Urban: Becoming a principal from a junior college!

Chapter 206 The opportunity to become famous in the animation sub-major has come!

The guests and hosts discussed the details of the cooperation with the agency.

After each party determined the investment ratio and confirmed the share they occupied.

The business negotiation part was over.

Everyone started to eat, and they all praised the dishes of Xingchen Restaurant.

They all sighed at the magic of Xingchen Academy.

There is no need to say more about the culinary major of Xingchen Academy.

The popularity of Xingchen Restaurant is a clear proof.

And the students trained in the e-sports major also won the championship in the first year and swept the world competition.

Later, it will change the ecology of the entire professional league.

All this makes people feel incredible.

Ye Chen smiled slightly when he heard the praise.

Now the employment problems of students in the culinary and e-sports majors have been solved.

Then the next is the animation major.

Although the animation students had previously been recognized by the outside world for their painting skills because of the infringement incidents and the popularity of the mini program.

But this wave of popularity is actually only in China.

In the world, Xingchen Animation Major is actually not well-known.

After all, when it comes to the animation industry, the world

The island country is simply unavoidable.

The animation academy of the island country.

It is the first choice for young people who want to learn animation.

It can be called the holy land of animation.

As for the animation major of Xingchen, it is not very impressive compared with it, and the gap is huge.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is not at the same level at all.

But Ye Chen is very confident about this.

Soon, the holy land of animation will no longer be the animation academy of the island country.

His own Xingchen Academy will be promoted to a new holy land of animation.

But before, students only showed their painting skills.

It was mainly the students of the comics sub-major who showed off.

Although the students of the animation sub-major also studied art, they mainly focused on learning modeling.

There is no opportunity to show for the time being.

But now the end of the semester is approaching.

Students of the animation sub-major should also show their level to the outside world.

And right now, there is a good opportunity.

This opportunity is the design and production of this year's champion skin.

The champion team of the League of Legends World Championship, each player can get an official-designed exclusive champion skin.

This is a special honor for the world champion.

The official will also take out a part of the sales of the skin and give it to the players as a bonus.

Because the champion skin is bound to the team.

Therefore, the champion skin of each year is particularly concerned by the player community.

It is very commemorative.

There should not be too many players who buy it.

Many fans even regard this as a way to support the players.

If the students of the animation major of our company can start designing and producing this year's champion skin.

As long as the quality is high enough.

It will undoubtedly be recognized by players around the world.

It may even go viral.

After all, the global audience of the League of Legends e-sports competition may be at most 200 million.

But there are too many players of League of Legends.

It has reached 600 million.

The reason for such a huge difference.

It is because many people only play games and don't watch the game.

However, although players don't pay attention to the game.

But they definitely care about the skin.

If our company can get the right to design the champion skin of this year.

Then the Xingchen Animation major will definitely be able to use this wave of popularity to show its face in front of the world.

The influence will increase greatly.

The level of students will also be noticed. .

Do it when you think of it.

It happened that the CEO of Riot was sitting opposite.

Ye Chen put down his chopsticks and told the CEO of Riot all his ideas.

And when he heard Ye Chen's words.

The CEO of Riot frowned slightly.

He was happy to see the cooperation with Xingchen Academy to set up a player agency.

After all, Xingchen Academy can cultivate a large number of high-quality e-sports talents. .

It has great benefits for the development of the entire league.

And as long as the league gets better and better.

Then the game of League of Legends can remain prosperous and always popular.

But cooperate with the animation major of Xingchen Academy to make champion skins together?

This made him a little hesitant!

League of Legends is definitely the most popular free game in the world.

In 2022 alone, the game revenue reached 1.7 billion US dollars.

It is equivalent to about 12 billion yuan.

And 95% of this income is from the sale of skins.

From this, we can see the importance of game skins to the revenue of League of Legends.

And the champion skins of each year, because of the popularity of the world game, are definitely one of the best-selling skins of the year.

This kind of skin with huge benefits.

Riot attaches great importance to it.

It is listed as the most important task every year.

And this year's champion skin.

On the day when Xingchen Academy won the championship, the company had already launched the project and started to conceive and design.

With an extremely excellent art team in the company.

The CEO of Riot Games would never cooperate with Xingchen Academy.

After all, the most important thing for selling skins is to look good and have cool special effects.

Although he knew that Xingchen Academy had an animation major, he did not trust Xingchen students to design good-looking hero skins.

The CEO of Riot Games wanted to refuse immediately.

