Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 85: : I am a green lizard (2 in 1)

The forest at night was quiet, and occasionally came the roar of unknown beasts, or birdsongs like nightingales.

Through the gap between the leaves, you can see a bright moon hanging in the night.

Three hammocks have been set up.

In the oasis, the needle gold changed into a scorpion leader, hunting a lot of acid green lizards. With the stomach bags of these green lizards acting as water bags, Cangsu and others concentrated their labor on making hemp rope and coarse cloth.

They first made hemp ropes of varying thickness, and then weaved the finest hemp rope into the roughest coarse cloth.

Using the coarse cloth and hemp rope, they made a hammock again.

Because there are few materials in the oasis and a lot of labor, in the end, Jin Jin and others only made three hammocks.

However, although they have five people, they don't use that much.

Every night, at least two people are arranged for vigil. There are five people in the small group, and there are exactly three people left to enjoy the three hammocks.

Materials are tight, and three hammocks are the valuable collective property of this small team.

In the center of the three hammocks is a burning campfire.

Without the influence of the wind, the bonfire exudes orange light, and sometimes makes a crackling noise, bursting out a few Mars.

Has been carefully inspected by needle gold, and there is no sign of the life of the fire bee colony.

Jin Jin almost lost his life because of fire and poison, and naturally paid great attention to this aspect.

But in fact, even when Zidi informed the existence of the needle gold fire poison bee in time, the needle gold that had just awakened had no ability to explore around.

Speaking of this, the expedition team of Cangsu and cyanobacteria did not know the fire poison bee before they met with needle gold. They repeatedly set fire in the forest and did not encounter the attack of fire poisonous bees.

The dinner was just used, and all five were very satisfied.

Currently, the food reserves in the team are sufficient. Even when they came out of the oasis, the five people seldom added new food and water along the way.

They made a lot of preparations in the oasis.

Arrived in the forest zone, and the supplies were far beyond the desert, and everyone's concerns about food and water dropped again.

Cangsu stared at the campfire and stared at the map in his hand. He is old and has lost his eyesight, holding a map of sheepskin in one hand, squeezing the lens in one hand, and looking closely at his eyes.

Sometimes, he moves his eyes away from the map and murmurs in his mouth, as if calculating something. He will also cooperate in his hand, drawing criss-cross lines on the grass.

Sometimes, he would take out charcoal and carefully add a few black lines on the sheepskin map.

The charcoal pen he used was after the firewood was burnt at one end, and then it was cut down for use.

After studying for a while, Cangsu raised his head, laughed, and reported to Jingjinhui: "Master Jinjin, our progress is fast. According to my estimation, as long as you continue to walk, you can reach us within a day or two. Entering the forest. "

This is mainly because of the needle gold shelter, the speed of the entire team is much faster than Cangsu expected.

"I have a bad news here-we don't have much pink potions on hand." Zidi grinded the material and heard the words of Cangsu, then he said.

The materials she was grinding were collected during the day and along the way.

Including the feathers and blood of the iron feather bird, the green moss poisoned by the white bud, etc.

The forest is rich in materials, and it is no match for the desert.

However, the main material for making the pink potion is a kind of ore that emits heat and glows. This ore is also a food for monkey-tailed brown bears.

Purple did not collect this material.

Exploration team needs this pink potion to mark along the way. Doing so not only prevents everyone from getting lost in the forest, but also sometimes serves as a signal for help.

"How long can it last?" Pin Jin asked.

Zidi has already calculated, and at this moment he directly replied: "According to the most economical way, it can support three days."

Jin Jin nodded slightly, and after thinking for a while, replied: "There is enough time, no need to deliberately search for ore. We still aim to rush back to the original location."

No one has an opinion.

After this series of things, Pin Jin has supreme authority and influence in this five-person team.

After another discussion, Cangsu, Zidi and Baiya all lay in a hammock to sleep.

Tonight is a needle gold and cyanobacteria who are also responsible for the vigil.

In the desert, the two vigils take turns every night, one for the first half of the night and one for the second half of the night.

