Chapter 2: LOVE FOR LOVE



In the school incomplete building, Sala sits on a the unfinished window frame, Erima sits on his lap face each other, Sala cuddle her waist as she place her hand on his shoulder " knowing how much I love you. I will do anything for you" Erima tact romantically, stares at him, so charming

"I can cross the ocean just to be with you, my love. you're my love" he bussed her neck

" You know my friend Jenny" grinned, caresses his jug. playing with the little beards, growing under his jug, he bits his lips, as he crack his brain in search of who Jenny was

"Jenny Benson " she said grumpy, Sala still roaming in his mind, his brain on a exploring project, as he bite deep his lips

"Never mind" she said so disappoint, sees like only hope is gone. " is just that..., she invite to her birthday party, and I will love it if you come with me" she doubt, she might get "yes"

"Wait a minute" adjust smiling " Andrews kid sister, Jenny Benson, no way I'm missing that" he said so proud, Erima chuckle " but I have a problem, I will be in the mosque for prayer" he exclaimed so dismay

"Is just few hours, besides; if you tell your parents, they should understand is a school party" she mumbled. As she run out of suggestions, not settle if it would be of benefit

"School's party, what will your parents respond. if you told them that?" he query. Erima felt stupid for suggesting that " if you're not coming is fine" her voice comes out weak and helpless, sounds like she finally given up, she stood up lean on the wall, holds her hands

"What's that, you're not going to put on that face if you trying to bribe me" Sala brutal, she frown. glaring at him, folds her hands, eyes look as deadly as a hunter, who is on a hunt, ready to shoot a creature that appear. "ok, you won, why would I miss such a great party" he tact meekly grinning. holds her hand, with the smile she felt the warm weather, her heart melt to his tender touch. She smiles, he stood to face her. " anything for you, my love" with a romantic voice, she felt her heart beat, like she ran a race, he glance his wrist watch, he caresses her hair, down to her cheek, his hand hot, it actually make a sweat on her cheek, shares at each other, eye bond to eye bond, the motion prove the connection the had that very moment, kiss her fore -head. " whoa... break will be over soon, I have work to do" holding her waist. " see you after school" kiss her cheek gliding down her to her lips

Kaima, Bolade and Alisha walks in

Kaima "here goes the lovebirds" she tact romantic, as she sweep her self to a bench stuck on the wall . " halo guys" Sala grind. swollen his saliva, force word out from his mouth, sweat appears in his forehead, he snatched a handkerchief from his back pocket, wipe it off.

Sala 6.5ft tall, shy and peaceful. zero friend zone, tag as one of the most handsome dude in the school, doesn't speak much. before he was able to compose himself to toast Erima, he spent days rehearsing and practicing his speech, it was like a life sentence for him to face her. Erima 5.8ft, she was as beautiful as a mermaid, her skin shining when she's caught from a far distance, with a charming eye, so jovial. who don't know; Who, Erima is must be a newbie. know for her out speaking and, one of the most fashionable student. more reason he didn't had the guts to approach her, the day he determined to put away his fears.

Erima comes out of the female restroom Sala was standing beside the male restroom which was just at the side, he knew Erima was in there, he waited till she was out, Sala turns to the male's fix his two hands in his pocket, butterfly in his belle, his heart race faster, as if it was about to explode, stare at her with his corn eye.

Erima takin, address her skirt " Sala Adams " she tact smirking,

"Halo" he compose,

"Seen like you been waiting for long, his not ready to give in, only him know what his doing there" she whispered, Sala grinned

He knows truly well, no one was there, prays he won't get the mystery of nature, prayed no one would walks in. " this the perfect time Sala" he said to himself " she's about to live, Sala now or never " he hushed ."Erima, can I have little of you time" didn't know how he was able to compose courage,

"Ok, what's that" she tact, walks towards him, sweat creeping down his forehead, the climate became hot than it was, he sweat profusely.

" I really don't know how to say this but I have to, I have feeling for you and I want you to be my girl?" he has never been hard on himself. Just as he did , he was shocked as word hushed out of his mouth. Erima grinned, the look at her face made him felt so ashamed, it was the most embarrass moment in his life, stares at him for a few minutes, her tongue wandering around her right cheek, which made him more embarrassed, he deep his face down in shame, he so wish ground could open for him to jump in " I guess you're taking" NO" as an answer?" He managed to speak

" I have waited long enough for this day to come, I say "YES", I would have done it my self, if I wasn't a girl" she tact so excited

Sala chuckle " I can't express how I feel right now" he demonstrated

This was the bravest step he has ever take, that day he came out of his shell, Erima became his confidence, the news break the entire school but dear not get to the principles ears.

