White Online

Chapter 632 The Death of...

Chapter 632 The Death of...

The battle raged in space. The corpses floated, some frozen, and some were about to. Each battle had enough power to shatter a moon.

God Zeus summoned several lightning bolts, and threw them at hundreds of demons. They were instantly charred to ashes. After killing them, his gaze turned to the rest of the Demon Lords. They were nonchalantly watching the battle, as if it wasn't worth their time.

Some distance away, Simo weaved through the attacks of demons, and then pulled the trigger, which sent a ray of fire across the space. The demons cried out in agony before turning to ashes.

''Fire Wolves!'' Simo cried out, and summoned hundreds of fire wolves, who attacked the demons greedily. He had the ability to summon fire creatures, but that wasn't his entire strength. His true strength lied in his snow-based abilities. He learned some fire skills to balance his power.

A few clicks away was a battle between Miyamoto Musashi, and a dark-skinned demon. The demon threw taunts, and insults at his opponent. Miyamoto wore a traditional Japanese outfit, which was in the color of blue with sakura leaves. Two blades hung from their scabbards while he weaved through the attacks without drawing his weapons.

He grabbed the demon by his throat, then snapped it in half, and used his palm as a blade as he cut through the demon's head.

After seeing the scene, Dukeran finally opened his aged eyes. He saw Miyamoto's skill, and the sword in his scabbard trembled. There was a powerful opponent nearby!

''Finally, a proper swordsman.'' Dukeran grinned, and his boredom was long gone. He drew his weapon. It was a Katana with a red hilt.

Anti-Social turned towards Dukeran with a frown. He then turned to Miyamoto, and turned his gaze back to the battlefield. He never expected Dukeran to become excited. He always sought strong swordsmen, but there was no better swordsman than him among the demon race.

Thus, knowing that he became excited made Anti-Social increase the threat level of the so-called legacy figures. He expected them to be cannon fodder, but there seemed few stronger than even Gods.

Miyamoto frowned, and turned around. He saw Dukeran slowly floating toward him.

'He is strong. Subarashi!' Miyamoto grabbed the hilt of his katana, and drew it. It had a hilt in color of black, and had strange marks. The atmosphere grew as the two figures neared each other. Both raised their katanas, and slashed them down.

The two blades clashed, and produced large sparks. Miyamoto's eyes suddenly flashed with amazement. He felt like he had collided with a freight train!

Dukeran pushed Miyamoto backward, then put the katana before him, and slashed repeatedly. Miyamoto blocked the first slash, but was instantly pushed hundred meters backward. Dukeran immediately followed, and continued with slashes.

Miyamoto's eyes widened, and he desperately parried the strikes instead. The blocking didn't work, so he had to parry instead!

However, each parry took a large toll on his hands. The palms were getting injured just by holding the hilt!

''Haaaaa!'' Miyamoto shouted, and parried repeatedly. His arms looked like illusionary afterimages as he swung the katana as quickly as he could.

Dukeran moved with a relaxed expression. As soon as his strike was parried, he altered the grip slightly, and slashed from a different angle. It was his sword style, called Omnisword!

Miyamoto was suffering under the relentless strikes. He was shocked. He had never fought against a swordsman this strong before!

He had gotten used to death matches, where one mistake was fatal, and he again felt that feeling, which he thought he had lost a long time ago. A smile crept across Miyamoto's face as his movements became more fluid. The parries became more accurate, and slowly the burden lessened!

Dukeran was amazed. He could feel that Miyamoto wasn't feeling as much stress as before. It only meant that he was adapting to his fighting style, and was slowly growing stronger!

''Good, good, good!'' Dukeran slashed with a grin stretched across his face. The blade of his katana pushed Miyamoto's katana away, completely breaking his stance!

''Not good!'' Miyamoto saw Dukeran moving the katana into a thrusting stance. He was prepared to finish this in one move!

Dukeran's grin grew as he launched forward, and drove the katana forward. Miyamoto's stance was still in shambles, and he couldn't move the katana in time to parry. Even if he could, the stance was ruined, and he couldn't do proper parry!

Miyamoto's shocked face slowly turned calmer. His left hand, was touching the hilt of his second blade. Since the start of the battle, he hadn't used both of his hands!

It was widely known that the katana couldn't be used properly with one hand. It always needed two hands to properly operate. However, even Dukeran didn't notice that Miyamoto was only using one hand!

He drew the second katana, and from a blind angle, slashed at Dukeran.

'?!' Dukeran saw the flash of the blade. After seeing the second hand using the second katana, he realized that he had fallen into Miyamoto's trap. 'How I didn't notice that he only used one hand? I should be able to notice that without any problems! What did this man do?'

''Niten-Ichi Ryu, Dragon Fang!'' Miyamoto slashed, and the katana went through Dukeran's throat, and completely severed his head from his body...

Dukeran's head flew in the air, and a relaxed expression appeared on his face. He had never felt happier than now. This was what swordsmanship was all about. To have a battle where one mistake could cost one's life. He never managed to use even half of his total strength, but that didn't matter... he lost.

The light dimmed from Dukeran's eyes, and his body grew still.

Dukeran, Demon Lord of the Fourth Heaven, has died!

The Demon Lords, and Gods widened their eyes in shock. They never expected this scene to happen!

The Demons stopped their attacks, and for the first time in their conquest, they felt fear! For the first time since the dawn of time, a Demon Lord has died!

''Whew...'' Miyamoto slipped the katanas into scabbards, and smiled, ''That was a good fight.''

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