Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 84: : The Shining Young Knight (2 in 1)

"What is the power of the soul?" Bai Ya immediately spit out the doubts in his heart, "Sounds unreal."

Cangsu smiled: "I can't practice, and I don't know exactly what is the power of the mind. But as far as I know, there are actually many examples of the power of the mind."

"The barbarians living in the Frost Continent, the elite warriors among them, mostly have the ability to dodge intuitively. When they are attacked by unseen or subjected to a surprise attack, they can dodge the reaction. According to the research of scholars, this kind of intuition is considered The essence of evasion is the power of the mind. If this ability is stronger, it will also perceive traps. "

"There are many avalanche zones in a frost continent, a large area of ​​ice, and there is a key ice avalanche point. It is okay to run around randomly in other places on the ice surface, but as long as you step on this avalanche point a little , The entire surface of the ice will instantly crack, and people who lose their feet often die from it. "

"Explorers of other ethnic groups are often killed in ice avalanches or killed by Warcraft attacks in deep snow. But the elite barbarian, with the ability to intuitively evade reaching the level of perceiving traps, can avoid ahead and walk safely In the snow. "

"This ability continues to improve, and the barbarian warriors will not be afraid of the siege in the battlefield. They can always use their intuition to try to avoid being in danger of being caught."

Hearing this, Pin Jin couldn't help moving.

He thought he had ventured into the lizard swarm in order to rescue Zidi, Cangsu and others.

Facing the siege, he did not panic and calmly dealt with all the offensives, and was able to dodge the continuous attacks, which was very similar to the barbarian.

Cangsu continued: "There is a blast sword saint in the wilderness continent. He is a strong man in the sanctuary level. Since the practice, he has only specialized in the long sword in his hands. He does not wear armor, has no other weapons, and takes almost all Energy is used to improve his sword skills. It is rumored that every time he makes a sword, it is too fast to make people unclear. His sword skills are extremely simple, and every shot can take away at least one enemy. life."

"This blast sword saint has a very high reputation and influence among the orcs, and is worshipped by many orcs. Because his fighting skills are very ordinary, and his blood is not excellent, but he can reach such a height, which makes it absolutely impossible. Most orcs with bad qualifications and no good fighting skills see their role models and hope. "

"For the orcs who asked him for advice, the blast sword saint once explained-extreme heart, extreme sword. It is speculated that he developed the power of the soul and projected the power of the soul onto the sword, reaching the legend. The wonderful realm of the unity of man and sword. "

"Is there such a character among the orcs?" Bai Ya exclaimed. "If so, why is the orc still beaten by our human race?"

Pin Jin shook his head and said seriously: "Do n’t underestimate the orcs. Orcs can dominate the entire wilderness continent, naturally there are many heroes and heroes. Although our empire now has the upper hand, in fact, we just seize the corner of the wilderness continent , Just broke through a tribe among the orcs. The orcs ’true war potential has not yet begun to erupt."

Bai Ya is just an ordinary little person, with the intention of making meritorious service, he went to the wilderness continent in an attempt to become a knight.

There are many people like him.

The imperial political propaganda deliberately weakened the strength of the orcs, promoted the interests and prospects of war, and encouraged the power of all strata in the empire to flock to the wilderness.

The needle gold and hundred needle families are among them. However, as a noble, needle gold's vision is much higher than Baiya.

The middle and lower classes are all purely optimistic about the human race's prospects on the wilderness continent. The elites of the upper middle class almost all know: This is just the early stage of the human invasion, but it has just established its foothold. In the future, a real war will be needed to determine the outcome of the battle between the two communities.

"The area of ​​the wilderness continent is at least twice that of the Shengming continent, but there is only one blasting sword saint. He is special, and the blood is still the cornerstone of strength. Compared with the comprehensive strength, our human race is far higher than the orc "Zi Di expressed his opinion," We won the battle between the human race and the orcs! "

Zidi's optimism about the future is also the most common understanding of the human race.

She must also win.

There is no room for the development of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce on the Shengming Continent. The Wisteria Chamber of Commerce is the best way to develop and grow.

Pin Jin did not continue to explain.

He found that as long as he spoke a little, Cangsu could speak more. Cangsu's words convinced others more than he explained.

Bai Ya grasped this topic firmly: "How can the power of the mind be opened? I also want to be such a person!"

He has no excellent blood, and is just a son of an ordinary hunter, and Miss Xiha has no material support for him. So Bai Ya is very interested in spiritual power.

Zidi said with a chuckle: "Your question, Sword of the Wind has already given the answer-extreme sword, extreme heart. This means that you need to focus on all your attention and energy on one point . So, Baiya, if you want to learn the words of the Juggernaut, then forget your Miss Hagi first. "

"Ah, how can this be?" Bai Ya stunned, shaking his head again and again.

Everyone laughed again.

Bai Ya heard laughter and saw others' teasing eyes, only to realize that she was being teased.

He touched his head, his face flushed.

But despite being embarrassed, Bai Ya still gritted his teeth, and looked at Pin Jin with eyes full of worship, love, exploration, and prayer: "Master Pin Jin, do you have any experience?"

