Chapter 14: THREAT

 "This... how five-year relationship just ended. he must be so stupid, he doesn't know

the family his dealing with" Chinasa roar, rage evaporating from her vein, she

wanders around

"Sis is okay, is fine" kaima console


"What can we do? Nothing, a family anyone can walk in and mess up"

Nnenna retorted

"Mommy don't say that" she brutal,

 "I will say it" she grumbled. Her reaction tells the anguish, she was feeling. She

didn't want to speak; they look on her face proves. She went to her room, let's

the tears flow, she flips her head, her hands placed on the bed, she kept

flipping her head, as if she was on an argument with someone, she battles the

agony she was feeling. The door open, she wipes her eyes with her wear, Kaima

walked in.

She sits beside her. "Mommy, I'm sorry, I'm so

sorry" she pleaded


"Hey... is okay. be happy. it's a

good thing my daughter can conceived, you're better than so many women out

there" she tact, smiling. Wipes her eyes with her palm. She cuddles her "It's a

blessing, at least. You can indicate the man responsible, his from a good

family background, accountable and educated. I know, I can proudly say my

daughter wasn't sleeping around, it was just him. Despite when you were going

through the bush with him, I know" she said so ridiculously. looks at Kaima,

she smiled, at list she smiled after a long weeping. she wipes her tears, sob. 

"Among all my children, you're the bravest, strong and more mature in

decision making. That's why your late father, talks so much about you. you have

been the pillar of this family, and we still depend on you. How big is he to

bring my daughter down, whatever decision you make, I'm here for you" she wipes

Kaima's eyes? place her head on her shoulder. "we have gone through a lot, is

this enough to break us, you have to pick your piece together and move" she

caution, with so much energy, she pet her hair 


"She's been the one, taken care of me, she's such a nice girl" She said

to her husband. A patient. Kaima smiled

hand over the pills and water to her, smiled.

The Man was just sitting beside her, holding her

hand. "thank you my dear"

 "Thank you Sir, I really appreciate, so honoured to hear that, from you Ma." she retorts,

 A nurse walks in. "Ma, someone is here to see you, she's in your office" she said

"What did she say her name is?" she asked,

"she said I should just tell you, Bolade" she


 "Ok, thanks dear" she turned to the couple. "I will be right back" she tact smiling.

Kaima was just the acting doctor, she works with the authority given by her

Aunty who left to a teaching hospital where she's a lecturer. The good thing is

Kaima was opportune to work with her and she learn so much, but the bad thing,

is she can't be qualified as a medical doctor because of her less privilege to

be in school, but she is good, in her work.


In the office, Bolade sits opposite to the office chair, her sun glass hangs

on her hair, pressing her phone.


"Halo, welcome..." she tact smiling. Pulled off the cloves, as she went

to wash her hands, she walked in cleaning her hand with a tissue

 "Hi, really a dream come true" smiled. as she

crosses her leg together, stares at her.

"How you doing?" kaima asked, sitting on her

chair still on her smile


"Fine, I can see how you rocks on your doctor's wear. With just an O'

Level certificate, you're now a doctor. I pity those innocent creatures under

your course study" she brutal, smiling.


Kaima took a breath, swallow hard. "what do you want?" she grunts


"After what you did in our secondary school days, I don't think there's

any reason for me to be here. I'm still marvel, what exactly, my brother saw in

you" she said so arrogant.

She took another breathe. "What do you want?"

she repeats.


"Ok, I just came back from school, my brother told me what happened.

oh... my dear if I was you, I would have taken that road. long time ago,

without even his knowledge. Since it out now, my advice to you is to take it

out, before it gets to every ears. The fiasco it might cost you. The thought of

losing your job after what your family went through. It's like starting from

the scratch". Stood up walks to her. "You better take something to clean it up.

no one will know, let's just dust our hands and wash it off, are secret is save"

she caution 

"Get out!... out of my office, "she roared. as angry flow through her

vein. "Get out of my office, Bolade" she groaned stoop up. She hits her hand so

hard on the table, that the noise can wake a patient given a sleeping portion

"Five years is really a waste of time" she said. Pick her hand bag on

the table. "I wish you all the luck" she brutal leaving. "Bye" she tact

smiling. She left Kaima hauled everything on the table to the floor, she moaned. Fresh tears bust from her eyes, she places

her hands on her hair.



 "I think I would prefer purple gown, and for all my maidens, kind of put on a cup cap"

Chinasa tact.


"No, my dear is their choice to sow. Whatever dressed the wishes to, I

prefer you let them sow whatever the wish" Nnenna caution. 

"That's fine. Kofi called me, his coming back with his family, in two weeks'

time" she tact pressing her phone.


"Oh... I can't wait to see my in-laws. are the coming over here?" Nnenna ask smiling


"No!... why should they come here, he asked me to book a hotel for them,

we talked last night" she exclaimed

"Why not here?" she questioned.

