
Chapter 46: Chapter I

Sera, John, Blyke, Remi, Isen, Elaine, Arlo, and Holden are all around in Blyke and John's room playing Poker. The following have these hands.

Holden: Flush

Elaine: Two pair

John: Full house

Sera: Two pair

Isen: Three of a kind

Arlo: Straight

Blyke and Remi both have a straight flush.

The group puts down their hands.

John: Hehehehe, let's go!

The group: BRUUUUUH!

John pulls in the chips as he smiles to himself.

John: Yes, I won something for once.

Arlo: Yeah okay pal.

Remi: Shoot, I have to start studying for tomorrow's exam.

Arlo: Yeah same.

One by one the group starts to head out, everyone except for Sera who stays back with John in his part of the room. As everyone says their goodbyes the door closes, leaving Sera alone with John.

Sera: No fair, you tricked us all!

John: Huh?

Sera: You bet low the whole time to make us all think you had nothing, then came back and bit me when I was already invested!

John: Uh yeah, that's the game, you played really well. I just got lucky that's all.

John gives off his cripple side's smile.

John: Well, looks like you took your first loss. How does it feel to get so humbled?

Sera: Nuh uh! I was just tired, that's all.

John: Yeah okay, sure.

Sera: How did you become so deceptive?

John: What do you think I do in school?

Sera: What do you mean?

John: That's how I survive, I make myself look weak, then when the bait is set.....

John flashes his eyes in excitement. The burst of light almost startles Sera.

John: Hehehe, what do you think? Even made you think I was vulnerable.

Sera: Ahh, I see, well I'm gonna catch some shut eye.

Sera looks around the room before she kisses John goodnight.

Sera: Night John.

John: Night.

Sera leaves the room. John walks over to check his phone when he hears his dorm room open back up.

John: Oh hey, what's up Se-

John took a moment to pause, looking at a pair of two golden eyes lighter than his own staring right back at his.

Meanwhile Arlo is in a taxi on his way to his apartment, he thinks to himself about what happened when he filed a report to headmaster Vaughn. Remembering the stamped records on his desk.

Tanner: Expelled (now with possible permanent criminal record).

Wenqi: Expelled.

Rouker: Suspended. (Parents are pushing for him to stay by any means necessary)

Hower: Expelled.

Krolik: Expelled.

Illena: Expelled (now with possible permanent criminal record, the rest have permanent records)

Crail: Suspended, Parents are pushing for him to stay by any means necessary.

Misa: Expelled.

As they all pack their bags and return their uniforms, they look at Arlo with a vengeful look, like he just made mortal enemies out of them.

Arlo sighs as the taxi drives off into the city.

Arlo in his head: I don't have a good feeling about them. There's nothing worse than desperate low rankers out on the streets. That's the recipe for crime.

Meanwhile in the dorms.

John sees Blyke looking at him with a smirk.

John: Oh, hey buddy, what's going on?

Blyke: So, you and Sera huh?

John: Okay um…

John paused for a moment.

Blyke: So, you two you know?...

John: Why? You wanna know what we are?

Blyke: Oh I know already. I wanna hear you say it so I can call you a simp for the rest of the year.

John: Okay bud, you can't be talking. If anything you're the real simp. You only became Lazerbeam because Remi wanted you to.

Blyke: Oh yeah well uhh, you have a small pp!

John's phone starts to ring.

John: Give me a second.

John picks up the phone.

John: Hello?

Keon: You have a second?

John: Uh yeah, same place?

Keon: Meet me there.

The phone hangs up as Blyke pulls out his mask.

John: What are you doing?

Blyke: What do you think? I'm tagging along.

John: Ugh, why?

Blyke: Dawg I need to become stronger, I'm only an elite tier and I'm king next year. Besides, Lazerbeam is no simp.

John: Oh right, you're gonna become a buzzkill like Arlo. Only came to poker night because Elaine had to drag him.

Blyke: Yeah well not everyone has the privilege to run around smashing heads in while wearing a Halloween costume.

John: Haha, fuck off, come on now I don't wanna be late. And I don't just smash heads in. I help people.

Blyke in a mocking voice: "night babe".


Thirty minutes later The Golden God and Lazerbeam meet Keon on the city hall roof.

Keon: Who's the friend there?

The Golden God: He's just a friend, helping me out for a while. Think of him as an intern.

Keon: Yeah well keep him in check, the authorities won't recognize him if they run into him.

The Golden God: What's up?

Keon: We found another devil man, he abducted many people in the past and we've been trying to catch up on his case for a while now. We found three girls from Quinton who were abducted, tortured, and killed. Alongside them was a boy who also went missing looking for them. He took the week off from school right before he disappeared. We think he's involved in their murder case.

Lazerbeam: Oh God.