However, after this dinner, Xingchen Academy has become the most important partner and talent supplier of League of Legends.

So the refusal should be tactful.

The CEO of Riot thought for a while before speaking carefully, "We, Riot, don't know the level of your school's animation students..."

"But since the principal has spoken, we will definitely focus on your school's students in the future!"

"If there is an opportunity for cooperation, we will definitely take the initiative to look for Xingchen Academy!"

This kind of words is like inviting you to dinner next time.

There is no credibility at all.


The CEO of Riot refused.

But after hearing Principal Ye's proposal, the vice president of Penguin was enlightened.

The boss of Riot didn't know, but he knew it.

The level of Xingchen students is indeed very strong.

There are several game groups in their family, but because the art design is not good, the pictures they give can't satisfy them.

They asked Xingchen animation students for artwork on the Xingchen artwork mini program.

The artwork they got was well received.

It is enough to show the artistic skills of Xingchen students.

And more importantly.

Asking Xingchen animation students to make champion skins for their own academy's team is simply too much of a gimmick, okay?

When the skin comes out, as long as the quality is not bad

Not to mention other regions, but it will definitely sell well in China.

Then the income will be rolling in.

Penguin is both the parent company of Riot Games and the operator of the Chinese region.

If the skin sells well, Penguin will undoubtedly be the biggest winner.

So he is particularly interested in this cooperation.

Hearing the CEO's refusal, he immediately introduced with a smile: "Xingchen Animation Major is very popular in China, and the students' painting skills have been recognized by the public and the game industry."

"Even the most popular game in the past two years, the original god game production team, which is famous for its beautiful painting style, has extended an olive branch to Xingchen students."

"Some of our Penguin game project teams have also cooperated with Xingchen students."

"Look, these are the works of Xingchen students..."

While speaking, the vice president of Penguin used his mobile phone to show the gallery in the mini program.

After scanning more than ten pictures.

The CEO of Riot showed a look of surprise.

If these works are really created by Xingchen students.

Then the students of Xingchen Animation Major are of good level.

But even if you know that Xingchen Animation students are of good level.

The CEO of Riot still doesn't like this cooperation.

Although Riot was acquired by Xunteng.

But the decision-making power is still in the hands of Riot's senior management.

Therefore, although the CEO of Riot was tactful, he still refused: "The level of students majoring in Xingchen Animation is indeed beyond my expectations."

"But the skin of League of Legends is not a simple plane drawing, but requires modeling."

"The drawing level of Xingchen students is indeed high, but the level of character modeling may be difficult to meet the requirements of our Riot company."

"After all, drawing a beautiful plane graphic and designing an excellent 3D skin model are not at the same level of difficulty."

"And our own art team of Riot has a lot of work experience."

"Obviously, this is more secure."

"But I think Xingchen students have a bright future."

"If possible, Riot is willing to wait until the first batch of students of Xingchen Animation graduate to conduct campus recruitment..."


For the other party's refusal.

Ye Chen had expected it.

After all, a large game company like Riot will definitely not easily include the champion skin in the key project and hand it over to outsiders for design.

Only by doing it yourself can you feel at ease.

However, Ye Chen had never expected the other party to agree directly.

The reason for speaking.

Just to strive for an opportunity for students of his own animation major to show themselves.

So, Ye Chen said calmly: "First of all, the modeling and design level of our students is definitely not much different from the painting level."

"And the Star Team won the championship this year, and the popularity is high."

"If the skin is produced by the Star Academy this year and cooperates with the Star Animation major. It will undoubtedly bring more discussion and popularity around the world."

"It will promote higher sales after the skin is put on the shelves in the future."

"Secondly, the Star Team won the championship this time. After all, it is the first all-Chinese class to win the championship, which is of great significance to China."

"So this time the champion skin must be linked to Chinese elements, otherwise it will easily make Chinese players dissatisfied."

"Star Animation students are all Chinese and understand their own culture better!"

"The skin produced will undoubtedly be more Chinese in terms of aesthetics and style. . "

"And most importantly, your company does not need to make a decision now. "

"Just give our students from Xingchen Animation a chance to show themselves. "

"If the skins made by the students are excellent, satisfying and amazing, and recognized by domestic players! "

"Then your company has no reason not to choose a better one. . "

"And if the students' works do not meet your company's requirements. "

"Then your company can completely abandon them and use the skins designed by its own art department. "

"Our cooperation is a win-win situation!"