 "Do you expect them to come stay here. Mommy here..., not my husband family" she

grunts. All her attention was on the phone, Nnenna smile tapping her, she turns

to her, smiled


"You don't know how happy I am, very soon. I will be expecting my

grandchildren. Now I laughed at my enemy" she tact. Giggling in practice of

what she said. Kaima walked in, her face torn up with anger and bitterness.


"Nne, are you back?" Nnenna query. Kaima ignored, it has been her

habits, when ever she is not in a good mood, she completely becomes, adamant.

She ignored her walking towards the room.

"Nne, I'm asking you" she retort


"Nne" is an Igbo name she normally calls her daughters which means

"Mother", she stood to join her, as Kaima walks into the room, Chinasa held her


"Mom, let me talk to her, I will go talk to her"

she stood, Nnenna sits back.

Chinasa knock. "please can I come in?" She asked, she ignored. She

knocked again, she still did retort. "I'm coming in. Ok..." she opened the

door, Kaima was lying on the bed, clutched tight the pillow.

"Can we talk about it?" she asked petting her


 "He sent her sister to mock me, Adex has really hurt me, why would he. What did I

ever do?" she moaned.

"Is ok, it's not the end of road for you, you

deserve the best" she cautioned.


"I did love Adex, I was always with him, I know I might not be the right

person for him but I give my all for this relationship, I love him with all my

heart" she sobbed.


"Kaima, please stop. Ok...the right man will come for you; he doesn't

deserve a drop of your tear" she counsel. Placed her head on her chest


 "I think I'm done here, I will see you before I leave from work today" Kaima tact


"your day has been blessed, my dear. have a wonderful day, wish you the

best of luck" the patient's said,


"Thank your sir" she retorts. So astound beaming with a smile. Her smart phone rings. she picks it from her

coat, stares at it. It's a message. Adex

normally send her a message, that praise her beauty and call her Five to six

times a day, just to know how she's doing. But after the misunderstanding, he

has never call or send her message. she has the ringing tone she stores his

numbers with, she knows when his message and call pop up. Now she has call it a

quit, she has deleted every thing that brings him up, she has to move on. And

she will give birth to her baby, as well as taken care of him or her.

The message said

"Hi, beautiful queen, how

is your day going, hope you're not choke up with work" she reads

The message came with unknown number. She smiled, she guessed its some of her patients that keep approaching her.


"Doctor Kaima your attention is needed at the hall, it's emergency" the

telegram announced, it keeps repeating, her name. Her heart race fast, as if it

was about to explode. It always emergency calling for a patient's urgently

needs an attention or what she no nothing about, she was scared it might be

beyond her knowledge to attend to any patients, even duel she have had

experienced. Not all by herself. She walks as fast as her leg could carry her.

Walking out of the room, she saw four doctor pushing a hospital bed, from a

ward to the exit, which full force. It baffles her instead of moving to the

emergency room, they were moving outside the building. She wandered why, a lot

question keeps popping into her head, they body was just lying on the bed, no

sign of pain or injury on the patient's body. She tries to see the patient's

face but couldn't, because of how fast the move, she walks to the direction the

moving. They stop in front of crowd of people, smiling and staring at her. She

felt like some celebrity walking into a fan base. The four of them line up, the

first pulled off the coat he wore. Something written on his wear. "WILL" in

bold letter on his wear

 The second pulled off his coat. "YOU"

The third did the same thing, on his coat is written.


As well as then the fourth. "ME"


Adex stood up from the bed. They make way for him as he walks to her,

kneeling. with a ring in a box curve like a heart opened,


"Please say yes" he tact. Nnenna

walks out of the crowd, Chinasa Joined her. Bolade and Bisi followed. She marvels,

seeing them alone melt her heart, she felt really betrayed, but a feeling grows

down her heart, it was something she has never felt before. Adex has met Nnenna

early to decipher his intention towards his future with Kaima

 "I know I have wrong you, what I did was really wrong but I'm here to make it up" he tact


"Come on. Girl, say yes..." a voice said, every eyes she meets, was just

repeating same word, she was feeling too good and excited. She turns to Adex

who was just kneeling in front of her, like she was a princess. The feeling

turns to agony, she buried her face on her hands, her hands glide down to her

mouth, her eye was wet, she turns to leave, someone ran after her. Grab her



"Come on, girl. What more do you want, don't do this" Bolade said. Kaima

sob, wiping her eye

"Please, don't do this." she pleaded, Kaima

turned walking back, Bolade cuddle her.


"Please don't turn me down" he pleaded, still kneeling

 She inhaled, nodding as she stretches her hand towards him "Yes" she tact, he put

the ring in her finger, stood up snogged her so passionately.


