Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 208 Champagne is Ready

Oxford Conference Centre.

Although Oxford is a well-established city in the UK, and Oxford University is well-known in the world, there are not many important conferences held here, and the scale of the conferences is not large.

Therefore, there are very few people in the Oxford Conference Center.

But here today, it has become extraordinarily lively.

The parking lot was full of all kinds of vehicles. In addition, there were taxis parked at the entrance of the center from time to time, and some people who looked very knowledgeable, like professors, walked into the conference center.

Some tourists who pass by here and don't know the reason will be very curious, what kind of conference is going to be held here, and it has attracted so many people?

And at this time, they would raise their heads, and then they could see a poster hanging high above the conference center. The picture on it was a photo of Li Mu facing the blackboard and thinking about a problem.

At the bottom of the picture is the introduction: Li Mu's Goldbach's conjecture proof report meeting.

After seeing this poster, those tourists will be amazed.

Proof of Goldbach's conjecture?

These tourists will immediately think of the hot news that has been widely spread on the Internet recently-Goldbach's conjecture, which has puzzled the mathematics community for hundreds of years, has been proved.

The news had already spread in England.

Even if the average mathematics level of the people in this country is known all over the world like British cuisine, even former Prime Minister Cameron couldn't calculate how much 8×9 is equal to, but here, the reputation of Goldbach's conjecture Also very big.

So the tourists passing by here will suddenly exclaim. Some people immediately took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and some people began to ask the staff at the door if they could participate in this report.

But obviously, such tourists can only get a negative response - because the seats for this report are fully booked.

This conference center is not big, and the largest hall can only accommodate more than 1,000 people. With the reputation of Goldbach's conjecture, it is not a problem at all to attract more than 1,000 people.

Therefore, unless a world-renowned mathematician can directly get tickets for this report, other mathematicians who are a little slower to make appointments will not be able to come, let alone these tourists who simply come to join in the fun.

Ever since, these tourists can only leave with regret.

But despite this, they still brought a certain amount of heat to this report, making the news spread and letting more and more people know the beginning of this report.


"There are so many people."

Still sitting in Wiles' car, he arrived outside the Oxford Conference Center.

Seeing the crowded scene, Li Mu couldn't help sighing.

Wiles drove the car into the parking lot, and at the same time said with emotion: "There are a lot more people than my report meeting back then."

There were only a hundred or so people in his report meeting back then.

Li Mu smiled, "After all, it wasn't as convenient as it is now."

"That's true." Wiles nodded.

When he proved Fermat's last theorem, it was not as easy as it is now, whether it is travel or information exchange, so it is understandable that there were fewer people back then.

At the same time, there were two other Wiles students in the back seat.

Among them, Tom Rand couldn't help but marvel: "So many people! Li, I'm curious how you used to speak in front of thousands of people, and the logic was still very clear. If it were me, I must be very nervous.”

Li Mu rubbed his nose and said with a smile, "Well... I don't seem to have encountered this problem before."

The brain computer can help him to maintain rational thinking all the time, in addition, it can also prevent him from having useless emotions like nervousness and fear.

So, he really didn't think about it.

"Okay." Hearing this answer, Tom could only express helplessly: "It seems that I still can't be as confident as you."

Wiles smiled and said to his student: "After you can prove such a problem as Goldbach's conjecture, you will be able to have the confidence of Li Mu."

"Goldbach's conjecture?" Tom chose to open it on the spot: "Then you'd better let me postpone it."

"Oh? Are you sure?" Wiles raised his brows and said, "Then I will really let you finish?"

Tom said quickly: "No, no, no, I'm just kidding, just kidding!"

Everyone laughed, and the car was full of joy for a while.

Soon, Wiles also parked the car, and the four of them got out of the car together and went to the entrance of the conference center.

Along the way, Li Mu was a little puzzled and found that there were still many people standing outside the conference center, and there was even a small blackboard beside these people.

Suddenly he heard one of them shouting: "I have proved Goldbach's conjecture several years ago! Li Mu is just a latecomer! The mathematics world cannot persecute truly talented mathematicians like us!"

