Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 204 Regretful Wiles

"Hurry up and go up, what are you doing in a daze?"

In the seats of Li Mu and Wiles, Wiles said to Li Mu with a smile.

Qiu Chengtong came to accompany his students to see if they could win the award, and of course Wiles did the same.

What's also different is that he came to see his students win awards, not "whether or not".

His own student has won such an award, no matter what, it can be regarded as a happy thing for him.

Just like when Richard Thaler, a student who assisted him in completing the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, later won the Cole Prize in Number Theory, Wiles went with him.

But Li Mu was a little surprised, he was really the only one who won the award?

Independent Winners!

The Dirac Medal has been awarded since 1985, and it is awarded once a year. There are only five years in which there is only one winner. Now, if you count his current year, it is only six years.

He was not surprised that he won the award, but he was still surprised to be the only winner.

What Guilliman Fern said just now really came true.

But then, he didn't hesitate anymore, stood up decisively, and walked onto the rostrum.

There was warm applause in the venue, and Atish on the stage noticed that even those mathematicians who seemed to be talking about other things just now raised their heads and applauded Li Mu.

And if he was not mistaken, it seemed that these mathematicians looked at Li Mu with... admiration?

He had a faint feeling that what those mathematicians talked about just now might have something to do with Li Mu.

Could it be that something happened?

It's a pity that he is not a mathematician, so he doesn't know the trends in the mathematics world these two days.

However, his doubts quickly stopped, because Li Mu had already stepped onto the stage.

Looking at the young man, Atish stepped forward with a smile and held out his hand: "Congratulations, you have become the recipient of the Dirac Medal. I hope this medal can continue to promote your research on theoretical physics."

Li Mu also smiled and stretched out his hand, shaking Atish.

"Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank ICTP for recognizing me."

"Haha, it's not the ICTP's recognition of you, we also want to thank you for your recognition of us. It is also an honor for this medal to be awarded to you."

Atish said with emotion: "Seeing you reminds me of my young self, full of fantasy and passion for science, but the only regret is that I am not as talented as you."

"All in all, our science needs geniuses like you."

Patted Li Mu on the shoulder, then he turned around, "Then..."

As he spoke, he picked up the Dirac medal from the table next to him.

The design of the medal is very unique, it is not a circle, but a square, and then inlaid in an irregular nameplate, it looks golden, and it looks extraordinarily dazzling under the light of the venue, and on the square medal, The words "DIRAC MEDAL" are written in big letters.

"Now it's time to officially hand over this medal to you."

Afterwards, Atish handed it to Li Mu.

Li Mu took over the medal and studied it carefully for a moment.

This represents the highest honor in the field of theoretical physics, and it is now in his hands.

In the future, there will be one more ornament in his collection room.


he said.

Atish nodded with a smile, and then stretched out his hand to signal that he was going to take a picture.

Li nodded, then looked at the camera with Atish and left a photo, and then he took a photo alone with a medal in his hand.

This photo will be released by the media and spread to the world. \b

"Let me just say a few words to everyone. People in the field of theoretical physics probably want to hear what you have to say."

Seeing Li Mu finished taking the photo, Atish said to him, and at the same time moved away from the position of the microphone.

Li Mu nodded slightly, then stepped forward, stood in front of the microphone, and said, "It's a great honor to be awarded the Dirac Medal."

"Mr. Paul Dirac has laid a very solid foundation for our theoretical physics, just as the Dirac equation, as one of the most basic equations of our quantum mechanics, has always played a very important role in our research .”

"And the establishment of this award is obviously also to continuously promote us physicists, like Mr. Dirac, to continue to develop physics."

"As descendants, we should also continue to improve our physical framework on the basis of our predecessors, especially for us theoretical physicists."

"I have always believed that theoretical physics is beyond the times. What experimental physics cannot discover is up to us to discover; what experimental physics cannot predict is up to us to predict; what experimental physics cannot explain is up to us to explain."

"This is theoretical physics!"

"So, everyone, please let us work together to make theoretical physics more brilliant!"

After finishing speaking, Li Mu bowed slightly, and then the audience burst into warm applause again.

Theoretical physics is beyond the times!

Every theoretical physicist likes to hear this sentence, and of course it is a fact.

Theoretical physics can predict the existence of dark matter, but experimental physics has not discovered dark matter until now. Theoretical physics has even predicted time travel, which is the timing protection conjecture in physics.

In some solutions of Einstein's field equations of general relativity, there will be closed time-like curves, that is, the world line of particles moving in space-time is a closed loop, and after moving a certain distance from the initial point, it will return to the initial point.

In other words, a closed timelike curve like this means a kind of time travel, which can return from the present to the past.

Of course, Hawking speculated on this, this kind of time travel can only be achieved at the micro level-perhaps the last method in the Avengers to return to the past is based on this very high probability The conjecture came true, so the protagonists need to enter the quantum microcosm to travel through time and return to the past.

However, it can be achieved in the movie, but in reality, experimental physics still cannot verify this.

To some extent, this is also a kind of pride of their theoretical physics.

They have won too much.

Such things are also very common in mathematics. Some pure mathematicians will be proud of the fact that the mathematical methods they have developed cannot be applied to solve any practical problems, and they call this the maintenance of mathematics. pure.

This can be regarded as some small pride of theorists.


And Li Mu, who finished his simple speech, didn't stay any longer, and walked off the stage.