After a pause, Bai Ya continued to ask: "You also have the power of the heart, but you are completely different from the blast of the sword sage-you are in love with Lord Zidi!"

Cyanobacteria and Cangsu glanced at the white bud. The white bud in my heart was really bold.

Cyanobacteria is middle-aged and Cangsu is already an old man. Both of them have rich life experiences and understand the gap between the upper and lower classes. In exchange for them, they would never ask an Templar as an ordinary person to ask about the practice tips.

But Bai Ya is just a young man, and his life experience is actually very few. It was for this reason that he fell in love with Miss Xiha, who was an aristocrat.

Bai Ya has the unique romance and innocence of young people.

He had determined in his heart: Miss Xiha was waiting for him, hoping that he would become a knight, and then return to his hometown, the day he married himself.

Having experienced so much on this island, he also faced the threat of death.

For various reasons, he is very eager to get strength.

But he also understands the cruel side of reality. He has no bloodline superiority and no resources for spiritual practice, so spiritual power sounds very ethereal, but it has become his only hope.

This is precisely why the blast sword saint is so influential and attractive.

Bai Bai's straight words, Zi Zi can't help but secretly looked at the needle gold, his eyes showed a hint of shyness.

Jing Jin coughed and rolled his eyes secretly: "The ghost knows the power of the soul!"

He can do this by cheating on his heart.

But he didn't want to lie anymore.

Liars continue to lie, only more and more lies.

Because as long as it is a lie, it is not a fact, there will be flaws. When a flaw appears, the person who lied has to cover up the previous one with another lie. But are there lies behind the lies?

As a result, more and more flaws will eventually make the lying person fall into the thirst of drinking and the mud feet will be unable to extricate themselves.

Moreover, for the needle gold, a more important thing-lying is against the spirit of chivalry!

In fact, the lie that Pin Jin had just covered the eyes of the lizard had already made him very stressed.

So, he decided to tell the truth this time: "Bai Ya, you may be disappointed. I don't know much about the power of the mind. Maybe ... it has something to do with my experience. There are more life and death experiences, so my heart Suffered from torment. "

"Ah, this is it." Bai Ya's face was disappointed.

This young man admired and trusted Pin Jin very much, and did not think that Pin Jin concealed it intentionally.

Jing Jin wanted to comfort Bai Ya, but she opened her mouth and didn't know what to say. He had to turn his gaze to Cangsu.

Cangsu really did not let him down.

At the next moment, Cangsu said to Baiya: "What Master Jin Jin said is very reasonable."

"Many scholars have analyzed and summarized that the true meaning of the practice of Blast Sword Master is that he put his life on the tip of the knife. Every battle, even every practice, must face death. Under the stimulation of death He gradually unearthed the spiritual power. These encounters on the island by Master Jin Jin, and the practice of the violent sword saint to abandon the armor, and the practice process of the strong enemy's dead fight, have the same effect. "

Bai Ya raised her eyebrows: "So, to dig out the power of the mind, you must actively explore and let yourself be stimulated by death? This, is this too dangerous?"

Cangsu said: "Therefore, there are a lot of imprisoned Juggernauts, but they have not cultivated the next Juggernaut. Although many excellent seeds have emerged among them, more have died. His practice methods are too dangerous. It can be said that luck occupies a lot of ingredients. So far, no apprentice who can fully inherit the blast sword saint mantle appears. "

Bai Ya sighed and heard this, he could only put away his thoughts.

Although Baiya is willing to take risks in order to gain strength, she also has her own bottom line. In order to pursue spiritual power and go to death, he is already under his bottom line.

Just like Jian Jin shoulders the responsibility of rejuvenating the family, Miss Xiha's love and expectation are Bai Mo's motivation and his stumbling block.

At the next moment, Bai Ya looked at Pin Jin with a more admirable and loving look.

"Master Jin Jin, you are truly amazing! You are so young, you have mastered the power of the soul. Compared to the blast sword saint, you have a better blood. Among the Templars, you must be the most special. It ’s an honor to meet adults and to follow them! ”Bai Ya sighed heartily.

Pin gold: ...

"It's not only an honor, but also a hope." When Zidi took the white bud, she also looked at Pin Jin, her eyes showing tenderness and sweetness.

Cangsu laughed, and said with a very certain tone: "Master Jin Jin is extremely talented, and definitely has a brighter future than Blast Sword Master. But what I admire most is the character of Master Jin Jin. Your words, The 100-needle family will definitely be able to rise again. "

Spirulina didn't speak. He nodded silently when he heard the words from Cangsu.

Like Cangsu, he also recognizes the character of pin gold.

At this moment, cyanobacteria couldn't help but superficially see the scenes since he contacted with Jin Jin.

He and Huang Zao knelt on the ground, and the needle gold forgiven their sins-it was kindness.

Pin Gold plays with bronze-level head sheep between applause, kills flying squirrel heads and so on-this is bravery.

Needle Gold has really listened to it many times, and accepted the recommendations of Cangsu, Zidi and others-this is good at listening to the opinions of others.

