Chapter 16: 16-Training camp!!
For the last few weeks of school a few things have happened in preparation for the summer camp. Other than training being ramped up the students were also given a list of items that they would need during their stay at the training camp. Mina has organized a group to go to a mall after school but Carter had declined going as he would rather order his stuff online. Speaking of online, his streams had slowly started to pick up some steam from a mix of his skill and how interesting his quirk was. Due to this he had slowly gotten a few dozen more viewers and streamed a few days a week to keep getting donations. His biggest one so far was for winning a pretty difficult match and he had gotten a full 1500¥ (10 USD) which wasn't much but still better than nothing.
As the weeks had gone by he had also noticed that Ochako HAD been right much to his chagrin, Katsumi had been staring at him, and not in a murderously explosive way, well that one was still there but he had also noticed her just, staring at him for no reason. Other than Katsumi acting strange, he had also noticed that Izuku and Ochako had gotten closer, as well as a few other students 'Love is in the air.' he thought holding back a gag as Aizawa cringed seeing how 'close' some of his students were starting to get. "Alright get to your seats." he said as everyone scrambled for their chairs.
"Now that this term is over it's time for the summer training camp, everyone has already turned in their permission forms so lets go over what will happen." he said as the class payed attention "Tomorrow we'll meet here and go to the camp, we'll be there for a week before we come back and you have the rest of the summer off." he said "Is that it?" Ida asked, confused. "Yeah." Aizawa said sipping on his coffee as Carter shrugged, 'simple as can be.'
The next day everyone arrived a few hours before dawn and Momo took attendance in front of the bus as class 1-B arrived a few minutes later with their teacher, Sejiro Khan or Vlad King.
As the teachers talked a few of each class talked with each other as they had never really interacted with each other. Kirishima and the metal boy hit it off really quick though and soon everyone was talking up a storm though most avoided Carter and Katsumi since they had been the most aggressive during the sports festival. "Not gonna talk to 1-B?" Carter asked as he walked over to Katsumi, "Why would I talk with those extras, they aren't worth the effort." she glaring at him as he chuckled "Yeah they are pretty weak, compared to me at least but they might still beat you." he said as Katsumi spun off him "The hell'd you just say to me flyboy?" she snarled as he laughed.
"You heard he murder bitch." he said as Aizawa and Sejiro walked back over before Katsumi could say anything. "Now that you're all quiet we can start getting on the bus. One bus for each class but you can sit wherever you want. Just know that there ARE cameras on these buses. So if you wouldn't do it with me,Vlad King and both classes watching, you won't be doing it on the bus, if you do you will be expelled from UA, no exceptions." Aizawa said dead serious as both he and Vlad stared at a few kids from their classes.
"Wanna sit with me?" Carter asked Katsumi, to her surprise, "The hell would I do that for?" she asked as everyone started to get on the buses. "Because I'm about to go to sleep and you won't ask dumbass questions along the way." he said and Katsumi thought about that for a second before agreeing. With that they got on the bus and sat towards the back with Carter taking the window seat, looking around he saw a few interesting pairings but still tired from streaming the night before he took a blanket out of his duffel bag, that he had given an expanded space enchantment, and wrapped in around himself before putting his headphone on tucking his wings tight and promptly passing out. 'Damn he wasn't lying.' Katsumi thought as she saw how quickly Carter had gone to sleep, they hadn't even left UA and he was already asleep. Not wanting to talk to the rest of the class that had given them weird looks she also put on an eye mask and started to drift off.
The bus ride ended up being three full hours and they didn't stop once. Carter and Katsumi as well as a few others later on slept most of the way, but a few more energetic people like Mina and Kaminari stayed awake the entire time and gossiped about whatever came to mind. Mina and the girls had talked for a bit about Katsumi and Carter sitting together and when Kaminari and the guys overheard this they joined in as they threw around ideas as to why the two were so close all of a sudden.
As the reached a rest stop the lights flicked on and Aizawa herded everyone out of the bus, though he sent Kirishima back to wake up Carter and Katsumi as the lights had done nothing to them, for his troubles Kirishima was exploded by Katsumi which did little due to his hardening but when she got out of the way and he poked Carter, his hardened skin saved his life as Carter's tail smashed into his and threw him though the side of the bus where he landed in front of Aizawa. As the sunlight poured through the new hole in the bus Carter woke up and stretched "Are we there yet?" he asked groggily as he looked at everyone outside of the bus, "Yeah, get your ass up already." Katsumi said as he nodded and jumped through the hole and walked over to Kirishima "Sorry man,body just kinda reacted." He said as he helped Kirishima up "No problem dude, I'll just get someone else to wake you next time." Kirishima said as Katsumi joined the rest of the class.