Keon: The victims were involved in the Killer Wolf case. We found one of those reckless vigilantes who stopped the Killer Wolf, he was the boy I mentioned. His real name was Peter Parker.

John recognizes the name and flashes back to when report cards were being passed out, Alex Jones, Peter.....

John: Oh shit, he was a mid tier in our class. I know him, we would chat in the halls and…

John pauses, letting Blyke think to himself.

Blyke: Ah, that name seems familiar.

John: We'll look into it, come on Lazer.

The two head to the location Keon told them about, it was an abandoned warehouse in the middle of Quinton's turf war location just a couple towns over Wellston.

Blyke: Oh, I remember being here before. Turf wars.

John: Right, look around. Let me know if you see anything.

Blyke: Right, copy that.

They look around the warehouse for a while until Blyke finds a dead Peter in a Spider-Man suit, around him is a white fleshy substance, like, as if he was in some kinda body that blew up. John finds the four girls from Quinton, beaten and bloodied beyond recognition, some were gagged and others were blindfolded. They laid tied up each in a chair. John starts to shed a tear, he flashes back to when Seraphina in her chair at the old abandoned house up the street from Wellston, trying not to break down and cry, he looks back at Blyke as the memories of her abduction try to break him down.

Blyke: Hey, Pete, you there? PETE?!

John walks towards Blyke, wondering why Blyke is calling out for Peter's name.

John: Looks like they're all dead.

Blyke: And Pete was here to help them.

John: So then, this is the Killer Wolf's killer?

Blyke: Yeah.

John in his head: It was my fault he had to become this, if I didn't go crazy in New Bostin, then Zirian wouldn't have gone nuts and killed those people. Pete would have been happy with these people in Quinton, and alive.

John remembered how Zirian looked as he was charging up his crescent slash that glowed a mix of neon green and blue. His hair the same color and his eyes more on the green side. His eyes however where all John was looking at, leaving streaks of green behind as the boy sent the deadly glowing boomer rang's at John. With ease John was able to copy the attack, creating his version that was black with a gold glowing tint on the outside. The entire battle was as quick as the flashback would be years later. John finds himself so full of guilt that he swings his fist at the wall and breaks it, cracking it.


But before Blyke could even commentate he takes a quick turn around, his eyes glowing gold as he activates his powers.

Blyke: Uh, Goldy!

John: What's up Lazer?

A bulky figure emerges from the warehouse, two crystallized tails form out of his back, bulky armor forms around his right arm that turns a blood muscle red, it then forms a helmet around his head creating a super weapon for the arm. He puts on a hockey mask and cracks one finger. Around all his fingers were golden brass knuckle type of weapons, acting both as a weapon and armor for his fingers.

Jason Roe: Well, well. Golden God I presume. It would be an honor to eat you.

The Golden God: I'm not on the menu asshole.

John in his head: Wait a second.

John remembers everything, the night his brother went missing. Nobody wanted to help, the authorities refused to do anything in fear that it would start a major conflict. That night he remembers his mom dragging him to his room and injecting something into his arm.

John's mom: Sweetie, I know this is scary, but it'll help you develop something later on.

John: YOU!

The Golden God jumps into action, he punches the beast's face breaking the mask. Jason's extra muscle tissue formed from the blood he eats from others gives him protection. He then shoots some projectiles at The Golden God.

John in his head: This isn't a normal ability, this guy isn't using aura. That's crystallized blood being exerted, which means these people, the devil tiers, have to eat people in order to survive. This also means that I can't copy his ability, it looks like I just have Isen's from earlier and Blyke's.

The beast at this point rips its clothes and mask off, it launches itself at the self proclaimed heroes. As he lunges towards them his feet break the ground he stood on, leaving a crater.

The Golden God sends a shock wave towards the serial killer. Jason evades and climbs on the roof while Lazerbeam shoots him down.

Jason Roe: Well, I didn't know you brought a friend?

He stabs Blyke in the shin and throws him against the wall knocking him unconscious with his two crystal tails.

The Golden God: BLYKE NO!

Jason: HAHAHAHA, Blyke, I know that guy, well now I do!

John: No, I let it slip!

Jason: Hahahaha, yeah sure did bud!

Jason smiles twistedly as his eyes get bloodshot. His teeth show the chunks of flesh in between them as his chompers show themselves to John.

John: Yeah well, you won't need to know his name where you're going!

John jumps up and tries to land a kick on the killer, he misses as Jason dodges.

Jason: Wow, you don't scare us, we devil tiers don't think you're that scary, hell you're the strongest and you rely on copying weak abilities. How pathetic.

John: You should have been, it might have saved your life.

John powers up, his body starts to shake as he charges up a large shock wave, Jason charges at John with his ability fully activated, his eyes black as night with a red pupil, surrounded by red veins. Right as he lands a punch on John, John releases a blast of energy that shoves the killer through a wall.

