Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 100: : The beauty of nature, the love of heaven and earth

It took a while for the needle gold to toss and pull his bat wings back from the branches.

The teenager suddenly had a pair of wings, and he was not used to it after all.

But soon, the excitement of trying to fly took his heart again.

He first tried to take off on the ground, the training effect was not obvious.

Later, when Jin Jin moved, he climbed the tree, leaped down the towering trunk, bat wings spread out, practiced how to glide, and felt the precise connection between air and wings during the flight.

Changed the training method, the training efficiency of the needle gold increased immediately, and the experience of flying became more and more and deeper.

This training also brought another result.

That is climbing trees.

The limbs of the bat monkey are strong and powerful. The bat monkey's hands are similar to human hands, and the big toes of both feet and its toes can also be gripped. This structure makes it very easy to climb trees.

After practicing for a while, the needle gold has made great progress in flying, and has made greater progress in climbing trees!

He is now climbing trees very sloppy, using both hands and feet, a few breaths, can jump from the bottom of the tree to the top of the canopy.

Aware of such progress, Pin Jin once again changed the training method.

He began to learn monkeys, jumping between the big trees. He jumped up on a tree first. After jumping into the air, he spread his bat wings and glide, then quickly folded his wings and landed on another tree.

This training method greatly increased his gliding time and greatly improved his efficiency. At the same time, he also exercised his ability to jump.

"When the mango rescued the boatman before intercepting the silver rhinoceros, he kept jumping from the branches, as if falling from the sky."

"He must have trained in this area, and it can also be inferred from this point that his martial arts are not bad."

"Compared with him now, jumping branches must not lose to him. The monkey's posture structure is too suitable for moving between branches."

Pin Jin practiced flying for a while, and took the initiative to stop.

"This kind of training efficiency, I estimate that in three days, I will be able to completely count, and know how to use wings to fly between the trees without hitting the wall."

"And to fly flexibly, fly fast, and turn flight into an instinct, it takes more time."

Pin gold estimates.

He still has the possibility of failing to fly. The success rate of gliding is relatively high, but if he really **** his wings to fly, even if he controls his body with all his strength, it is inevitable that his flight path will be twisted.

However, he adapted to the physique and body of the bat monkey, and would no longer be stuck between the branches as before.

After stopping the flight training, Pin Jin squatted on the branch and suddenly looked slightly.

Countless voices came from the quiet night.

The soft wind, the leaves rustled, the river gurgled in the distance, the worms murmured, and the singing of the beast roar and nightingale.

"I have also adapted to the ears of the bat monkey." Pin Jin understood.

At first, he heard too many voices, which was too noisy and bored him. But afterwards, he concentrated on training his flight and left behind the noise.

In the process, he gradually adapted to this outstanding hearing.

When he calmed down, he immediately discovered great progress in this area.

Sound, countless sounds were received by his developed ears.

At first, Jin Jin tried to distinguish the type of sound and guess the source of the sound, but soon, he indulged in the symphony of this sound.

He opened his mouth subconsciously slightly, and his eyes lost focus.

He was like a fledgling, and his first flight was successful, flying into the sky. It was like a drop of water, blending into Wang Yang.

At this moment, he deeply felt a beauty.

natural beauty!

Earlier, on this island, the needles and golden clothes were not covered with body, and the food was not enough.

At one moment, he was sitting on the golden stone, looking at the night sky, his mind was transformed, no longer anxious or suffering.

At a certain moment, he and Zidi and Cangsu stared at the only two skewers, smiling at the ordeal of life and becoming open-minded.

And this moment has come again.

This time, Jin Jin forgot himself.

He was like an orphan. After wandering for countless years, his mother found him in his arms.

He realized his own insignificance, he felt the beauty of nature, he felt the love of heaven and earth.

This beauty is so magnificent, this love is so touching!

The resulting touch was so powerful, so unpredictable, like a surging wave hitting Jin Jin's mind and spreading his whole body and mind.

He didn't see it, he just heard it.

He heard the magnificence of nature, the richness of nature, the beauty of nature.

Cangsu said that the human ear is limited and can only hear sounds in a certain frequency range.

"Yes, people have limitations."

"As a bat monkey, it also has happiness that ordinary people cannot experience."

Needle Jin's thoughts spread randomly, he was immersed in this dense feeling of happiness, and he couldn't extricate himself for a while.

He thought of the druid.

He understood the druid.

"Druids can turn into bears, wolves, and eagles. They can also feel the beauty of nature with different life forms. Therefore, the druids love peace. For any existence that tramples and destroys nature, Feeling angry. Such beauty is natural! What a pity if it is trampled on and destroyed. The murderer must be abominable! "

He thought of the core again.