"It will not harm any interests of Riot. "

"On the contrary, this will give your company more choices and gain more attention and popularity. "


"The CEO of Riot listened to Ye Chen's words and showed a thoughtful look.

"Because what Principal Xingchen said is indeed very reasonable.

It moved him.

After all, if the two sides cooperate.

It can indeed bring a wave of popularity, making this year's champion skin more anticipated by players.


This is indeed the first time that China's all-Chinese class has won the championship.

China, as the most important market for League of Legends, has now won the championship.

In terms of skin design, it does need to be more Chinese.

If the students of Xingchen Animation have enough level, they may really be able to design skins that are more in line with Chinese culture.

Of course.

For this, the CEO of Riot did not have any expectations.

However, Xingchen students are young and Chinese.

There must be a lot of good ideas.

The art department of Riot's own company can get some ideas for free.

However, Principal Ye has said it.

This cooperation does not necessarily require the use of skins designed by Xingchen students.

Then the company can completely take this wave of popularity to increase players' expectations for the champion skin.

For Riot, this is more beneficial than harmful.

As long as the marketing is done well.

This year's champion skin sales may set a new record.

As for what Xingchen Academy wants.

The CEO of Riot has already seen it.

The young Principal Ye in front of him was only interested in making his students famous and creating momentum for their future.

This was completely putting the students' future first.

Such a principal is rare in the world.

Anyway, after thinking it through.

The CEO of Riot no longer hesitated.

After chatting with Principal Xingchen for a few words, the two sides quickly decided on a cooperation intention.

In short, the official League of Legends will issue a global announcement in a few days.

Announce that Xingchen Animation students will participate in the design and production of this year's champion skin.

If the skin designed by Xingchen Animation students can be adopted by the official.

Then they will receive a bonus of one million US dollars.

In this way, the heat will naturally come out.

With the current reputation of Xingchen Academy, it may even make the skin of this year's World Championship break the circle.

It is definitely a blood profit.

Next, the CEO of Riot was obviously more enthusiastic.

In recent years, the development speed of the League of Legends has slowed down, and the market size is approaching its limit.

After all, e-sports is not accepted by the public in many countries.

It is almost at the limit to reach 200 million viewers.

But this year, relying on Xingchen Academy.

The popularity of the League of Legends World Championship has broken the circle.

It has attracted a large number of viewers from other circles.

At the same time, as the college players trained by the League of Legends enter the league.

It will greatly improve the overall average quality of the players.

Let more people accept e-sports.

And now the world championship skins have the possibility of breaking the circle.

All this is the credit of Xingchen Academy.

Xingchen Academy is definitely the most important partner of League of Legends, no one else...


Three days later.

Ye Chen returned to China with the Xingchen team.

When the bus carrying Ye Chen and the students arrived at the entrance of the academy.

I saw that the entrance of Xingchen Academy was already crowded with people.

Many students held posters with the members of the Xingchen team and cheered loudly at the bus.

Some people even made a poster at least three meters high with Ye Chen on it.

This poster was held high and attracted special attention in the crowd.

As for the interior of Xingchen Academy, many students had been waiting for a long time.

Although it had been almost four days since the World Championship finals.

But the impact of the Star Team's championship on the whole country has not dissipated.

Countless fans have long been looking forward to the return of the king.

Now as soon as the Star students got off the bus.

Fans gave them the warmest reception.

This feeling of being the center of attention is really intoxicating.

Now the five of them are already the most popular e-sports players in the country.

Zhang Yu's offer has reached 30 million per year.

It is comparable to the value of Uzi at his peak.

And even the most recognized weakest mid-lane player.

There are clubs willing to offer a salary of 10 million per year.

This is the power of winning the championship.

In just one year, you can earn money that many people cannot earn in their entire lives.

This feeling is simply too cool.

However, in addition to being excited, the students can't help but look at their own principal.

They all know very well.

Everything they have today is given by their own principal.

If they hadn't come to Star Academy, what would their lives be like?

It's hard to imagine.

But most of them, like their high school classmates, can only live an ordinary college life.

It would never be like now.

Three championships in one year, becoming famous overnight on the world stage.

Becoming the idol of countless e-sports viewers around the world.

It is easy to have a huge annual salary that you never dared to dream of before.

Such a life is definitely a successful life.

A bright future is waving to them again.

Their own principal has definitely changed their lives.

Choosing to study e-sports at Xingchen College back then.

It is definitely the most correct decision they have made in their lives.

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