Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 99: : I am a bat monkey

Under the dim candlelight, Mange looked at Sandao quietly.

The goblin in front of him was kneeling halfway on the ground. A white linen scarf covered his mouth, but his eyes were full of sincerity and determination.

At this moment, Mange suddenly deepened his understanding of Sandao.

In addition to the life-saving grace, there is another reason why San Dao followed his mane. That is-identity.

We are all the same people, all are people on the margins of society. All are excluded, all suppressed, all discriminated against. If we are pure-blooded, we will be able to live better. But the reality is that even if we have strong capabilities and make outstanding contributions, we must be treated unfairly.

Therefore, compared with needle gold, Sandao hopes to see the success of Mange.

Mangge was silent for a moment, and then he spoke lightly: "Three swords, I understand your loyalty. But ... can't be too impatient."

"Jin Jin, this kid is very wristy."

"He first accepted us in disregard of the objections in public, and at dinner, he sent barbecues in public, and also delivered medicines, and proposed to share information on his own initiative. This move was very popular."

"No matter what reason you use tomorrow, as long as you challenge him, everyone else will be angry. They think you do n’t know how to praise, and do n’t know how to be grateful. They will also think that this is not your idea, because you followed me, so this It must have been my advice. "

Mangge chuckled: "Like they framed me as the murderer who assassinated the captain. The truth is not important, the heart is the heart."

"But, lord, if we don't take measures as soon as possible ..." Sandao gritted his teeth, showing hesitation.

Mange continued: "If you challenge Pin Gold now, the one who will benefit the most will be him."

"You know why he accepted us and arranged us near the camp? He not only wanted to guard against or solicit us, he also deepened his influence on the crew."

"He just contacted the group of Suso just today, and he jumped directly into a leader and seized the power in the hands of Suso. Why did Suso not resist, but chose to swallow the bitter fruit?"

"This is not only Jinzhen's identity, but not only because Jinjin saved the camp and sling their lives, but also because we are right in front of them. If Xisuo does not rely on Jinjin, he can't fight me.

"Really." Sandao was suddenly reminded by this reminder, "If I challenge the needle gold, I will definitely make the cord more attached to the needle gold. This crack will be reduced to a negligible point because of my move."

Mange nodded: "We can no longer intensify contradictions and enhance each other's opposition. Identity and lineage are our weaknesses. Because of this, we need to gain the trust of the crew. Otherwise, we alone will be able to do it again. Fight, how does the ship maneuver? "

"We want to be united. On this point, I agree with Jin Jin. This is why I promised to come to this camp."

"This island is very dangerous."

"In the previous beach camp, the real murderer of the mysterious attack, I still have no clue."

"Whether it's a fine cable or us, we have been attacked by bat monkeys and silver rhinos one after another. This is very strange, I always feel like someone is manipulating behind the scenes!"

"The most important thing is to leave here."

"When Pin Jin announced that he wanted to accept us, he actually challenged me."

"It's just the bet for this challenge, not just me and him, but also you, including the crew, and the possibility of escaping here."

"When I promised to come to the camp, I accepted this challenge."

"I have foreseen that this will be a new battle. The method can't be too simple and rude. Three swords, in that case, we will lose."

"In order to detect the strength of the needle's gold, we don't have to hurry. I have a hunch that the attacks of bat monkeys and rhinos will not stop, and will even get worse."

Sandao's heart was awe-inspiring, and he quickly bowed his head: "I completely understand, sir."

"Well, go on."

"Subordinates quit."

Three knives withdrew from the camp account respectfully, while Cangxu entered the account to see the needle gold.

"You are here, scholar, please sit down." Jin Jin smiled, he had waited for a long time.

As long as he left the camp and rushed to rescue the boatman and the line, the needle gold gave Cangsu the task, let him dissect the corpse of the bat monkey, and report the detected intelligence to him.

Cang Xu bowed his head: "Master, before I report to you, please order an additional fire and torch for lighting around the camp. Because I found that these bat monkeys have strong night combat capabilities."

It ’s important to find that Jin Jin ’s face is sober.

At night, people's vision is greatly limited. If you fight with a bat monkey without lighting, you will suffer a lot.

Needle gold was as good as flow, and immediately issued an order.

A group of people had just fallen asleep and had to get up and work after receiving the order.

Pin Jin did not forget to send someone to notify Mango.

Returning to the camp account, after listening to the report of Cangsu, Jin Jin frowned slightly: "You mean, the bat monkeys are not able to see at night. Rather, they can make a sound that we can't hear, and then By echoing, determine everything around? "

Cangsu nodded: "It is exactly like this. Just like people calling in the valley, the valley will repeat the content of the call, this is the reflection of the sound. The bat can fly in the dark, flexibly and quickly avoid obstacles, is the use of ultrasound To detect obstacles ahead. "

Seeing Jin Jin's puzzled look, Cangsu continued to explain: "The so-called ultrasound is a frequency higher than the sound that our human ear can hear. Similarly, there are low sound waves, which means that the frequency is lower than our human ear's ability to accept Voice. These have long been studied by scholars. There are related works in Yinqiao College, which I have read. "

Pin Jin was even more puzzled: "Ultrasonic ... and low sound waves ..."

Cangsu nodded: "Studies have shown that the sounds that our human ears can hear have a range. There are upper limits and lower limits. We can't hear any sounds outside this range. The sounds above the upper limit are ultrasonic waves. . Those below the lower limit are low sound waves. "

Pin Jin scratched his head: "Then you just mentioned a word, frequency, is that the word?"

