Where the sun meets the moon

Chapter 3: The destination guide

The sun rose on Shanghai, illuminating the streets of the bustling city with a golden and promising light. After the exciting experience of the previous day, Oliver decided to take another step and write a message in Mandarin: "No."

The answer came quickly, and Oliver felt a palpable emotion when he saw the same greeting on his screen.

"It was incredible yesterday's journey," Oliver wrote, but soon erased the message, remembering cultural differences and deciding to be more subtle. How are you? - He finally sent.

Li Mao's response came almost immediately, expressing his joy for receiving Oliver's message. The opening and kindness of Li Mao surprised Oliver, who had prepared for a more reserved response. 

"Is it possible?" Oliver asked, feeling the need to express what he really thought. Finally, he decided to be honest and wrote:

"I'm very good and I hope you too." I was delighted with the route you gave us, your knowledge and your kindness. In addition, I must say that you seem to me a very pleasant woman, so I would like to invite you to dinner to talk a little about us.

The message was sent, and Oliver felt a knot in his stomach while waiting for the answer. When a:


Oliver felt relieved but confused. What did that simple message mean? However, he decided to move on and invited her to dinner that same night.

With the time before the appointment, Oliver went out to explore the city and to look for adequate clothes for the occasion. He wanted to look as well as possible to impress Li Mao and earn his heart. While walking through the streets of Shanghai, Oliver felt nervous but excited about what the future could bring.

The night finally arrived, and Oliver went to the Italian restaurant where he had stayed with Li Mao. Seeing her enter, her heart spin. Li Mao wore a simple but elegant dress that highlighted his natural beauty. His black hair stood out the uncovered of the dress in the back, and his natural makeup enhanced his delicate features.

"Mao, you're amazing tonight," he said, his voice dyed of a mixture of nervousness and admiration.

"Thank you, Oliver." This place is wonderful, he had never come," Li Mao replied, his smile becoming even broader.

While they settled on the table, the conversation flowed naturally. They talked about their passions, dreams and shared laughs that filled the space between them, weaving an invisible but palpable connection. The menu was a deployment of Italian delicacies, from delicate entrants to robust dishes and exquisite desserts. Oliver, wanting to impress, suggested some of his favorite dishes and wine that complemented dinner perfectly.

"I hope you like the wine; I have heard wonders of this brand."

Li Mao nodded, tasting the wine with an expression of approval.

"It's exquisite, good choice."

Dinner developed in an environment of growing closeness and complicity. Oliver was delighted in every detail of Li Mao, from his contagious laugh to the way the candlelight danced in his eyes. 

The dinner passed during laughs and animated conversations. Li Mao shared stories about his life in China, while Oliver spoke about his passion for Chinese culture and his dream of learning the language. The connection between them was evident, and at the end of the night, Oliver knew that this was only the beginning of something special, so he took the value of inviting her to a KTV.

The idea illuminated the night for Li Mao.

"I would love it, I have always enjoyed singing, although I warn you, I'm not the best singer," he said laughing.

The road to KTV was full of talks and shared laughs. Upon arrival, they immerse themselves in the world of music, choosing songs that went from emotional ballads energetic pop hits. Oliver surprised himself when he opened more, singing with passion and, sometimes, with an audacity he did not know he had. Li Mao, on the other hand, radiated joy, her most beautiful voice than she admitted, filling the room with warmth and emotion.

The night faded around the early hours of the morning, but neither seemed to notice. They were mired in their world, a place where music and laughter were universal language. In the end, while they said goodbye, Oliver felt a deep connection, a bond that had strengthened along the evening.

"This has been one of the best nights of my life, Li Mao." I hope we can do it again, "Oliver confessed, his voice full of hope.

Li Mao smiled, his eyes shining with a reflection of shared emotions.

"I await you too, Oliver." Thanks for a wonderful night.

While they moved away, and said goodbye euphorically, both without wanting to do so since both wanted to continue close to each other. Dawn began to dye the sky of colors. Oliver knew that tonight was just the beginning of something special, an initial chapter in the story I hoped to write with Li Mao.

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