The Golden God: Now, since I know who you are, you're gonna tell me what you did with a kid you took a while back ago. People deserve answers for your crimes.

Jason laughs at The Golden God.

Jason: What makes you think I'm gonna talk? Hahahaha! What I do during my play time is my business.

John takes his mask off. Showing his identity to the creepy killer, his face goes from a smile to a frown filled with fear.


Jason's smile fades, James Doe. A name who he knew very well. What he thought was just lunch he stole from a low tier district ended up being taken from him from the rest of the gang. From then years of his life he watched his new master being tortured into a killing machine.


John's face goes from anger to a mix of horror and confusion as his presence is now the cause for Jason's horrible screaming.



John, out of anger, starts to punch Jason.


Jason Roe: Please, stop. Oh God nooo.

After the seventh punch Jason's pulse fades There is nothing left but a hunk of muscle and blood creating sound waves that form a dying man's fading scream.

It was at that moment John felt the difference between anger, rage,

And Wrath.

And it would only be the beginning.

John heads back to the warehouse to check on Blyke.

Blyke: Ah shit, my leg.

Blyke finds himself cringing as he looks at the nasty deep wound bleeding.

John: It's fine, Elaine can heal that.

Blyke: Yeah, it just hurts like a mother-AGH!

John picks up Blyke and takes him back to the dorm roof where they get changed.

Blyke: So this is why you didn't want me to come.

John: More or less, now we're dealing with abnormal's.

Blyke: Ab what?

John: Abnormal's, these people lost their ability and traded it for a new one that involves taking aura from the blood and using it to power their own abilities.

Blyke: So you can't just copy their ability?

John: Nope.

Blyke: Oh great. That's more good news for us. As if Rain wasn't hard enough when we fought her.

John: Let's just worry about your leg.

Blyke: Yeah, right.

John in his head: I'm such a liar, of course I can't but for some reason, at that moment, I felt something within awaken, what was that? Am I even strong enough to pull it off yet?

John wraps Blyke's leg and takes him to the dorm room. They wait for Elaine. Little did they know she brought Remi with her when she heard it was Blyke.

Elaine: Oh my, this looks bad but shouldn't be life threatening.

Remi: What the hell?! You didn't tell me or Isen!

John: That's not my job. Blyke wasn't even supposed to come, I just thought he could help out since he wouldn't take now.

Blyke: Oh thanks pal. Throw me under the bus I see.

John: No problem buddy!

Remi: Oh Blyke, thank God you're okay!

Blyke starts to heat up as Remi hugs him.

Blyke in his head: Maybe I should keep coming with John and getting hurt.

Elaine: John, can I talk to you outside?

The two head outside into the hallway.

Elaine: There were tiny crystals in his leg, they seemed to be foreign, that's not a normal wound from anyone with an ability.

John: Look, I.....

He looks at Elaine, pausing as she starts to stare him down with fear in her eyes.

John: Everything's fine. Trust me okay.

Elaine: John, what happened?

John: Look I can't tell you okay, just trust me.

Elaine: John...

John: I said enough.

Elaine pauses to John's tone as John starts to head into his dorm room. She walks into Blyke's bedroom to see Remi scolding Blyke for leaving her in the dark.

Remi: Do you understand?!

Blyke: Quit acting like my mom!

Remi slaps Blyke across the face.

Blyke: OWWW, what was that for?

Remi: For being a jerk.

Blyke: Oh come on, John had it under control.

Elaine walks back to her dorm room.

Blyke: Fine, I'll let you know next time I do something alright?

Remi hugs Blyke tightly.

Remi: See, that wasn't so hard now was it?

Blyke doesn't respond out of pettiness.

Remi: Hey, Blyke.

Blyke: What?

Remi: Please do what I ask. You really need to be more careful.

Blyke: Look, I never see you press Isen like this, so what gives?!

Remi: I, I don't know if I can tell you yet.

Blyke notices Remi getting red, she turns away from him, she starts to get up and walk away when Blyke grabs her hand away from her hair as she plays with it.

Blyke: Remi, please, I don't want to be guessing the whole time.

Remi in her head: If I don't do something about his reckless behavior, he's gonna get hurt. I don't know what to do to save my Blyke.

Remi grabs Blyke's hand and pulls him towards her.

Blyke: Remi wh-hmmfmfm

Meanwhile John is thinking over his life, how he knew who Pete was the whole time. After reading an article on X-static he was inspired to use his powers for good (of course on top of unOrdinary). He swore to become the Golden God the day The killer Wolf killed those ten low tiers in cold blood, how someone with less power had to put him away and not him. This whole mess was his fault. Then he sees a silhouetted figure in the corner of his room.

John: What the hell do you want?

Joker: Hehehe, so whatever happened to the Dark Knight? Threw him out now that he's useless. Saved your little princess without exposing yourself. So now what?

