Chapter 47: Chapter II
John rushes to the dorms, he pants as he knocks on Evie's room. Evie opens the door to greet John.
Evie: Oh, hey John, you need something?
John: Yeah, you know where Sheene is?
Evie: Oh yeah, come on in....
John rushes in to find Sheene in Evie's room.
John: Oh, there you are. I need your ability for a second.
John says as he sees Sheene sitting on the dorm couch.
Sheene: Uh, okay. What for?
John: Please, just hurry!
Sheene: Okay jeez.
Sheene activates her ability for John, John copies it and rushes out of the room.
John slams the door on his way out. He runs with his eyes glowing, he recklessly runs on a nearby rooftop to use Sheene's ability. He sees visions of Cecile talking to someone with a mask on, their ability is black and white, they remove their mask to reveal a familiar face he dreads to see again.
John: I knew it. That bastard, he took my second ability so he could manifest a body in this dimension.
Meanwhile in the infirmary. Doc gets a text from his mistress.
Mistress: Hey, you free Friday night?
Darren: Oh yeah, dinner on me.
He looks at the contact that says Leilah and texts.
Leilah: Thanks, they're moving me to a new location. I'm stressed out about the move. Hey, how do I look in this hat?
Doc almost laughs to himself as he observes the picture of Leilah on his phone wearing a skin tight red bikini.
Doc in his head: And she wants me to look at the hat.
Doc in his head: Holy shit, now that's hot.
Doc's nose starts to bleed, a student from the infirmary looks over and notices Doc's nose dripping red punch. Doc looks back up and makes eye contact with the student.
Doc: What the hell are you looking at?! Get lost!
Student: Uhh, yes sir!
Meanwhile John sits in his room using a vape pen. As he sucks the mango nicotine into his lungs he thinks about what he saw. Not just Joker and Cecile, but what Joker did in his world. How he became the sadistic monster that he is. He lets the mango cancer stick ease his nerves as he finds it more effective than any PTSD medicine he's been prescribed.
John (Sighing) : So then, he just gave up. Didn't bother to give a shit about anyone.
John flashes back to Joker and Sera in that room. The two argued about John's reckless behavior. John heard himself saying horrible out of pocket things to Sera, who only was trying to help a blind reckless man full of wrath and rage. "You can't even defend yourself" "You're dead to me Sera!" All these words said to his queen, breaking her heart like a man grinding bones to make dust. He then saw himself sitting on the ground crying as Arlo pulled Sera out of the room.
John: How are we even the same people, we think of the same person in such extreme opposites? So then, Cecile agreed to work with him, but Joker is now using what little influence she has left against me. Now I can't even stop him from running around the school, though Joker is gonna wear a mask since I'm suspended, though I doubt that he doesn't know that. He'll probably use a mask to run around. But how does he avoid the security barrier from Keene...
John gets an idea.
John: If he can avoid it with his current form, so should I, we're now both just normal people.
John hears Joker's voice in his head.
Joker: Hehehehehe, HAHAHAHAHAHA, whatcha gonna do now? She's all alone in that school, you can't do anything to stop me from hurting her. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THAT, WATCHING ME BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR FRIENDS?! I'LL FUCKING KILL THEM ALL! THEN THEY'LL HAVE TO ARREST YOU. YOU HEAR ME JOHN, I WIN!
John's eyes glow in fear.
Sera walks in as John holds his hands on his head, he freezes when he sees Sera standing in the door frame in the real world.
Sera: John, are you okay? What happened?
John: I, I'm fine.
Sera walks over and wraps herself around John.
Sera: Clearly not, what did you do to get yourself suspended.
John: How the.... Who told you?
Sera: Does it really matter?
John: Well, I kinda almost killed those people who abducted you.
Sera freezes, her face spells out her thoughts for John to read like a book.
John: Sera wait, I....
Sera: No no, it's fine really, I was just caught by surprise.
Sera in her head: John, this isn't okay, you're sick. I won't leave you like this! You mean too much to me.
The two sit down together in awkwardness.
Sera: John, don't take this the wrong way, but with everything that you've gone through. I think I need to get you your therapist back.