But in the forest, because the trees were overgrown and the view was obscured, it was adjusted to two people vigil at the same time.

The night is getting darker and thicker.

The forest looks more deep and scary.

Predators are often dispatched at night.

This makes the night forest far more dangerous than during the day.

Blue algae has a vigilant look, and if there is a little wind and grass, he will react.

The recovery and addition of white buds and cyanobacteria have greatly reduced the burden of needle gold.

Jin Jin felt energetic. Although he opened the way ahead as a pioneer throughout the day, he was still in charge of the vigil at night.

This is not because his stamina is to be improved, but the green lizard's eyes are so easy to use!

The threat lurking in the forest is almost nothing to hide from the needle gold.

"In terms of practical value, the green lizard's eyes are definitely ranked first." Pin Jin felt very deep.

If there is no green lizard eyes, the young knight can only advance slowly step by step, and explore slowly. His mind is always tight, passively guarding against sneak attacks from anywhere.

With the eyes of the green lizard, Pin Jin can find the crisis in advance, and can actively control the situation and actively allocate his physical energy and energy.

Passive and active states, there is a huge gap in the consumption of physical energy and energy.

This is a qualitative change.


Suddenly, a scream of animal attack came from the forest not far away.

The blue algae was suddenly shocked, and he always put his hand on the handle of the knife and immediately squeezed hard.

But at the next moment, a squeaky scream came to an abrupt halt and never appeared again.

Blue algae frowned tightly and looked serious.

There is no specific bloodline. Although cyanobacteria are bronze-level elites, they have no night vision ability. He can only use the faint fire to discern the surroundings.

A little further away, he could only see a dark mass, unable to tell whether there was nothing in the darkness, or whether a wolf or a viper was lurking.

In the dark forest, scenes of survival hunting and escape are ongoing.

The fire in the temporary camp dispelled many beasts, but it also seemed to attract some existence.

The darkness in the forest seemed to be more and more volatile. Sometimes, it is the sound of dry branches being crushed. Sometimes, it is a mysterious cry that suddenly rises.

The cyanobacteria gradually became tense, and he felt something slowly and quietly approaching the camp.

"I'm going to investigate. If there is a situation, you have to shout in time." Zhen Jin then opened, explaining the cyanobacterial tract.

"Yes, master." Spirulina responded immediately.

The needle gold drilled into the darkness and soon disappeared into the cyanobacteria's field of vision.

He also does not have the ability to night vision, so this time to urge the core.

Suddenly changed dramatically.

The basic tone of the forest at night is even deeper, there is no wind, and the active life exudes red, orange, fluorescent green and other colors, more conspicuous than during the day.

During the day, the needle gold needs to be matched with the human eye and the lizard eye. But at night, in the dark forest, the human eye was almost useless, and his two eyes changed into lizard pupils.

Jin Jin first inspected several times around the camp, accurately killed several beasts, and temporarily emptied the threat near the camp.

Then, he pointed a direction and went deep into the forest.

After a certain distance from the temporary camp, Pin Jin slowly stopped her footsteps and began to undress.

He stripped himself off, then climbed up the tree again, and placed his clothes carefully in the treetops.

Then, he remembered this position firmly.

If he forgets, he can only return naked to the temporary camp. If this situation is discovered by Zidi and Cangsu, they will be embarrassed.

Needle gold went down to the ground without a piece of wire, and then took dozens of steps. After observing the surroundings and confirming that there were no other people, he started to activate the core.

The mysterious and strange blood-red demon can surge out of the core of the heart, quickly covering the whole body of the needle gold.

In a ball of red light, the needle-shaped figure looks like ice and snow collapsed into a lizard in the sun.

The red light quickly dissipated. At the original location, the needle gold had disappeared and was replaced by an acid green lizard.

This acid green lizard has strong limbs, a strong long tail, and green scales.

Jin Jin observes himself, and he can only see his blurred light green outline in the green lizard's field of vision.

"The field of vision becomes lower, but it is much higher than the scorpion."

