Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 86

Chapter: 86

If you asked which adventure tale is the oldest in human history, countless scholars would unanimously mention the tale of the Nameless Hero.

Long ago, when monsters suddenly appeared in the world and caused suffering to many, a Nameless Hero chosen by the Goddess of Life drew the Hero’s Sword.

This hero, who sliced through powerful monsters that even human armies couldn’t defeat—monsters that would later be called Elite Monsters—became the hope of many.

Though he was an orphan with nothing, the fact that he could rise to become a hero through endless effort only increased his popularity. However, some critics argued that he “grew” thanks to the external factor of the Goddess’s choice.

Setting aside such personal biases, the adventure tale of the Nameless Hero, the first hero, has been passed down through the mouths of many and remains to this day.

Interestingly, it is said that the hero’s first adventure began with a runaway caused by a quarrel with the proxy of the Goddess who had raised him.

– About the Nameless Hero.

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The hero has set off on an adventure!

Using the marked coordinates of the hero, I took out a simple snack to watch his adventure unfold.

Hmm. If the hero finds out that I’m watching his adventure like it’s entertainment, will he get mad?

But I can’t help but watch. If some weirdo tries to meddle with the hero, I’ll have to smite them with divine punishment! Maybe make a rock fall or something.

Well, he’s not going to fall for some petty trick anyway. I put in so much effort to raise him!

I’d say I’ve raised him to be pretty excellent. The current hero has earned the title of a true hero.

This hero, who has become such a figure, has left the Dragon’s Tomb and hit the road.

It’s a road frequented by pilgrims journeying to and from the temple, so there are hardly any monsters around. The hero strolled down this road leisurely.

Hmm. Did he not consider that I might be following him? His steps are so carefree, as if he has nothing urgent to do.

Well, I had no intention of chasing after him. I’ll just keep an eye on him from afar and help indirectly when he needs it.

The hero’s adventure was quite dull so far.

I mean, it’s a place where trouble is unlikely to pop up. It’s the road where the pilgrims of the Temple of Life travel, and most of them are either capable of fending off monsters or are dragons in disguise.

So, it pretty much means that the road traveled by the Temple of Life’s pilgrims is safe.

And that’s how the hero’s first adventure kicked off as a leisurely trip.

Well, it’s just the beginning of the adventure. I’ll keep watching for a while.

“Mom, what are you doing here?”

I turned my head towards the voice to see a golden-haired girl standing there with a curious look.

It was Shamash, the incarnation of light.

“Huh? Is that you, Shamash?”

“Yes! I’m Shamash, the goddess of light, justice, and law!”

This kid’s always so cheerful. It wouldn’t make sense for the goddess of light to be gloomy.

“For the past few years, you’ve been living with a human child and now you’re here alone, so I got curious. Are you tired of raising that human child?”

“Not at all. It’s just that kid seems to want some alone time, so I’m keeping an eye on him.”

If I’m not here when the hero returns, he might freak out.

“Hmm… Such devotion to the human child, very motherly of you!”

“What’s so motherly about it?”

“Well, you’ve raised us seven as if we were your own children, even though we’re not related by blood. If the kindest being exists in this world, that’d be you, Mom.”

The kindest being, huh.

“Even after turning all those dragons into what they are now?”

“Well, we and those kids were the ones who messed up. Now I get why you were so angry.”

Hmm, hearing that from the goddess of justice puts me a bit at ease.

“Anyway, why did that human child suddenly run away?”

“Not sure. Maybe something didn’t sit well with him?”

I probably should have talked to him more instead of pushing him too hard.

“What a fortunate child. He doesn’t even realize how good of an opportunity he has.”

“Don’t say that. He’s just a human child, after all. He’ll live maybe 100 years at most; a short life that won’t allow him to gather wisdom like you over countless eras.”

“But still…”

“And you all made mistakes once too, just like that kid.”

At my words, Shamash fell silent like a bee-stung mute.

“Anyway, don’t speak ill of that child. He’s just a little lost, that’s all.”

“Sigh. Okay, fine. If you say so, Mom.”

Even if I can’t guide the wandering kids or look at them kindly, I shouldn’t badmouth them.