"Those few days, I spent without you, was like the most terrible moment

for me. no calls, no messages, I felt like my heart stop". grinding his teeth,

his eye cloud with tears. "I have to see you or hear your voice. Just to

breathe everyday. I did that, because I want to trust you with my kids, to be

sure my kids are safe" he brutal.

 "I can't believe you...you want to know if I'm some murderer that terminates peoples' children through

adoption, so you can trend in your so call career" she grunts, so divested.


"No, no, no" she pulled away from him. He struggles with her to get her

to get. "That's not what I mean, I'm sorry, I made you feel that way but I can

never do such to you" he pleaded

"than what do you mean?" she asks, folding her hands. He grabs her hands

cross his hands around her waist, place his head

on her shoulder "I trusted you with my own life, I love you more than my own

self. If you want me to marry you, right now, right this minute, I will. The

day you told me you were pregnant, I felt complete. It was like I have

everything I could ever ask for. My love, I was so happy. Because I only have

few years to live" He paused, as she turned to face him, her mouth wide open. "And I have a

heart disease, it has eaten me up. Remember the day you visited me at the

hospital, I pleaded with my family, not to let you know. Because I was scared

you might leave me, if you found out". tears drop down his eye. "I beg you to

place your hand on my chest, even without taken drugs, that alone healed me. My

heart felt strong, with just the touch of your hand on it, you were like a

healing to my soul. Anyone who wanted me to live, would never do anything to

keep you away from me, because my life depended on you" he grinds his teeth.

Placed his hands on his mouth, tears rolling down his eyes, he wipes them.

"That's why mother care so much about you, the day my sister almost fought with

you in school, was because I came back home, crying because I caught you with a

guy. She knew what that was to me and what it might cost me" he paused. Placed

his hands on his pocket, smile. Kaima was so dumbfounded, as she stares at him.


He turns to face the wall. "Now you know what you mean to me" he tact,

she crosses her hands on his waist.


Kissed his shoulder. "I will spend the rest of my life, with you. Where

ever you go I go, I will be with you till the end and I will die with you" she



 "It's that all you want" she nods. Smiling

"yes, thank you" the waitress hand her over,

hand her over the fancy back, Adex took one from her 

"Please, can I pay with the P.O.S" he tact, search for his card in his

wallet. The waitress brought out the P.O.S. under the canter, Adex hand her

over the ATM card, Complete the transaction leaving. A man run across them, as an

officer run after him. They we're just standing in front of the restaurant. The

officer pulls out a gun, Adex brought out his phone.


"Babe get into the car" he exclaimed. As Kaima held into the passage's

sit. He hushed to the drivers sits. He films

"Babe, what are you doing?" Kaima whisper


"Stop there! I say stop

there!" he roared. As his second, run

towards them. "If you don't stop I will

shoot you" he grunts, the young man stopped, placed his hands on his head


"What's my offense? what have I done?" he inquiry. The 2nd officer, dice him a slap, he screamed in so much pain, holding his cheek


"Officer what's my offense? I didn't rob anybody, neither did I kill

someone, so why are you doing this to me?" he cry out. The 1st

officer throw punch on him, he landed of the floor,


"Shut up! I will kill you here and nothing will happen, no one will question me" the 2nd Officer roared. "Where is the key, give us the

money or you give us the key?" he asked.

 "What money, I can't give you my money, I didn't steal it, the car is mine. I'm a businessman,

who work hard for my money. Tell me my offense, what did I do, it's right to

know what I did, you can't be harassing me let this" he grunt


"Ok, please what's the problem, what did he did. This a grown up man,

you're treating like this, and is against human rights. Let us know what he

did" He exclaimed. One of the Officer landed a dirty slap on him


"You better stay out of this place, leave here now" he yelled, pushing

him, as he leave

"Don't push me I will leave" he groans, leaving.


"lets go to the car" he roars, pulled him on his trouser, dragging him

"I'm not going anywhere; you have to tell me my offense" he said so persistent


"Babe, please let's go" she pleaded with him.


"Babe, I really need this, you don't know how long I have been kneeling

for this shot. Please love" he pleads. Kaima putting her sit belt, they heard a

gun shot. Blood gushing out from the mans body, kaima gasped her hand place on

her opened mouth, her heart race

 "Give me that phone?" the 1st Officer roared. smash the smart phone one

the tad road.

every piece falls to a direction, it was beyond

repair, as he bangs on it with so much force. 


Kaima grab the smart phone from Adex, hidden it under the dashboard "please,

let's leave here now" she exclaimed, Adex revised


The other officer released a bullet to the air, every one on his or her

feet, runs as fast as their leg could take them, far from where the bullets

might land. it's a dead sentence to record when an Officer is involved in an

incident. If caught you're either beating up and you phone is destroyed or you

are lock up and still won't get your phone, Adex and Kaima was already out of

the scene.



