Universal Creation I created the containment universe!

Chapter 035

One man becomes an army!

There’s something about this headless horseman!

At this moment, not only the little goats, but also Ye Qing, who watched this scene through his perspective, was also a little surprised!

There’s something about this headless horseman!

So many Miracle Masters failed to kill the Headless Horseman. Instead, they made the Headless Horseman unleash his power! ?

Once these thousands of headless horsemen appear, who can withstand them?

One charge could crush his army of goatmen!

Too sloppy.

The dragon knight army should be allowed to go this way!

However, this cannot be blamed on Wang Hong.

Now let’s see how Wang Hong solves it.

Ye Qing thought about it and continued to look at the battlefield.

At this time, Wang Hong also squinted his eyes, looking at the headless knight and the shadows around the knight, and suddenly, a thought came to his mind.……

“Whoosh!”A phantom shot out from Wang Hong’s body.

The phantom cut through the sky, and in just a blink of an eye, it arrived at the battlefield and stood in front of the army of goatmen and the phantom army of the Headless Horseman!

The smoke and dust dispersed, until this point Only then did everyone see that it was a statue.

A statue that looked like a peanut with strange patterns on its face!

“It’s a statue!”Someone recognized it, and immediately everyone looked at each other, looked at each other, understood, and turned their attention away!

“Xilulu!”Opposite, the tall horse on which the headless knight sat snorted and moved its hooves, seeming to be slightly uneasy, hesitating, not knowing whether to step forward!

“charge!”But obviously, the headless horseman didn’t care so much. Inside the armor, a cold snort resounded, and a hollow ghost-like voice sounded!

“Boom boom boom!”

At this moment, the earth began to tremble. The headless horseman, holding a long sword and riding a war horse, violently crushed towards the army of goatmen!

Those green shadows were followed by the headless horseman. The earth, charge with the army!

At this moment, the statue suddenly moved……

“Whoosh!”His speed was extremely fast, no weaker than those heavy riders. He just locked onto the headless horseman in an instant, and then……



There was a crisp sound of bone cracking, and the neck of the horse under the headless horseman suddenly broke, its hooves softened, and it fell to the ground instantly!

“Buzz!”Green light gathered again, the bones of the war horse began to heal again, and the head began to return to its original position…



Little Peanut struck again, and the war horse’s neck broke again.

Healed again, broke again!

Healed again, broke again…

No eyes fell on Little Peanut. Little Peanut was the invincible God of War!

Headless Horseman!

No head, no sight. ?

That’s better!

Hit your horse first!

What kind of knight is a knight without a horse? The green light on the headless horseman’s body becomes fainter visible to the naked eye, and the headless horseman still wants to struggle to get up, holding a big sword in his hand. Chopping.

But Little Peanut is fearless.

The big sword that can split meteorites is like scratching an itch when it falls on Little Peanut, not even a white mark appears!

Little Peanut’s physical defense is actually average, but there is nothing he can do about it. All my teammates are Miracle Masters.

Modifying the defense parameters around Peanut is not a problem at all.


“Wow!……”As Little Peanut continued to bend his neck, the green light around the Headless Horseman was completely extinguished. The Headless Horseman’s armor fell layer by layer, and finally, scattered on the ground, turned into piles of scrap metal!

The war horse never got up again. broken!

The headless horseman was defeated by the infinite neck of the little peanut!

The headless horseman was defeated because he had no eyes.

If only he had an extra pair of eyes, he wouldn’t have been tortured like this by Little Peanut.

The army continued to advance, and the little peanut was naturally recovered by Wang Hong.

However, before the army could move far, they were blocked by countless ghouls densely packed in front!

The ghouls were wandering aimlessly on the earth. Not only were there ghouls, but behind those ghouls, there were endless dark elves.

They have dark skin, standing on the dry treetops, with red eyes, l

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) ooking coldly at the invading enemy!

Some hold bows and arrows, some hold daggers, and some hold a long sword.

They kill with iron blood and are surrounded by a fierce killing intent. Each one of them at least has a high-level aura.

“Woo woo……”

At this moment, bursts of flute sound sounded, and the melodious sound of the flute spread to the entire battlefield.……

“swish swish……”In the ground, rats with red eyes burrowed through the ground one after another. Their mouths were smelly and their eyes were red. They were also looking at the army of goatmen and tigers!

This time, it’s a serious frontal battle!

Wang Hong originally planned to provide support, but when he looked at the World Tree in the distance, his heart sank…

Such an attack is too slow!

If every time a problem arises, he needs to be there for support, then this battle will not be fought!

He wanted to go as quickly as possible to find out what was going on with the Elf Tree.

As for the Yihu army, it’s all up to them.

With this thought, Wang Hong no longer cared so much, and moved forward at full speed, quickly heading towards the Elf Tree.

What flies in the sky is always faster than what runs on the ground.

On the battlefield below, the shouts of killing were loud, and the army of strange tigers galloped on the battlefield, harvesting ghouls and trampling on the rats everywhere.

In the sky, Wang Hong led a thousand people, quickly circled back, and approached the elf tree…

Close, finally close…

You can already see the huge ancient elf tree, with its knotted knots like old roots and huge trees. The tree body is like a pillar supporting the sky.

You can see the dark purple fruits on the ancient elf tree.

In the air, the dark purple aura became stronger and stronger.

Finally, through the thick fog, the huge ancient elf tree came into view! big!

Really big!

This is everyone’s first intuitive impression!

And then… it’s evil!

There was an unsettling sense of distortion and horror.

Everyone lowered their heads to look down, and immediately their scalps felt numb…

At the roots of the tree, tree roots were swimming like spiritual snakes. The white bones were densely packed, and a rotten corpse smell rose into the sky.

This ancient elf tree has devoured countless lives.

It’s really a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood, piled up like a mountain!

“fire!”Wang Hong spoke in a deep voice.

He had no time to be surprised and sighing, and gave the order directly!

“Tsk tsk tsk!”At this moment, following the order, the dragon snail opened its mouth and sprayed flames on everyone’s shoulders!


The next second, terrifying flames swept across the world. With the blessing of all the thaumaturges, the terrifying flames gathered together and turned into a fire dragon, fiercely burning towards the World Tree!

“Bear Bear……”

At this moment, the world tree suddenly burst into flames, the crown of the tree burned, the trunk burned, and the elf fruits it contained exploded one by one, and the juice splashed, but it could not extinguish the fire dragon’s arrogance!

“Bear bear!”

The fire burned the sky, the temperature was getting higher and higher, and even the void was distorted!

“Boom!”The huge tree began to break, and streams of black smoke scattered between the sky and the earth.

Finally, the ancient elf tree was completely burned!

Seeing this, Wang Hong smiled.


So relaxed!

He could already think of the meeting of the Lord God How to reward him…

Destroying this ancient elf tree can severely damage the world will of this elf world.


Suddenly, his expression condensed. At this moment, he suddenly realized that something was wrong! He subconsciously felt himself Strength, and then, the pupils shrank!

“wake up!”He shouted lowly.

At this moment, everyone around him trembled.

Their eyes changed from confusion to clarity…

Looking around again, there were no collapsed ancient elven trees?

They were still on the previous battlefield. Go up.

The sound of the flute is melodious, beautiful and clear.

However, everyone’s heads are tingling in waves!

Magic flute!

Phantom sounds!

They’ve all hit the mark!

At this moment, Wang Hong’s face looks ugly.

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