Chapter 15: THE PROTEST

"Did you heard what Adex said in the interview, what is Adex doing?" Bisi grunts

"Yes Mom" she sips a glass of juicy, she holds, her leg cross, Bisi flip her hand,

like she was expecting more from her. "We discuss about it; I see no reason we

should make a deal out of nothing "she looks at a direction

"you are carry his child, and your wedding is just few week" she exclaimed

"But mother" she said, in her eye look of disappointment

"come on, Kaima this is not what I expect from you, no" she yelled so furious


sorry mother, this is what my husband what, and I'm here for him, I will not go

against his wishes, I'm sorry if I may have this respect you" kaima exclaimed


didn't expect this from you" mute "I just don't want anything to happened to my

son and grandson , I won't afford to lose any of them" she grunt

"His my husband and his my son, I won't sit and watch anything happened to

them, thank you" she exclaimed


know you won't understand, but I would not take it lightly with anyone that try

to mess with my family" she said so rude


stand by my husband, whatever that pleases him that also make me happy. I won't

deprive him of his wishes and dream, just to please anyone, I love and respect

him, he is also your son, You can as well caution him" she brutal


are his wife to be, I expect you to be smart enough, I will not take it lightly

with anyone, who mess up with my family" she runts, she stood.


is my husband. And I will do anything, anything, to please him. I am getting married

to your son and not no one else, please ma, I may want to take my leave" she



make me regret why I accept you into this family, don't make me hate" she

groaned, Bolade walks in


she tact smiling


Kaima retorted, as the hug


how you doing sis and my nephew down there?" she request


and you?" she tact smiling


fine, I can see you and mother, is in a middle of a conversation" she retorted


I was taken my leave before you arrive, I may leave now, bye, bye mom" she tact

leaving, she picks her hand bag


take care, send my greeting to my big bro" she said


will" Kaima zoom off


what's up, I can see there is something not right here, who has offer you?" she

sits, place her smartphone and handbag on the central table, she picked her

phone pressing it


beginning to see reason, why this marriage will not work" she runt, siting


mouth wide open, a look of curiosity quested her face "What happen Mom?" she



is not the right woman for my son" he retorted


what have Kaima done?" she asked curiously


need a woman who will understand, act and see reasons with me, all I want is

the best for my son, and I can't found a woman who can think like I do, she

can't be with my son" she stood up, said so aggressively "I'm going to cut off

the wedding, that wedding will not hold" she added


he will come marry you. Jess, Mother what's it, do you want to ruin your son's

life?" she asked


broke down in tears, she sits "I don't want anything happened to my son, I

don't want to lose him like I lose his father" she said in tears


will happen to Adex, and you know how stubborn your son can be, please leave

Kaima out from this, she's doing her best" she retorted standing


I heard, she will join the protest" she grunts, Bolade leaving


I'm also part of it" she retorted, with her middle finger up, climbing up the

stairs, Bisi was shocked


day, Kaima walks into the room with a tray on it is a glass of water and a

tablet, Adex recline on the bed with his smartphone as he sees her he sits, she

placed it on a table


went over to see Mom, what was it about?" he requested


much, some woman talk" she retorted


picked the tablet from the tray peels it, throw it into his mouth "some woman talks

that I your husband shouldn't get involve" He exclaimed, drink a water.


to be" she gasped, avoiding his stares, Adex was throw off balance he walks to

meet her


what did my mother said, talk to me" he asked curiously


fine love, nothing to talk about. She was just worried about the protest, I

understand what is like for her, I know what so ever that is scaring her, must

be touching" she exclaimed


dad's death. It was planned, my father's death really ate Mother up, that's why

she's still affect" mute. "My Dad died in car accident, people who witness his

death, clarify he was killed, his car was hit by a truck which the driver

escape. My dad was a man of dignity, honesty and discipline. He fight against

the illicit leaders, he lives to protect and provide for the innocent people

across the state, he spent most of his time fighting for the state, never had

time for family, he wanted to make the country a better place for everyone, he

was love by all to the state people wanted him to run for election. then they

came for him, the day he left we were in the sitting room playing a game" grin.

