSROOMS!!' she says as she ducks under a swing of Spinners sword. "Hmph, such brazen acts, tell me villains what makes you think you can attack this camp?" Tiger demands as he flips around throwing punches and kicks at Magne and Shigaraki, as Magne throws his to the side Shigaraki catches his breath and declares "The Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains has arrived, and there's nothing you can do to stop us."


As he hears Mandalay's warning he turns to Vlad "Keep the students here, I'm going to get those closest to us and make sure they make it in." he says as the door slams open, seeing it's a villain he wastes no time punching them in the face and tackling them to the ground, not to be outdone the villains shoots blue flames from his hands as he goes down, setting a portion of the wall on fire as Aizawa restrains him, but to his horror Dabi's body slowly turns to sludge and he looks up at him with a maniacal grin, "Guess you really live up to the hype, Eraser, but will your students?" he says as he collapses and Aizawa is left glaring at the pile of mud left behind "Get the kids to safety, contact Nezu if you can." he says as he runs out of the building, determined to keep his students safe.


As Carter fights with a flying Nomu that Shigaraki asked for specifically, Twice is busy making other clones as Dabi stands next to him, "Lost one to Eraser, he so cool. FUCK THAT GUY!" he says as he makes another clone of Dabi who is looking around keeping watch. Elsewhere Toga is busy stalking a pair of girls as she blushes thinking of their . . . sweet succulent blood~ So red and full of life~

Crashing through the trees Moonfish lunges for the students as they desperately fight back "MEAT!" he yells as he extends his teeth trying to get to them as Shoto freezes the teeth and Kirishima shatters them only for them to be replaced the next second. Elsewhere class-B students are trying to get through the mist that is formed keeping them trapped as Mustard laughs while Kendo and a few others still standing try and come up with a strategy. Over by the cliff Izuku finishes his heart to heart with Kota, but the freeze as flames streak across the sky, "Man wish I could be fighting him, but I guess you'll do." a sinister voice laughs as Izuku turns and comes face to face with Muscular.

Carter POV-

As punch the Nomu in the gut and it falls I look around and see a fire has started on one side of the forest and a large cloud of mist in on the other side, seeing the Nomu flying back up at me I get impatient as do the voices 'BURN IT TO ASH' they scream as he listens for once, and watches with glee as the charred remains of the Nomu crashes through the trees. As the flames posed the biggest threat he flew in that direction but stopped as a voice reached his mind 'Where the hell is that flying bastard!' looking around he saw explosions going off and sighing flies in that direction, better to save Katsumi and get decent backup then go solo. 'You got attached, you know you shouldn't have' it accuses him as he nods 'You're right, but it's better to have attachments then lose my humanity.' 'You lost that long ago', gritting his teeth he thinks of the senseless slaughter that got him here in the first places and pushes harder and not paying attention slams into Moonfish who is about to stab several students through.

"Carter!" Several people call out as he sees he's found a villain and promptly takes a swing at him smashing his teeth up to the gum in a swift bloody second "OW QUIT FIGHTING BACK MEAT!!" Moonfish yells as he heaves up and Carter takes to the air and lands next to Shoto and Katsumi who are bleeding from several wounds, before they can do anything Mandalay calls him panicked 'Carter, Pixie-Bob an Tiger just got taken out, need assistance!' she says as he turns to them, "If I knock this freak out, can your ice hold him?" he asks Shoto who nods "Great." Running over he dodges a wild swing from Moonfish as the villains quirk doesn't work with all the teeth in his mouth shattered, and with the same bloody fist Carter knocks him out cold as Shoto traps him in a large slab of ice.

As he does that another group of students burst through the trees with a Nomu right behind them with arms that looked more like chainsaws, wasting no time Carter opens his mouth and turns the creature to ash to everyone's shock, "Its not alive anyway, lets go Mandalay needs help." he says but stops, Katsumi and Shoto have disappeared 'FUCK' "FUCK!" seeing a fleeing figure Carter chases after them.

As he crashed through the trees breaking them with his body and shear strength the figure in front faces him while still running, "Even after they warned me your still very intimidating, mind telling me your name?" He says as Carter lunges forward claws outstretched "Where are they!" he demands as he slices several trees in half, balancing of a branch several meters off the ground the man bows then reveals two marbles in his hand "Why their right here. The name's Mister Compress." he says as Carter tries to hear any thoughts of signs of life from the marbles, "Don't worry, they're still alive and well, but the boss wants to talk to them so I'll be borrowing them for a bit." he says as he runs off again with Carter chasing after him, slashing and smashing through trees like legos.

