
Chapter 8: Chapter VII

Cecile: The Golden God, he has to be a high rank among us. No way is he just an adult who happens to be a high tier, his body type looks slightly bigger because of his suit, which is the same as my... no, now I must make sure that he takes care of that little mole. Then we can take care of him and plot plans for his demise later.

Meanwhile in Elaine's place.

Arlo: Hey listen Sera and John aren't gonna be back for a while, come on lets just...

Elaine: Arlo?

Arlo: Yeah?

Elaine: You know why I said what I said about John out loud before turf wars?

Cecile meanwhile is heading toward Elaine's dorm room.

Arlo: Ahh I don't know why, he backs up a little.

Elaine pulls Arlo up close to her.

Elaine: Take a guess.

Arlo in his head: Trying to make me jealous I see.

Arlo: Fuck it, slap me after I'm not waiting any longer.

Elaine: Huh?

Arlo leans into Elaine, almost lunging a little bit at her, he bites her lower lip, The two make out for a bit before a loud knock is heard on the door. The two jump up startled, and try to hide the evidence of them making out.

Arlo: Aww fuck who the-

Elaine: Uhhh, Come in!

Arlo (Yelling Whispering): Elaine, NO!

Cecile: Arlo, a minute?

Arlo in his head: Wait, how did she…..?

Arlo and Cecile head out on campus when Cecile explains how Isen was gonna expose the royals in the paper. How they tried to kill Agwin's Queen.

Arlo: What the! that bastard!

Cecile walks away smiling as Arlo rushes to the press room. He bolts in as he catches Isen talking to John.

Arlo: I'm gonna kill you Isen!

Isen: Woah woah what's all of this about?

Arlo: Oh and Blyke too, why the hell did he tell you about Turf wars?

Isen: Listen just hear me out!


Isen: Wait so you too know about how the authorities refuse to do anything.

Arlo: Refuse, she manipulated them, wait how do you know about all of this, you're not gonna ask why I would kill some random girl from a rival High School?

Isen: I don't need to.

Arlo: Wait then why did Cecile tell me you were exposing me as a corrupt king.

Isen: Hell if I know?

Arlo: She's an accomplice then! Something is off and I know it!

Isen: Hold on now one thing at a time, we have to catch cob webs over here before we start cutting new cakes.

Arlo: Wait, did Blyke bring John into this?!

Isen: No, actually....

John started this whole thing, pretty brave for a cripple. You know when you first brought him I thought he was gonna be a completely useless tool, but he's actually kinda cool, and one hell of a fighter, you should have seen him break this one kids armhewasalllikenooo....

Arlo zones out as Isen goes on a rant. He snaps out of it and yells at Isen to get to the point.

Arlo in his head: So, if that's the case, then..... John, you coward, you have plenty of power to take her on, you don't need them.

Arlo: ISEN!

Isen: Yeah sorry what's up?

Arlo: When you're free, get the boys up on the roof.

Isen: Alright then, wait isn't the school closed?

Arlo: Yeah, I got the key though. I am king after all.

Meanwhile Blyke is wrapping up his "date" with Rein.

Blyke: Well it's been nice chatting but I gotta...

Rein gives Blyke a big hug in the middle of the four way intersection right next to Wobba Boba.

Blyke: Well, this is a weird way my day could have gone.

Blyke receives a text from Arlo telling him to meet him on top of the roof in 30 minutes.

Blyke: Well gotta run!

Rein looks at him as he runs across the street.

John checks his messages to find the same text as well from Arlo with a, let's talk in private after.

The four meet up on the roof.

John: Hey what's this about, change in plan?

Arlo: Blyke, you told them about how I tried to kill Spider witch, right?

Blyke: Yeah, but that wasn't what happened, you see John asked me if I knew anything about her, he said he went into New Oklahoma City when shit went down back in middle school.

John: Hey woah, Sera told me about the queen and she rang a bell, it seems like we all are the only ones who even remember the incident.

