Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 222 Extravagant Research

[Proof: Existence and smoothness of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equation]

[Task introduction: Clouds floating in the sky, rivers flowing on the ground, water vapor floating on hot water, ripples on the river surface...wherever there is fluid, there is fluid mechanics, and the knowledge of fluid mechanics Analysis exists in every corner of technological society. But now, the host has finally set his sights on fluid mechanics, so let's use this question as an appetizer! 】

[Task purpose: to prove the existence and smoothness of the solution of the Navier-Stokes equation. 】

Hear the sound of the system, and then see this new task——

Li Mu:?

He just thought about it in his heart just now, why did God really ask him to prove this question?

But then, he sighed helplessly.

Forget it, just prove it.

Although the tasks issued by the system often seem to be difficult for others, they are indeed within the scope of his current ability to complete.

What's more, he hasn't forgotten the International Congress of Mathematicians next year.

During this period of time, he has also been thinking about what he will report at the International Congress of Mathematicians. \b

And now, after the system gave this new task, he finally had a goal.

Of course, whether he can prove this problem in the next few months is still a question.

After all, this is one of the seven greatest mathematical problems of the millennium.

The seven major mathematical problems of the millennium refer to the fact that the Clay Institute invited many well-known mathematicians from all over the world in the millennium, that is, in 2000. After some discussions, the current seven pairs were determined. most important problems in mathematics.

And, as long as one of the problems is solved, the solver will be able to receive $1 million provided by the Cray Institute.

It is precisely because of this that the Seven Millennium Mathematics Problems are also known as the Millennium Prize Problems.

While $1 million today is worth a lot less than $1 million in 2000, it is still enough for anyone to live a relatively comfortable life.

In addition, there is the huge fame that comes with solving the problem, which is enough to make any little-known person instantly become the hottest mathematician in the world.

Therefore, many mathematicians around the world dream of solving any one of these big problems.

But obviously, it can be included in the seven major mathematical problems of the millennium, and the difficulty of any one of them can be regarded as the most difficult in the mathematics world. Until now, only one problem of the Poincaré conjecture has been solved, and even the Solvers have also simply retired from mathematics to avoid these prestigious awards.

"Let me solve such a problem in nine months..."

Li Mu shook his head helplessly.

The difficulty is a bit high.

Of course, he didn't bother with this problem anymore.

Difficult is more difficult.

However, after all, he had already solved so many problems before, so it wouldn't make him want to quit.

You just need to work hard and work hard like before, and you can always solve it, although you need a little help from a plug-in in the middle...

Well, this little help is not enough for outsiders.

"In addition, this mission is still a reward mission..."

At this time, Li Mu also remembered what the system said. This mission is a reward mission, not an ordinary mission. Therefore, after completing this mission, in addition to energy value rewards, you can also get some extra rewards .

"What's the reward for proving a Millennium Problem?"

Li Mu was quite curious about this.

But soon he put this idea behind him, and then, it was time to officially start the research on the Navier-Stokes equation.

Back to the study room on the second floor, the spacious study room has also become an academic atmosphere after he moved in. There are various draft papers and various books placed on the large solid wood table.

Although it looks a bit messy, to Li Mu, such mess doesn't affect his research.

Sitting at the desk, he turned on his computer and began to collect various information.

To study any problem, you need to choose an angle first, and then start to work.

The Navier-Stokes equation, on the other hand, is a little bit special.

It can not only start directly from the original theory, but also directly from the practical point of view.

Starting directly from the original theory, what is to be discussed is naturally its original equation. From a practical point of view, it is the most convenient to choose an actual fluid model and start from special to general.

So Li Mu quickly chose his perspective—starting from the actual fluid model. \b

And that fluid model is the human blood vessel.

After all, he has not forgotten that his purpose is to use fluid mechanics to analyze the blood flow of human blood vessels, so as to help the medical community to analyze possible vascular diseases in the human body through blood pressure and blood viscosity .

Once his idea is realized, it will be able to greatly reduce the cost of detection of vascular diseases.

