Universal Creation I created the containment universe!

Chapter 036

“This elven world is more powerful than I imagined!”

Over the space gate, Ye Qing looked through Wang Hong’s perspective and looked at the slender dark elf playing the flute standing on the high platform surrounded by rats. He was very surprised! There was also a headless horseman who had appeared before. That’s all. I never expected that another Dark Elf of the Magic Flute would appear?

The key point is that the phantom sound of the Magic Flute is simply terrifying. Even the Miracle Master can control it and forcibly induce hallucinations?

I have to say that this Magic Flute Miracle Master is also There are really two brushes.

In his mind, he couldn’t help but subconsciously start to think about how to deal with the phantom sound of the magic flute…

At the same time, on the battlefield, as the dark elf played, more and more rats gradually appeared.

Those rats As if being controlled by the magic flute, they were densely packed and overwhelming, and together with the ghouls, they were moving towards the goatmen with roars and tsunamis…

Even some goatmen and tiger knights were also controlled by the magic flute. Affected, he walked forward unconsciously, and then was swallowed by the rat tide. In the end, only a pile of bones was left!

Wang Hong was a little anxious.

If this continues, the three thousand strange tiger knights here plus his one thousand assault troops You have to fold it here!

The key is that the flute is simply filled with magic sound. Even if the little goat man breaks free, he will be confused by the uninterrupted sound of the magic flute and will be swallowed up immediately. It wo n’t be long before he can stand for tea. , the number of the Little Goatmen has been visibly reduced, with less than two thousand left!

They have really become like lambs at the mercy of others.

The rat tide is densely packed, like a black Dead Sea, plus those corpses The ghosts and the dark elf archers behind fired cold arrows, and the dark elf assassins attacked and killed them. The scene was once very chaotic!

Human sea tactics!

Confusion tactics!

This is simply fatal!

Wang Hong gritted his teeth and without saying a word, began to distort reality on a large scale..A large area of the ground collapsed instantly, like a swamp, swallowing up countless rats and ghouls in an instant…

But the next second, the densely packed rats surged forward again, filling the previous vacancy.

Distorting reality on a large scale It’s useless!

In the face of real human sea tactics, even if you are exhausted, you still can’t kill all the enemies!

The most important thing is the sound of the flute!

As long as the sound of the flute still exists, the little goats will not be able to concentrate Practical thaumaturgy.

Every time I want to practice thaumaturgy, I will be interrupted, confused, and swallowed by the endless rats!

This is simply annoying!

“By the way, that flute……”Wang Hong narrowed his eyes and looked at the magic flute played by the dark elf…

Because of that flute and the sound of the flute, they were in poor condition and had no ability to resist.

If you ask him to stop playing… or block out that sound……

“Information tampering, modify the sound propagation range to 0!”Wang Hong gritted his teeth and without saying a word, he directly chose to use magic to forcibly modify the information!

“Buzz!”In the void, waves spread out, blood flowed from the tip of Wang Hong’s nose, and the life energy in his body was drained ou

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) t at this moment!

“boom!”In fact, at this moment, his figure was leaning back uncontrollably, as if he had been punched hard by something!

This is a thaumaturgy, which needs to consume energy, and even endure terrifying… The cost is to distort reality and tamper with information!

It’s like the recoil of a gun!

Such tampering with basic reality has an average recoil!

Just because he is a half-step fourth-level miracle master, if he were to be replaced by another third-level miracle master, this The recoil and consumption can drain a level 3 Miracle Master instantly!

Fortunately… everything was successful!



At this moment, the lambs around Wang Hong exclaimed and hurried forward to help him.

However, Hong couldn’t hear their voices, he could only see the anxiety on their faces.

In response, he smiled…

At this moment, the sound disappeared on the entire battlefield!

The dense and disgusting sound of rat gnawing disappeared, and the headache-inducing and scalp-numbing sound of the magic flute also disappeared.

There is no longer any sound propagating in the air. It is as if the concept of sound has been lost. Sound can no longer propagate!


At the same time, countless little goatmen woke up instantly!

They looked at the densely packed black rats that were surrounding them, and each of them felt chills in their hearts. Without saying a word, they directly used large-scale thaumaturgy to forcibly change reality, and flames appeared out of thin air. , the ice hammer appeared out of thin air, and there was the sulfuric acid rain, and dense spikes rose from the ground…

Silently, countless rats died densely.

The ground became more and more charred, and it was the ground where countless rat corpses were thrown.

Countless corpses. Countless rats fell to the ground. The dark elves who silently attacked and even the dark elves who fired cold arrows from the rear were killed by the little goats at this moment.

The little goats finally showed their ferocious side!

, they were driven to the high mountains, and they survived in that harsh and cold place.

They faced countless ferocious beasts, but they also survived, and even gradually became the overlords of the world.

The last time they fought in the Plane War, they Lost.

But this time, they gritted their teeth, became ruthless, with red eyes, and used miraculous magic to bombard those rats and ghouls!


In the void, a silent sound wave appeared.

A tall goat man with a rough face, holding a huge extraordinary sword, looked like a cannonball in the sky, and a terrifying acceleration erupted.……

“Buzz!”A ray of snow-white sword light pierced the sky, instantly slashing at the dark elf who blew away the magic flute!

“Poof!”The sharp blade penetrated the flesh and blood spilled.

The slender dark elf fell down. Before he died, he looked at the magic flute in his hand in disbelief…

He didn’t understand why in an instant, the world became silent…

It was obviously a big advantage, and the invaders were about to be wiped out, but something went wrong at this moment. It was over…

He looked at the gray sky, dazed.

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something What.

But at this moment, the battlefield was silent, he couldn’t say anything, and no one could hear his message…

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