The weather was quite hot, so bad there was failure of electricity. So luck it was day, despite the climate wasn't fair. Kaima, Adex and Bolade. was seen, solving an equation, they sweat like hell. Bolade during her research from the text book, Adex and kaima busy doing their discovery, Kaima seen getting frustrated with the work, she keep cracking her brain to get solution. she's so furious and piss up, as her brain keep letting her down. the organ has been pressure so much to get solution to the problem. all part of her brain was at work, like doctors committed to get vaccine of a virus that just took over the world, tried every possible best seen not to get solution. but haven't give up, cause the world depend on them, but her own part. kaima has no choice then to give in, her brain was getting on fire, adding the climate, it's not advisable to keep going

"How did you solve this? " she swallow her pride, relay on Adex for solution

" Here you go, ask yourself what will you, substrate from this, to get that" he demonstrate as he explained in a sheet of paper, she nod in understanding, they sat on a couch, books rattled all over the centre table

"kaima, I'm going to wash the plate now, before my mom comes back" glance at the wall clock. "please in case you guys finish, help me jot down some notes" Bolade tact stands up

"Sure, I will do that, anything for my friend" Kaima replies grinned, Bolade smile back, leaves, kaima turns back to her work

" How is it going ?" Adex question

"I'm doing quite well now, thanks" she replied smiles, didn't give him a glance, Adex waiting patiently to meet those eyes, didn't shoot his shot well, he crack his brain. looking for another topic to raise, seen to come up with something

"Your smile, is really a cute one, so adorable and charming" he praised her.

Kaima felt like her heart stop for a moment, like it was dissolving, bit by bit, her head spinning, that all she taught at that moment, was the breath taken from the word, Adex said. She couldn't hold her feeling, but to let it show by the huge smile, her heart expressed

"Oh..., thank you" she giggle, blushing. she couldn't look a way but to concentrate on him, like she was expecting more compliment, her front white teeth all shown

"I have wanted to ask you this, but didn't know how you were going to feel?" he tact,

"Go ahead" she replied with curiosity.

"You have a man ?" he whispered, his eye stead on her, can't wait to get a reaction, novelty

" At my age, I don't need that now" she replied, she knew where he was heading, the truth is if she wanted to have a boyfriend, she definitely would have. Just trying to be an obedient child, but she once had crush on a senior. Justin, he was two class topping her. Justin was a very good looking guy, one of the most fashionable students, so charming and was admired by so many girls in the school, he wasn't that brilliant or super cute but the way he speaks might make you fell deeply for him. Kaima would never do anything but spent her whole day admiring him, he wasn't the sweet talk guy. that was one of the reason she crush on him, she has sometimes explained feelings for him but only talk to the mirror. She has always approach him but never in real life, not to receive The embarrassment of her life. The truth was she wasn't his type period..., But for Adex, she has no feeling for him. She retort, then back to her work, Adex not getting the feeling he want, he takes the pen from her, to get her attention

" What's wrong if you have a boyfriend, at your age?" he query

"Don't think I need one for now" she said, facing him

"Why" holding her jug to face him

"What's the benefit of boyfriend?" she brutal, now he get her full attention, as she put down all, just to focus on him, edging to.

"Why would you ask that, like seriously" he grunt

"I don't know, that's why I ask" she retorted

"I actually won't tell but" he grab her hand, so gentle, even duel the weather was hot, his hands so soft and cold, for the very first time she notice him, she rarely stare at him, not because she was nervous but never found him attractive. His a cute guy but can't be compared with her prince charming, Justin. " I have feelings for you" he pour out her emotion, he was ready for what was coming, but didn't know what to think, Kaima smiled, still staring at him "I want you to be my girlfriend?, I will show you the merit of having a man, treat you like a princess you are." he tact romantically, he felt being relief, he has been imprisoned by love, now finally free, now waiting for the out come, he knows two things was coming, either she reject him or accept, he courage himself to accept, if it comes out negative

"I feel flattered, I don't know what to say" she try not to say something that might hurt his feeling. " but I don't intend getting into a relationship" she brutal, gazing into his eyes

"just give it a chance, I so much like you" he try to persuade her.