For example, in general, to detect whether there is a disease in the blood vessel, such as whether there is a thrombus, and where the thrombus is located, CT, color Doppler ultrasound, and even systemic testing are often required. Obviously, to do these items in any hospital, the required The costs are very high.

And as long as his method is successful, it only needs to do a routine blood test, and then check the blood pressure to directly determine these problems, save a lot of money for the patient, and at the same time reduce the shortage of equipment in the hospital.

At least patients who go to the hospital for CT and color Doppler ultrasound will have to pay less.

Therefore, this is clearly a project that can benefit all mankind.

If it succeeds, Li Mu will have to line up for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Of course, compared to what awards he can win, what Li Mu now only cares about is whether he can succeed in what he thinks in his heart.

"Well... read the books on human blood vessels first, at least you need to know the distribution of blood vessels, and there are also various vascular diseases."

Sitting in front of the computer, Li Mu closed his eyes and started the first step of research, data collection——

As for why he closed his eyes, it was of course because he wanted to use the bluetooth connection method of the brain computer to directly use the brain computer to collect data.

There is no more convenient and efficient method of collecting data than this in the world.

Thus, in just one afternoon, Li Mu went directly from a layman to an expert in vascular medicine.

Perhaps, now he can directly become a hematology doctor.

"Well... the blood vessels of the human body are indeed a bit complicated."

After Li Mu basically mastered the distribution map of human blood vessels, he simulated a 3D model of human blood vessels in his mind.

After thinking for a while, he searched for blood vessel specimen diagrams on the computer.

In reality, scientists will inject fillers into the blood vessels of volunteers who donate their bodies, and then use strong acids and alkalis to completely corrode other tissues, and this filling will not react with strong acids and alkalis , so it can be preserved in the end, thus forming a complete human blood vessel specimen.

Soon, Li Mu found such a specimen map on the Internet.

Looking at those specimens, Li Mu's heart would also be amazed, and then he paid tribute to the source of these specimens, that is, the general teachers.

The process of making each such blood vessel specimen can be called cruel.

But if medicine wants to develop, it also needs such cruelty.

Just like Andres Vesalius, the first person who dissected the human body, the patriarch of anatomy, in his time, the human corpse must not be destroyed, otherwise it would be a capital offense, so who can imagine So, the first human body he dissected came from a corpse he stole?

Li Mu shook his head. Compared with mathematics, physics and other disciplines, the research of biomedicine can be regarded as the most restricted by human beings.

Thought and morality are two intangible things that always affect the development of biomedicine.

Of course, Li Mu doesn't need to think about this issue for the time being.

Even to a certain extent, these two things have no effect on him, because——

"Use, three-level universe real environment simulation."

Li Mu closed his eyes and gave the order in his mind.

"Please determine the experimental topic you want to conduct, and the next experiment will be limited to simulation within the scope of the experimental topic."

The sound of the system sounded.

"A hydrodynamic analysis of Earth's human blood vessels."

Li Mu said.

"It is detected that this research direction involves specific organisms, and the experimental organisms are: Earth humans."

Afterwards, two human body models emerged in Li Mu's mind, a man and a woman.

"Please confirm your choice." The system said again.


"Confirmed successfully! Please select the simulation environment parameters, the recommended selection is the current environment."

"Current environment parameters."

Such experiments are naturally carried out based on the earth's environment, otherwise, once the gravity changes, it will have a great impact on the flow of blood.

This is why standing a person upside down for too long will cause irreversible damage to the brain, because after standing upside down, under the influence of gravity, blood circulation will be seriously affected. Similarly, in the low gravity environment of the universe For too long, it can also lead to some diseases due to blood flow problems.

The environmental parameters were also determined soon, and the system asked again: "Please select the experimental scene."

Afterwards, Li Mu saw several scenarios recommended by the system appeared in his mind.

Li Mu saw the BSL-4 laboratory at first sight.

"Good guy, in the fourth-level biological laboratory, I will only do a blood vessel research, is there such a luxury?"

After Li Mu complained, he made a very active choice in his heart: "Of course it is the BSL-4 laboratory."


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