White Online

Chapter 631 The Lost Legacy.

Chapter 631 The Lost Legacy.

''Hah!'' Isaac's eyes opened with a slam. He saw his familiar bedroom, and suddenly felt a wave of coldness sweeping over him. He then remembered that he died in White Online, and lost his legacy...

With blank, and almost emotionless eyes, he sat up, and looked silently at the white wall. Before, he thought that by losing his legacy, he would only be sad, and get over it in a week or so. However, this feeling was worse than he anticipated. He felt pathetic, like he had betrayed someone's trust.

'Simo... I am sorry.' He covered his face, and tried to use any of his legacy skills--he couldn't. He was stronger than an ordinary human, and his vision was way above human capabilities. He could even feel the presence of items near him, but none of his skills worked.

Everyone had different experiences after dying as a legacy carrier. Some lost all their strength, some became outright crippled, and some kept all their abilities, but couldn't grow stronger. In Isaac's case, he couldn't use any of his skills.

Isaac revealed his pained face, and bit his lip strong enough to make it bleed. First, some strange demonic creatures attacked, and now everyone was in danger of dying. Then, Bella's betrayal came to light, then she killed him, making him lose his legacy. This, might have been the worst day of his life.

The incident with Oliver was nothing compared to this.

Tap... tap... tap... Isaac turned his gaze to the ceiling. A tapping sound rang from the attic, and he knew immediately who caused it. With his depressed look, he stood up, and felt like his knees were being buckled by an invisible force. However, he managed to keep standing, then left the room, and went straight to the attic.

The cozy-looking attic came into view after opening the hatch. The TV screen mounted on the wooden wall showed the news, where serious-looking people talked. At the windowframe, Snowy Owl stood silently while cold wind blew into the attic.

''Hey...'' Isaac stroked the owl's feathers, and closed the window. It was like the Snowy Owl could feel his depression.

Tap, tap, tap. Isaac looked at the Snowy Owl, who pecked his hand, like it was telling him to pat its feathers. Isaac managed to let out a strained chuckle, and stroked its feather.

While moving his hand back, and forth in Snowy Owl's body, he turned to the TV, and watched the News. It showed images of a flash of light. It came from outer space. Everyone was sure that they were being attacked, but no one got confirmation.

Isaac sighed, and saw that the Snowy Owl turned to the window, looking at its reflection. The Owl wanted to leave. He opened the window, and watched as the Owl glided across the sky, and left. At the same time, he saw the thundering lights coloring the skies in a yellowish, and bluish sheen.

''So, this is World of White...'' Isaac murmured as he could see the World of White in the distance with his great eyesight. During night it wasn't that visible. However, at night it was. It also brought wide-spread panic at first, but then scientists found out that it was World of White!

The place they had long-awaited to find was finally revealed!

Isaac closed the windows, then drew the curtains, and sat on a soft pillow while cuddling himself. His gaze never wavered as he looked at the news. However, he had a hard time concentrating. This was the most dangerous time, where humans might perish, and he happened to lose all his power!

He couldn't protect anyone anymore!

''Argh... " A sudden headache assaulted Isaac's mind out of nowhere. A vision of an illusionary flower, then an image of a holographic screen, appeared in his memory. But, they disappeared almost immediately, like a mist.

''What was that...'' He frowned, and held his head. The headache was gone. Before the vision was gone, he was quite certain that he had heard a voice. A very gentle voice, who called for help...

Isaac shook his head, and thought he had heard wrong. He expected it was some kind of trauma he suffered from losing his legacy suddenly.

He then turned his gaze back to the news. There was nothing else on the national TV channels, so he went to Snowstar news. There, he expected to see nothing interesting, but then, the news reported a sudden prison break. At first, it all started with someone called Oliver, who was sent there for attempted murder... after that, a dozen other inmates escaped.

'Oliver... attempted murder... don't tell me!' Isaac's face froze. His heart raced, and he immediately pulled out his phone. He checked the news about it, and found the identity of the person. It was Oliver...

''No... no!'' Isaac held the phone above his head, about to smash it on the floor. However, he managed to calm down, and pocketed his phone. He covered his face with his lips slowly curling downward into a sad smile. With his legacy, he would go instantly after him. But now, he didn't dare to.

He felt much weaker, even though he still had most of his physical strength left. But, even those were slowly leaving. He could feel it. His godly strength was leaving his mortal body. The chains might have been broken, but his mortal body couldn't handle so much strength.

He might be the strongest person who lost his legacy. It was unknown what kind of effects he would have.

''How did he manage to escape...'' Isaac thought aloud. He didn't expect Oliver to be able to perform a prison break. He knew him better than anyone, and he didn't have that kind of skill set in disposal. Meaning... he must have either worked with someone else, or got help from outside...

''What about Luke, and others...'' He quickly checked, and soon found that they were still rotting in prison. He sighed a relief, and started searching every news about Oliver. He wanted to see if he could find out where he went...

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