A loud crash can be heard. Sera rushes out of the room as she and John knew there would be trouble. They look outside to see the worst unfold in front of their eyes.
Sera: I'm gonna go find Evie! Help some of the royals in the building!
As she runs out John hears some mid tiers fighting. John looks out of the dorm room to see Remi and Blyke trying to split up a fight. The students are all wearing masks. John in his head recalls the mask shop selling out on a mask he bought at the mall.
Joker: Hehehe, look at that. Sera hates you now, and the school is starting to fall under my influence.
John: What the?
John sees Jokers running around with their masks on, all engaging in reckless fighting. Arlo jumps in to stop the fighting with his barrier. John rushes to grab his mask and puts it on.
John: Well, if Joker can walk around looking like me on campus with a mask, so can I!
John jumps out of the dorm room, his eyes glowing like the sun, he jumps down to fight the mid tiers. All the mid tiers stop fighting each other and break free from the royals grasp. John jumps down and presents himself with a loud thud. As the jokers look at the mysterious Joker they all charge, suddenly working together to take out a threat that could destroy their system.
Joker 1: Not another fucking high tier, we're so sick of you pigs!
Joker 2: Rot in hell asshole!
John looks at the jokers in anger, he sees his former class in New Bostin charging at him as he wore the infamous mask of the devil in disguise.
Remi in her head: Holy shit, John's losing it.
Arlo: This can't end well.
Blyke: WHAT THE?!
John powers up, using black lightning he shocks them all.
Then he runs using Remi's lightning dash and sends them flying into the school wall, cracking the wall with their bodies. Large crowds of students gather to watch the mysterious high tier beating the Jokers senselessly.
Student 1: Holy shit, come on Remi, start powering up, what if that gold kid goes for you next?
Student 2: Oh fuck off you simp, the royals are the enemy, all they do is look down on us! And that stupid new high tier thinks he can mock us with that mask.
Student 3: Don't talk about our Queen like that!
Student 4: Arlo, come on, kick his ass he might hurt someone!
The royals watch the crowd divide, students fighting, either defending the Royals or attacking them based on jealousy and hatred for the system. All while John starts to walk back from beating the Joker's half death.
A group of students pull on Isen to show him Remi, Blyke, and Arlo all looking at the new high tier. Isen looks at the masked students half dead from the new high tier.
Isen in his head: So, this is John, or at least what he was like in New Bostin, whatta monster.
Student 4: Come on Isen, help them!
Isen: Relax will yeah! Give me a sec.
Isen says this as his eyes glow an amber orange.
Isen approaches Blyke as the three royals stare John down, knowing his identity. John looks over at the school using Isen's ability and sees Sera walking with someone, they stop as a third figure jumps the second one, leaving her to fight them off. In another area he sees Elaine surrounded by three other figures.
John in his head: Shit, I can't just leave them hear to deal with these stupid students, but if I don't then....
John pauses as he looks at the building and leaps towards it. He smashes into the third floor where Elaine is seen running away from the thugs.
John in his head: Sera can fight off that one guy, these dudes might actually hurt Elaine, she can't fight back as well as Sera can.
15 minutes earlier Elaine sees a student wearing a mask.
Elaine: Um, what do you want?
The mask's eye holes glow blue as the student dashes at Elaine as she tries to avoid it. The student throws a punch but misses.
Elaine: This person, why is he wearing a mask? Something isn't right.
At this moment in time each royal thinks the same thing in their mind as they look at the masked students they see an outraged society. People are tired of living in fear for being weak. They see Joker on the rooftop with his power, black and white.
Royals in their head: So, this is the guy John has been fighting, he must have somehow manipulated these people. The enemy of Wellston, and quite possibly the world.
Arlo in his head: No way, this man, he took over the throne, so why is he wearing a mask? Why not reveal himself as king. Unless...
That's not his goal.
They all flash back to John talking about a Joker. The group looks at John with a concerned are you crazy look as John describes him as a look alike.
John: Guys I swear, this is the guy.
Arlo: Dude, come on, what?
Remi: John, I think we need to get you some help.