General Pov-

As they chased after Carter following the destruction they come across a strange sight, Izuku, with two arms that look severely damaged is holding a bleeding Tsuyu as two Ochakos fight, "What is happening?" Kaminari asks as Izuku turns to them "Separate them, one of them is a villain, the one with the knife!" he shouts and the run forward, Shoji using his arms scoops up Izuku and Tsuyu as Kirishima, Kaminari and Mineta separating the two Ochakos, one of them stabs Kirishima in the leg but his hardened skin stops the blade as he grabs it and wretches it out of her grasp, "Aw, your no fun." Toga pouts as her quirk wears off and Kirishima let's go in a panic seeing her naked, winking she runs off "Byee Izuku-channn~" she says as she runs off into the forest as Ochako tells them about what just happened. Toga had jumped her and Tsuyu and stabbed the girl and Izuku had shown up a few seconds before they did.

Back at the school building Aizawa beats the fourth Dabi into the ground not bothering to hold back as until now they have all been clones, but he has still accumulated various burns, as he pants he hopes the others are ok, he had managed to get those closest to the building inside and in relative safety, or at least as safe as one could be with various villains running around trashing the place.

Back over with Mandalay, her and Tiger are desperately covering Pixie-Bob who is unconscious behind them bleeding from a wound on her head, courtesy of Magne. "I thought you heroes would be better than this, I guess you're just another couple of fakes." Shigaraki sneers as Spinner and Magne push them back, appearing behind him Kurogiri speaks "Moonfish and Muscular are out, Toga is retreating to us." he says as Shigaraki scowls, even with all their planning the hero students still rise to the occasion, "What about the Nomu, where's that one brat, did Compress get them." he asks as his necks itches just thinking about Carter. "All but two of the Nomu were burned to a crisp by the boy, only the radar and the one backup are left. As for Compress he is on his way, he managed to get them." he says as Shigaraki smiles "Good, now soon we wi-" 


The fighting pauses as a body flies out from the trees and slams into an unprepared Spinner, its Compress! Shocked Magne is unable to react as Carter bursts from the trees and slams his knee into her gut and rips the giant magnet from her hands and slams it over her head, knowing her out. "Nowhere to run, little human." He sneers, for several minutes he has been chasing Compress through the forest, and everytime he catches him or one of the marbles, it ends up being a rock or a clone and by now he is more than a little pissed.

"YOU!" Shigaraki shouts seeing him as Kurogiri sommons a portal and another large muscular Nomu steps out, as it steps out Carter burn it, not wanting to waste time as he flicks his wings a slashes as Spinner who barely blocks with his sword, but he is still pushed back and Shigaraki lunges forward trying to grab him but he throws him back with a flick of his wings. Seeing Compress slowly standing up Carter grins at Spinner "If you move now, I won't hurt you as bad as your friend back there." he says as Shigaraki has Kurogiri open a portal to Twice who sends through a clone of Dabi "Woah, whats going on here?" he aks seeing the chaos.

'Another dirty human, kill it!' the voices demand but Carter is too focused of beating back Spinner to worry about them. Using his superior strength he simply slashes at the blade, no matter what technique SPinner uses after watching videos of Stain, it matter little as Carter is not pulling any punches. SNAP In shock Spinner freezes as his blade snaps in two, seeing the gap Carter smacks him aside with his tail before lunging at Compress who throws a marble, replacing it with a large boulder. "PATHETIC!" Carter roars as he uses more of his power, scales covering most of his body with them stopping at his neck as he reaches for Compress, claws outstretched.

Seeing his comrade in danger Dabi blasts Carter in hot blue flames, but they do nothing but push him away. "That felt warm, how nice." Carter sneers "Let me show you real flames." he says as Dabi uses both hands blasting flames as Carter breathes orange flames, Dabi's flames hold for a moment before they are pushed back and he is engulfed in fire. As the body falls burnt, Mandalay and Tiger are shocked 'Did he kill him?' they think in horror as Carter snorts "It was a clone." he says before looking back to the forest, where the gas that was there before has started to thin 'Mustard has failed as well' Shigaraki thinks in a rage as everything is falling apart.