Arlo: ENOUGH! that doesn't matter anymore, what matters is that the authorities aren't gonna do anything about her, otherwise she might take over Agwin city. They either know who she is or the complete opposite and don't wanna repeat nine years ago! We don't wanna flip that coin though!

Blyke: Wait your gonna join us?

Arlo: This means too much to me.

Isen: ALRIGHT! The boys are back in business!

John and Blyke high five.

John: Alright Arlo how are we gonna do this!

Arlo: John a word in private?

Byke, Isen, and John all look at each other in confusion before Blyke and Isen leave the roof.

John: Yeah sure.

Isen and Blyke head back to their dorms. Arlo and John stay on the roof.

Arlo: So John, what do like to be called, Golden God, or John Doe!

John turns around in horror as his face drops to a deadly white pale. He knew Arlo knew about his tier level, but who he was with those powers, this scared John, especially the thought of Seraphina finding out.

Arlo: Headmaster Vaughn told me and Remi on your first day, It wasn't hard to piece together, first you come here as a God Tier with powers way stronger than mine. Than any of the Navy Seals in America, Japan, and Korea combined. Then some super hero appears out of nowhere...

John: Just say it Asslo! No point in hiding it.

Arlo: Why do you need Blyke and Isen to do your crime fighting thingy for you?

John: Because, how bad would it look if the Golden God just kills Agwin's queen out of nowhere just out of, "well her powers looked kinda like that bug lady no one wants to talk about".

Arlo: You're a high tier, you can get away with anything. Why don't you start to rule the school?

John: That's not justice, that's corruption.

Arlo: FINE, but if Blyke and Isen get hurt, their blood is on your hands!

He presses his finger against John's chest before exiting the roof, then he calls back to John.

Arlo: Hey John?

John: Yeah?

How long are you gonna lie to Seraphina?

John: John doesn't answer, he just stares at Arlo, as if to challenge his authority. Arlo takes a hard long minute to think about what happened. He then starts to exit off the roof, as he walks through the hallway he's thinking about what took place nine years ago. How he lived in New Oklahoma city when shit went down with the cult.

Nine years ago

Arlo in the flashback is hiding in his house. Scared of what he just saw. Men in blue robes carrying thousands of dead bodies, on top of that they are cutting them up, feeding them to a strange woman with long bug legs. The rest go on big pillars of steel to hang for leftovers. People bow as those who weren't killed are screaming for help, weaklings who weren't born with a good ability. The government is being seen building a large fence around the whole city area, as people are being told to remain indoors and put in Quarantine.

Arlo's mom: Hey sweetie, follow me now, we're gonna run from the bad guys.

Arlo gets carried by his mother as he leaves his home.

Arlo: Where's dad?

Arlo's mom doesn't answer that question, deep down inside Arlo knew his dad was gone. Arlo's mom then arrives at the border.

Soldier: Ma'am, please stay back, we will use force if you try to cross the line.

Arlo's mom: Please, just let my child cross, he's safe, he has an Aunt who lives in the Capitol...


Sir, we're still not sure if this is some kinda virus this person is using, or mind control.

It doesn't matter, we're not taking any risks, no one is crossing that border.

Arlo's mom: Arlo, sweetie, run.

She throws Arlo into a moving truck using her ability just across the other side of the wall, Arlo lands hard, but gets up and runs with all his strength.

Soldier: FIRE, FIRE!

Arlo's mom is heard screaming in the distance as Arlo is running for his life. He looks over to see a giant pair of blue like legs picking up two soldiers, the legs are revealed to be part of an even larger creature, a ten meter scorpion spider like creature. The spider like creature is seen walking back towards the heart of the city, where it devours more people. Arlo doesn't look where he's running and runs into a soldier.

Soldier: Freeze!, oh shit, it's a little kid.

Arlo breaks down in tears as the soldier picks him up and carries him to a refugee camp in New Bostin.

Flash back to Arlo with his Aunt in New Bostin

Arlos Aunt: Hey listen, if you ever need help, your Auntie is here to scare all of the bad guys away.

Arlo present day: As he walks down in the hallway he starts to burst out in tears, smashing lockers as his eyes glow a dark blue. John hears this and comes down to check it out.