"I'm so sorry, I'm not interested" she whispered, it compose in her face, she really did her best to avoid hurts, she was left with no option. He felt like he was shot on the heart, the pain of being rejected cloud his face, he face down, the stigma he couldn't stand. stood leaving

" Wait, I want to think about it" she tact, it was like a world of inducement but it didn't light his mood, he walks out, snobs her


In the class, few students occupied. Kaima and her cohort at their own spot chatting, it was quiet noisy, of cause is break time.

"Bola babe, slay queen" Erima praise her, Bolade smiles, adjust herself as the praise penetrate her, so fond

"Not that much. he treats me out, we decide to stroll, we didn't want to fast up the journey before we went to our separate. we buss and hug" Bolade tact smiling, shrug her shoulder

"Ok, Alisha what's up with you and Johnson" Bolade ask curiously. stead her eye on Alisha, rest her hand on the desk

"You couldn't believe what happened" Alisha exclaimed. Kaima burst out laughing

"They where caught by her mother" Kaima grumbling giggling. Bolade mouth wide on her eyes almost popping out, Erima twist her mouth to a side in sign of shock and disbelief, Bolade still caught on shock as she managed to close mouth with her palm

"Doing what, Alisha tell us this is not true?" Erima query, itching to hear her reply

" What you think!" giggling. "that we were having sex" she whispered

"What...?" Erima shout, shot her mouth with her hand, gazing around, to see if she could caught an eye, watching them. but none

" We only kiss, it happened my mom caught us" she narrate

"Can't imagine, what it was for you, girl I feel for you" Kaima condo. put on a pity face

"She didn't do anything to me, she only caution. she dare not to tell my dad" she brutal

"For real!!!" Bolade exclaimed, she nod " so what about Johnson" she query

"Oh, he didn't give me a breathing space, he keep calling, he was so worried, he was just panicking. like I was given a life sentence. I was more worried for him" she exclaimed, smiling, Feeling good of herself

"Oh…., that's so sweet" Erima firmed, Grinning. her to hands on her neck, in expressing affection

"Your mom restricted you and you're still going out with him ?" Kaima brutal

"Do you know how many times?, my mom has restricted me from hanging out with you but I'm still here with you" Alisha grunt, she frowned

"Thank you" Erima goad, glared at her

"why are you girls, going so hard on me, that was just a question" she exclaimed

"Kaima, is isn't your fault, when you met the right one you will understand" Bolade caution

"Meeting the right one", giggle. "is it that, I haven't been in a relationship or haven't seen a man. My dear I have male friend, and I know what's like to be in a relationship" she grinned. fold her hands

"So why are you acting like, you know nothing about love" Bolade firmed, demonstrating with her finger, as if that was a good way to explain better to her

"Ik you girls win, I just need to found my own prince charming" she tact smiling

"What's up with you and Justin ?" Alisha tact, they all bust out laughing, Kaima didn't found it funny.

"Ok, yes" she exclaimed, defending herself

"Oh, I guess that's why my babe is still single" Alisha firm, cuddling her, place her head on her shoulder grinning, Kaima burning with anger.

"You girls should please stop, this is not funny" she grunt

"Ya, I understand, still give it a little time, he will scoop to you" Bolade she brutal, they bust out laughing

"Why don't you give Tunde a chance" Erima caution

"You're talking about Tunde, what about Chika that charmer, so brilliant and super cute" Alisha tact, blushing, her cheek turns red as she illustrate.

"Please can you girls let me be" she pleaded

"We wouldn't, let you be . tell me, when you going have a boyfriend" she grunt facing her,

" When Justin, becomes her man. she wouldn't hide any longer" Bolade grumble. they all giggle, Kaima was short of word. the fact that she has feelings for Justin, makes points in what Bolade says, she admits but didn't what them to get the expression, looks back thinking to get an eyes starring back to her but seen none,

she smiled. " look Bolade, you are biting more than you can chew" she hush whispered

"That's true, is obvious you have feelings for Justin" Bolade brutal. she force her to cease immediately, she held her mouth tight, as she struggle to set free. Kaima caught an eye starring at her, it the charmer, fair in complexion, average – height, hair low cut, with an alphabet C line on his side hair and Italic line on his left eye brow, always caught in the act licking his lips, which comes out pink, she frowned, Chika smile.

Oh yes, Chika was his first crush. they were friends, other student thought they were dating. Her feelings for Chika fade a way, the day she found out he flirt a lot

The first day he approach her, she spent her entire day thinking of the beautiful things he said to her. She couldn't sleep, Chika bought her lunch at the cafeteria, where she went to buy a snacks with her friends. They were able to talk, he pour out his feelings to her, the entire day kaima was so excited, cause Chika was every girl imagination.