Jin Jin tried to sniff the air, and immediately found that the lizard's sense of smell is far more sensitive than humans.

"In the air, there seems to be ... the smell of water?"

He opened his mouth slightly, spit out a huge purple-black snake letter, and successfully made a hissing snake sound.

Pin Jin walked through the front and back legs, manipulating a strong lizard body and walking in the dark forest.

Jin Jin walked smoothly.

Because the green lizard has four legs, this is very close to the feeling when a person is lying on the ground with hands and feet and crawling on the ground.

Another reason is that this is not the first time Pin Jin tried to completely change the green lizard. As early as in the desert, he had changed many times while he was watching the night alone.

"However, there are still many differences between crawling with human hands and feet." Jin Jin stopped and silently summed up her experience.

He turned his head and looked behind him.

The biggest difference is behind him-the thick lizard tail.

When the scorpion head is changed, the scorpion tail is slender and upturned, which has little effect on the needle gold. But when he turned into a lizard, the lizard's tail was thick, heavy, and long, and dragging on the ground seemed to be an obstacle.

Especially when the pin gold moves forward on its limbs, the lizard's tail will slightly flick left and right. This shaking affects the balance of the needle gold body. The faster the needle gold moves, the deeper the influence.

"When the acid green lizard runs, not only the limbs, torso, but also the tail all cooperate together. Whether it is slow or running, there is a perfect movement rhythm, which is a completely natural rhythm.

"Lizard larvae that have just been drilled out of eggshells may be awkward. But as time goes on, they gradually grow up, and they will naturally master this movement after exercise such as feeding, running away, frolic and so on Rhythm."

"but I do not have."

"I am like a young lizard, just born, but has a mature lizard body."

"Although I used the night time and exercised many times, I did not succeed in grasping the correct way of running the green lizard."

Jin Jin felt that his tail was a hindrance, but he couldn't help it.

Just like he secretly practiced the scorpion form, high-speed turning is still choking.

He is a human, and the time to change into Warcraft form is too short.

"There really is water here." Zhen Jin found a small water hole along the smell of water.

"As long as I have sufficient training, I will be able to fully grasp the shape of the green lizard at some point in the future!"

Zhenjin encouraged himself in his heart and began to exercise his tail near the waterhole.

First he shook the thick long tail behind him, and made a whistling wind.

Then he started to rush towards a big tree again. After passing by the big tree, he flicked his tail hard and hit the trunk.

Therefore, the trunk shook slightly, the dense branches shook more, the leaves rustled, but there was no fallen leaf.

Patap ......

In a series of sounds, Jin Jin used trees to train her tail.

After training for a while, he began to change his attack style.

First he rushed towards a tree, and then he used his limbs to change direction violently, using the huge body inertia to throw his tail onto the trunk.


The trunk shook, a large piece of bark fell off, and the branches clanged, as if a strong wind was coming.

This type of attack is much more fierce than before.

"With such an attack power, even if it is a Ranger who came from the charge, I can pull it off the horse and fly off."

"Huh? Not right."

"Lizards have short legs and I can't reach the cavalry on horseback."

"Maybe I can try, at the moment when the tail is flicked and attacked, the hind limbs kick the ground, tilting the whole body up, forming a posture with the head low and the tail high. In this way, the tail can hit a higher place.

Jin Jin thought of this and began to try.

Results The first attempt, he did not hold back his strength. When he flicked his tail, his hind limbs kicked too hard, lifting the whole body, and the lizard's back was on the ground.

In the second attempt, his strength was adjusted incorrectly, the upward pedaling force was reduced, but a forward force increased, causing him to stick in the mud. It's very close to the dog's stance of eating shit.

Golden four feet on the ground, spit out mud from the open mouth, and spurted air from the nose, shaking his head for a while, and finally cleaned the nasal cavity and mouth.

Two failed attempts didn't discourage him, but increased the motivation to continue trying.

After trying a few more times, the movement of needle gold became more and more proficient, but then he stopped the training program again.