BOSS CATCH!" Compress yells as he throws two marbles at Shigaraki, he catches one but is dragged into a portal as Carter blasts the spot where he was a second ago as he grabs the second one. 'Open' he commands it as Toga bursts from the trees with Shoji and the others hot on her tail. As the marble opens Carter sees who he has rescued, Shoto! Snapping his head forward he lets Shoto fall to the ground as he lunges at Shigaraki only to get forced back by blue flames from a pair of Dabi's, with Twice right behind them.

Seeing what's left of the Vanguard, Shigaraki grimaces 'Damnit, all because of this brat.' he seethes as Twice creates another Dabi who helps the other two blast fire as Carter. "ENOUGH!!" He shouts as he has finally had enough and with a burst of searing flames and a roar Carter transforms into his dragon from. Shocked Twice panics and creates dozens of more Dabi's as Kurogiri summons a portal, seeing the massive dark dragon rushing towards them Shigaraki smile wickedly, "Stain was right about you, you are a monster, Mr. Compress reveal who we have." he says as Compress grins, after getting injured several times he is glad to get back at Carter, "Of course boss~" he purrs as he deactivated his quirk, and the marble in Shigarakis had opens to reveal, Katsumi!

"Be seeing you soon, hero." Shigaraki laughs as they vanish right as a massive wave of fire burns the grounds and forrest behind where they were moments before. "Katchan!" Izuku yells seeing his childhood friend disappears as Carter slams the ground where the portal once was, seething with rage at being one upped by a 'mere human'. 'This is fucking war, kill him, VIOLENTLY!' the voices shout, as Carter roars with rage, shaking the entire training camp as he vows to return this dishonor, several times over.


As they crash into the bar, Kurogiri immediately sticks Katsumi with a sedative and teleports her away, as Shigaraki scratches his neck, "What the FUCK WAS WITH THAT DRAGON!!" Twice shouts as Spinner helps Compress up and Toga grabs a med-kit. "That was the monster showing its true colors." Shigaraki says as he turns to face the door where the Hero Killer is waiting. "Its just like you said, he finally snapped and showed up his true face." he says as Stain nods. After he had been arrested and woken up in prison, he had activated a signal that Kurogiri had given him and had been helping them ever since, training them and tempering Shigaraki and providing assistance with drawing froward more recruits, "What happened?" he asks as they each fill him in with their portion of the story. As they talk, AFO's tv turns on "Did you get the two children?" he asks as Shigaraki shakes his head, "No only one, the girl, the dual quirk boy was rescued by the brat at the last second." he says "It'll have to do, but be careful, if the girl is important he might go looking for her." AFO warns as Stain nods his head "Fake heroes like him will stop at nothing when something important is taken from them, we must prepare." he says "Did any Nomu survive?" AFO asks and Kurogiri answers, "Only two, the radar one, and the chainsaw one. I sent them back to the lab for healing." he says and AFO confirms this then disconnects.

"What now, they took Mustard,Muscular and Moonfish?" Dabi asks as Shigaraki scowls, "They deviated from the plan, we'll just have to train replacements, as for what's next, we lay low for a bit. We need more funds so we might attack some agency or hit a bank." he says as they nod and everyone moves off to do their own things and recover. Sitting at the bar Kurogiri serves drinks to Stain and Shigaraki, "How big was he?" Stain asks, "You know how large Ryukyu is?" he nods, she was a well known hero, "He was almost twice as big as her, large sharp claws, a large tail and wings, and that last blast of fire almost burned through the portal, we don't stand a chance." he sighs as Stain nods grimly. "We must expose him, show the world his sins and make know his wickedness, then when he falls we can get more support to take down the rest of the fake heroes." Stain says as Shigaraki grumbles, even after a month he still rambles about 'fake heroes' and 'cleansing society' but with the fame and training he could only tolerate him.

As they talked more, the finally came to a conclusion. Carter WAS a fake hero, but if one day he snapped, based on what he did tonight, nothing would be able to stop him, All Might not even be enough. Little did they know, that Dr. Garaki and All For One had reached the same conclusion after they looked over the report that Kurogiri sent them, 'Even in the face of this, there is still a chance however.' AFO thought, planning something that would tip the balance of this world and see him returned to his rightful place and the Symbol of Evil.

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