"I'm out, see you" he tact hurry up out of the building

" things are happening" Alisha tact smiling, sits beside Kaima, Bolade eye fist on Erima grinning

" the only girl who know what's up, slay mama, what's up" walks to her closet, tap her

Gazing at them smirk "what is new here, please. Everyone knows I and Sala is in a relationship, are you girls expecting something new" she blast, fold her hand, stares at them

" love bird," Kaima stoop up, spread her hands in the air, like she was expecting a hug, she dance around, hush to Erima "Sometimes, I wish I could been in a relationship like this" she said remorseful, she grin showing her white teeth, Erima felt honoured as she smirk

'Love is beautiful, see the connection, the emotion, everything so perfect" Bolade tact, Erima feelings so fond of her self, her shoulder high, she giggle place her jug on her left shoulder making sure she didn't miss the praise she was receiving from her friends

"Have never had a man like Sala before, his so care, understanding and so supportive" she tact Erima tact sat on a bench she place her two hands on the bench, cross her leg, a look at her face show how fond she was, Alisha grimace. gaze at Erima, like she never met her happiness

"Please!, please!!, let's hear word" she exclaimed, she couldn't hold her feelings

" This, exclusive jealous" Bolade blast, she claps her hands

Alisha walks to Bolade, it was like a wars was about to start

" me jealous, I'm just say because, all this history of love she carve with Sala ends here, I'm sure you parents no nothing" she tact protest. Erima put on a sad face, feeling cold all of a sudden, fold her hands

" Why all this, when will this all end, tribalism, religious discrimination, racism and so fort, how would this world be a better place, when this has been the hook pulling us apart" mute. stares at the roof, the bitter in her heart compose itself on her face "I just pray all this, comes to an end, you dare not tell my dad. you need to see him educating me, every word that comes out from her mouth is negative impacts, about tribe, how dare you, tell him you are in a relationship" she said grumpy

" My mom don't hit hard on any tribe but, she refers your people as hypocrisy, every thing you do is just acting" Kaima confront Bolade, Alisha grinned

"For my parents is no go area, the despise your tribe a lot, the hatred can make one wander if there is any good about your kind" she refer to Kaima

"The hatred is every where, my mom will sit you down and narrate they history of you religion, it's confirm that Muslim believe killing is a way to please God, they book haram, Fulani and isis, this are Muslim group who devote themselves in killing and destroying properties" Erima interject

"Come to think of it, she made a point, we have lost lives and properties, they rape and kidnap women and they don't count it sinful" Bolade said viciously

"Ok, you're being annoying, and this a discrimination" Alisha retort so furious, Bolade notice the resentment in her voice, trying not to let things get awful

"Come on girl, I'm not trying to be diversity, but girl that's the fact, Muslims are so unbelievable" Bolade said irritating, Alisha glare at her "I mean no harm but is outrageous, how does they feel, taken someone else life" she brutal

"You must be insane to generalize that judgement" she Jump on Bolade face, the look at her eyes shows she was ready for a fight not minding the outcome, she adjust her hijab, her mood display her emotional state at that moment, her eyes dim and deadly as she express her feel by the look on her face, if eyes where gun, Bolade would had been dead long time a ago

Alisha and Bolade we're like rat and cat, any argument had, they always end up fighting, they can spend the whole day arguing.

"You must be out of your senses, Muslims is the cause of the problem in this country" she retort, it was like she added fuel in a burning fire

" Alisha come to think of it, Bolade have a point, we're all seeing what's going on, the country has turned upside down because of belief, we have had occasion about the kidnapped chibok girls, Duchi girls and many others, the destruction of properties, crisis in many states in the country" Erima burst, Alisha didn't found it funny, she felt like she was been hit on the chest with a stone

" I wouldn't stand here and watch you girls be so disrespectful to my religion, have you talk about the horrible and unspeakable things Christians do?. Pastors sleeping with members, sacrificing human just to build their church, convincing member to take unhealthy substance, which eventually killed so many of them and they are believed to have fear of God" Alisha yell, shows satisfaction

"Can't compare it with the atrocities that your religion has done" Bolade grunt, Alisha burning with anger dash to her, so furious and aggressive, Kaima hush to separate them, stands between them