"Although it can hit a higher target, but the back half of the body hangs in the air, resulting in the tail slamming power is much weaker than the state of four-legged support."

"And the back half hangs in the air, giving me a short time to stay in the air. This flaw is too big."

Jin Jin is familiar with the knight's fighting style, and a scene is quickly simulated in his mind.

A ranger rushed over, and he turned into a green lizard and rushed up. When he was about to approach, he slammed and flicked his tail, his hind body curled up, and his tail flicked towards the Ranger.

But at the same time, the Rangers thrust the spear forward, and took advantage of it ... well ... the green lizard's buttocks.

Imagined here, I don't want to simulate it anymore.

Adjusted back to the way of the tail flick attack just now.

Hiss ...

Until the needle opened his mouth, smoking air.

"I seem to twist my tail!"

There was a strong pain in the tail. Shaking the tail slightly, the pain was like a whip covered with iron thorns, which was drawn on the needle's brain.

In this case, Pin Jin had to stop the tail training and start the next training.

He squatted on the ground, raised his neck, his throat suddenly swelled, forming a round bag.

The round bag rolled and moved from the neck to the mouth.

Jin Jin opened his mouth wide.

Then the next moment, a green acid squirted out of his mouth.

Acid sprayed a tree accurately.

The thick trunk was corroded by acid, and a squeaky noise was emitted, and a pungent thick smoke came out.

After a few breaths, the trunk was corroded into a large hole, which could no longer support the lush upper section. After a creak, the tree fell to the ground and made a bang.

The needle gold stepped back and sprayed continuously towards the surrounding trees.

The liquid he blasted almost hit the target accurately, only one of them rubbed the bark and fell on a stone.

After a few breaths, the stricken trees continued to the end, and the roar continued for a while.

Unfortunately suffered stones, although they are not small in size, have disappeared. This is normal, the lizard's acid can even corrode the hemp stone, not to mention this ordinary stone. If the silver-level green lizard acid, the black iron-level spear scorpion will also die instantly, only the silver spear scorpion can resist.

Shooting for so many times in a row, needle Jin also felt weak, his head shrugged involuntarily, the spirit was a little depressed.

Spraying acid is not the normal battle mode of the green lizard, it is the biggest card of the green lizard.

The green lizard will not use this hole card unless it is necessary.

As far as needle gold is concerned, this long-range weapon is the most suitable for him. Because he still has the precise talent from the Baizhen family. Although the number of exercises is very small, the needle spraying acid is much more powerful than the green lizard. It simply means where to shoot, which is almost not missed.

Gasped for a while, Jin Jin gradually had some strength.

Conveyed a sense of weakness throughout his body.

The strong limbs felt soft, and the lizard's body became heavy.

At the same time, Jing Jin also felt dry.

His body is running out of water.

The green lizard contains a lot of water, so that corrosive acid can be synthesized. This means that after the acid is ejected, the green lizard will fall into a state of lack of water.

Now, even if Jin Jin wants to spray acid, it can't be shot for a while.

Even because of the lack of water in the body, the speed of the synthetic acid has dropped to the bottom.

Jin Jin moved his limbs to the water.

The water hole is not deep, and the green lizard has no water creatures in sight.

However, for the sake of caution, Jin Jin did not take the opportunity to launch water to exercise the swimming ability of the green lizard.

Jin Jin first stretched out the snake letter, licked a few sips of water, and found no problem, then bowed his head and irrigated.

A lot of water flowed into his stomach, and then stored under the control of the needle gold, it was stored in the other three stomach bags.

"I really quench my thirst."

Need a deep sigh, then start to actively control the internal organs, trying to accelerate the generation of acid.

The water he stored in the stomach was squeezed out, and flowed into the poison sac under the neck, and began to transform into acid.

"The speed of this transformation will probably be full of acid in a night. As before, shooting twenty times in a row is not a problem."

Pin gold has now been discovered: when he changed from a human form into a complete green lizard, the acid reserve in the poison sac was only half.