Pin Jin led the entire team, facing difficult choices, and determined to fell the wooden bow and successfully hunted the flying squirrel group-this is a wise leader.

Poisoning, lack of food, bear the herd in the desert, how many times the crisis, needle gold has been inspiring others-this is firm and optimistic.

Needle Gold Commitment: Do your best to save everyone. Although the entire exploration team has only five of them left, this can't be blamed on Needle Gold. He has done his best, and he has been fulfilling his Chen Nuo-this is trustworthiness.

What makes cyanobacteria ashamed and admired the most is his experience of hearing from Cangsu and Zidi. The needle gold is in the volcanic rock cave. At the most dangerous moment, even if it is the Cangsu who actively dedicate himself, the needle gold adheres to the spirit of the knight and does not treat people as food-what a noble character!

No one knows better than cyanobacteria, how noble, rare, and commendable spirit and virtue this kind of perseverance faced with death.

After leaving the volcanic rock zone, after fighting, hungry, and extremely lack of food, the needle gold still ceded the only lizard meat and jumping rat meat to the beard and the purple pedicle-this is mercy and weakness, Self-denial!

What impressed cyanobacteria the most was that even knowing his crimes, needle gold still pity him, did not abandon him, and finally let cyanobacteria decide to live.

Although Jin Jin did not say anything to cyanobacteria, cyanobacteria believed that Master Jin Jin understood himself!

Looking at the young knight in front of him, looking at his handsome face, looking at his blonde hair, and looking at the graceful smile in the corner of his mouth, the silent blue algae's eyes gradually wet.

What he saw was not needle gold, not Templar, he seemed to see the sun.

In his eyes and in his heart, the needle gold seemed to radiate light from all over him all the time!

This light is not because of the identity of the Knights of the Golden Knights, or the identity of the only heir of the Hundred Needles family, nor the reflection of the external sunlight, but the character and spirit from the inside out.

He stood there, looking ordinary, but it was just a flag, a flag belonging to the knight!

This made cyanobacteria sincerely want to follow this banner.

These days, when night falls, when cyanobacteria rests and faces himself alone, he is also recalling and thinking.

"If at the time, when I discovered that the purple pedicles, Cangsu and others were trapped on the top of the sand dune and surrounded by lizard swarms, my brother and I would go to the rescue regardless of our own safety. Isn't there no current result? "

"But at that time, I listened to my brother's words and did not choose to rescue. Is this a god, is it destiny punishing and warning our brothers?"

"Master Jin Jin, you have saved even a sinful person like me, and have not given up!"

"From now on, I will use all of my and all of my to follow you, and never die!"

"You once saved my brother, but when your fiancee was in danger, Huang Zao and I chose to escape and give up. From now on, I will use my life to atone for this choice!"

"Is following someone like you ... maybe ... can my darkness subside? Can my sin be reduced?"

"It's like the sun, melting all the darkness ..."

After coming out of the oasis, cyanobacteria were silent, and the above psychological course was unknown.

He once relegated himself to slavery and declared allegiance to the needle. But that was only because the yellow algae offended the big guys like Jin Jin. For the younger brother, the blue algae had to do so.

But now cyanobacteria's silent allegiance is completely different in nature.

This kind of allegiance is due to the fact that there are only a few factors for the noble status of gold. What's more, needle gold's understanding of cyanobacteria allowed the latter to recognize it, and the great grace of needle gold to save the life and soul of cyanobacteria.

In addition, there is cyanobacteria's remorse and guilt for itself, and its attempt to redeem itself comes from the motive force of goodness deep in human nature.

Spirulina looked at the needle and gold face with no expression, but the emotions in his heart were extremely complicated. Between his surging waves, his eyes became red gradually, and his vision became more and more blurred.

Needle gold looked at the white buds, purple pedicles, black beard, and cyanobacteria, and felt the scalp tingle.

These people looked at him, their eyes full of eagerness, worship, love, tenderness, loyalty, appreciation and so on.

The young knight couldn't stand it.

What made him feel a little more scared was that cyanobacteria actually had a tendency to cry on the spot.

"What does he mean?"

"I've just spread a small lie, and I want to pave the way for the future a little bit and cover my heart."

The reaction of the crowd was more than expected. Needle Jin felt that he could not bear it. He quickly shook his head: "You look at me too high. Well, don't say this, we continue to go."

Pin Jin turned around and continued to lead the way ahead.

Others do n’t know, UU reads www.uukanshu.com but Pin Jin does n’t know himself yet?

He knew: his ability is actually very limited.

He knows better: Although he acts resolutely from the outside, he also feels hesitant, confused, hesitant and sad deep inside.

He yearned for bravery, but feared death.

He is a nobleman and a knight, but he is also an ordinary person.

"Yes, I almost forgot! Master Jin Jin still has humble qualities!" The cyanobacteria opened his eyes again.

"It's hard to imagine a person of his age with such achievements, but still maintaining a humble and cautious state of mind. This is by no means pretentious! I'm sure this kind of humility comes from his heart. I really want to know Master Jin What great achievements will be made in the future. "Blue algae looked at the back of Jin Jin with emotion and was full of admiration.

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