Arlo: WHY?!, WHY ME???!!!!!

He smashes through a locker hallway into an empty classroom. Then he feels someone tap on him.

Arlo: John?!

John: Hey man, you were there when shit went down, weren't you?

Arlo: I..I

John: I was in New Bostin.

Arlo freezes in shock.

Arlo: Right next to?...

John: Where you lived, wasn't it? That's why you're breaking down when we told you about Rein.

Arlo: So that's the bitches name!

John: Hey man, let it out, it's fine, no one is here.

Arlo continues to smash some more lockers before cooling down. He and John exchange looks, as if they had something to stay between them.

Arlo starts to head back to his apartment.

Arlo: John!

John: Yeah?

Arlo: Don't let that power go to waste, I don't care what you did to those assholes in New Bostin, Don't let the same thing that happened to me happen to anyone else!

Arlo in his head: We could have used someone like you back then.

John looks at Arlo as he walks away. He rethinks his whole life over, all the people he hurt, all the pain he has caused, criminal and student alike. Just to hide away his identity like facial expressions in a game of Poker.

John: I swear, when this whole thing ends, I will tell the truth, the squad will know my power, my alter ego, I can't let this secret build up, or it might hurt us all.

The next day Remi is back at school. She is quiet the whole day trying to just keep to herself and grieve. Eventually she sits down next to Blyke in the library studying.

Blyke: Hey your back, how was... you know.

Remi: It was alright, I'm just, lost right now.

Blyke: We're here for you, me and the boys, Seraphina and Elaine, you're never alone.

Remi: Thanks, but you should know, it wasn't just an accident, he was kille-...

Remi starts to cry a little, Blyke gets her out of the library before everyone sees her. Blyke and Remi are now in a private room.

Blyke: Hey hey hey... look it's gonna be alright.

Remi hugs Blyke like a panic pete.

Remi: I don't kno- bu-n an- I feel li-

The two just sit there in silence while Blyke tries to calm Remi down. Remi hugs Blyke as she starts to lose herself to her sadness. Blyke stays there and holds Remi, not letting anyone see her in this state as he tries to comfort her as best he can.

Meanwhile John in class

Teacher: When I call your name please get your report card, Alex Jones, Ben Dover, Delsin Rowe Ben Shapiro, Peter Parker, Dwight Schrute, Gavin...

John starts to daydream when they all turn dark and empty. John having been through this a couple of times knows how to handle things like this.

Joker: Nice stunt you pulled last time, now let me show you what happens when you PISS ME OFF!!!

Jokers hand turns into a giant hammer, John dodges and copies Remi's ability, shocking him both literally and figuratively.

Joker: Not bad boy! Did you notice my new quirk of a power, unlike your world, mine doesn't need Aura, well it used to, till I changed it!

John: You're sick, you need help, stop it!


John pushes down Joker and gets on top of him, punching him consistently.

Joker: Hit me!

John punches.

Joker: HIT ME!

John hits him again.

Joker: HIT ME!

John looks down on Joker only to see his former friend Roland crying, covered in bruises and blood.


John wakes up after hearing the teacher calling his name.

Teacher: Hurry up before I read your grades out loud!

Meanwhile in the Hall. Arlo can't get the memory of him and John on the roof out of his head when he bumps into John, spilling their papers everywhere.

Arlo: Bruh have you ever heard of a Binder?

John: Uh yeah, my bad, I just got my grades back and was reading the teachers comments.

People around start to comment when Arlo helps John out.

Arlo: Don't you all have better things to do?

Arlo starts to think to himself.

Arlo: It's always been like this, John would pretend to be helpless while we all play in his act. I know why he has to, can't have his identity exposed, but why does life have to be this way? Why do people look at him like he is trash, when they are the real trash, because as soon as I become a cripple, and he gets to play king, you can bet your ass people would start to change their opinions, Why John? Why would you do this to yourself? People only act selfishly in this world because the world doesn't deserve kindness. People who are weak are always the ones bitching about power. Picking on low tiers and kissing high tiers asses.

