Chapter 10: BAKWAI
We didn't have time to be shocked and look at the new unfolding class reality show, because our computer teacher came. I guess it was time for his class. He didn't even step foot into the class, he just poked his head and told us in his usual angry voice, to meet him in the computer lab. Why do short people always have the largest temper? Because that short man was always angry.
I remember when we were in Ss1 one time, during second term, and our principal gathered us for a short meeting, announcing that we wouldn't be offering Data processing again, instead it will change to Computer science, because WAEC (West African Exams Council) exams board said so.
We were trying to understand the difference, when our principal told us that in Computer science, it deals with all aspect of the computer, everything about the computer and including data processing, while in data processing it deals majorly with processing of data to information and all aspect of processing and arranging data and information.
Data processing is just an aspect of computer science.
We came out of our class, to see that commercial class were also going to the lab. Normally, science, art and commercial have computer science on the same day, so that no class would be left behind in the syllabus but today, it was only art and commercial that were going to the computer lab.
Most times, I wish that commercial class’s computer teacher, was the one teaching our class, because ours always seemed to be angry with the whole world. He never smiles, even other teachers in the staff room avoid him. A group of sixty students walked towards the computer lab. The girls were mostly in front, which was the usual occurrence and we were in group of threes or fours, while the boys walked farther away and behind, and they mostly walked like avengers, in fives or tens but you could still find girls like Chelsea in the midst of those boys.
It was Kuchi, I and Chidinma; the female time prefect, that were talking. The main topic was Malik Omari. Chidinma knew him because she started from Jss1 with us, and so at one point in time, they were in the same junior class. I looked back, and sure enough a good number of boys were hovering over Malik Omari and Simeon, but mostly around Malik Omari. I couldn't blame him; he was a magnet to people. His smiles, his easy-going attitude, and besides he has been away for a long time and people didn't expect him to be back. They thought he had moved away for good.
We arrived at the computer lab, our computer lab was in the same area with the physics, chemistry, biology and Technical-drawing; TD labs but they were a far from each other. The computer lab, was painted blue, and it had computer lab in silver, on the wooden entrance door. On the inside, there was a little hall of fame for people like Charles Babbage, Bob Khan, Martin Cooper and even Mark Zuckerberg. Their pictures were all lined on the wall, with their achievements, famous inspirational quotes, date of invention, and for the dead ones, their death dates. The main aim of the hall of fame was for students to be motivated, I guess.
Then there was another wooden door, leading to the computer room. It was a very big and spacious room; with five computers per row. It had over one hundred and fifty working computers, because unlike other schools, our principal made sure they were maintained and taken care of, and any of the system that had undergone repairs twice, would be donated the third time it malfunctions and they will immediately replace it with a new one.
The desks for the computers, were like a little cubicle, it's like every student to his or her computer and at the same time, you could ask questions from your mates.
There was a little stage in front, that had a projector board, where the teacher can be able to sit down and work on his system, and at the same time, project what he's teaching. Kuchi, I and Chidinma sat down on our seats, facing our systems, along with two other boys to complete the row of five. The computers the school bought is silver in colour, it was medium sized and very flat, the keyboards looked transparent and the mouse is the same colour with the computers.
Like I said my school is crème de la crème.
I noticed that Malik Omari and Simeon sat down together, they were talking to each other, Simeon was even laughing, have I ever seen that boy smile, talk less of laughing. I was still not happy that Kuchi is still hiding where Malik Omari disappeared to for a while but I didn't have time to dwell on that before the computer teacher called our attention.
He instructed us to open an icon for drawing and designing, because it was under WAEC syllabus and it was a compulsory question. It also has to do with graphics.
"There's a drawing and design icon on the computer, which windows is that?" I heard an unfamiliar voice ask, maybe the person was from commercial class. Well, I’m not surprised that some of us own computers but we are clueless about some things there. "Mr man, this application has existed since Windows seven, maybe you just don't use it, I'm sure you use your own at home for games and movies, am I wrong?" our computer teacher asked in irritation.
"No sir" the voice from earlier answered, I turned to see who it was but with the way the boys hurdled themselves behind you couldn’t tell who it was.