The group comes to the conclusion that John was not crazy, this is what he was talking about whenever he mentioned Joker, the devils name.
Elaine activates her ability as she takes a hit from the fake joker. She grabs his arm and punches the elbow hard enough to break the arm. As the arm snaps and twitches she uses her healing ability to heal her face from the nasty bruise she got from the jokers punch.
Fake Joker: Ahh, FUCK!
Elaine: I don't know what's going on, but you're gonna explain it to me, right now.
Elaine looks down at the fake joker menacingly.
The fake Joker whistles for his friends to come out.
Fake Joker: I'm gonna beat the shit out of every last royal. You can't stop all of us!
He swings at Elaine as his friends approach them. They surround them as their eyes glow. Then out of nowhere John busts out of the wall and takes out three of the guys with the rubble. The other three stand in shock as the mysterious high tier looks at them. He takes his thumb and swipes it across his neck as Elaine starts to run. The four jokers (including the one with the broken arm) stand up to fight this new high tier.
Joker 1: Come on, he's just a cocky elite tier.
The first fake Joker stares at the high tier with his glowing blue eyes.
Crail in his head: John Doe, I know you, we all do. You're one of those rare aura manipulators, what do people call it? A "gift from God" or are we just cursed? To copy an ability and make it better, it almost dehumanizes the opponent, a statement that says they're worthless. That they're nothing but your shadow. Ironic since you're the Shadow King.
John grabs one of their heads and smashes it into the locker causing it to crack a little. He throws the unconscious body and charges the kid with the broken arm, sending him flying out of the window. The other two try to run away but John shocks them until they collapse.
Crail in his head: Even as you beat these guys, I still can't tell who you are, a cripple, a psycho, a superhero, a villain, all I know is that if you do a little research, you get a boy who has beaten his classmates back in New Bostin half to death. Another cocky high tier, who now thinks that because they played pretend that they're the good guy, the victim. I see through the act, you're no different from the rest of us. It's funny, all you do is fuck up the world, you beat people to the point of hospitalization, then your daddy writes a little book for you, only to make it brain wash people and lead them to their deaths, your a sick fuck, a cancer to this world. Yeah, so am I, and my friends, we were freaks for what we did to Seraphina, I'll be a man and admit that shit was fucked, but can you blame them, they were mistreated and programmed to think the way they think, just like you were, we all were, but does that make us innocent? Who the Hell knows anymore? So go ahead, beat me to death, just like you did to me and my friends, because at this point nothing anyone does is good, we're all going to hell anyways. Just separate me and my bones like you did with our squad already.
Elaine runs to a nearby window and watches as Blyke, Remi, Arlo, and Isen try to break up fights in the center of campus. Masked students vs no masks. She runs out to help her friends as they struggle to control the situation.
Joker looks over the whole situation on the roof. He flashes back to when he was King of Wellston in his old world. How he manipulated Cecile. He walks back into the school and runs into Cecile. An angered look on her face causes Joker to clench his fist.
Cecile: So what now? We agreed to take care of John? This is chaos. All of this is unnecessary. Even Rei was able to keep this all together!
John: So?
Cecile: So, what happened to the plan, we agreed we take John out together! I would help you in exchange for my press situation back. Everything is falling apart.
Joker slams Cecile against the wall.
Joker: OH HEY NOW! What's this help crap, I didn't need your help, you just made things a little easier now, don't act like I needed you. Let me make things clear Cecile, I DECIDE WHAT GOES, and YOU are in no position to do a single thing.
Seraphina in her head: John, what kind of force of evil are you going up against here?
Sera is guarding Evie, her ankle is sprained so she can't walk. Sera stands guard as she engages in combat with the fake Joker. John arrives at the scene to watch the two fight.
John in his head: What? Why is this happening?
John sees the fake Joker powering up, his green eyes turn yellow in John's delusional view. Sera turns into Claire as the Joker turns into him.
Sera: Who are you?
John in his head: No, that isn't me. I'm not that monster!
Memories of New Bostin flash his mind.
Evie: Sera, just save yourself!
Sera and the fake Joker fight in combat, the fake Joker starts to overpower Sera.
John in his head: No, I'm not a monster, I, I...