The next day two days later, she waited to see him after school only to caught him kissing a girl under a stair case the school building. she was torn, she felt the pain, it was as if the world has been place on her. She kept that secret to herself, neither her friends or Chika knew. cause she never made noise about it, beside the were never in relationship, but she dwell in the pain, she hated him with passion

Chika smiles makes him more attractive but Kaima hated him more, she was burning in her heart, she wish she would had gone to him and pour out her anger on him, she knew she wouldn't dare. It was like Chika over-heard them that was why his attention was on them, she stood leaving because they bullying wasn't going to stop, she turns still see chika smiling, she left the classroom so upset and furious


Months past, Mazie Okorie sickness gets worst, he lays hopeless on they bed, his eyes puffy, his body so stiff and strong like a dead body. the only way one could believe his alive is the beat of his heart, his eyes dark and deep. He was diagnose with kidney disease, they family couldn't afford to pay his hospital bill anymore, after he was discharged, his condition gets worst. Nnenna sit besides the bed massaging his leg and arm, with a bowl of warm water and towel which was use to massage him, soak the towel on the bowl of water, massage him.

Nnenna gazing her husband, tear dropping down her eye with just a blank, every since Mazie Okorie fell sick, Nnenna drop weight every single day, she weeps every day, it becomes a habit, each time she has to wake up seeing her husband lying wirelessly, she just wish she could wake up all will be a nightmare.

Kaima walks in, Nnenna wipes her tears, she took the wet towel, clutch it, makes sure the towel was dry, massage his shoulder.

" Good afternoon ma" she greeted, beaming with a smile, Nnenna turns to face her, kaima bounce beside her place her hand on her shoulder

"You are back already" she nods the smiles seen not to ever fades off her cheek "how was market today" Nnenna added, with the looks on Kaima face, it means good news, Nnenna didn't see herself taking part in it,

" Mom, we were bless today" she zip open the bag around her waist, brought out a some cash tired with a rubber band counting "mom, I sold everything, and some customers even dash me money" she tact smiling, excepting her to react positive, Nnenna mood didn't change

"Bless the name of the Lord" force word out of her mouth, looks at her as she managed to smile

"how is father doing?" She ask, Nnenna looks down, tears drop down,

Kaima gaze at her father " what do you want me say?" gaze at Mazie Okorie, fling her head in dismay. " look at your father, take a look at him" she said so bitter, Kaima knew deep in her heart, it was just a matter of days left if his not taken to hospital. She went cold, turns to her mother, sad cloud her face with pains in her eyes.

" Why don't we take him to hospital?" Nnenna gaze at her.

" I know mommy, but if we don't do something. Daddy will die, we must accept the truth" mute. Nnenna place her hands on her forehead " we have to do something about it" she caution

Nnenna sobs, her eyes reddish and wet with tears " where are we going to get the money!, who can I ran to?" her voice crack

"Chinasa has offered for help, since she can afford it, why not" she caution

She spit out," over my dead body. How could you brought out such suggest" she rebuke, she fling her head in stigma." if my husband was in good health, Chinasa won't dare, if I ever accept anything from chinasa, let this earth swallow me" she swore, hitting her chest she said in language

"Mom, Chinasa is still your daughter, no matter what" she caution

"Would you advice me to encourage her in that outrageous things she is doing, I never did such and I will not encourage my daughter" she proclaimed

"Mom, no body is asking you to encourage any body, we need help, father is dying" she console

" I will do no such" Nnenna said with authority, folds her hands, Kaima give up, without fighting further, knowing how stubborn her mother was.