This concludes the awarding of this year's Dirac Medal.


After returning to his seat, Wiles next to him said with a smile.

He looked at the Dirac Medal in Li Mu's hand, and said involuntarily, "The design of this medal is quite special, completely different from my Fields Special Award."

"It's a pity that I won't be able to get this award in my life. Although I don't know if the Fields Special Award belongs to the ranks that ICTP does not award, but the Wolf Mathematics Award must be included in it."

Li Mu couldn't help laughing: "There are still several Dirac awards. If you start studying physics from now on, you might still have a chance."

In fact, in addition to the ICTP Dirac Award, there are several other Dirac Awards, including the Dirac Award issued by the University of New South Wales, the IOP Dirac Award, and the WATOC Dirac Award.

WATOC is the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists, the academic organization that invited Li Mu to participate in their triennial conference last year, but Li Mu did not go because of the defense.

Wiles waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I don't have the energy to study theoretical physics anymore."

But at this time, he looked around again, finally leaned forward, and whispered to Li Mu: "In other words, have you noticed that more and more people seem to be looking at us? Oh no, I It should be looking at you."

"Look at me?"

Li Mu was stunned.

It seems... Really? !

"You won't do something big again, will you?"

Wiles couldn't help asking.

"What big thing did you do?"

Li Mu narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment, then suddenly remembered, could it be because...

And at this moment, Atish on the stage had already entered the next project - the presentation of the Ramanujan Prize.

"ICTP has always attached great importance to supporting scientific research in developing countries."

"In the field of mathematics, one of the most famous geniuses in history, Ramanujan, is a great mathematician who came from a developing country."

"In order to commemorate Mr. Ramanujan and to inspire young mathematicians like him from developing countries, we have established the Ramanujan Award."

"I also thank the International Mathematical Union and the Ministry of Science and Technology of India for supporting this award."

When Atish mentioned the award, he finally found that many of the mathematicians raised their heads and were no longer studying anything like they were just now.

It seems that this mathematics award has attracted these mathematicians.

But this winner...

He said, "And this year's Ramanu Gold Award winner is Li Mu who came from Hua Kingdom!"

There was another uproar in the venue.

Dude, actually gave both awards to one person!

Everyone couldn't help being amazed.

This year's ICTP conference, Li Mu can be regarded as the biggest winner.

Especially the physicists present were curious about what the mathematicians thought about Li Mu's award.

But when they looked over, they saw that these mathematicians were all sincerely convinced.

Well, it seems that everyone is the same, no one is unconvinced. \b

Perhaps they were not surprised that Li Mu won the Nobel Prize and the Fields Medal on the spot.

At this time, he was still discussing with Wiles why the people around him wanted to see Li Mu, and when he heard Atish's announcement, he was caught off guard for a while.

Ah this...?

Another prize?


Well, expected, expected.

Wiles patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, you go up to receive the award first, and let's discuss it when you come back."

Li Mu nodded, and then went to the stage again.

And as Li Mu left, Wiles found that all the eyes around him followed Li Mu.

This made him even more curious, what exactly did Li Mu do?

He couldn't help but took out his phone and started to check.

As a result, he saw a message from his old friend, Simon Donaldson, a professor at All Souls College, Oxford University: [Oh, my God! Wiles, where are you now? Do you know what happened to your students again? 】

Wiles was taken aback for a moment, and replied: [Did something happen? I am now in Italy accompanying Li Mu to attend the ICTP meeting. 】

【What? Li Mu is by your side, my God, don't you know? ! Goldbach Conjecture! prove! Proof! Didn't he tell you? 】

Wiles froze.

Goldbach Conjecture……

He suddenly remembered.

When they came here a few days ago, Li Mu uploaded some papers to arxiv in the car.

At that time, he asked if it was about Goldbach's conjecture. Looking at the news from Simon, the mathematics community has already caused discussions?

Europe! God!

At that time, he expected that he would probably be able to see this matter from the news. Although he didn't see it from the news now, it was not much different.

And at this time, Simon Donaldson sent another message: [And the most important thing is that he combined elliptic curve and K-module theory in his paper, and he used the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture you proved at the beginning , he has perfected your original achievements, which is very important for the realization of the Langlands program! You don't know? ! Is there any estrangement between Li Mu and you, and didn't tell you? Tell me, I just happened to bring him to our All Souls College. 】

Seeing the news in the first half, Wiles' face became even more surprised.


In the proof, Li Mu actually perfected his previous achievements one step further?

Using the modular form and elliptic curve he once unified, and then integrating K theory into it, realized the combination of the three?

Suddenly, he felt a little regretful in his heart.

I regret not letting Li Mu send the paper to him right away.

Otherwise, he must have read the paper once if he was so boring in Italy these two days!

What a shitty surprise, he can't wait anymore!

At this time, he also saw Simon Donaldson's last sentence, and immediately replied angrily: [Don't talk nonsense, my relationship with Li Mu is indestructible, it's just that I told him not to tell me. 】

Simon Donaldson replied immediately: [Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...】

From between the lines, Wiles seemed to be able to hear Donaldson's mocking laughter.

I didn't bother to talk to him anymore. At this time, Wiles finally realized why the mathematicians around just now kept looking at Li Mu.

They already knew about feelings, but he, Li Mu's teacher, should be the first person to know about it, yet he didn't know anything.


I will never pretend again.

Wiles raised his forehead.

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