As everyone used the nearby restroom, class 1-B stopped as well and everyone got out as a car pulled up. As he got out of the restroom Carter saw Aizawa and Vlad talking with a pair of women, a blonde and a brunette both in weird cat costumes as a broody kid hung back behind them. As they called the classes ove Aizawa introduced the two women. "This is Mandalay and Pixie-Bob, they are pro heroes with the Wild Wild Pussycats, they and their team will be helping you during this camp." Aizawa said as Izuku and a few others recognized the heroines. "My what a cute bunch of kittens~" Pixie-Bob said as she eyed them with hungry eyes, seeing her starting to act up Mandalay smacked her on the back of the head and she snapped out of it. "Excuse me, where is the training camp?" Ida asked, raising his hand as the others wondered the same.
"About a kilometer and a half that way, you should make it before sunset if you want dinner." Mandalay said, pointing in a direction behind them as Carter felt the ground start to shake beneath him. As the ground gave out he took to the air as a hole opened up and everyone fell into it and slid down. As he hovered he saw Pixie-Bob staring at him and smelt the pheromones coming off her "Is she ok?" he asked turning to Mandalay as she sighed "Yes, but due to her quirk she's entered the stage of life where she needs to start looking for a mate, but due to being a hero she tends to go for strong young males, but we'll keep her in check." she said, smacking her friend again. Down in the forest Carter heard the students yell as he turned and saw them running from various monsters that looked to be made of earth. "That's my quirk, Earth Flow, it lets me control the earth, it's really useful during rescue operations." she said as Carter nodded, it was a useful quirk to have.
Seeing he was still in the air Aizawa scowled "If you're not going to join the others your going to help us take everything to the camp." he said as Carter shrugged, he didn't really care what he did but knew that if he were down with the others they would only slow him down. Over the next two hours, between Pixie-Bob's various earth constructs and Carter's strength they had moved everything pretty quickly and had started to make lunch when the first student arrived.
"Took you long enough." Carter said as Katsumi flipped him off "Go . . to hell." she gasped as Shoto arrived and looked exhausted as well. As more and more students arrived Carter and the teachers finished lunch and soon everyone had arrived. Carter and Katsumi had both cackled when Izuku got punched in the balls by Mandalay's nephew when he tried to say hi as he hit the ground hard in pain.
After they ate, the rest of the Wild Wild Pussycats introduced themselves, Tiger would teach them flexibility and movement while Ragdoll would keep track of everyone and point out potential weak points. "I hope everyone enjoyed that meal, because it's the last time we'll be cooking for you all, after this you'll have to cook for yourselves." Aizawa told them as they cleaned everything up and put the tables away. After that everyone was organized into groups and taken off for training.
As he watched them leave Carter turned to Aizawa "So what am I gonna be doing?" he asked as he hadn't been told what to do. "Follow me." Aizawa said as he walked into a building, they reached the second floor and after closing the door Aizawa turned to him "Is there anyone nearby?" he asked as Carter extended his senses, "Nearest person is a Ragdoll in the floor above us, after that is Shoto at 100 meters." he said as Aizawa nodded serious.
"What I'm telling you stays between us." he said as Carter nodded. "You already know about All Might, this is about who gave him that injury, Nezu thinks he might still be alive." he said as Carter's eyes widened, piecing everything together, "And he might have a mole in the class." he said as Aizawa nodded. "Nezu has several things keeping watch over the camp, but he wanted me to ask you to go around and just listen, see if you can find anything out." he said as Carter mentally went over his various class mates "Any leads so far?" he asked as Aizawa shook his head "No, but my viewpoint might be biased, Nezu thinks that you won't be so he entrusts this to you." he said as he nodded.
Over the next few days Carter spent time training with both class 1-A and 1-B, as well as listening more than usual though he turned it down some when everyone went into hot springs after each day of training. Speaking of the hot springs, they were amazing. The hot water worked wonders to soothe everyone's muscles after training for several hours and gave the students who had night lessons a good way to relax before they crammed knowledge.
The food could have been better though as not many in either class could cook very well, Ochako was able to somewhat alleviate this but Carter had had enough after two days and so he started to cook his own food, and fight off everyone that tried to jump him for it when they smelt it. Katsumi was also able to cook decently well to everyone's surprise but unlike Carter she did cook for everyone and her and Ochako taught everyone various recipes to cook, that still didn't stop everyone from trying to grab a bit of his food though.