Arlo: Here.

John: Ahh, thanks!

Arlo: Don't mention it, next time watch where you're going.

John continues to walk, looking at his grades when he notices a poster, it's a Death Pool. Ever since Ember and the Cult were in place people would bet money on which one of their protectors would die next. It showed who is currently alive and who is currently dead. X-Static among the dead. John takes the poster and crumbles it up and throws it on the ground. As he in the process he sees a pinkish purple haired kid step on a green haired kid.

Purple: That'll teach you to walk into me you little shit.


Purple: Heh, well that's just too ba-

SMACK! The purple haired kid gets a fistful of pain to his jaw from John. The Green haired kid grabs his stuff and runs. Meanwhile John is left with the Purple haired kid.

John: You think this is funny? There are people dying out there trying to save your ass and the only thing you can do is take satisfaction in stepping on people weaker than you?! How pathetic, you're a disgrace to society! FUCKING KILL YOURSELF!

Purple kid starts to laugh.

Purple kid: Your one to talk, STUPID CRIPPLE! I'M GONNA BLOW YOUR FACE OFF!

He uses his ability which is a green laser and tries to kill John, he pushes his arm to avoid the laser, at this point everyone in the immediate area watches.

Person 1: Woah he just tried to kill that cripple.

Person 2: Yeah I mean, rough him up a little but that seems like overkill.


He punches the kid in the face several times.

Purple kid: Wait, what do you want?


He proceeds to punch the kid more, now even harder.

John starts to hear voices in the heat of the moment.


John looks at the purple haired kid but sees Roland crying, all bruised up and bloody.

John to himself: No, my past does not define me!

John continues to hit what looks like Roland until he starts to see the purple haired kid again. Slamming him against the wall and smashing his head against it. At this point the kid is left unconscious. Then John walks away leaving the kid behind, everyone is looking at him whispering.

Person 3: woah he just beat someone with powers.

Person 4: Can cripples even do that?

Person 5: Maybe that's why he is part of the royals. He's got some kinda ability we can't detect.

Person 6: Nah man really? no way! That loser?

Person 3: Yeah now that I think of it, the lazor ability is kinda lame, close to cripple anyways.

People start to talk amongst themselves when Remi shows up, she picks up the piece of paper John crumbled up and threw on the ground, looking at it makes her start to cry, She burns it up using her lightning in the middle of the crowd of people standing next to the unconscious purple haired kid.

Later that day Remi heads over to Seraphina's and Elaine's dorm.

Elaine: Oh hey Remi!

Remi: I want to speak with Seraphina, is she here?

Elaine: Yeah yeah come on in, you want some tea?

Remi: No thanks, this shouldn't take too long anyways.

Elaine: Are you sure?

Remi knocks on Seraphina's door

Seraphina: Come in!

Remi walks inside and the first thing she sees is a teddy bear, which she sees a chip inside of it. Not sure what it is she walks towards it only to get sidetracked.

Seraphina: What is it?

Remi: Oh Sorry for my absence (she says in a fancy accent). I know how much you hate turf wars and...

Serphina: It's okay Remi, tell me, how are you doing, after, well-

Remi: Good, I guess, it's kinda hard to adjust, losing your brother and all.

Seraphina: Yeah well, I had a sister once, who my parents just decided to throw out because they just decided she was a failure.

Remi stares at the Teddy Bear. Squinting as something inside it flashes.

Seraphina: Hey what's wrong, you keep looking at my bear?

Remi: Yeah actually, there is a weird circuit that's throwing me off.

Remi proceeds to rip open the bear and pull out a chip.

Remi: We need to be more careful, people are out for us now!

Seraphina recalls back to the ability gauge guy. She then goes to text John.

After school at Johns house, Arlo, Blyke, Isen, and John are all meeting up to make their next move on Rein.

Blyke: Okay, so I have set up my next "date" with Rein at the park across from the mall.

Isen: Okay, does everyone have their mics in?

Arlo: Yeah.

