Two Sides of A Coin

Chapter 9: SHIDA


I hate being a prefect.

I hate junior students.

I just want to do and graduate.

Because tell me why, as the acting or shadow uniform prefect female; I will give a simple hair style called two steps, what's so hard in braiding two steps. I have simply explained it times without number, two steps is like all back, up and down all back you plait on your head. Now these two children, just because they have entered Jss3, they think it's the end of the world. They think they have arrived, they still have three more years to graduate.

"So, I gave a hairstyle, that you are meant to keep for two weeks, yet you are making excuses".

"Senior Mariam, please forgive us, we won't do it again". They said so unapologetically. I wanted to slap this girl's face hard. If you forgive them, they will do it again. If you punish them or flog them, they will call you heartless and wicked. It's when one of them become prefects, that's when they will know that is not a cup of tea.

"Since, I as the uniform prefect, will give you guys hairstyle, and you feel you know everything and you have arrived in Jss3, common Jss3, let me just call Naomi for you people"

"Senior Mariam please just punish us yourselves". This time they looked terrified and were trembling.

Hakeem and Naomi, are the best people chosen for this labour prefect post. I believe that when finally, the Ss3s are graduating and are handing over their prefectship, Hakeem and Naomi will surely deserve their post.

Anyways, since Naomi was on duty with me today, why not hand them over to her. She is fearless, and once she's on duty, I think her underworld side comes out. And to further prove my point, the junior students are literally shaking begging me.

"It's okay now, I didn't say I will punish you. The both of you feel you are finer than me now, since I cannot keep afro. I as the uniform prefect, am doing the hairstyle but you girls have arrived. okay" It was the usual line seniors always used on juniors especially girls. Lines like ‘you have arrived’, ‘you think you’re better/finer/more beautiful than me’ were used before giving out punishment. I really don’t know why that is the tradition but who cares, I mean its secondary school.

Anytime am on duty, with two of my mates that are 'wicked', so to say. If there are so many defaulters the day of my duty, you'll see a long line of 'criminals' coming to me to punish them than the rest, why? Because am the most lenient

"Babes, what's happening here?" Naomi came over to ask me as she noticed the girls kneeling down. I turned to her and answered in a whiny tone. "Oh! Nam-Nam, thank God you are here. These girls didn't make their school hairstyle and I said okay! Let me hand over them to you. Maybe they will relate better with you"

"Babes, you see why I don't like being on duty with you, now you’re handing them over to me for punishment, instead of you to do it yourself so that you can learn how to harden your heart, you’re too soft abeg” her words didn’t match her gleeful tone.

Turning to them, her smile left, her posture straightened, and the long wooden cane she carried that was idle, suddenly became a windmill. I was starting to happily skip away from her when I still heard her speaking.

"So, because you think you are writing junior WAEC, you are now bosses, what is junior WAEC? Where would it take you? You've nor even entered Ss1, you are keeping Afro, see let me gist you something, even if you are finer than my mother, today you will wash toilets till your white starts turning brown, bastard children, try me and my mates again and see. Get up now and go and wash. I give you fifteen minutes. That's even too much for you". Like I said I don’t know where this strange tradition that most Nigerian secondary schools had of giving a dangerous speech or talk before proceeding to mete out punishment.

Now I started pitying them, they looked so lost and-

"Babes, don't call me to do your duty if you are going to pity them." Naomi gave me an all-knowing look as she cut off my thoughts. I looked at Naomi who was smallish in stature, looks innocent like she couldn’t hurt a fly, has a smallish voice, yet she could be mean. She is the definition of small but mighty.

What day is it today again? Wednesday, right. Let's rewind small before today, right? My mother was angry when I said I will be going back on Wednesday instead of Monday. She didn't allow me to explain, she started asking if am the only that has period challenges or if I was the descendant of the woman with the issue of blood. After the shouting, I told her that Kuchali is not feeling fine, and I need to visit her, then she now calmed down and was like why didn't I just tell her in the first place. I internally rolled my eyes. So, she then ordered me to buy some fruits and go and give her.

I arrived at Kuchi's house to find she and her sister; Hyela to be the only ones at home. I also noticed Malik Omari wasn't around, maybe he had gone back to his own house. We just talked for a while eating the fruits before I went home. I wanted to ask her where Malik was but I was having internal struggles; but I think she noticed and told me that he had gone back to his house,

Now, today being Wednesday, Kuchali and Malik Omari had not yet come to school, and it was getting to 7:40, 7:35; the late comers were punished, but since this is my mate, I am talking about here, I can't be the one to punish her, but the teacher on duty and the Sss3’s can, I was worried for my friend. The only lucky thing about this morning is that we have free period.