Li Mu couldn't help asking in doubt: "What is this?"

Wiles said he was not surprised: "Oh, they are all folk mathematicians. You should understand the status of Goldbach's conjecture among folk mathematicians."

"Just like every time at the International Conference of Mathematicians, there will be a lot of private mathematicians outside the venue. They will take their proofs to some well-known mathematicians for verification, or publicize that they have completed the proof. gone."

"If you deny their answers and point out their mistakes, they will still get angry with you."

"Let's hurry up, don't be spotted by them."

Li Mu: "..."

Without speaking, he just quickened his pace immediately.

For this kind of civil science, he can be said to stay away from it now.


He quickly entered the conference center and came to the largest conference hall.

Inside, it became even more lively.

Mathematics scholars from all over the world sat in their seats and discussed non-stop, and each of them held two bound and thick A4 papers in their hands, which were naturally published by Li Mu. of those two papers.

Any scholar who enters the site can receive these two papers, so that they can take notes in the report later.

According to more than 1,300 seats in the entire conference hall, and the two papers add up to more than 150 pages, so the papers sent out alone used at least nearly 200,000 sheets of paper.

Still, for a report like this, it's all worth it.

And as Li Mu entered the venue, he immediately attracted the attention of many people.

As the only protagonist in the entire mathematics world today, he also deserves such attention.

For a while, many people also greeted him.

Li Mu responded to these greetings with a smile.

However, among these English greetings, there was suddenly a Chinese "Hello, Li Mu!", which made him feel extra cordial.

Turning his head, he saw three Chinese people walking towards him, a combination of two men and one woman.

After glancing at their attire and the badges on their chests, Li Mu asked, "Are you from CCTV?"

These people immediately nodded and said with a smile: "Yes."

One of the leading middle-aged male reporters also extended his hand to Li Mu, and said solemnly: "I am Shang Peiyuan, the head of the CCTV correspondent station in the UK, and these two are Zhang Tao and Chen Lin."

"Hello, Station Master Shang, and Reporter Zhang and Reporter Chen."

Li Mu smiled and shook hands with Shang Peiyuan, and said.

"You are being polite." Shang Peiyuan said with a smile: "We also have to thank you for helping us win this opportunity to record on the spot."

Originally, BCC had obtained the exclusive rights to broadcast Li Mu's report, but under Li Mu's fight, CCTV also obtained the rights to broadcast and record in China.

It can be said that only these two media were able to record and rebroadcast this report on the spot, and CCTV naturally thanked Li Mu for his help.

Li Mu waved his hand, and said with a smile: "You can be considered as helping me promote, I should be the one to thank you."

"Haha, no matter what, you've helped us a lot, so I'm here to wish your report a complete success." Shang Peiyuan said.

Chen Lin next to her also nodded, with an excited expression on her face: "And we were very happy when we knew that you proved Goldbach's conjecture. I have wanted to meet you for a long time, like me, I have always envied you. For a person like you who is particularly good at mathematics, we have been looking forward to this report for a long time."

Li Mu smiled and said, "Thank you then! Thank you for your expectation."

"Yes." Shang Peiyuan nodded and said: "Then I won't delay you, come on!"

While saying cheers, he also gave Li Mu a thumbs up.

And Chen Lin next to her, and another Zhang Tao also gave Li Mu a thumbs up: "Come on!"

Without any nonsense, the three reporters returned to their positions, which was the last row of the venue.

Li Mu felt a little emotional in his heart, as the saying goes, when a fellow villager sees a fellow villager, his eyes are full of tears.

He was also very happy to see these three reporters from China.

Of course, he will have to prepare well for this report next.

After bidding farewell to Wiles and the two colleagues, he went to the backstage of the venue and began the final preparations.

And Wiles was also separated from the two students. As a well-known mathematician, his seat is usually arranged in the front so that they can better hear the report.

These students are not ranked enough, so they can only sit in the back row.

Guided by the staff, Wiles came to the first row and found his seat.