"Please…, please…,, girls let's not create a sin, everyone is entitled to his or her own beliefs, if God had wanted he could have made every one Muslims or Christians but he didn't. They beauty of the world is in this diversity of people, in not just religion but also our tribes and culture" she caution " a killer is a killer whether Muslim, Christian and Hindus, this shouldn't revoke hatred among us, please girls. Talking about you Erima, since you know all this. Why dating a Muslim guy, not just Muslim but another tribe". they where calm and was really touch. " I'm sure your parents knowing this, will cause chaos, look girls!. knowing the families we came and there thinking shouldn't affect our personal lives, you can't judge people base on there belief " Kaima caution show a sign of fulfilment in her face

The school bell rings " oh that's so sweet of you" mute." that's true, Sala is none of that" she says on the bench cross her two legs, place her two hands on the desk. " his loving, kind, cool, always showeing me with love" she said witty smiling

" lover girl" Alisha retorted smiling

" I guess the break is over" Bolade said, they left the classroom

Few weeks later, Adex in the living room, recline on a couch, reading a book, he heard a knock, he ignored Flip to the next page scanning the page, there came another knock.

"who's that please!. come in, the door is open" went back to his book. Kaima walks in

"Good day" she greeted, Adex recline on the couch, one of his leg hang up on the couch and the other place down, his head place on the couch, he peep. At once he hush up, sit irate. It was like an angel appeal, Kaima beauty was like one not from the earth, she was blessed with a good figure, ebony, her colour can be described as gold. because of her family state, she couldn't maintain it. A blue eye and black sexy lips, her smile can melt an ice with a left check dimple, Adex was still freeze by her presence "I'm here to see Bolade" she tact meekly,

"Afternoon, may I help you" he retorted, he reacted like one that was touch

"Come on boy, you can't fell for this, you're better than this, don't let your self down" he said to himself , he turn to his book, place his two leg on the couch, cross them "she went on an errant… is there a problem" he firmed

"No, she's my class mate, I came to borrow a note from her" she firmed, Adex nodded in understanding

Peep " And you're" he ask meekly

" I'm Kaima" she reply retorted, she smiled

"ok, she should be back by now, would you want to check on her later" he tact

"Hmmm, I will rather wait" she smirked

"Wait ?, ok, please sit" he retort witty, Kaima sat on a sofa,

"would you care for anything?" he ask

"A chilled water will do, thank you" she tact meekly, went to get the water comes back, Kaima seen gazing around, he serves her a chilled sachet water on a flat breakable plate "thanks" takes the water, cut the angle with her teeth, the water found it way through her throat, Adex couldn't stop his eyes

Bolade walks in " halo" Bolade tact smiling walks to her Kaima smiling back

"Hi, what's up" Kaima retorted, Adex deep in the book he was holding

" How long have you been waiting?" She ask

" not that long" she reassured, she smiled, she was seen struggling to place the left over water on the flat plate, the water will split if she let go, she picked it, reading the contact

"oh let me have it" she hand it to her "are you done?" She ask

"Yes, sure " Kaima reply with a nod

"I will go get the book" she left, Zoom in, " here you go" she gives her the note book

"thanks" she tact leaving, Bolade joins her

In the compound, the walk down the street " is that your brother?" she tact smiling

"Yes, why ask?" Bolade query, it sees to draw her attention

"Just asking, haven't seen him before and you have never talked about him" she firmed

"I guess there's nothing about him to talk about, I think I need to get back home, see you" she tact turning back

" Ok, see you tomorrow, bye" she tact departing, as they bade each other


Kaima and Bolade in the frontage, in Mrs Bisi. resident, Bisi walks out from the house. They were doing a home work

" Bolade, I'm off to the market" fumbling through her hand bag. she search for something " in case your brother comes back, his meal is in the dinner and there is still leftover in the pot" seen to get her satisfaction, she zip it up

"ok mom, please don't forget to buy me the dress" she tact, her eyes still fix on the work she was doing

"I won't" about leaving, sees to have forgotten something "I don't want to come back and see this house unkempt" she retort furiously. The message sounds as a warning, Bolade turns to face her, sees the seriousness, Kaima was busy solving the school work, it's maths, Kaima favourite and best subject

"Mom, I won't I promise" she swore

"I have to go now" she claims

"Bye ma, take care " Kaima tact, this was the only time she look up, she bade her, Bisi zoom off, Kaima turns back the her work, pick a calculator

"Kaima, I'm exhausted. Ok!" scanning through the text book "I have read this book over and over but nothing is going into my head" she exclaimed, so furious

"I wish I was in class when this formula was taught, cause I have tried all I know" she exclaimed so disturb

"That means we're finish!. you're my hope Kaima please!, do your magic" motivating her, it was like trying to start a dead car