"My bat monkey changes, and the core brings me."

"Perhaps the core is not as dangerous as I thought before. It is like a sword, the key is the person who uses it. Use it for regularity, and evil for evil."

Then, Pin Jin thought of the rope inexplicably.

His understanding of the cord has further deepened.

According to Pin Jin's speculation, rumors in the beach camp, the wounds of the captain's body should be from the hands of the rope.

Marlin is insidious and mean. But he suffered a shipwreck, lost his father, the ship was destroyed, he lost his property, his first officer died, he lost his backing. He desperately wants to grab everything that can be caught, make him feel safer, let him confirm that he is still valuable, and be able to serve as a leader in the crew.

"He is mean and hateful, but he is also pitiful."

"Perhaps this is the true meaning of kindness and tolerance."

Pin Jin wiped his cheek.

He wept.

He understood the excitement of those poets who saw the works handed down, and the surge of those painters who saw the beauty of the peerless.

This is purely moved by beauty.

And beauty can inspire all kinds of beauty, light and kindness in human nature.

"Unfortunately, people often lack ears to discover beauty."

Over time, the mood of Jin Jin gradually calmed down.

"There is still a little time, and I can practice that ... ultrasound."

If it were n’t for Cangsu, Pin Jin would n’t turn into a bat monkey at night and yell.

But now, he tried to yell.

The scream sounded in the next moment.

"This should not belong to ultrasound."

Pin Jin took a deep breath and tried to control the vocal cords, making the sound sharp.

This time the call made him startle. This level is somewhat similar to the screaming of bat monkeys in battle.

"But it's not ultrasonic."

Needle Jin was slightly excited again, because he knew he had found the right way.

Next, he kept raising his voice, as if being squeezed by someone's throat.

The frequency of his cries is getting higher and higher, as if the fingertips were scratching the paint board. But listening with monkey ears is completely within the range of patience, and it is no longer as unbearable as human ears.

After a while, the needle gold successfully sent out the first ultrasonic wave.

Almost the next moment, he heard an echo.

"There is a tree over there, and there are stones next to the tree." After receiving the ears, the needle gold naturally felt the position of the tree and the stone, and part of the shape.

This feeling is quite wonderful.

The night was deep, and the needle gold could not be seen clearly by the naked eye, and it was dark.

But this is how it feels, unreasonably in the heart of needle gold, a big tree emerged, or the stone under the tree.

Pin Jin flew over immediately to verify that his feelings were correct!

"The eyes of bat monkeys do not have the function of night vision. But when they fly at night, they will continuously emit ultrasonic waves of different frequencies. These ultrasonic waves will reflect back when they encounter things and let the bat monkeys receive them. The bat monkeys can distinguish these. Echoes of different frequencies, and then evade flexibly, without hitting any obstacles. "The words of Cangsu again emerged in the needle Jin's mind.

Needle Gold immediately realized one of the keys-different frequencies!

So, he continued to send out ultrasonic waves to control the vocal cords, and the frequencies of the ultrasonic waves were different.

Ultrasonic wave is transmitted back to the ears.

Because the frequency is different, the needle gold is easy to distinguish.

So, the surrounding environment unfolded in his mind like a painting drawn with a white pen on a dark canvas.

With the continuous sound of needle gold and the continuous acceptance of ultrasound, the area of ​​the canvas in his heart is rapidly expanding, two hundred meters, five hundred meters, eight hundred meters ...

Things on the canvas also changed from blurry to clearer.

A sense of control emerged spontaneously.

What follows is a sense of security.

I know everything here, and I noticed the changes in it. I knew it within 800 meters.

Pin Jin's heart became more and more excited.

Although he has used the eyes of lizards, the visual range of thermal imaging is much smaller than hearing.

Pin Jin has been pinching time in his heart.

Now that there are more people in the team, he cannot go out alone for too long.

Packing his emotions, he went back to where he was before, changed back into human form, and got dressed.

Following the same path ~ www.readwn.com ~ he returned to the camp.

"Master Jin Jin, you are back!" The guards saluted him one after another.

Pin Jin encouraged them to return to their tent with two sentences.

He lay on the shop but could not sleep for a long time.

The crumbling flight is of course stimulating, and the experience of ultrasonic hearing is also very wonderful, which all makes him have an aftertaste.

Returning to the human form, he can only walk on the ground with his feet. He can't hear more beautiful sounds, let alone use his hearing to detect things within a thousand kilometers around him.

This is like a flying bird suddenly stripped of its wings, a normal person suddenly blind.

A faint sense of loss, like ripples in the heart of the lake, involuntarily rippled in the bottom of the needle gold heart.

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