Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 85

Chapter 85: The Hero’s Training Begins

The hero’s sword is ready.

The hero’s power is also adequate now.

He has also become skilled at handling magical energy.

Now all that’s left is to see if the hero can indeed take down monsters.


“Alright, it’s time for hunting training.”

It’s time to teach our hero about the weight of taking a life.

“Um… what is that…?”

“You see? It’s a slime.”

I kicked the squirming slime at my feet.

Slimes, the foundational creatures of life in this world.

While some slimes have evolved into various forms, others are still living as slimes.

Well, since they didn’t need to mutate, they just multiplied instead, living in the ecological pyramid’s bottom layer, breaking down waste and debris, and helping keep the environment clean as precious beings.

“I get that it’s a slime, but why…?”

“You need to practice harming living beings.”

If I told him right off the bat to kill a huge monster, he would naturally be reluctant.

It’s all about starting small and gradually moving up.

And since slimes are weak enough that even kids can stomp on and kill them, I doubt even a kind-hearted hero will have much trouble with this.

Honestly, aside from me, the one who created them, I bet no one else sees slimes as living beings.

“Go on, give it a try.”

I nudged the slime towards the hero again, and after a bit of hesitation, he swung his sword.


The mushy body of the slime was instantly reduced to bits.

Well, considering slimes are so weak that a simple stomp can kill them, this should be a piece of cake.

“So the hero’s job… involves harming other lives.”

“That’s right. It’s about slaying nasty monsters to save others.”

I guess being kind-hearted isn’t easy for him, huh?

But he needs to get used to it. He can’t hesitate when facing other monsters.

“If cutting one to save ten… I shouldn’t hesitate. If I do, dozens or even hundreds of lives could be lost.”

“Exactly! It won’t be easy, but prepare yourself.”

At my words, the hero nodded with determination.

Good. I’m relieved to see he’s not just a goody-two-shoes.

If that good heart of his drives him to save others, it’ll be a powerful force.

So I rounded up various live monsters for the hero’s training.

From ordinary horned rabbits to fire- or lightning-wrapped wild dogs, shadowy cows, and giant bugs that tear up the earth.

Bit by bit, the hero grew accustomed to killing living beings, but it was clear he was struggling more and more.

“Are you okay?”

“Huff… Yes… I’m fine…”

The hero took a deep breath, his shoulders heaving. Guess pushing him continuously isn’t easy, huh?

“Okay then, let’s call it a day.”

“No, I’m fine.”

“Oh come on. Check your own condition. How can you say that when you’re not at your best?”


I shook my head and said,

“Stop being stubborn. How can you save others if you can’t even understand your own condition? If you collapse without knowing your limits, who will protect others? Now go wash up and rest already.”

With my scolding, the hero hung his head without a word, and I snapped my fingers to send him off to his room.

He seemed a bit disgruntled, but honestly, he looked wiped out.

Speaking of which…

“Others aside, I put some thought into catching this sandworm. And yet he managed to cut it down…”

I gazed in astonishment at the vertically sliced sandworm.

I was a bit worried it could be dangerous… but it seems the hero’s skills are even stronger than I expected.

With this, he shouldn’t have issues being overpowered by monsters.

[Wow! A human cut a massive worm? Is this guy really human?]

“Sylphid. You’re back.”

[Yes, Mom. I did as you asked and gave that human a bit of a hard time.]

I nodded at Sylphid’s words. I had instructed her to annoy the wandering Second Prince of the Arcad Kingdom a bit, and she seemed very pleased after tossing him into a storm.

[How dare he covet you, Mom! He deserved a thousand deaths! I gave him a hard time!]

“It was something to see a person flailing about in a storm like rubbish. Also, the way you controlled your power so skillfully to avoid hurting other humans? Impressive.”

[Heheh. I’ve been honing my power control for hundreds of years!]

I smiled at Sylphid’s response.

“As a reward for doing my bidding… I should give you a gift.”

[Oh my! Are you returning the scales? You don’t have to!]

“Of course not the scales.”

I have zero intention of giving those back. Just pretending to be humble while being greedy, huh?

[Then what’s the gift if not the scales?]

“It’s a spell to create a physical body, though not as good as the scales.”

I taught Sylphid the spell to create an avatar.

“It’s a magic that lets you use a human body as your own. Of course, it won’t be as strong as a dragon’s body, but it’ll be sufficient for you to explore this world.”

[It’s not the scales, so I’m a little disappointed, but this will do! Thank you, Mom!]

“Don’t mention it. You’re the one who found those monsters for me.”

While I trained the hero, Sylphid had been busy sending out wind spirits to locate dangerous monsters.

She found the locations of monsters too strong for humans to handle, preventing them from harming people.

This sandworm was one of those threatening creatures.

[It was causing quite a stir in the hot desert. Ifrit was even thinking of dealing with it himself.]

“The Ifrit, who usually doesn’t budge? Huh… He must have been pretty upset.”

[What was it? It almost attacked a village on the desert’s edge. But Ifrit was already watching over that village…]

So, even if Ifrit didn’t show it, he was keeping an eye on the Mage’s village, Babel.

That guy, seriously…

“But, Mom.”


Before I knew it, Sylphid had created an avatar and stood before me. Quick on the uptake.

“What do you plan to do with such a strong human? Are you going to use him to conquer all humans?”

Sylphid’s expression, as she said that, was oddly excited.

What’s going on with her?

“Why would I do that? I just want him to deal with monsters that are too powerful for regular humans.”

“Huh? Why go through all that trouble? If you just touched them, Mom, they would be separated into bones and flesh in an instant.”

Well, if I intended to do that, I’d have done it long ago.

“Because there might be fragments of Erebus inside those monsters. Those bits are too small to find personally, so I’m letting him do the hard work for me.”

Automated hunting, baby!

Sure, setting things up beforehand is a bit of a hassle.

“Heh… Well, if that’s what you’re up to, I’ll just accept it.”

She believes me. Good.

“Well then, I’ll be off. I wanted to check out the human lands firsthand.”

“Go on. Oh, and if you get any info on other monsters, don’t forget to let me know. I might send the hero directly next time.”

“Yess! The wind spirit kids are looking hard!”

“Goodbye, Mom!”

With that, Sylphid wrapped herself in wind and began to float away.

Now, let’s see… The only one I haven’t taught avatar magic to yet is… Thetis, I think?

I should go visit and teach her later. She’s out in the middle of nowhere, so unless I really try, I won’t find her easily.

Now, shall I check on the hero?

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

[I’m going on a short trip.]

In the hero’s room was a letter penned in slightly messy handwriting.

Did he really run away just because I scolded him a bit? I thought he was past being a stormy teenager!

His body has grown into an adult, yet his mind still acts like a child. Gosh… tsk tsk.

Well, I can figure out where he went; I have the location of the hero’s sword.

But… maybe I’ll just watch for now. I’m curious what made him bust a hole in the ceiling to escape.

I was going to send him out anyway. I guess I just got to it a little early.

He’s become powerful enough to be called the strongest among humans, so getting into trouble shouldn’t be an issue. Plus, I’ve taught him enough so survival should be a breeze.

So I began tracking the hero’s location and observing him from afar.

I wonder what the hero will discover at the end of his journey? Will he cast off his kind but weak self and be reborn as a strong individual?

Or will he be disillusioned by the harsh and cruel reality?

I began watching the hero with eager anticipation.

Of course, I was all set to rush in if even a hint of trouble showed up.

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