That night in the hot springs as he was relaxing with his wings spread out, Carter was awoken by two things. "So what with you and Katsumi?" Kaminari asked as everyone turned to him, but what had woken him up was the feeling of being watched.
Sitting up he paid them no mind as he slowly extended his senses and looked at each of the distant hills and mountains surrounding the training camp, 'There, one person five miles away. MANDALAY.' he thought violently as everyone kept looking at him waiting for an answer 'I'm here, what's going on?" Mandalay asked him 'Tell Aizawa that someone is watching the training camp, we need to prepare just in case' a moment of silence 'Ok, he said to stay up tonight and keep watch' 'will do.'. "Hello? Earth to Carter!" Kaminari shouted in his face as Carter came too and glared at him "What do you want?" he asked as Kaminari sat back down "We just wanted to know what's with you and Katsumi, you started hanging around each other all of a sudden." he said as Carter snorted, "That's what you woke me up for?" he asked as everyone even Izuku nodded. Sighing he shook his head "Nothing, we just have an understanding, plus she doesn't ask dumb questions like you lot." he said grinning as Kirishima splashed him laughing.
After they were done in the hot springs Carter met back up with Aizawa, Vlad and the other heroes were also there. "You said you saw someone?" Aizawa asked as Carter nodded "Yes about five miles away watching us while we were in the hot springs, not a creep either as there was something like an antenna sticking out of their head, maybe a new type of nomu like at Hosu." he said as they considered his words. "Five miles, that's right outside my range." Ragdoll said worried. "I'll keep watch over the camp so nothing gets close." Carter said as Aizawa asked "Anything new for what I asked?" he said as Carter shook his head "No,nothing."
As the night drug on Carter went and patrolled around the camp as the teachers contacted Nezu to let him know what was happening. During his patrol Carter found a cave and going over to it he found a few kids toys, 'must be Kota's' he left the toys alone and continued. Going over to where he saw the Nomu the forest was silent, no bugs, no nothing, smelling the air and listening he couldn't sense anything but knew that something had been here so landing he carved a symbol on a tree that resembled an eye 'I enchant this symbol to send a silent mental message to me should anyone with malicious intentions pass by here' he thought as he took off again and circled about the camp one last time before going back to his room.
As he silently slid into the boys dorm he waited and when no one woke up he slowly crept over to his bunk, along the way he listened to each heartbeat and wondered what everyone would be dreaming about [I can assist with that.] the system told him and he froze 'explain' [Due to the host unlocking 75% of the Nightwing bloodline, the host can now hear the thoughts of those around him, but other mind readers can shield their thoughts.] well that would certainly make things better he thought as he gave the system the go ahead [Prepare]
'Fooood' 'I can't let him down!' 'That guy was sooo manlyy' 'Damn that girl was HOT' As he slowly lay down Carter steadied his breathing as the thoughts of everyone around him suddenly and loudly started appearing inside his head. 'He's sooo hot' 'Must prove him wrong' As the headache from all the new voices started to fade Carter was able to pick out the various voices, and as he listened he marveled at how many of them thought about him, a few were jealous but most looked to him as an example, someone to surpass, a few even had crushes on him, but what caught his attention was a small timid voice, talking with a voice that he had never heard before.
'That's everything I know, he just keeps going everywhere, I haven't had a chance to get closer to either of them' someone thought scared 'That's quite a shame, I was expecting more of you.' hearing that voice Carter bristled. It was deep, and demanding, leaving no room for argument while also soothing those it spoke too, but it still sounded very very wrong. 'I'm sorry, I tried my best!' the small voice said 'Try harder then, you must get closer to them, I want to know all about them, especially the boy with the wings, and the green haired child' the voice said. What did they want with Carter? Green haired was probably Izuku though he did notice a girl with green hair among the 1-B students. 'I'll get closer tomorrow, I swear!' 'Oh I'm sure you will, you still care about your parents after all. But you don't have to get closer, I'll be sending my apprentice in tomorrow night, be sure to give him the location of that heroine, as well as the rest of your class.' 'Yes, I'll be sure to tell him the location of Ragdoll and the others' 'Goood.' with that the voice was gone. As he shut out the other thoughts in his head Carter focused on the mind that still shook from its late night visitor, as they drifted off to sleep and their thoughts finally settled down, Carter knew exactly who the traitor was . . . Yuga Aoyama.
A/N- Sup gang, idk what to say so gimme some power stones I guess . . .