Claire: Monster.
Sera: Uhh, you what?!
Claire: You tried to kill those kids in the house, FREAK! MURDERER!!!!
John in his head: Make it stop!
John watches as Sera struggles to fend off the mid tier as they wail their arms, sending strong punches towards Sera. Sera blocks each punch as she feels her arm bones wobble and shake from each blow, afraid they'll break; she can only watch helplessly as she prevents her ribs from snapping in half.
John rushes out of the corner.
John rushes out with his Joker mask, he shoves the fake Joker to the ground and punches him before he can even look.
Sera in her head: Holy shit, that's John! Why is he still here? Didn't he get suspended? That's probably why he has one of those masks on, no way the staff can recognize him.
Evie in her head: Woah, that's John. His eyes are gold and cool looking. The coolest shade of gold I've ever seen.
John looks down at the fake Joker. He sees himself in that person.
John in his head: I'm not that monster, not anymore. I'm not gonna go down that road again. I'm not the king I once was, I'm not the Joker that I was supposed to become. I'm the Golden God.
Fake Joker: Ugh....
John in his head: Good, stay down asshole.
John looks at Sera and Evie.
John: Hey, are you two okay?
Sera nods.
The fake Joker gets back up and Sera leaps forward and kicks him down to the ground.
Fake Joker: Oh I get it, you think that because you were once a High tier that you're still better than me, and you, who the hell are you? Fucking high tier scum, why would you need a mask?
John looks at the fake Joker and pounds his hands together.
Fake Joker: Why you defending this bitch, all she did was look down on us low and mid tiers just for existing. Well how does it feel to be crippled now, it's what trash like you fucking deserves....
John throws a black lighting bolt at the impostor Joker. She falls to her knees.
Fake Joker: WHO ARE YOU?
Mysterious high tier: Don't act like you have control of the situation. Stay on the ground you piece of shit!
John shocks the mid tier, causing her to collapse on the ground.
Evie in her head: No way, did John just use his powers? Oh my God I thought I would never see the Golden God in action, so cool! I'm surprised no one else thinks he's the Golden God. I tried to explain my reasoning but people would either stay quiet or shut it down. Strange. Anyways I think he's The Golden God. That's so cool!
John pulls off the mask, the fake Joker is revealed to be a girl. wearing a boys Wellston uniform.
Sera looks out the window and Remi, Arlo, Blyke, and Isen finish up fighting off all the masked students.
Sera: No one is safe anymore, kids are just attacking each other.
Sera looks at the roof to find the mysterious figure gone.
Sera: Whoever that guy was, he must have somehow influenced the students to act so violent.
John looks at the unconscious student, he picks her up and punches her repeatedly.
Sera: What the, no stop!
She pulls John away.
Sera: John enough.
John looks at Sera.
John: What the hell? You're trying to get me in trouble, no one can know I'm HERE!
Sera: Just, help me get Evie to the infirmary, she's already down so what's the point?!
John picks up Evie and carries her. He drops her off at the infirmary.
Sera: Thanks, hey Saturday, meet me in my dorm.
John: What's going on, why are you acting so distant?
Sera: Just do it.
Sera walks in the infirmary with Evie on her shoulder while John looks out at the school.
John in his head: What the hell is happening?
Sera in her head: I can't believe this is all so real. Going to crushing entire teams of royals, to becoming completely defenseless. I don't know how much longer I can take this. Now John is suspended for the month, and he's still hiding something from me. I can tell. I need to break through to him.
John in flashback: The stronger person isn't always right you know! To have to use force to back up your claim, it's so pathetic. Our world is flawed. I admire the hero of unOrdinary he uses his powers to help others instead of using it selfishly. If I ever get powers, I will become that hero. No matter what I will leave this planet better than I found it.
Sera in her head: Despite his good nature and morals, he hurts people to an extent that's so unnecessary. Something happened in his past that he isn't telling me. First though I'm gonna need to get a hold of someone from his old school. Assuming he went to public school back in New Bostin.
Meanwhile Remi, Arlo, Elaine, Blyke, and Isen are separating and crowd controlling the unmasked students.
