Urban: Becoming a principal from a junior college!

Chapter 205 They are all mine, why are you playing with me?

This year's World Championship.

It is undoubtedly the most popular one.

Faker's last dance, but he fell on the stage of the finals.

He failed to win his last championship.

He retired with regret.

The Xingchen team won the championship.

While the principal of Xingchen showed amazing strength.

He also announced his retirement on the spot of winning the championship.

It can be said that it attracted enough attention.

Audiences around the world were excited.

They thought it was the most exciting World Championship they had ever seen.

The hot searches on social platforms in various countries were dominated by related terms of the World Championship.

So, although the World Championship is over.

But the related heat has not subsided.


And Ye Chen, on the day the World Championship ended.

Let the students go out to have a good time for two days and relax.

But he also reminded the students to be careful and never go to any alleys.

The Han people are narrow-minded.

If you meet extreme e-sports fans, it will be bad to be blocked in the alley and beaten.

As for Ye Chen, he was particularly busy.

The day the game ended.

The bosses of various European e-sports clubs asked for an appointment.

They wanted to discuss the establishment of the European version of the Star Team.

They are now very enthusiastic.

In this world game, the Star Team has been recognized by the world.

As soon as the news that they want to establish the European version of the Star Team came out.

The entire European e-sports circle was boiling.

Europe also needs a champion too much.

If the European version of the Star Team is really established.

Then their chances of winning the championship next season will be infinite.

Although they don’t have the Star Principal to turn the tide.

But Faker, the monster, has also retired.

So all the e-sports clubs are very enthusiastic.

But Ye Chen has more important things for the time being.

So let the European clubs go to China at that time to discuss specific cooperation matters.

Anyway, there is still a week before the transfer period.

At the same time.

Domestic e-sports clubs also came over.

They all want to buy players.

They were also temporarily dismissed by Ye Chen.

Of course, it’s not that Ye Chen went back on his word and didn’t want to let the students go out, or wanted to create a three-crown dynasty.

But Ye Chen now has more important things to do.

The boss of Riot Games and the global head of the League of Legends e-sports project.

And the vice president of Penguin, the parent company of League of Legends.

And the bosses of the leagues hosted by various regions.

They all came to the Star Restaurant in Seoul in person today.

And Ye Chen wanted to discuss with them to cooperate in creating a new company.

This new company is the Star League of Legends Agency.

That’s right.

Ye Chen also does not plan to invest in the Star League of Legends Agency.

Instead, he plans to introduce partners with weight who can help the Star Academy.

Because the e-sports students of the Star Academy will not be able to stay in the Huaxia Division in the future.

This will lead to the dominance of the Huaxia Division.

It will make other divisions see that they can’t beat them and choose to play badly.

For the entire industry, it is not a good thing.

Therefore, among the students of the Star e-sports, there must be a large part of them going to other divisions as foreign aid.

Although being a foreign aid means leaving home.

But earning more can also improve China and the influence of Xingchen Academy.

Overall, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

But too many students abroad will also bring a serious problem.

That is, the attitudes of people in various countries may not all be friendly.

After all, in most normal countries, the status of foreigners is lower than that of local people.

When foreigners fight with local people, they will definitely favor local people.

In many regions such as Europe and the United States.

Although most ordinary people are friendly.

But there are always extreme people.

Students may occasionally face discrimination or even personal safety issues.

Even wage arrears are not impossible.

And the strength and influence of Xingchen Academy cannot completely protect the rights and interests of students abroad from infringement.

In this case.

It is necessary to introduce partners with sufficient influence and strength in the local area.

For example, Europe.

If their own students are discriminated against in Europe.

European officials may think that bullying a foreigner is just a trivial matter and they don’t care at all.

In the end, big things will be reduced to small things, and small things will be reduced to nothing, putting pressure on their own students and making their own students feel very aggrieved.

But if there is a local partner, it can be the student's backer.