"Let me still try" she exclaimed, went back to the paper work

Adex zoom in playing a football, he was busy show some skills, they stood watching him, he kick the ball up, it land on his head, he lead it down to his kneels, as he misses step, can longer control the ball, he hit a shot, it bounce on the table splitting everything apart, as if that wasn't enough, bounce on Kaima's face, leaving her groaning in pain which left her devastated, she placed her head on the table, for the pain to ease, it was like her brain was turned upside down, everything went blank, Bolade dash to her, as well as Adex, his back pack flue to the ground

"Adex, see what you have done to her, Kaima are you ok" she exclaimed holding her arm, in a condo voice, she nod

"I'm so sorry, I'm very sorry please" Adex pleading, petting her

"I'm fine, I'm ok now" she retort, struggling to open her eyes, she raise her head

"See!. I'm very, very sorry, it wasn't intentional, I miss my kick" Adex pleading, he holds her shoulder, he felt like he has lost the opportunity be friending her, he prayed in his heart, she didn't get injury, He massages her neck as she raise her head up, her eyes reddish, as tears crown her eye.

"Are you ok?, look I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to" he pleaded

"That's ok, I'm fine" she managed to say, smiling, tears almost dropping, she held it back, rubbing her eyes, he help her sit, she pick the text book

"you sure, you're ok?" he query, acting so restless, guilty keep popping into his head "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry" he keep pleading

" I'm ok, is fine" she tact smiling, she sees the guilty in his eyes,

"I will go in" he tact, he stood up pick his backpack, couldn't look at her walking into the house, Kaima face was stick on the text book as she scan through a page, he pick the ball

"You're so stupid, how could you, oh God, Adex a girl you were try to impress, you have end up disgracing your self, stupid…, stupid…," Adex exclaimed within himself "she's laughing at you, you're such a failure" he glance at Kaima, Kaima focus was on the book, she was so serious in her investigate on the Assignment they were given "she don't even want to look at your face, oh Adex, you have spoiled everything " he keep torturing himself, till he disappeared into the house

"Adex, mom left your meal in the dining" Bolade grumble

" When did she left the house?" he exclaimed (O.S) behind the scene

"Not quite long, Adex we need your help" she exclaimed

"Ok, I will be right out, was that by the way?" he ask witty, he couldn't hesitate this was like a lifetime opportunity to make this right, hopping he won't mess up this time,

"Could you please come help us out with this Maths homework" Bolade exclaimed

"Ok, I will be right out" he said so fondly, he knew he was never going to shade himself this time, solving maths was like his thing, because he so much enjoy solving problem.

The last school competition on mathematics subject, he won the competition for his school, also gaining a scholarship for himself, Kaima was good, if it was a competition, Adex will beat her.

Adex wanted to be an computer engineering but decided to read mass communication, to speak and expose the evil did in the country, to be the voice of the people.

"I will be right out, let me take my shower" he tact


It is 11: 35Am, chinasa sneak into the house, they living room covered with a thick dark. she heard the door lock, the light turn on. Chinasa couldn't control her heart race, she panic so scared and furious, fear crown her face, she couldn't look at the Deadly and angry face standing in front of her. his eye glimmer of dangerous light and it chilled her more than a freezing temperature, he holds the belt

"where are you coming back from!?" mazie Okorie he yell so furious

After swollen her own saliva Chinasa force herself to respond to him

"From my friends place" she whispered

" which of your friends?" he ask so aggressive, raising the belt

" My friend Jenifer, her party" she cried out, she kneel shrivelling in fear, held her head on her arm " please Daddy, I'm sorry " she adjoined, she run, standing behind an arm chair, she knew she wasn't save but she has to ran for her life, shrivelling in fear

"If you dare step an inch, from that spot you're standing, I will kill you with my bare hands and no one will question me. Who is Jenifer?" he ask in Igbo language, every step he made close to her was like a time bomb

"Dad please forgive me, please, I will explain" she scream as tears found it way down to her cheek, uncontrollable. He wipes her with the belt, she screamed running around the room, he went after her, grab her hand pulled her to the floor, wipes her mercilessly, she screamed so loud that even a ground can shake but didn't stop ,Mazie Okorie. he give deaf ears pounding on her aggressive with the belt, Nnenna dash into the scene

"My husband please, please" she pleaded, speaks in Igbo language preventing him from getting hold of chinasa, she hold him

"Woman, give way let me discipline this idiot" he yell aggressively, in language, she holds on him so clutch, it was like her life depend on it, he tried struggling with her,

"Please my husband, please have mercy" she begged, kneels, still holds him tight, he felt weak as she hand clutch him so hard, he felt his aggressive dissolving, like an ice melting

