Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 209 I also think that I am better than Cameron, 8982

Chapter 209 I just think I'm better than Cameron, 89=82

"Champagne, I've already prepared it for you."

Martin Taylor gave up the seat to Li Mu, and by the way, ordered the cap of the champagne bottle next to him, with a smile on his face.

Li Mu looked at this bottle of champagne, which was exactly the one he hadn't opened a month ago.

He smiled and said, "Thank you for remembering this."

"Haha, of course I remember."

Martin Taylor patted Li Mu on the shoulder, and then walked off the stage without saying any more.

On the podium, only Li Mu was left.

He took a deep breath, then let it out slowly.

Then, Li Mu said slowly: "As Dean Martin said just now, Goldbach's conjecture has stumped our mathematics world for too long, spanning too much history."

"But I would say that's enough."

"Today, let me draw the final end to this 280-year history."

As soon as the multimedia screen behind it moved, the title of the report appeared on the PPT: [K-module theory, elliptic curve, and Goldbach's conjecture]

"Sieve method, a basic method in number theory, its research object is the sieve function, that is, the number of elements of a finite integer subset that has been 'screened'."

"The original sieve method was the sieve method of Eratosthenes, but as a classical sieve method, it did not have much theoretical value and did not develop for a long time."

"But as our mathematics went into the 20th century, various methods were improved, and the value of the sieve method was developed."

With a movement of Li Mu's hand, the PPT turned the page again.

"The circle method comes from Hardy and Littlewood, two of the most famous collaborators in mathematics."

"The Hardy-Littlewood circle method, like the sieve method, has become one of the most commonly used methods in number theory."


At the beginning of the report, Li Mu first introduced the two most important methods he used in the proof process.

Although what he said was very basic in the mathematics world, none of the people present expressed any impatience.

After introducing these two very important methods in the field of number theory, Li Mu suddenly turned his head, looked at the people present, and said, "Here, I want to ask you a question."

"Is there any other theory or mathematical method that can be combined through different changes like the circle method and the sieve method?"

"Perhaps, if this is true, we may be able to achieve another kind of great unification in the mathematical world."

Hearing the question he raised, the mathematicians present couldn't help thinking.

Can this... be done?

However, Li Mu didn't give them too much to think about, and then said: "Okay, let's move on to the topic, which is the combination of the sieve method and the round method."

"This is also the most important key step in proving Goldbach's conjecture."

"Before that, please allow me to express my gratitude to Professor Lucas Richter, because it is in the cooperation with him that I understand the direction of this possibility."

Everyone in the venue couldn't help turning their eyes to Lucas Richter's seat. \b

Lukas Richter also showed a smile on his face. Although he did not provide much help for Li Mu's proof, it was limited to the method he imagined, but what he did not expect was that Li Mu would express his gratitude to him in public.

This young man...it's hard not to like.

Of course, Li Mu on the stage was not too obsessed with this matter, and then continued: "After about a month of research, my intuition tells me that I cannot complete these two tasks purely in the field of number theory." A combination of methods, so I had to bring in other fields, and then algebraic geometry came into my sight."

"Therefore, my attempt begins..."

He turned around and started writing on the blackboard.



Following Li Mu's few steps, the eyes of the mathematics scholars below all lit up.

In Li Mu's thesis, these mathematicians actually have a big doubt, that is how Li Mu thought of realizing the combination of sieve method and circle method in the field of algebraic geometry.

It's just that in the paper, Li Mu didn't explain this point, but directly deduced the method, and then completed the combination of the two.

After all, the thesis will only show the process of solving the problem, and it is naturally impossible to put all the ideas in it.

And finally, Li Mu has given his explanation for this question that has been plaguing the mathematics world.

"So it is!"

In the first row of seats, Faltings frowned, and there was finally a wave of emotion on his expressionless face that Wiles had been messing with before.

"It turned out to be realized through the basic theorem of residual numbers, and then entered the complex plane... and then discovered a certain hidden connection between the two methods through the method of analytic continuation?"

Faltins thought silently, and finally his eyes lit up.