Ever since Simeon challenged Mr Sali that day, no teacher disturbs us during free period, and to make sure that we didn't while away time during free period, our form master made Simeon draft out a time table for us. He said that since we were in art class, and our core subjects are; Math, English, Literature, Christian Religious Studies (CRS), Government, he made sure that he put people who were really good in each of them to take tutorials. As for me, he put me in literature, as for Simeon, he gave him math.

Back to the matter at hand. I don't know whether Kuchali and Malik Omari want to prepare parade band along with an artist to come and sing for them to announce their arrival, before they come or what.

Okay... Fine let me just admit that I am waiting to see Malik Omari. I had already entered the class, when I saw a new blue chair and matching desk, maybe they told Mr Isaac; our form teacher that someone is coming. Everyone was also talking about who the new person is. I guess they must have heard about it.

Today our tutorials was C.R.S and we were preparing and waiting for who would take us, when we saw Mr Isaac enter the class with Kuchi and Simeon, ahh! He had shaved his beard. We stood up to greet him when he waved for us to sit down.

"Mariam, please come outside" The first question that will go to everyone's mind, if they were to be in my position is What did I do? Mariam what did you do. I came out to the front.

Then he turned to address the class; Ss2 B, I am disappointed in you people. To think that something happened to your classmate and none of you, girls especially, could help. I was not happy when I heard the report from your government teacher, Yes Damola? What is it?" he indicated to Damola that rose his hand up when he started his talk.

"Sir, I'm ashamed too, I was shouting at Chelsea and her garri friends to stop falling girls’ hands she didn't hear". Most of us were holding our laughter. If you were ever once in secondary school or still in secondary school, have you ever had a class clown, if you have had, you can relate to Damola.

"Damola, stop interrupting me. As for all of you, you are one another's keeper. Let this not repeat itself again? Am I clear?”. He asked with finality in his tone.

Everyone chorused 'yes sir'.

"One more thing, Kuchali Omari and Simeon Samuel were not feeling fine, but thank God, they are better. There is someone also who would be joining us, you were once mates with him till he left. That is Malik Omari" whispers and murmurs of shock and surprise filled the class. Our form master continued his announcement; "Malik is not yet here, he's in the principal's office with his parents, clearing some issues, so he will join you shortly. Don't make him feel uncomfortable, he's your mate, help him with anything he should catch up on. After the announcements, Mr Isaac left and we went to our seats.

"Kawana, I missed you" my friend and seat mate said.

"Kuchi, you saw me Monday to Tuesday, what exactly is the missing for? Besides, don't you want to go and see your bestie?" I replied

"Kawana, don't tell me you are jealous" she nudged me smirking, but I won’t give into her, so instead I replied with, "I am not jealous, he's your bestie not mine"

"Why do you think I call you Kawana instead of Mariam? It means my friend in Hausa, which you and I both know. I call everyone by their name, and call Simeon bestie, because I also consider him as a friend. You shouldn't be having any jealousy, because he was the one that helped you on Friday remember?" she said rubbing more salt. I looked at her and we smiled about it. She took it as her cue to lay her head on my lap. I was checking my locker for one of my novels to read, when I heard Chelsea's voice

"Malik, sweetie, it's been long, how have you been. See how you have grown and your muscles have come out" I raised my head to see her touching his muscles, I rolled my eyes. Arsenal strikes again.

"Liverpool, Liverpool last three weeks Mr Incredible was your man crush till eternity, now Malik is your sweetie, next week I wander who will be your future husband". We laughed as Damola shook hands with Kenneth in a form of guy code, after what he said. Chelsea just hissed and went to her seat. But that wasn't the amazing thing that made the whispers and conversations of the class hush and die down. We didn't take notice that Malik Omari was taller, neither did we take notice that he had a bit more muscles and he was darker than before, we also didn't notice he hadn't worn school uniform.

However, the amazing thing we took notice of was when Simeon and Malik stared at each other like long lost friends.

"Ferox" Malik said in disbelief, while Simeon answered with "Pahjgierna"

Wait a minute... Ferox? Pahjgierna? What is going on? From where to where, sorry, what class am I in again?

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