"But I still insist we take him to hospital, his condition is not getting any better" she exclaimed, Nnenna glare at her, Kaima adjust a bit


Nnenna picking dried clothes spread on a rob in front of the house, she keep herself company with a song, sound like an inspiration song, place each cloth she pick on her arm. Efa walks in

"well done ma, Good evening ma" she greets almost at her kneels,

she glare at her with a frown " how may I help you?" she grunt

" I'm here to see Chinasa" meekly, knowing really well, Nnenna was never going to take it lightly with her, knowing how much she abhor seeing her

"Take a look at your self, how do you describe this you wore". gaze her from up to down. frowned "you're no different with those slut in the street" Nnenna said not minding what that word would sound to her. she turned back to what she was doing

Efa was tear into piece, she couldn't hold her anger

"Look woman, I wouldn't stand here and watch you abuse me, what ever I do with my life is none your business" frown, it wasn't enough to express the anger ." look if not for chinasa. I would have given you the insult that you won't be in a haste to forget, what rubbish" she roar pointing at Nnenna, her voice could be heard across the street. Chinasa came out to meet the drama, as Efa was pulling out her wrath. chinasa divested, she knew her mother had say something that warrants the insult she was getting from Efa, she walks to Efa

"Efa what's this now, what happen?, why are you abusing my mala. like that" she mumbled, so furious

"Look, I can no longer endure it, she's your mother, than warned her" she snort

"What have you not say, mm…., what is left, keep spitting it, daughters of Jezebel" she brutal leaving

"What's your problem, why all this?" she console Efa

"did you just heard her?" she yell, vibrating

"Are you going to fight my mother, why are acting as if you don't know her, calm down" holding her shoulder.

Chinasa. Joy of her mother, the reason Nnenna was called a mother, after Five years of marriage, she received all sorts of abuse from her mother in law, and people who called her names. The day she conceived Chinasa, the world heard her testimony. Chinasa was her mother pride, she was given a very special treatment than all her children, she was indeed beautiful, with her a good figure, every street she pass, no man born of human don't admire her, she was a true definition of her mother when it comes to beauty, pride of her mother, she is like a morning sun, Chinasa was one of the most brilliant. "smart child" head teacher called her, she was top in all class, she always wins the best pupil, the neatest and diligent pupil in her class. Her admission to secondary school changed her, she wanted to merge with the trend, forgot mom will be disappointed to see her new form, Chinasa broke the mommy rules just to fit in. to mingle with the most famous and fashionable student, of course she won a lot friends and fans. this prove she's always on top whether bad or good, a slay queen, she was so Loving and caring, willy to sacrifice anything for her family, so supportive, the family state drive her into what she is now. Nnenna never give up praying for her, she knew Chinasa mean good for the family but didn't want her take the step she's in, Chinasa was still love more than her other children.


Atmosphere not looking bright, the dark cloud circulate the sky, it's still afternoon, looking at the climate you can't differentiate, only with the time you can differentiate, of course it's the raining season, what you do, you have to hasten up to avoid the rain giving you a bath, the lands always wet, some street form swimming pool, because of bad road

"I have to be in the hospital by now" Kaima exclaimed, light launched from the sky as the thunder joins

Bolade kept her eye busy with the atmosphere " ah…, is not going to be a small rain, God must be very anger with the earth" before she could finish and thunder launched this time it wasn't expected cause the light didn't exist. " you must hasten up, this rain no be here…," she said, flinging her head, as she prophecy, Adex walks in from the house "Bolade, please where is my phone?, I didn't see it, where I was charging it" he query

"You won't check well...,you're already laying accusation, please check your phone well" she runt her mouth rudely. she always talk to him as if she senior someone before him. Adex always have to discipline her with a slap or beating, to see if she can get back to her sense but her persistence is way too much, she still runt her mouth when she get freedom from him or when Bisi is around to defend her, when Adex get hold of her, he make sure he pour out his frustration on her, no matter how long it takes him, he stays patients, till he avenge. It always when there Mother is around, if not he keeps beating her till she give up in tears. This time it's her lucky day. Kaima, was just right there, he won't want to embarrass himself in front of kaima.

It start drizzling

"Ok.." he nod, about leaving " kaima, how is your father health?" he tact

"We're hoping on God" she managed to say, her voice break down, she wanted to be strong talking about her father condition but talking about it, left her in tear. " I will be going now" she exclaimed. now the rain gets serious

"To where, can't you see is raining?" he caution

"Need to go to the hospital to see my dad" she exclaimed, she rush out in a hurry, not waiting for a feedback.


"Kaima!, Kaima!" the voice sound familiar, she turns, thick darkness already crowned the atmosphere, the rain comes with so much force, she twitch in cold, her two hands hold to her arm, she shiver in cool. A lightening and thunderstorms, almost cut her off balance, As she has turn she freeze, her bone has been weaken.