John: It's like the end of sophomore year when we played that game where you built forts and you would break trees and stuff.

Isen: Yeah! what was it called?

Blyke: Two Weeks, it was called Two Weeks!

John: I liked our name for it better.

Isen: Ayyyyy, Fortnight!


The three of them look at Arlo, as if to say Ughhhh, fine!

John: Everyone knows the plan?

Isen: Yup, I'm heading to the press room, Arlo is gonna unlock it for me since it's Saturday.

Blyke: I'm gonna act a little more romantic.

Arlo: Yeah just pretend it's Remi.


John: Okay! everyone out, he giggles a little at Isen's comment.

Isen pulls on Arlo while John proceeds to head up to his "room". John later gets a text. Its from Sera

Sera: Hey we need to talk.

John to himself: Ohhh, not good, when a girl says that its never good. It's that and paragraphs.

John replies: Yeah sure, whats up?

Sera: Hey you remember when I got my ability tested and won that teddy bear.

John: The one that we named John and almost died to a Karen?

Sera: Actually you almost died to a Karen, and no we didn't name it John! Look that's not important, what is important is that Remi came into my room today to talk.

John: Yeah, and?

Sera: She found a tracker, in order to win a bear you have to be a 5 and up.

John: A high tier basically.

Sera: Exactly!

John to himself: Holy shit, a lead on Ember! I have to investigate this!

John to Sera: Listen I have to go, I'll get Blyke and Isen on it.

Sera: Okay then.

She sighs, well that didn't do much.

John: No way I can get Isen and Blyke on it now, Arlo can take over as a middle man between Blyke and HQ (it's what they call Isen in the press room looking up files).

John to Isen: Hey Isen,I have to go take care of something, can Arlo take over as the middleman?

Isen: Yeah sure.

Isen: Arlo!

Arlo: Yeah?

Isen: I got a job for you about Rein.

John in his Basement.

Computer, when is the next shipment for teddy bears for the mall in center town?

Computer: In five hours.

John, perfect, gotta start prepping a little tracker of my own.

John to Sera: Hey can you send me that tracker.

Sera: Yeah sure, but why?

John: I'm gonna trace it back to its source.

Sera: Okay, just be careful, I don't want to see you get hurt, because if you do then I might-

John: It's okay, I'll be fine. Hey listen, did you happen to take unOrdinary? I can't find it.

Sera: Yeah why?

John: Oh my LORD! Sera you could get in serious trouble for that!

Sera: John, I'll be fine, don't worry.

John: Hey, I have five hours to kill, wanna go to the mall?

Sera: I thought you hated cloth shopping?

John: I do.

John in his head: But this is too damn important, they were tracking you.

And I'm not gonna let anyone track my friends.

Sera: Well, this isn't gonna be a very fun five hours for you then, lol.

John and Sera head to the mall, John finishes adjusting his tracker and heads out with Seraphina.

Meanwhile in the park, Blyke is waiting for Rein on a picnic blanket when he sees a limo pull up, out walks Rein with a driver wearing all blue, Blyke looks inside of the Limo when he sees what looks like a man wearing a Priest outfit.

Blyke: Blyke to John do you copy?

Arlo: It's me Blyke.

Blyke: Arlo?! Where is John?

Arlo: I don't know, he had to take care of some business. That's all he said.

Blyke: Yeah well tell Isen that I saw two cultist priests in the Limo when the door was open for Rein.

Arlo: Okay remember, this is Remi you're talking to!

Blyke: Oh my God that doesn't help!

Arlo to Isen do you copy?

Meanwhile at the mall.

John: Hey, I'm gonna get my ability read.

Sera: Why? You're just a cripple, you're just gonna expose yourself as a weakling!

John: I don't know I'm feeling lucky today ;)

John put in a chemical that temporarily weakens someone's ability when they are injected with it. This will be used so that the guy is claimed a fraud and no one will go to the booth. After of course Seraphina confirms this when she proves she has a powerful ability and wins another bear. Then we will pick apart the bear and show the mall security the chip, they will detain him. At that point a special someone will take over and get info on whatever is going on?