"No wonder! No wonder he thought of solving it in algebraic geometry!"

This wonderful step deserves his praise to Li Mu.

Turning his head, he looked to the side.

At this time, Wiles and Deligne obviously also reacted, with expressions of sudden realization on their faces.

This is one of the purposes of their participation in the report meeting, not only to communicate with Li Mu more closely, but also to understand Li Mu's thoughts in the process of solving problems.

This report meeting is worth it!

But... "Wiles, it looks like you don't know how Li Mu thought of this? Can this be called a teacher?"

Faltings sneered.

Wiles waved his hands indifferently, and said, "You don't know that there is an old saying in Huaguo: "The master leads the door, and the practice depends on the individual?" "

"There is another saying, which is: disciples don't have to be inferior to teachers, and teachers don't have to be better than disciples."

Faltings: "..."

Deligne next to him silently gave Wiles a middle finger.

You are really confident.


Of course, the mathematicians who understood Li Mu's step couldn't help but want to clap their hands and praise, but for those who didn't understand, they could only express their bewilderment.

Especially those students who came from major universities in the UK are basically at a loss.

In addition to those professors, there are quite a few students who have made an appointment for this report, especially Oxford University and Cambridge University.

The mathematics students from these two schools can be said to be the most. However, in the face of a report meeting of this level, they have no extra time to do other things besides taking notes frantically.

Tom and another fellow student, Lester, were in the back seat, looking at the steps written by Li Mu on the blackboard, all in a daze.

Tom: "Do you understand?"

Lester: "Uh... understand a little bit... right? Anyway, it's the Fundamental Theorem of Residual Numbers! Haha."

Tom: "...I also know that's the Fundamental Theorem of Residues."

The two were silent for a moment, and finally sighed together.

As classmates with Li Mu, although they don't feel the pressure, after all, the gap is too big, there is no need to feel it, but it always makes them feel...

They look dispensable.

After being distracted for a while, they looked up again, only to be stunned, because the blackboard was clearly only half written just now, and now it is suddenly full!

From the looks of it, Li Mu even started wiping the blackboard!

Immediately, they no longer dared to be distracted and continued to take notes frantically.


Of course, apart from those students, reporters from CCTV and BCC were also confused.

However, compared to the ignorance of those scholars or students, it is very easy for them to accept their own ignorance.

If they really understood it, they wouldn't be able to accept it.

"Hmm... can you understand what Li Mu is talking about?"

Chen Lin asked Zhang Tao next to her.

Zhang Tao shook his head: "I don't understand, Boss Shang, do you understand? I heard that you scored more than 140 points in the math test of the college entrance examination."

Shang Peiyuan: "...Don't you say that the college entrance examination math is good in this kind of place? It's embarrassing."

Can the college entrance examination mathematics thing compare with this kind of report?

Zhang Tao nodded in agreement: "That's true."

At this moment, a BCC reporter came over and greeted them suddenly: "Hey, Shang, I didn't expect to see you here."

The three of Shang Peiyuan also smiled when they saw this reporter.

They all know this reporter, and he is one of the few normal reporters in BCC. Besides not publishing biased news, he also said a lot for Huaguo. Although it is useless, this friendship is still there. of.

"Maines, I didn't expect you to come too." Shang Peiyuan laughed.

"I'm very interested in this kind of science news that sounds awesome, so I accepted this task. Speaking of which, Li Mu from your country of Hua is really amazing."

"Of course!"

Hearing others praise their family members, of course the three Chinese reporters all agreed.

"Your Chinese country's mathematical foundation is really enviable. Although we in the UK also have a compulsory education system, our mathematical foundation is notoriously poor..."

Shang Peiyuan comforted: "Different countries also have different habits, and your mathematical foundation is actually not much different."

Maines shook his head, "It's better not to comfort me, just like me, at most I think I'm better than that guy Cameron, at least I can calculate that 8 times 9 equals 82."

Shang Peiyuan, Zhang Tao, Chen Lin: "..."

Uh... are they correcting or not?

this is a problem.

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