Arlo: Great, now we have a civil war going on.
Remi: Wow, I didn't think people thought of us like that.
Isen: Well it's not like we were ever popular, people will always suck up to those higher up than them.
Blyke: Yeah well, who cares what they think? We have followers who respect us, those are the only people that matter, those masked idiots don't know what the Hell they are doing.
Arlo: Well, we need to meet with John ASAP.
Remi: Huh, why?
Arlo: Just trust me.
Isen receives a text from Sera.
Isen: Oh hold up guys. I gotta take this.
Isen heads to the press room to meet with Seraphina.
Isen in his head: Oh jeez, it's Seraphina, what could she want.
Isen imagines her acting flirty with him, he blushes as he walks along the hallways.
Isen in his head: NO! I need to keep my cool.
Isen opens up the room to find Seraphina sitting at the press table, she stands up as he walks in.
Isen: Oh hey there, what's on your mind?
Sera in her head: What the heck is up with Isen, whatever, he's weird anyways.
Sera: I need information on John, his old class in New Bostin. Who his classmate was. That stuff.
Isen: Uh, yeah sure. Here.
Isen prints out some files off of John, Sera takes them to her dorm.
15 minutes of reading later
Name: John
Sex: M
Birthday: November 18
Previous School: NBMS
Graduation Class: 201X
Rank (1 King)
Ability: Aura Minipulation
Level: 7.0
Comments: Average Student, does not get along well with others; does not like to participate in class; has aggressive/violent tendencies. NOTE: Do not activate ability when handling situations involving John.
Expulsion during second year for excessive violence. Details explained later.
John sat at his expulsion hearing with his head down for the entire two hour duration. He refused to make eye-contact with any of the interrogators. He neglected to speak or provide any form of evidence for his actions. No information or reasoning was given for why he severely injured his entire graduating class. In conclusion, New Bostin High School had no choice but to terminate him.
Sera: So, this is why John is so violent, a late bloomer. He wasn't raised like a high tier, this might also explain why his other version is based on world domination, they both don't see the world like the rest of us, one is naive and thinks that beating up every criminal till they reach the other side will solve things, the other wants revenge for something, only for that revenge to turn into an dopamine pleasure. That's why John almost killed those people in the house. Then again he usually doesn't kill students, not even Meili and Ventus, unless he was mad they took me and...
Sera blushes at the thought of John getting mad for her.
Sera: No, now's not the time!
Three days later Sera is walking, she checks her messages and finds John texting her, she avoided him on purpose. Confused on how she feels for him. She then gets an unknown call.
Sera: Uhh, hello?
Roland: Um hi, this is Roland, us Evie's friend, I found this number in her contacts.
Sera: Where's Evie?
Roland: She's unconscious, she was attacked by a fake Joker!
Sera freezes.
Sera in her head: Already. I just dropped her off at the infirmary.
Sera: I'll be there!
Five minutes later
Sera: Oh my God Evie! What happened?
Roland: It was one of those Jokers, they attacked her, I managed to grab her mask but our friend Terrance, he just ran away.
Sera: Hmm, not bad.
Roland: Yeah but that Terrance, he just freaking ran, turned invisible.
Sera jumps a little, shocked at what she just heard.
Sera in her head: That day me and John left the mall, we were followed by someone who had that same ability. On top of that the mall bombing incident also had someone who was invisible. Could it be? I gotta keep Terrance close.
Roland: I just thought he cared for us, you know?
Evie starts to wake up. The three chat among each other.
Meanwhile John is in his dorm thinking to himself.
John: Fuck man, why the hell do I have to sit here all day? That fucking Joker, he started a civil war within out own school, turned everyone against each other. All while Cecile helps him from the shadows. And Sera, why is she acting so distant, she didn't call, text, or even look at me in the halls since I got suspended. Why is she acting so distant?
The last period bell rings and John gets a text from Sera.
Sera: Meet me at my dorm in ten.
John: Ugh, why is she, you know what, I'll just find out there.
John walks out of his room and heads out into the hall.
John: Alright, time to see what this is about.
To be Continued.....
Le Bonus
Ability: Barrage
Level: 2.3