Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 203 The only recipient of the Dirac Medal!

August 8.

At nine o'clock in the morning, in the largest conference hall in the Trieste Conference Center.

Li Mu and Andrew Wiles walked in.

"There are still a lot of people."

Seeing so many people in the conference hall, Li Mu sighed with emotion.

Wiles smiled and said: "In Europe, there are quite a lot of people who study theoretical physics. After all, CERN is here. I guess that many people who came to the conference this time came from CERN. "


Li Mu nodded in agreement.

While they were talking, a person greeted them, "Hey! Li!"

Li Mu turned his head and saw Guilliman Fern whom he had seen at CERN before.

A young genius in theoretical physics and one of the original members of their group to save string theory.

"Guilliman, long time no see."

Li Mu also greeted him.

"I guessed before that I might meet you here, and it seems that I guessed it right." Guilliman Fern said, "Seeing you, I know that this year's Dirac Medal probably has nothing to do with me." .”

Li Mu laughed twice, "The Dirac Medal is not only awarded to one person, but to several people. You still have a chance."

Guilliman Fern spread his hands: "Let's forget it, there are still a few talented people, maybe because of you, the standards for this year have been raised?"

uh... this...

Li Mu is really hard to say.

Because there is indeed such a possibility, because of him, the selection criteria for the awards will be directly raised a lot.

Of course, Guilliman Fern didn't get too entangled in this issue, and then continued to exchange pleasantries with Li Mu.

The two didn't talk about anything, they mainly talked about saving the string theory organization and the current progress in saving string theory.

It must be said that this progress is very slow. In the organization, some scholars have begun to choose to give up and turn to study other issues, and there are still many others who have not directly stated that they have given up, but it is estimated that they have also given up. Shaken mentally.

"We're all looking forward to your coming forward."

Before the two separated, Guilliman Fern couldn't help but say something to Li Mu.

"Saving String Theory..."

Li Mu muttered silently in his heart.

Although he has been studying Goldbach's conjecture recently, he has also thought about the problem of string theory, but it is still the same and it is difficult to solve.

"Don't think about it for now."

Shaking his head, the difficulty of this problem is not less than that of Goldbach's conjecture, or even more, and it took him a lot of effort to solve Goldbach's conjecture.

Then back next to Wiles, the two also went to their seats.

But after sitting in the seat, Li Mu felt a little strange again.

Because he always felt that there were eyes looking at him around him.

He took a few glances and found that some mathematicians seemed to be looking at him.

Then these mathematicians took a look at him and started discussing with their friends next to him.

This also makes him one head, two big.

In the end, a terrible conjecture arose, could it be——his handsomeness could not be suppressed at last?

Keke, just kidding.

But no matter what, it always made him feel weird.

And Andrew Wiles, who was sitting next to him, seemed to feel it too, so he couldn't help saying: "Hey, have you noticed that there are always people around us looking at us? Well, specifically, they seem to be looking at you, right? "

Li Mu Xiaoxiong spread his hands.jpg, "I don't know."

Both of them felt very strange.

Meanwhile, in another row of seats.

Qiu Chengtong and his student Xu Ziyang are sitting here.

Xu Ziyang is his favorite student. He has already graduated from his Ph.D., but he is still working as a postdoctoral fellow with him, receiving his key training.

At this time, he was saying to Xu Ziyang: "Although you are actually eligible to receive this award based on your previous achievements, but you also know that not only you, but also several people have great opportunities like you , of course the most important thing is that Li Mu is still there."

"Li Mu is a mountain you cannot avoid."

"If ICTP has the courage this year, it is very likely that he will win both awards, so you have to be prepared."

Xu Ziyang nodded and said with a smile: "I know, professor, don't worry, I don't think this award is in my pocket, let alone if it is awarded to Li Mu, I will be convinced."

Qiu Chengtong nodded, and couldn't help feeling in his heart.

It can be said that there are talented people from generation to generation, each leading the way for hundreds of years.

The same is true for academia, every era has such a leader.

The only difference is that in this era, there is such an unreasonable person as Li Mu.

I don't know how many shocking things this young man can do.

At this moment, his cell phone vibrated suddenly. \b

The conference was about to take place, so he had already put his phone on vibrate mode.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was a call from one of his friends.

Richard Hamilton.

Richard Hamilton is also considered a celebrity in the mathematics world, because he once discovered the Ritchie flow, and the Ritchie flow helped Perelman prove the Poincaré conjecture.

Whether it is him or Qiu Chengtong, both are important scholars of differential geometry, especially the latter, who is an important founder of differential geometry, and they are also familiar with each other because of their research on differential geometry.

Seeing this call, Qiu Chengtong was a little puzzled. Why did Hamilton suddenly call him today?

Of course, the conference hadn't started yet anyway, so he connected the phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, before he could speak, a voice rang from the opposite side: "Qiu! Have you read that paper?!"

Qiu Chengtong was taken aback: "Paper? Which paper?"

"Oh! You haven't watched it yet?! This doesn't suit you!"

Qiu Chengtong was even more confused, "I'm currently attending the conference organized by ICTP in Italy. I haven't done any research in the past few days, so don't play tricks on me. Tell me what it is."

"Well, I'll tell you, Goldbach conjectures!"

Qiu Chengtong was stunned for a moment, and couldn't sit still immediately, "What happened to Goldbach's guess? Is there any new development?"

"It's not just a new development." Hamilton said: "This time it is very likely that it has been directly proved. This jewel in the crown of mathematics is about to be picked off."

"You're still playing tricks on me!"

Hamilton laughed loudly: "Hahaha, well, I won't sell it, I won't sell it, the paper is on arixv, and it's also the paper published by Li Mu, who actually realized the K-module theory and elliptic curve Combining, and then combining the sieve method and the original method into one method, Goldbach's conjecture is easily solved like this!"

