Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 223 The Perfect Thrombolytic Drug: RSCA

The BSL-4 laboratory is the highest-level laboratory in the biological laboratory.

It is generally used to study bacteria or viruses that can cause large-scale severe or even fatal diseases in humans, such as Ebola virus, smallpox virus, Vibrio cholerae and the like.

To be more awesome, both T virus and G virus can be studied here.

Just doing a blood vessel analysis in such a laboratory will definitely be scolded as a waste of resources in reality. After all, there are only about 50 built and under construction in the world, and there is only one in the Huaguo mainland. two seats.

But, in the simulation of the real cosmic environment, this problem is not a problem at all.

As the scene in his mind changed, Li Mu felt that his perspective had entered an extremely clean laboratory.

The ground is spotless and very hygienic.

In addition to being able to avoid leakage accidents to the highest degree, the cleanliness here has also reached level 100—of course, Li Mu can even adjust it to level 0, which means that the air does not have any dust particles greater than or equal to 0.5 microns.

"As expected of a fourth-level biology laboratory!"

After Li Mu sighed for a while, he stopped thinking about it and entered into the formal experiment.

As soon as his thoughts moved, a person appeared directly on the dissecting table next to him.

And with another movement of his thoughts, this person's body became transparent, and in the end, only blood vessels remained.

The blood in the veins is still flowing, and the heart is beating.

This is the most perfect blood vessel specimen-probably all medical scientists in the world will be excited after seeing such a specimen.

But now, only Li Mu can see it.

Looking at the complicated blood vessels in front of him, Li Mu groped his chin, "This kind of fluid mechanics analysis...is really troublesome."

Even he had a slight headache at this moment.

The total length of human blood vessels is about 96,000 kilometers, which is equivalent to two and a half weeks of the earth's circumference, and the analysis of 96,000 kilometers of tiny pipes...

Li Mu had to admit that this was indeed very troublesome.

But fortunately, with the help of the computer in his mind, he already has a deep understanding of the details of this blood vessel specimen in his mind.

Because of all kinds of data, the brain computer has already calculated them and put them in his head.

"Next, let's start..."

Li Mu frowned, and then began to analyze.

It must be admitted that different people and different individuals have different distribution of blood vessels in the body, so he needs to find a fluid dynamics model that can describe blood flow in all blood vessels through an approximate method. \b

And this is his ultimate goal.

In the process, these data will in turn help him conduct research on the Navier-Stokes equation.

The combination of actual data will be able to help his research on the theory.

In this way, time gradually passed.

If someone was here, seeing Li Mu sitting quietly in front of the computer with his eyes closed, he would probably think that he had fallen asleep.

But in fact, he was conducting scientific research in another "real" world in his mind.

With the help of the computer in his mind, Li Mu's research progressed exceptionally fast.

In it, he has unlimited trial and error costs, and can simulate any experimental conditions, for example, he can make the blood of experimental vascular specimens produce various vascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis, or It is to directly produce problems such as cerebral infarction, hemangioma, etc., so as to observe the changes in blood fluid.

In reality, there are not so many suitable patients for scientists to conduct research experiments.

So, in a way, only Li Mu can do this.

In this way, he was gradually getting closer to success.


A month passed quietly.

Kingsley Weil's laboratory in Germany.


There was a burst of joy and encouragement in the laboratory system, and Kingsley Weir and his assistants all showed joy.

After Li Mu's data analysis and guidance to them more than a month ago, they began to study the possible unknown ingredient. \b

And now, they have discovered that unknown ingredient and determined its molecular structure. At the same time, they have also learned the composition principle of this new ingredient!

"...It can directly promote the rapid increase of the level of plasminogen activator, and more importantly, it can also reduce the viscosity of fibrin at the same time, thereby improving blood flow!"

After observing such results from various experimental data, Kingsley Weir couldn't help but exclaimed.

In the past, the principle of action of thrombolytic drugs from the first generation to the fourth generation was basically to increase the level of plasminogen activator, thereby stimulating the activity level of fresh plasminase to increase, and then by stimulating Dissolution of fibrin at the thrombus to make the thrombus disappear.

Thrombus is composed of platelets, fibrin, red blood cells and white blood cells.

Among them, fibrin is the main culprit of most thrombus, because of its unlucky, it is very easy to combine with activated platelets, thus blocking blood vessels.

Therefore, for the vast majority of thrombus, as long as the fibrin can be dissolved, the thrombus can be resolved.

And the role of plasmin, that is, this.

Only now, Kingsley Weir was amazed to find that the new ingredient they discovered could not only increase the level of plasminogen activator, but also react with fibrin, which can attach to the fiber The surface of the protein, and then the surface of the fibrin becomes smoother, and naturally it is not easy for the aggregation between the fibrin and the platelet to form a thrombus.

The most important thing is that it can maintain the smoothness of fibrin in blood vessels for a long time, according to their estimates, at least two years, which means that the chance of recurrence of thrombus will be reduced for at least two years. For people who are prone to blood clots, this is obviously good news.

Therefore, by virtue of improving the level of plasminogen activator and making the surface of fibrin smoother, this new ingredient can directly become the best thrombolytic drug.

After all, it can not only cure the symptoms, but also maintain no recurrence for two years!

"This is simply God-given, the most perfect thrombolytic drug!"

One of the researchers said with emotion.

However, Kingsley Weir corrected him at this time: "No, don't thank God, we have to thank our boss."

"Don't forget, if it weren't for our boss's magical data analysis, whether we can find RSCA so accurately is still a question."

RSCA is their name for this new ingredient.

R refers to Rehmannia glutinosa, S refers to Danshen, C refers to turmeric, and A refers to antithrombotic.

The extracts of the three traditional Chinese medicines of rehmannia glutinosa, salvia miltiorrhiza and turmeric are the main sources of this new ingredient, so they directly named it RSCA.

Hearing what Kingsley Weir said, the researcher was taken aback for a moment, then nodded in agreement: "Oh! Yes! The boss is the real God! God of mathematics!"

Although it is a bit exaggerated, but looking back at Li Mu's data analysis more than a month ago, it is indeed like God's guidance to them.

Kingsley Weir nodded with satisfaction.

It's not that he is licking his boss, it's that he is thanking and admiring Li Mu from the bottom of his heart.

If it weren't for Li Mu, his daughter Annie's physical condition would get worse and worse, and he would not be able to return to the laboratory to continue to display his talents and realize his dream.

What's more, Li Mu's ability is the key that makes him change from gratitude to admiration.

Every scientist has his own pride, so many researchers in biomedical companies don't have a good attitude even when facing their bosses. Know how they make money.

And when the boss becomes Li Mu, this situation no longer exists.

"Okay! Children, now please let me announce that our experiment has completed a very critical step. Next, we will officially start to try the directional synthesis of RSCA!"

Kingsley Verand announced with a smile: "Of course, before that, I will treat you. Let's go out to celebrate together. By the way, let's tell our boss the good news!"


In a burst of cheers, they ended today's research, and then began to celebrate.

After leaving the lab, they were able to pull out their phones and surf the Internet.

But at this time, someone suddenly exclaimed: "Pfizer officially announced that they have developed a fourth-generation thrombolytic drug! It is applying to the FDA for clinical trials! It is estimated that it will start in a few months."

"What?" Kingsley Welton was stunned for a moment.

Pfizer, is it going to be researched?

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