Seraphina and John walk around the mall, having fun and just being kids for the day, until he finds the booth guy.

John: Hey Sera, I got a plan, I'm gonna need you to follow my lead. Okay?

Sera: Okay?

John: Give me the tracker without making it obvious in front of the guy, I'll have you try it first, we might avoid the whole .

Sera walks forward with the tracker in hand.

Booth reader: Ohh, I'm sorry ma'am once you have already entered you can't win another teddy bear.

Sera: How would you know how long its been, I mean it's been-

She stops talking and hands him the tracker with the anti ability agent as she is walking with him. For a brief moment they hold hands to make the exchange.

Sera: Good luck.

John: Thanks.

John Proceeds to get his ability read.

The booth holder: Ahh yes, here I will read your ability in just a sec. Hey you're the kid who stood up for me! Thanks again for that I'll be right with you.

John: Yeah, well, I believe in doing the right thing, even if it means EXPOSING people, or getting someone in TROUBLE!

The man looks at John in a strange way, not getting the hints that John is dropping.

Sera sees him putting a tracker in the next teddy bear he had.

Sera: Excuse me sir, what are you doing to the prize?

She smiles as he gets a nervous look on his face.

Booth agent: Um, Okay here little boy, let him see your palm.

John grabs the booth man's hand and makes sure the tracker fluid enters the man's bloodstream.

Boothman: Okay let me see, ohhh it looks like your ability? is uhhh. Hey listen kid I am having trouble, you mind if we just give you a bear for compensation, I feel, kinda.....

John signals Sera to leave the mall. But before she does, John accepts the bear and gives it to her. She takes it to the authorities and they rip it open to find a tracker.

Sera leaves giving John the perfect time to execute his plan.

John: You know today is the day you're gonna regret doing business in this mall.

John looks over to see Sera entering the bus. John grabs the man running the booth and slams him down on his table, breaking it and damaging his back in the process.


John: You're going to jail now asshole! Why are you creeping on my friend?!

John takes a Teddy Bear and rips its head off exposing another tracker just as the mall security arrives to detain him. Among them a detective with cuffs arrives to cuff the booth owner.

Booth Owner: Hey wait a second, he attacked me, shouldn't he be detained?!

Detective: He was committing a citizen's arrest, that my friend is how you got here. Nice job son.

The detective winks at John, John looks up to see Keon. As Keon takes the booth owner to the detainee room he and John get an interview in a separate room.

Keon: So, let me guess, this is another undercover bust.

John: Computer! drop off suit.

Computer: Suit will arrive in thirty minutes.

Keon: I see, so John, your The Golden God, you actually stuck with it, well should have known, it's all reality TV talks about. Who else knows about this?

John: Just you and a couple of close friends.

Keon: Good, keep it that way, looks like my "lessons" really shaped you into a fine young man.

John: You might change your mind once my suit comes, all it did was teach me how to break someone.

A strange look appears in Keon's eyes. Both confused and scared of what is about to happen.

Watch: Suit will arrive in one minute.

Keon: Well, I'll let you get changed, we believe this man is involved with Ember.

John: Let me guess.

Keon: The whole point of the booth is to win a prize if you're above a five.

John: Making it so that the teddy bears with trackers have a good chance going to valuable targets and not some cripple.

Keon: So that explains how they have a killing every week.

John: Exactly.

Keon: Well if it weren't for you we would have had to wait another week to get a proper permit.

Watch: Your suit has arrived.

John: Give me a moment.

Keon: I'll see yeah some other time kid.

John: You can count on it.

John gets changed into the same semi bulky suit, as he is doing that the mall is getting closed down. He sends a text to Sera.

John to Sera: On my way home, the mall got shut down.

Sera: What happened?

John: I'll tell you later.

The Golden God enters the interrogation room, in it is a handcuffed suspect and The Golden God.

Meanwhile in the park

Arlo: Arlo to Blyke, Arlo to Blyke. How did your "session go".

Blyke: You're gonna want to sit down for this.

To be Continued...

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