Coincidentally, the person sitting next to him is Faltings.

"Hey, Gerd, it's been a while, and you came to my student's report?"

Wiles greeted with a smile.

Faltins glanced at him, and said without shame: "Don't talk about Li Mu being your student all day long."

"Tsk, you are still the same as before." Wiles didn't care at all, and said with a smile: "I think you just envy my students who are great."

"Also, I heard that there are finally four mathematicians you think are the best mathematicians. I will first thank you for your praise on behalf of my students."

Faltings said blankly: "Hehe, you don't need to thank me instead of Li Mu, anyway, you are not among them."

Wiles shrugged his shoulders, then turned his head and looked at the person sitting on the other side: "Wow, Deligne, so you are also here, thank you for coming to my student's report meeting."

Deligne was not as shameless as Faltings, but said angrily: "I didn't come here to listen to you showing off. Did you help him when he proved Goldbach's conjecture?"

"Of course there is." Wiles said: "It was a beautiful morning, I ran into Li Mu in the library, and he was in a daze at that time, and then I gave him a little Small boot..."

Listening to Wiles' narration, Deligne and Faltings next to him: ...


I can't stand this guy.

So the two got up together tacitly, and said to the staff: "Change a seat for us!"

"Hey, don't go! I haven't finished talking yet."

Wiles quickly waved his hand: "Okay, okay, I won't say it, I won't say it."

Deligne and Faltings gave up, of course, the main reason is because there is no first row for them to change.

Next, although Wiles stopped showing off, he picked up the two papers in his hand, pointed to a certain step above from time to time, and praised: "This step is really well written. I proved that Fermat The demeanor of the last theorem deserves to be my student."

So much so that Deligne and Faltings, two old people in their sixties and seventies, almost couldn't resist beating this guy together.


as time goes by.

The formal report was about to begin, and Wiles finally stopped, quietly waiting for Li Mu to come on stage.

Nine thirty in the morning.

The head of Merton College, Martin Taylor, came out of the backstage.

It's just that what puzzled many people present was that when Martin Taylor came to the stage, he was still holding a bottle of champagne in his hand.

Of course, Martin Taylor did not explain why he took this bottle of champagne to the stage, but just placed it next to the podium, which seemed abrupt to everyone.

Facing the microphone, he said: "Hello everyone, I am Martin Taylor, and I am very happy to be the host of the report meeting on Goldbach's conjecture proof."

"Of course, I'm not the main character, everyone can put expectations later."

There was laughter in the audience, and then Martin Taylor continued with a smile: "In 1742, Goldbach in St. Petersburg sent a letter to Euler living in Switzerland."

"And since then, the research on prime numbers in the mathematical community has begun."

"Can all even numbers be written as the sum of two prime numbers?"

"This question has stumped the entire mathematics community for nearly three hundred years, and this year is already the 280th year."

"In the two hundred and eighty years of ups and downs, it has experienced countless changes belonging to the times, the changes of the industrial revolution, the washing of changes in scientific thinking, the hail of bullets in the two world wars, and the experience from the 20th century. The 21st century is arguably the greatest transformational period in human history."

"And our mathematics has also developed from a single one to a level of refinement of nearly 30 branches, and it has become more and more prosperous."

"However, until just over a month ago, the issue remained very strong."

"It seems that no matter how far our mathematics has developed, we can't take off this crown jewel."

"But just over a month ago, this jewel inlaid in the crown of mathematics suddenly became loose."

"Two peerless articles seem to take this issue down completely."

"So, did these two articles really do it?"

"Maybe now I can use the terms of quantum mechanics to describe, this answer is in the duality of doing and not doing."

"In the end, everyone present needs to 'observe' this report to make it collapse—"

"Then, let us invite the real protagonist of this report, Li Mu! Let's announce the result of this issue."

The applause sounded like a tide, and then, Li Mu also came out from the backstage.

"Young man, I will leave this report to you." Martin Taylor said to Li Mu with a smile.

"Champagne, I have prepared it for you too."

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