"So, you want to bring shame to me, you want to drag this family name into mud. see time you are coming back home" yelled " if I don't kill you in this house, I won't rest" he grunt. leaving

"Take a look, at what you have done to your self" she fling her head in shame. "Chinasa, have mercy on your self" she yell leaving, Chinasa fold her self beside a three joined arm chair weeping bitterly,


The climate change, looks like the sky was going to cry, a dark cloud covers the atmosphere, a mango tree stick beside the building. Alisha and Johnson seen, Johnson seen lean on the tree, Alisha facing him, there hands fist together, Johnson holds her jug draw her close to himself

Chinasa walking out behind a building, she sight them from a distance, she freeze at the spot, her body shake in shock, the bucket in her hand drop, she rub her face on the towel tie on her chest, her body coves with water, she was just coming out from the bath room, she stand in a good posture, seen so serious watching the show present to her, making sure she didn't miss an episode.

Johnson cuddle his hands around her waist, not minding the atmosphere, snog her neck, place his hand on her neck, looking at each other eye bond to eye bond, Alisha wish this wasn't happening but couldn't help it, at that moment, she didn't wanted to let go of the emotion. also having a double mind, but couldn't let go, it was a special feeling. They smile to each other, he hug him so passionate, kiss her lips, caressed her cheek, bits his lips, she smiles. Fatima walks into the scene, with a sack bag, couldn't believe her eye, she was paralyzed with her emotion, Johnson and Alisha seen bussing. Fatima felt like she was shot in her chest, she wish it wasn't her daughter, she try not to believe, but who else were hijab in that environment

Alisha, tall, a light skin that might mistake her to be a mix-race, a pink and cute lips, A cute face, her beauty so unpredictable, a good figure that is always covered with hijab, her skin colour was so lighted, that she would be spot anywhere. She has a dream of being a model but her family kick against it, she has to chose a career between a lawyer or political consultant.

Fatima knew her silent wasn't going to help matter " Alisha, Alisha" she screamed. she depart from him, Johnson divested, he knew She was in trouble. A lot of things keep running into his mind, he wanted to help her, didn't know what to say or do at that moment, Fatima nod walk pass them, leading her way to the house. Alisha broke down to tears, felt her heart beat fast, like it was going to expose, lean on the tree, trying to fight back the tears that was flowing free, he watch her helplessly, he was even scared of touching her, she was like a bomb about to explode. Chinasa burst out laughing, as she walks towards them

" Aunty I salute, you deserve award, a Golden medal" she laugh more, glare at Johnson, who was just standing beside her. " this one sweet me..., see acting" she added. Kaima zoom in divested. " Alisha, you can pretend, in fact you carry award, righteous sinner" Chinasa brutal. claps her two hands. Alisha felt so a shame, wish they ground would open and swallow her

" sister, what is it?. why call her names?" Kaima exclaimed, chinasa snob her

"Drama queen, oh., can't wait to hear the end of this show" chinasa brutal

"Alisha, what happened, why are you crying?" Kaima query, holds her shoulder

"She don't want to talk" Chinasa brutal frown at Alisha

" Why don't you do me the favour by letting it out" Kaima exclaimed curiously. "Alisha please talk to me?" she added

"Babe, I will see you tomorrow, ok..." he tact not expecting any respond. caresses her arm, cause he no definitely he wasn't getting any, he zoom off

" well, since she don't want to do the talking, I will help her do the talking" adjust herself, she excited as she was about to release the bullet

"Her Mother, caught her kissing a guy" Kaima mouth went wide open. you can even see the reddish gem in her eyes, she place her hands on her mouth, " it was just wonderful, it was so passionate, you know..., I hated it when, Mrs Fatima walks in, it would have end so well" chinasa plot, as she demonstrate, flinging her self from one point to another, not minding what she wore, to show her satisfaction, her smile so devilish

"This is so unfair, how do you feel, watching all this happening ?" Kaima brutal, show the sign of disappointment, on her face

"Please spay me that, what would you want me do?, to shout at the boy maybe slap her, to show how much I care?" she frown. " all of you are pretender. I'm so happy, I wasn't just the only, her mother caught her, and you." points at Kaima. " you will be worst" she goad. Alisha hush out

"Alisha" Kaima grunt. Chinasa burst laughing, her laugh didn't get to her eyes, but she was really amuse, " But sis, you didn't try" Kaima brutal. a sign of dismay, Chinasa look at her like some prey

"if you call my name again, I will squeeze out your lips, all of you. I will get you, one by one" she roar. leaving, Kaima joined her

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