“But what’s the plan with raising that child?”

“Um… Monster hunting?”

That’s the official story, anyway.

Except, of course, for the tiny dark fragments lurking inside some of those top-tier monsters.

“Monster hunting, huh… That’s a pretty absurd goal. Honestly, if that’s the plan, why not just take matters into your own hands and wipe them all out?”

Well, that’s true.

“But it’s just too much of a hassle for me to go out and do that.”

“So can’t you create something like the golems that guard the Underworld?”

Like Talos, perhaps?

“That’s… True, but…”

“I don’t quite get why you’d bother with something so tedious. Is this really that meaningful?”

Shamash threw a sharp remark! A critical hit! I was left reeling!

Honestly, she’s right! It’d be way more efficient to power a single human rather than this whole situation!!!

“Ah, but…”


“The hero is like a romantic ideal, you know…”

Romantic ideal.

In this model of a world that I could easily upend if I wanted to… How crucial is it to fulfill that romantic ideal!

If I had only considered efficiency, would I have gone through the trouble of managing this world? Nope! Why would I do something tedious like that!

Anyway, the romantic ideal is important. Yes, indeed!

“Romantic ideal? What’s that?”

“It’s about giving up the rational and optimal path, and stubbornly following an irrational one.”

“What does that even mean?”

I lightly shook my head.

“You’re still too young to grasp the romantic ideal.”

“No, is there really a point in understanding something so illogical? This makes no sense to me!”

“The romantic ideal isn’t something to be understood with the mind. It’s just what your heart commands you to do.”

That’s why I made the whimsically irrational choice to create a hero!

Of course, Shamash still looked confused, as if unable to comprehend.

“Well, I didn’t think you’d get it right away. The romantic ideal is always hard to grasp.”

“Ugh… I may not get it perfectly, but if Mom puts such importance on it, it’s gotta mean something! Alright, I’ll strive to understand this romantic ideal too!”

“No, I didn’t say to go that far…”

I couldn’t bring myself to say, “If it was easy to understand, it wouldn’t be a romantic ideal!”

How could I say something like that to her?

“Ah, by the way! I heard from Sylphid that you’re bothering a human? Is that true?”

“Hmm? Ah, I have been bothering him, yes.”

Just so you know, I’m still bothering him whenever the chance arises!

With a feeling of ‘Taste my creator-level pettiness!’

“It’s so unlike you to easily do something like that, Mom. Is there a reason behind it?”

“Reason? Well, he just insulted me in my own temple. That’s all.”

“Huh? He did that to you?”

At that moment, a blinding light erupted from Shamash’s face. Wowza.

“What’s up with that idiot!!! How dare he do that to Mom!!! I can’t let him live!! I’ll burn him to ashes with my light right now!!!”

“Whoa, whoa, calm down. I’m already bothering him! Just dim your shine a bit, it’s too dazzling.”

“But! How could he dare! To my MOM!!”

Shamash was so mad, they were running out of words.

“Ahem. Sorry for showing you an unsightly scene.”

“Right? You rarely get this furious.”

“I do have my moments.”

Only then did Shamash turn off the light radiating from her face. I just discovered this kid shines when she gets angry.

“So, who’s the guy that dared to mess with you, Mom?”

“He was the second prince of the Arcad Kingdom, but now he’s been banished and is wandering.”

“If he’s wandering, do you know where he is now?”

“Um… It’s hard to explain his location in words.”

I tapped Shamash’s forehead lightly and showed her the location of Orcus, the former second prince of the Arcad Kingdom.

“By the way, I’ve put a curse on him to make sure he can’t die.”

“Is that so? Hmm… Then let’s just throw a curse on him that makes him burn in sunlight!”

Casually tossing out such a terrifying curse.

Well, that idea isn’t half bad, I guess.

While I was chatting with Shamash, the hero had entered a human village.

I wonder how that kid, who has spent so long with just me, will interact with other people…

And that hero was…

“Hello! Is this your first time in this village?! Wow, you look amazing!! Are you a hunter? No, with that giant sword, you must be a soldier or a warrior, right?”

“Uh, um… Well… you see…”

And just like that, he was being bombarded by an energetic girl right at the village entrance.

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