" I can clearly recap X-box. So fun to be with, the call took him from me"

tears cloud his eye, he wipes them "As a little boy, I was sad seeing my dad

leave. The next day Mom had a call, we were preparing for school, Mom was combing

Bolade's hair as she Sings my favorite song it was in Yoruba, with a smile I

was just dancing to the song, the call changed everything.



phone rings, it was right beside the

table, unknown number she stares at it for some moment then pick


good morning sir, who I'm I speaking with" Bisi retorted


name is doctor Godson, I'm call from Nissara hospital, we are calling on behave

of your husband Major General Tunde ladepo" as same time a news a news pop up


the governor has assure the people as he comes back with a good deed for his

people in this coming election" The TV presenter said, no one was interested,

the kids have to go to school, all attention was and mind was the school

commitment which is every morning. Every eyes were now on the news. "He will

make sure he carries every one alone. It was a fatter accident, it was report at

lekki ikota and the road that leads to ikeja there was a terrible accident" the

video was displaying "it was stated he was rush to the nearest hospital, at Nissara

hospital, hopes he survive" the lady flips a page, speaking it like she was

murmuring everyone's mind was capture by the incident.


me and Bolade were taken to the hospital on are school uniform that day, mom

was directed to were dad was admitted, we weren't allowed at first, later the

doctor all us in, to blow the painful news" Adex still narrating


Mrs. Bisi we did are possible best, but we could get him to live, we are sorry

to announce the death of your husband" the Doctor said


mom blacks out, I felt like my breath was on hold, I cried, I ran to the room

my Father was, I was just shaking, moving the bed he lay wishing he could just

wake, but nothing happened. My mom spent a week in the hospital because of my

dad's death, I recall.


is so unfair, those are young boys, they are not experience" Tunder say through

the phone. "No send them back, we are not repenting that mistake again, they

just came into the system, they are novices Rufus, I'm not in support of this"

he grunts through the phone and hang. " so stupid" he added, Bisi was just

fitted beside him, Adex recline on a couch, covers his face with a book.


is it this time" Bisi massaging his back.


newly recruit young soldiers, has already been send to fight this destructive heartless

baggers, tormenting the state, knowing how terrible this is, how can. They are

kids" Tunder said so furious.


why are you always troubling yourself, over this. This is what the sign" she



see why, I don't like discussing things with you are" he gasped.


my husband, you can blame them" she firmed, knowing fully well he was going to

buy the idea of her opposite support.


wouldn't I, the keep resigning those mature well trained Mafias and keep

recruiting kids, because of their greed and unsatisfied lust for money" he said

the look on his face show the anger and grief he feels.


you know how mean and cruel this society is, you shouldn't stay. Let them do

whatever that pleases them, so. We can be safe" she said calmly


should watch them get killed. The know who this people are, and they are also

involved in all chaotic things happening in this country, and the want to send

innocent young, vibrant kids over there" He exclaimed, he acts like needle was pinned

all over his body.


understand, but…" she try to say.


don't understand, you are just taking the wrong side" he cut her up, so furious.

Adex eyes was fix on them, Bisi notice how, lost Adex was in their



is time to go to your room, get out" she scowl at him, Adex frowned going into

his room, he nudge his feet on the floor, like one who need to be pushed. He was so displeased, he so wish to hear his,

freedom fighter father to speak. "Keep moving" she added.


and Tunde was on a bicycle race, Adex finished his before Tunde, dropping from

the bicycle he jumped, nodding his head like she just win a trophy, giggling. Tunde

watch him all his teeth spread on the sun, clapping. I guess he wanted to see

him drive by the joy he was feeling.


I did it, I won" he scream, citing up the baby bicycle, Tunde brushes his head

with his palm, he giggle "Daddy" he tact


what my son?" He query.


want to be a soldier like you" he firmed.


Do you think, that's easy. You want to get your hands soak in blood, and do a

lot of dirty things, to survive?" he caution.


I must not kill to be a soldier" Adex brutal


part of your Job, you have to. You will get into a lot of trouble with the foe"

he firmed.


who are the enemy, why would I be in trouble?" Adex quested, all his mind and

focus was on what his father was going to say.


something you need to know son" he paused, narrow his eyes to caught a glimpse

of a cars passing by, as the sun hit

heavily on the poor nature. " is this,

you have to be good… always do the right thing, stand for true and fight for what you believe

is right, It pays. Tunde was his son mentor, best friend and Father.


this boy is too young to be taught all this" Bisi said dashing a meal, she adjust

Adex plate, dashing jellof rice.


what age should he learn, even my strawberry here should learn all this I

taught, because they are my kids" he caution, 

sip a glass of juice besides him, he was referring to Bolade, caresses

her braid her, she smiled he smiled back at her, as she sketch her father eating

standard. "The have to learn the value" he added.


not all this killing, crimes and all that" she caution.


was thirteen years during the second war, I was an errand boy. My Dad died

fighting the war. I carry bullet on my left shoulder running. it was as heavy

as two bag of cement. I placed them here on my shoulder" he said so brave and

proudly, hitting his shoulder with his palm, insert of resilience. " I saw

blood, bodies lying on the ground, Men were tasty for blood, people dead like

fowls" he grunts


Tunde, not here, not now we're in the dinner table" Bisi cried out, hit her

palm on her forehead, flinging her head, a sign of disagreement and stamina.


need to know, what war was like, so the would never think of it. Is a

destruction, it can take you far from your love ones, dreams and ambition. And

remember to always be good, dream big for you to live big" he caution.

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