John: Screw off. You're just a tool for my ability anyways so I'll do what I want with you.

Joker: Oh no boy, you're gonna hear more from me.

John: Psh, bring it on asshole.

Joker laughs as he fades away. John opens his door to check on Blyke, he sees Remi walking out, her hair all messy.

John: What the hell happened to you?

Remi: Uhh, Um, eeeek!

Remi runs off embarrassed.

John: Hey bud, what's up with Remi?

Blyke: I uhhhhh, nothing?! Watcha doing?

John: Oh wanted to check that leg of yours.

Blyke: Yeah well, Elaine healed up real good.

John: Yeah well, she found crystal particles in the leg, she knows more than we think she does.

Blyke: Is that bad?

John: I want you to keep this under wraps, we don't need any panic to go around in the royal squad, then the general public might find out that our Jack got hurt from doing, you know.

Blyke: Yeah, sure thing, o-of course.

John: Uhh, you sure you're good?


Blyke's face gets intensely red.

John: Ohhhhhkayyyyyyy then.

John walks out of Blyke's room.

Meanwhile, Cecile is in the Headmasters office.

Headmaster: So Cecile, what did you want to inform me about?

Cecile: You remember the old abandoned house that was caught on fire?

Headmaster: Yes, Arlo and Remi made an official statement, we have all those responsible for the abduction.

Cecile interrupts Vaughn.

Cecile: Well actually it's about John. He well.....

I think he started the fire

Headmaster Vaughn: You realize this is a serious accusation, if I find out anything from the truth that you're telling me, then this could result in suspension and possibly expulsion.

Cecile: I have all the proof I need.

Cecile pulls out her phone. She plays an audio recording of John.


Arlo: John, what the?!

John: Hehe, those fucks can burn in hell.

An explosion can be heard in the background.

Arlo: John NOOOO!

The audio cuts

Headmaster Vaughn: Very well, this will be handled, thank you Cecile, your dismissed.

Cecile walks out of the room, a gray figure that looks like John approaches her.

Cecile: Okay then, what do I get out of this, I need to be watching John if I wanna kill him.

Joker: Listen up, you don't have a choice, you're lucky I'm trying to kill him too, because if you weren't out of my way....

Joker takes Cecile's arm and slams it against the wall trapping her.

Joker: I would have ended you instantly.

Joker's eyes glow Black like a void as he stares Cecile down.

The next day at school John is called down to the office. As John walks down to the office all that's on his mind was how weird Blyke acted, and Remi too. As well as Elaine questioning him. He then enters the headmasters office.

John: You wanted to see me sir?

Headmaster Vaughn: Have a seat John.

John sees Keon and The lie detector.

John: Oh, hello Mr. Keon. What's going on?

Headmaster Vaughn: Have a seat.

Keon: John, we know what happened to the old abandoned house.

John: Huh, what are you talking about?

Miss Nadia: This is an official interrogation, please answer all questions honestly or else we will have to expel you. Is this understood?

Nadia's tone was more mother-like and kind than she is with others, knowing who John is and fearing him she addresses him like he's a student of hers.

John: Yeah.

Keon: Well then, John Doe, did you or did you not burn down the old abandoned house down the street, knowing that there were four people inside?

John pauses in his head, he hears the flames bursting from the house. He sees Joker in the distance coming out of the flames.

Joker: Well, go ahead, ANSWER THE QUESTION!

Keon: Answer the question John.

John looks down at the ground as he feels his aura surge through his body.

John: So, you suddenly care about four worthless mid tiers over The Golden God now?

Everyone gasps

Keon: John, this is serious, you can't go around like a madman hurting everyone who crosses you. Apprehending them was one thing, but you are not the executioner here. Not in Wellston.

Headmaster: He's right John, when you enrolled here you were granted certain privileges due to your rank, when ever you send students to the hospital I would let you off, but brutalizing and attempting to murder other students is were I draw the line, anymore of this Golden God nonsense in this school and there will be consequences. Do you understand?


Keon: Do you understand?

John nods with compliance.

Headmaster: Good, now unfortunately I'm gonna have to suspend you for the month. However I will allow you to stay on campus in the dorms only because of the danger that going back to your old house would put you in, but other than that you will not set foot in the school building. Is that understood?

John: Yes sir.

Keon: John, take this time to evaluate yourself, I think the authorities should handle the devil tier case. I'm placing the Golden God off our radar for the month you are gone.

John tries to speak up but he knows there is nothing he can do about the current situation.

Headmaster Vaughn: You're dismissed.

John heads out of the room as Keon and Vaughn discuss what the next course of action is.

John in his head: Dammit, I have no authorities to back me up, no school basement to use, nothing but my suit. Also on top of that I can't protect Seraphina, I can't.....Sheene, she can help me out. I have to find her. I "think" I know who is behind this.


To be Continued...

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