After several trainings, he also discovered the technique of spraying acid.

Under normal circumstances, the green lizard will shoot his venom hard, often empty, and at most can shoot two or three times.

But Jin Jin only sprayed a small ball at a time, and he deliberately controlled the nearby muscles, so that the number of shots increased greatly.

Jiang Jin bowed his head again and opened his mouth to absorb water.

This time he absorbs water, which is different from before. He controls different organs and different muscle groups.

This time, Tan Shui directly entered his poison sac instead of going down the esophagus into the stomach.

This is the ability of the acid lizard to take drugs.

After suffering from the sting of the fat ball flying fish, the green lizards can use each other to detoxify.

And the inhaled poison, stored in the poison sac, not only does not endanger other organs of the body, but also can synthesize more violent venom with its own acid.

This situation is not uncommon in nature.

Cangxu casually mentioned a beetle in the desert. This beetle preys on ants and deliberately collects formic acid. When the beetle encounters the natural enemy mongoose, it will spray out the collected formic acid and shoot the mongoose in the face, thus allowing the mongoose to flee.

Lying on the edge of the lake for a long time without vigorous activities, needle Jin felt a body of cold for a while.

The temperature also has a great influence on the lizard's ability to move.

That's why, the green lizard will rush to the golden stone group at dawn every day, and use the temperature of the stone to increase its body temperature. After the body temperature rises, they will be more able to move.

"Training tonight is almost over."

Jin Jin finally came to the big trees.

Most of these fallen trees have been corroded, but there are still some treetops and leaves.

The corrosive ability of acid has been significantly weakened.

After all, under the deliberate control of needle gold, the number of consecutive shots competes, but the amount of each shot of acid shot is limited.

Although these trees must be corroded and cleaned, the needle gold can't wait.

He touched his right forefoot to the remaining surface of the trunk to urge the nucleus.

The red light came out, the red thread wrapped around the trunk, and was recovered almost instantly, leaving only a little carbon ash in place.

Even ordinary trees are living things.

As long as it is a living body, it can be absorbed by blood nuclei.

But the magic power of transformation is very small.

Dealt with all the debris of the trees, and there was no choice in the core of the needle gold to become trees.

"Acid destroys the essence of the tree's life, so there is very little absorption of related blood vessels."

"If I directly absorb a lot of trees, it should eventually become a tree."

It's almost time.

Jin Jin returned to the distance, changed his shape, climbed into the treetops, and found his clothes.

It is worth mentioning that ~ www.readwn.com ~ the holes in the back of his pants have been fixed.

It was Zidi who accidentally discovered and found the needle gold secretly to help him make up.

Return to the temporary camp.

"Master, you are back!" Spirulina saw the needle gold, her frowned brows immediately stretched out, and her eyes showed obvious admiration.

Soon after Jin Jin left, he heard a roar, like the sound of trees falling.

"The master must have caught some fierce beasts and dealt with them."

"This fierce momentum, the beasts lurking in the dark must be terrible!"

"But now that the master is back, he is unscathed, and there is no trace of damage or even a trace of blood on his clothes."


"It is worthy of being the one who holds the power of the soul."

"Even if you reach for the darkness where you can't see your fingers, you can't stop the master's footsteps!"

"You know, on this strange island, the master can only rely on the power of the flesh ... can really urge the grudge, what kind of scene should it be?"

Blue algae stared closely at the needle gold, without blinking, his eyes became more and more eager.

Jin Jin coughed: "Is there anything on your side?"

"With the owner's action, the camp is very safe." The blue algae replied immediately.

Nodded his head with gold, and could not bear the eyes of cyanobacteria: "You stay here to continue the inspection, I will look at the other side."

"Yes, master." Blue algae replied immediately.

His eyes followed Pin Jin's back until Pin Jin was covered by trees.

"The host has experienced a fierce battle, the cloud is light and the wind is calm, calm and calm, this is the style of the strong."

"Or, just fighting in the dark, just let him stretch his muscles." Blue algae was amazed.

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