Where the sun meets the moon

Chapter 4: In the Library of Love

Upon arriving at the hotel, Oliver could not sleep because of the emotion, thinking about how well everything had come out with Lio. Now in her mind only her memory passed, so, a couple of days later, she made the decision to write a message again saying:

"Hello, how are you?"

To which Li Mao replied: "Very good, but somewhat tired." I am in final exams, and I have not had time to study a lot. With this of the tours and the university I do not have much free time.

Oliver consulted: "Can I help you in something?"

Li Mao replied quickly saying: "The truth is, I need help with anEnglish exam."

Oliver, seeing the perfect opportunity to see her again, replied: "Sure, I help you." Just tell me where we see ourselves to help you.

The days passed and the time came where Oliver would get together with Li Mao other University. After entering and observing such great structures and classic constructions, asking the people who passed through the street, managed to reach thelibrary, where Li Mao was already studying.

Before Oliver approached, he decided to observe her in a quiet corner of the library. Oliver could not help diverting his attention from the pages of his own book to observe Li Mao, who was absorbed in his study. The soft afternoon light was leaked through the nearby window, illuminating its face with a warm glow that enhanced its concentration and natural beauty.

Every so often, Li Mao took to his mouth some fried potatoes from a package next to him, without looking away from his book, such a simple, lovely gesture for Oliver. The scene was so every day and so special. There was a beauty in the simplicity of that moment: Li Mao, dedicated and concentrated, enjoying something as simple as a package of fries while studying.

Oliver marveled at how something so ordinary could, in context, seem extraordinarily attractive. With a barely audible sigh, Oliver promised to capture that moment in history, the image of Li Mao enjoying the little joys of life.

He realized that it was that ability to find happiness in the simplest that attracted him so much towards her.

"How can you concentrate so easily?" Asked Oliver, finally breaking the silence between them, a playful smile dancing on his lips.

Raising his book, Li Mao looked at him, slightly surprised by the question, but then smiled sweetly.

"It's easy when you love what you study." In addition, fries help," he replied, raising the package in a kind of toast.

Oliver laughed softly, amazed not only for his dedication, but also for his simplicity and joy of living.

"Maybe I should try that next time," he said, pointing out the potato package.

"You should, you should enthusiastically nod, extending the package towards him. But be careful, they are addictive.

The gesture, so simple and friendly, shortened the distance between them, joining Oliver and Li Mao in the shared action of enjoying fries in the library. At that time, Oliver felt closer to Lio, connected by the simple pleasure of a snack and the silent agreement to appreciate the small moments together.

After enjoying a delicious snack, Oliver and Li Mao decided to extend their lovely encounter with something sweet and refreshing: a Bubble Tea. They walked together a small, but cozy coffee who specialized in this popular drink. As they entered the place, the aroma of tea and the vibrant colors of the tapioca pearls filled the air, creating an almost magical atmosphere.

They chose a settled table, where the soft rays of the afternoon sun leaked through the curtains, bathing space in a warm and cozy light. Oliver asked mango tea with tapioca pearls, while Li Mao opted for a classic milk tea with black pearls.

While they waited for their orders, they talked and laughed, sharing stories and discovering more from each other. There was a facility and a spark between them that they could not deny.

When their drinks arrived, they provided and took the first sip of their drinks. The sweet flavors and the unique texture of Bubble Tea served as the perfect

Accompaniment to your growing connection.

At that time, between laughs and looks that were intertwined, Oliver felt a wave of courage. Inspired by the warmth of the environment and chemistry they shared; he decided to step further. Softly, he extended his hand on the table, approaching Lio's.

His eyes met, and in them, Oliver saw a reflection of his own feelings. With a soft, but firm voice, he told Li Mao how muchhe was attracted to her, how every moment together made him appreciate his company and the only person he was.

Li Mao, surprised at the beginning, felt how his heart accelerated. The sincerity in the voice of Oliver and tenderness in his gesture made any questions dissipated. Smiling, heintertwined his hand with his, a simple gesture, but full of meaning.

At that time, without the need for words, they both knew that what they shared was special, a feeling that was just beginning to explode.

The afternoon faded and the night looked out, but for Oliver and Li Mao, time seemed to have stopped. Wrapped in the bubble of its newly discovered connection, the outside world vanished, leaving them alone in their small, shared universe, anticipating the many moments and bubble teas that still had ahead. 

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