Getting home, Bisi was just parading around the building, panicking,

murmuring. She hushes to them waiting in patiently at the driver's opening,

Adex glance at her, as Kaima step down.


"Are you ok, did anything happened to you?" Bisi interrogated, she made

kaima turned around


"Mommy, I'm fine, we're ok" kaima retorted smiling, as she scans her

through, Kaima so stunned. Adex pack the

car walks towards them, counting his step, seeing Bisi reaction, he flings his

head in stigma

"Why didn't you pick my calls?", And why would

you take her to such a violent space?" she grunts, he ignored her walking into

the house.

"Adex, I'm talking to you" she roared. As she joined him, walks inside

the house. She sits, ranting. Adex knew his silence wasn't going to solve the

problem, he turns to her. Kaima was just gazing at them, smiling. Adex felt

like running out of the house because of Bisi's nagging, when ever she starts

nagging he either leave the house or lock himself up in the room, and just look

for something to lock his ears.

"You just heard her say she's fine, everybody is ok" he mumbled, he just hopes it was going to save him.

"But somebody died?" she yelled.

"But nobody is hurt here" he retorted, so


"Did you know how worried I was, I called you

series of time but you didn't pick" she groans, Adex sits on a couch.

"So you can kill someone with heart attack" he moaned, Kaima tap him, eyeing him. 

"What if something had happened, she's still somebody's daughter. You haven't

done anything on her head, despite you did an introduction" she nagged

"Babe, can we please? go into the room and leave

this place for this woman" he said. Bisi's words was like an ant biting him in

every part of his body, he was getting it.

"But that's not even marriage" she grunts.

Adex grab Kaima's hand "mommy is fine" Kaima

pleaded consoling.

 "It's not fine". She still speaking to Adex. "You're still a small boy, you haven't

gone anywhere. Because you can pregnant a woman doesn't mean, you're a man" she


"You see why, I told you I don't want to be

here" he said to Kaima.

"Mom, please let him be, at least everyone is

safe. I'm ok, his fine and the baby is perfectly ok" she pleaded


"If not for you my beloved". Pointing at Adex "This boy, if he has not

gone for that stupid career, I wouldn't be acting like this. He will want to

take numbers, pictures and videos of everything that happened there. He

wouldn't rest" she said. So aggressive leaving, she speaks like she knew him

more than he knows himself, there eyes meets she glared at him. Frowned zoom to

the room.

"You see why, I can't wait to live in my own

house, I have already shown you the house I want to buy" he grumbles, Kaima

sits on his lap.


"what is still holding you, you will be the one to come looking for me"

she said from behind. Kaima force his mouth close, by clutching them with her

hand. She said as if it came from her heart. 

Bisi would prefer Bolade living far from her, then Adex. She never stops calling him, till the car

zoom into the building, her mind went at rest. Kaima and Adex were preparing

for their wedding, which was coming up after Chinasa's wedding. Yes, the girl

was about to take an oath


"My family, was also worried. she has the right to" she said so

supportive. Adex frowned, turns to another direction. She turns his face to

face her, place a kiss on his lips



"How did this happened?" IG roared. fling the file on the table to the

floor, everything in the file flies to different directions.


"We are sorry sir, it was mistake" the officer said, trembling. His feet

couldn't stay stable on the ground

 "Sorry, is that what you are going to tell the world, every eye has seen this, what

excuse do you have. How can you be so careless, do you know how many times I

have had close door meeting with MR President. Over this. They press are on my

neck to have interviewed with me about this incident, how could you be this

careless to let this slip from your hand?" he yells.

 "I have dismissed those two idiot, it will never happen again" he said as his

voice break.

 "This same mistake has happened, time past. This is the evidence the need to tore us

down, and you're saying it will never happen. Let me make this clear to you, if

in any means my name gets tag in any of this news reports, you will not just

lose your job, you will spend your miserable life in jail" he vows. His eyes so

devilish and the sentiment in his voice, freeze him the more. 

"And of all people, who could carry this information, is that Devil

called Marshall Wendy, do you know the turmoil, this will cost me" stood up. "I

would have fade it away if it was just those maggot news reporters. Marshall,

is not some one you can just throw off balance" he grunts.

"sir, what can I do, please tell me?" he pleaded


"Get out of my office, you're are just a bunch of idiot" he roared, he flames

like a fire. He dashes out of his office.

 "I need to do something" he Panic. wandering around. "Black. I need Black" he searches

his phone contact with his sight. He dials a number

"Halo sir, how can I be of help?" He grumbles.

"I want to see you" he retorts.

"send location and time, I will be right their

sir. have a nice day sir" he tact. The phone hang

"Marshall Wendy, you have cross the line, I will bring you down" he moaned.


Mr Marshall Wendy, is one of the undefeatable Television presenter.

Where a spare is called a spare. Every report delivered by his industry, breaks

any one involved.

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