"These two papers add up to more than 150 pages, and I read them for two full days before I basically finished them! Although I haven't analyzed the details in depth, as far as I can see, he has come to the finish line. "

"And you also know that for so long, we have never found fatal flaws in Li Mu's papers with important achievements. Maybe...he was right again this time."

Hearing Hamilton's words, Qiu Chengtong was immediately stunned.

Li... Mu?

It was Li Mu again? !

Holding the mobile phone, he turned his head and glanced around the venue, and finally looked at Li Mu.

In the end, Li Mu probably noticed his gaze, and turned his head to look at him.

Qiu Chengtong smiled and nodded at Li Mu, then turned to the phone and said, "I see, I'll take a look now."

"Okay, then I won't bother you."

After speaking, they hung up the phone, and Qiu Chengtong immediately entered arxiv on his mobile phone, and then searched for related papers.

Soon he found the two papers written by Li Mu.

"Self-consistency of elliptic curves in the form of K-modules...of sieve and circle methods..."

Seeing the titles of these two papers, Qiu Chengtong was already attracted to them.

After simply looking at the abstracts of the two papers, he immediately realized that the proof of Goldbach's conjecture was not the focus, but another paper was the focus.

"Combine K-mode theory with elliptic curves?" Qiu Chengtong frowned.

If there is really no problem with the process and conclusion of this paper, Qiu Chengtong is very clear about the significance of this to the Langlands program.


He couldn't help thinking about it.

And just when he was about to read this paper, the voice of the staff rang out from the stereo in the venue.

"Attention all participants, all participants, our conference is about to start, please keep quiet and adjust your mobile phones to silent mode, thank you for your cooperation."

"Attention all participants..."

The host's voice was repeated several times on the speaker, and then gradually, the venue became quiet.

Everyone stopped discussing, and then turned their attention to the rostrum.

Soon after the staff saw that they were all quiet, they left the rostrum. After a while, an old man in his 60s walked onto the stage.

He is the chairman of ICTP, Atish Dabholkar.

"Thank you all scholars for coming to ICTP and participating in this conference. On behalf of the International Center for Physics Research, I welcome you all."

"Today is August 8, the 119th birthday of Mr. Paul Dirac."

"To commemorate his contribution to our scientific community, we gather here today not only to express our memory of Mr. Dirac to him, but also to hope that every scholar can gain something here."

When talking about this, Atish also smiled slightly, and continued: "In the past year, whether it is our theoretical physics field or the mathematics field, it can be said that there have been many changes, and there have been many achievements. , so, it can also be said that this year is a year of constant shocks in our scientific community."

"I also hope that every year in the future, there will be such a grand event like the past year."

"Of course, no matter what, we have to make a summary for the previous year."

"For those scholars who have made important contributions during the year, we will reward them, so that every hard-working scholar can understand that whoever makes a contribution must gain something."

"So, let's stop talking nonsense and enter our first topic today."

"The awarding of the Dirac Medal!"

Atish smiled slightly, and did not announce the winner immediately, but scanned the audience first.

But what puzzled him was that some people didn't seem to pay attention to him. He probably recognized them, and they seemed to be some mathematicians.

These mathematicians seem to be holding mobile phones, not knowing what they are looking at.

Of course, although he was puzzled, he didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, the Dirac Medal really has nothing to do with pure mathematics.

At least all physicists are looking forward to it.

As a branch of physics, theoretical physics differs from experimental physics in that theoretical physics may not be verified.

As the highest honor in the field of theoretical physics, the Dirac Medal does not depend on whether the theory has been verified. Therefore, Edward Witten once received the Dirac Medal.

Of course, it is precisely because of its "highest honor" status that all theoretical physicists are constantly chasing this medal.

And who will it go to this year?

Atish finally spoke, and his first words revealed the answer.

"Dimensional Force—"

"It is the fifth fundamental force of the universe, but in the past, we have never discovered it, and even always believed that there are only four fundamental forces in the world."

"But now, under the guidance of a genius, we have discovered this mysterious power that is everywhere but hidden nowhere."

"The analysis of theoretical physics once again played a decisive role, which fully shows that our theoretical physics has infinite possibilities."

"So, we would like to thank that genius for his guidance, which complements the physical framework of the world we know, and at the same time brings us more confidence."

"he is the one--"

"Li Mu!"

"Here I officially announce that this year, the winner of the Dirac Medal is Li Mu!"

"Thank you for your great contributions to our theoretical physics community in the past time!"

Following Atish's announcement, thunderous applause broke out in the venue after a moment of silence.

All the physicists heaved a sigh of relief, and then they all showed expressions that were as expected.

Competing with Li Mulai for the spot is indeed a little overwhelmed.

Still looking forward to the other places.

I just don't know how much this year's award criteria will be raised because of Li Mu.

It's impossible... to award it to Li Mu alone, right?

Such a thing really hasn't happened.

The most recent one was in 2006, and the award was only given to one person, and it was in 2001 and 1999.

All in all, although the probability is very low, it is definitely not impossible.

Ever since, the rest of the physicists were staring at Atish on the stage, looking forward to his announcement again.

However, to their regret, Atish did not announce again, but only said: "Then, let's invite Mr. Li Mu to come to the stage to accept the award!"

There was an uproar in the venue, which meant that only Li Mu won the award this year!

All of a sudden, many physicists became even more helpless.

All right, accept it honestly, they can only be accompanied by one time.

Anyway, the Dirac Medal does not have an age limit like the Fields Medal, so it is not a big problem.

Of course, some physicists also jokingly thought in their hearts, maybe they won the Nobel Prize, the Wolf Prize, or even the Fields Medal later, and then they were not eligible for the Dirac Medal?

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