Is Adex. race towards her, he stop. trying to caught a breath, his hand held on his kneels, his mouth wide open to get enough air as much as he can, he looks from left to right

" You run so fast, do you know how long, I have been calling you?," he exclaimed, till painting

" I needed to escape the rain" she retort

"Which rain, when you're beaten already" he stood irate, now he feels the cooled in his bones, started shivering " can't you go see him tomorrow. Beside, your mother is always there with him" he caution

"I have to go see them, I have to deliver this to my Mom" she had a nylon force in between her arm "so why are you here?" she managed to speak again.

"To take you back home, is not safe" he proclaimed, without being told he want to be around

" I do appreciate, your concern towards me but I'm not going back" she whispered

"That's fine, since I'm here already I can keep you company" sight a building, the shell is enough to be away from the rain. "lets just wait here, when the rain stop we can now go" he walks towards the building, she joined him.

Under the building " why would you leave your house just to be here with me?" she tact smile.

He make a love sign with his fingers, place it in his left chest, she smiled. " since I can't emerge your class, is it also a crime to be a friend" he put his two hands into his pocket, stretching his body to relieve stress, as he keep his ears wide open, not to miss a clip of her retort. She glance at him with a smile, she wander in her mind why she never finds Adex attractive

" his cute, so charming, good height, sexy eyes, brilliant, loving and kind but I still haven't caught a feeling for him" she said to herself, staring at him." shouldn't I give him a try, maybe I might caught feeling for him" she said in her mind, he smiled, starring at her so charming

"Mm…, you won't get me with those eyes" still speaking to herself

He stretch his hand, the rain drop on it. " the rain has stop, let's go now" he tact without a glance at her, took her hand, their wears sock, so wet, as it dry bit by bit on their body as the wind blows heavy, the freeze in cold. Adex, not much familiar with rain fall, cold can easily penetrate into his body even if it was a dazzling.

Adex was diagnosed with heart failure, is a disease that has hurt him from child, his known to avoid anything that is contrary to his heart healthy. because of his condition, Bolade is bond with more responsibility than him, we can say Adex don't do anything.

7:54 pm, quite late, the rain had stop, in front of the hospital there is a gash well contaminated rain fall store itself. no gutter for it to flow, once you step out of the hospital, in front of the gate is the first thing that confronts you, you have to jump some few stones before you step on a land.

Adex counts his step, as he tip-top from left to right under his breath, under a little shell made of zinc. The hospital veranda, he stops looks at the rain dropping, he place his hand between the zinc to get a drop, he counts every drop. Kaima zoom in

"sorry, I keep you waiting" she pleaded

"not at all, oh…, I wish I had come. She would have skin you alive" he murmured

"She's not that type, she will only yell at me" she said defensively, they walk

His two hands in his pocket like he was counting some stuff in his pocket. " you mean she's that simple" kaima nod. "poor woman, she literally sleep there every day" he added,

She smiled "my mom is so soft, God forbid, if anything happens, I don't think she will be able to control her emotions, I keep praying I have such a heart"

Adex smile "you trying to say you can control your emotion more than your mom" he stiff his nose, stare at her with a side eye

"I have a strong heart, I'm brave like my father, that's what I was trying to say" she profound, Adex give up to avoid having an argument. Which might land into a chaos, he was still smiling. He decided to accept her words besides he didn't know her well is possible she's right

They ran into a deli, they met. a skinny man tall and dark, mainly looking at his dress you tells you the part of the country he hail from . Is a spot ran by an Hausa man. The only food prepared there, is indomie and as well making of tea. Three bench arranged in a square shape, There two people sitting and. The man turning two tea, from one cup to the other, as the flame covers the space

"Aboki, two of green tea please, fried two egg, to blend with bread?" he order as they sit, rubbing his two hands, a sign of cold,

"all this, for you?" She ask

"For me, why would I, the both of us, ok; and please don't say No" he exclaimed

" I'm ok" she brutal, the man, seen turning an egg in a big rubber cup, he add the ingredients, turns it with a spoon, the oil in the frying pan, steaming as the fire hit

"You're not ok, is a must" said in authority, She smiled, fold herself. Adex blow air between his two hands, as he continued rubbing them, to warm his body. He turn the egg to the order side, press had on it, on the frying pan. He cut the bread in two, place the egg between, he cut another bread do the same. Serve them, he pour a hot water in two rubber mud, with different colours, serve them.

Adex was going hard on the tea, he sweat profusely, kaima sip gentle because of the hotness.

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