If there is any problem, the other party will come forward to solve the problem immediately.

This will undoubtedly give students great protection for their rights and interests.

At the same time.

A club also needs the approval of the local league officials to introduce foreign aid.

Although most of them will be approved.

But occasionally, due to some messy problems, the application will not be passed.

But now, Xingchen Academy directly introduces the parent company of the entire League of Legends, the production company, and the league officials from all over the country as partners.

Everyone is one of us, and we also have our own share of the profits.

There will be no problems with the procedures.

This is of great benefit to the employment of Xingchen e-sports students.

In short.

In this day and age, eating alone will not last long.

Only cooperation and win-win can stand firm.

Otherwise, you will make the money alone.

There will be countless jealous eyes with malicious intent.


The upcoming Star League of Legends brokerage company.

Like the previous catering company, 33% of the shares will be distributed to partners.

Star Academy retained 67% of the shares.

To ensure absolute control.

Although Star Academy controls the source of students.

Even if you don't have any shares, you still have the highest say.

But the agency will eventually sign contracts with many students.

If Star Academy cannot guarantee absolute control.

The management contracts of that group of top players were there.

It’s hard to guarantee that a partner won’t have greedy ideas.

There is no need to test human nature!

Therefore, in order to protect the students from falling into the same fate as the rng team members.

Star Academy must ensure absolute control.

And each partner.

Naturally, I have no objections to this cooperation and fully agree with it.

In the future, a large number of capable Xingchen students can be introduced, which is a good thing for each competition region.

As for the proportion of Xingchen students among the players getting higher and higher, is it bad?

How can it be!

The overall academic qualifications of e-sports players today are actually somewhat low.

Players are always prone to some off-field problems, which can have a negative impact.

This affects the public's perception of the entire e-sports circle.

Therefore, the average academic level of e-sports players has increased, which is a good thing for the entire e-sports circle.

It will help the e-sports industry to be recognized by more people.

Therefore, all partners are quite enthusiastic.

Especially in Europe and the United States, in addition to hoping that Star Academy can allow more students to work as foreign aid in Europe and the United States in the future.

I also hope that Star Academy can recruit more international e-sports students in Europe and the United States.

After all, each team's foreign aid quota is limited.

Local players are the mainstream in the competition area.

To this, Ye Chen naturally agreed directly.

The e-sports major is different from other majors in that it emphasizes common development.

In other industries, a single company may have a monopoly and make more money.

But in the e-sports industry, a dominant player can only force others to stop playing, resulting in a smaller market and less profit.

As long as everyone has similar strengths, everyone has a chance.

Only in this way can we continue to develop continuously.

Therefore, the Xingchen e-sports major, especially the e-sports player class, will not limit the number of foreign students like the culinary arts major.

As long as you have talent, you can do as much as you want.

Of course, the high cost of studying abroad is definitely necessary.


Ye Chen had a very pleasant meeting with the senior management of the cooperation parties.

The intention to cooperate was decided on the spot.

Except for Star Academy.

All parties need to jointly invest 50 million and hold 33% of the shares to establish a Star League of Legends brokerage company.

As for why the company name includes the words "League of Legends"?

It's because this company is only responsible for the management contracts of students in the League of Legends project.

As for other game projects, other subsidiaries will be established.

For example, for King Pesticide, just cooperate with Penguin, it has nothing to do with Riot Games!

Another example is CSGO, DOTA2 and other projects. It has nothing to do with Penguin. It must be cooperation with companies such as V Agency!

In short, after some chatting, both the host and the guest had a great time.

Even the person in charge of the Cold Country Division, who had a slightly cold attitude, did not refuse to cooperate.

After all, Star Academy has great ambitions and wants to become a global e-sports talent supplier.

At the same time, Star Academy also has this strength.

The person in charge of the Cold Country Division, no matter how uncomfortable he feels.

It is impossible to refuse cooperation and actively stay away from this circle!

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