Cangxu was patient: "The precise definition of frequency refers to the number of times the sound source vibrates in one second. When I shake a thin wooden board, the wooden board is the sound source and will make a sound. The greater the power of my shaking, the more the action Frequently, the higher the number of times the board vibrates in one second, the greater the frequency. "

"When we ring the bell, the bronze bell will quickly and minutely vibrate due to the impact, which will make the bell ring."

"And we humans speak because the vocal cords in our throats are vibrating, and the sound is produced."

"It turned out to be this way." Jin Jin felt that her vision was widened at once.

Cangsu continued: "I found on the bat monkeys that their vocal cords are very strong, and their throat structure resembles a bat. At the same time, their ear structure is also very developed, the nasal cavity looks like a monkey, in fact, there is a lot of skin inside Folds. It is precisely because of these similar complex folds that the bat's nose can assist the vocal cords and emit high-frequency ultrasonic waves. "

"And the lungs of the bat monkey form a perfect match with the vocal cords and nose. Do n’t look at the bat monkey ’s small body, its lungs have excellent contractility and can expand several times the volume. The pectoralis monkey ’s pectoral muscles and respiratory muscles are also very developed. . "

"The eyes of bat monkeys do not have the function of night vision. But when they fly at night, they will continuously emit ultrasonic waves of different frequencies. These ultrasonic waves will reflect back when they encounter things and let the bat monkeys receive them. The bat monkeys can distinguish these. Echoes of different frequencies will evade flexibly without hitting any obstacles. "

"It turned out to be so." Pin Jinxing sighed, "It's a wonderful structure! Then, can these bat monkeys" see "in the dense fog?"

Cangsu nodded: "Master Mingjian."

"Hard work for you, Cangsu, take a rest."

"Yes, sir."

Pin Jin slept in the tent until the middle of the night and got up and walked out of the camp.

"grown ups."

"Master Jin."

The person in charge of the night watch saw him and saluted.

"You have worked hard."

"This is the first night, I'm not so relieved, you continue to guard. I will go around and check."

Pin Jin looked indifferent and bid farewell to these people.

Looking at the back of the young knight, the guards couldn't help but whisper.

"How did the adults get into the forest. This is late at night."

"Hey, you haven't heard of it. Master Jin Jin has suffered through life and death, mastered the power of the mind, and can predict the danger. Any sneak attack is invalid for him!"

"It's so powerful ?!" The guard who heard it for the first time was amazed.

After the needle gold entered the forest, the lizard's eyes were changed first. After confirming that there were no people around, he began to undress.

After he stripped off his clothes and placed them properly, he cancelled the change of the lizard's eyes and began another change.

After the red light flashes, he becomes a bat monkey!

Whether in the camp or during the rescue of the boatman, the needle gold killed many bat monkeys. Coupled with the results of other people, there are many corpses of bat monkeys.

Needle Gold requested a large part in the name of Zidi to study the medicine, but in fact only gave some of Zidi.

He snapped off part of the bat monkey and quietly used the magic crystal in his heart.

This allowed him to change his choice from three to four.

And at the moment he completely changed into a bat monkey, Pin Jin felt that the whole world had changed!

Countless voices were instilled into his ears, there was a low hum, a sharp roar, a murmur of noise, and a chew of chewing.

The originally silent night forest only occasionally heard the call of the nightingale or some kind of beast. But now, when Jin Jin heard, it was like he suddenly came to the downtown from the suburbs.

"It turns out that the feeling of the bat monkey is like this, which is too noisy." Pin Jin first felt bad, he had never heard so many sounds, these sounds were mixed together, and they all penetrated into his ears. It was like putting him in the colorful muddy water and stirring it constantly, making him irritable and disgusted.

Jin Jinqiang endured these noises and began to move his hands and feet.

The body of the bat monkey is similar to a human form, which makes it very easy for the pin gold to get started, and it will soon become familiar.

After running and jumping for a while with the body of the bat monkey, Jin Jin pressed the emotion of excitement and began to fan the bat wings to try to fly.

Although it becomes a fat ball flying fish, it can fly. But the speed is not fast, not so much as flying, but more precisely floating.

"I can really fly now."

"Get me up!"

The wings behind the needle gold shouted strongly, and then fluttered violently.

The lift is generated, driving Pin Jin's small body to jump up at the moment.


He flew obliquely into the air, and then his head hit the treetops with a muffled noise.

Then he lost control, the faster his wings flapped, the faster he fell to the ground.

Finally, smoothly, he touched the ground with his face and plunged into the grass.

"It turns out that flying is not easy."

Pin Jin pulled his face out of the mud and grass, reached out a hand, and wiped off the dirt and grass scraps from his face.

He stabilized his mind, told himself not to be impatient, and began to try to flap his left and right wings one by one.

Fan the left wing a few times and fan the right wing again.

The wings are powerful ~ www.readwn.com ~ brings a very strong lift.

Pin Jin tried to flap her left and right wings together, and a booming voice sounded, and Pin Jin flew up slowly and crookedly.

He tried his best to stabilize his body, and he was about to hit the trunk again. He quickly reached out and grabbed it.

At the next moment, he stopped flapping his wings and rolled his arm with a force, then he sat over the trunk.

Awkward things happened again.

His wings didn't have time to close up, and he was stuck between the dense branches.

ps: Thank you for the reward of the silver leader of Wu Shi Shizhong Wumu two days ago. Wu Mu Shizhong is an old friend. Thank you for your support! Thanks to xmukmb's new classmate, the silver leader, I will do my best to complete this "Infinite Blood Core", I hope to bring you a different, wonderful, and more evocative reading experience.

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