The computer teacher went on to guide and teach us about what we could use the app to do and how to go about it. Towards the end, when the computer teacher told us to shut down and wrap up, I heard someone gasp, and that's when I realized it was Kuchi.
"Kawana, where are all the icons on your home screen?" I rolled my eyes as Kuchi’s question followed with a gasp. "Is that what the gasp was for? I just made them not to show, because they were much and distracting".
"Really? So, we can do that to?". Yah Yesu, I thought in my head. Sometimes I didn’t know if this girl was dumb or intelligent. This was my best friend we were talking about and I didn't want to insult her. I guess she saw that my face portrayed my feelings, because she didn’t care but instead gave me the same look back; and after some seconds of mirroring each other’s expression we busted out laughing. I showed her that what she needed to do was right-click on an empty area of the desktop, then I showed she will select view, immediately she saw the ‘show desktop icons’ she understood and clapped her hands in glee as she tried it on her desktop.
We wrapped up the class with an assignment that we were expected to submit in our next class, we would store it in our individual flash-drives that had our names on it; then we submit it to either our class captains or their assistants.
The rest of the classes weren't really interesting because most of us were eager to go home, and at the same time were curious on how Simeon and Malik Omari know each other on their first day of meeting each other. Because we kept on looking back sub-consciously every now and then towards their seats.
Finally, the closing bell rang, I guess the time prefect was also bored of his class since he rang the bell ten minutes earlier instead of the normal five minutes early.
I carried my assignments and waited for Kuchi, because today didn’t look like the day Kuchi and I would be having that conversation.
I went to sit down on one of the chairs outside the class to wait for my friend, some people had already gone home and others like Chelsea were loitering around boys, looking for what I don't know. Kuchi came out, she had a forced smile on her face.
"Kuchi, what is it?"
"Baban Yahya and I just had a little misunderstanding. He doesn't want us to go home together, he claims that he and Simeon have a lot of catching up to do. I reminded him that you had also been wanting to say hi, because throughout today we hadn’t even had free period and during long and short break times, they just disappeared from the class. I don’t know what goes through Malik’s head sometimes” she said in annoyance.
" Kuchi, it's okay, we can always talk to him. Maybe they have so much to catch up on. Besides you know it seems like they didn't expect to see themselves in the same place so maybe they are trying to catch up or something. Is that why you are squeezing face? Let's go home. The driver is here." She didn’t respond, just held my hand as we went home. Sometimes I drop Kuchi at home.
They both couldn't believe it. They never assumed fate would bring them again.
They had been talking nonstop, trying to catch up on each other's lives. Their friendship made others give them questionable looks. But that wasn’t their priority at the moment.
"Ferox, how is Mumcy and Mummy Ishola doing?" Malik asked him as he smiled.
"Hajiya is good but Mummy Ishola has handed me over to a new doctor, Dele. So how are you. You've been glued to me like magnet since, won't your friends feel offended?" Simeon answered and asked at the same time.
"Ferox, why bother, I'll just wink at them and they will understand. Besides my only true friend is here. I have a feeling you will be walking home, so come, I called my driver, I guess he will soon be here". Malik offered.
“Pahjgierna, you-” Simeon started when Malik cut him off. "Calm down Sir, I know you don't do drivers; he would bring the car for me then go back home by public transport” he could see Simeon visibly relax at that. They left together and went home. Malik smiled knowingly at the size of the house. He knew his friend’s mum could afford a bigger space but he had a feeling that the choice was because of his friend’s hate or fear of big houses. Anyone at this point. The house wasn’t too small, just moderate.
"Hajiya, are you home?" Simeon called out as they entered his house to look for his mum.
"Yes, I’m in the kitchen" his mother responded back. He and Malik found their way to the kitchen. Malik smiled as he admired the beautiful house. Though they weren't any pictures on the wall, in the sitting room, the house was still welcoming, with its purple and cream walls, accompanied with purple and black curtains. The parlour chairs were cream in colour and there was a silver and purple rug with the centre table on it.
"Mumcy guess who is here?" Malik cheekily said. Mrs. Samuel dropped the spoon she was holding on the ground in shocked as she turned. "Is that my son!? Come here let me see how big you have grown”. She smothered him up with hugs and body checks, as Malik allowed the older woman to hug him and ask all the questions she wanted to.
"Hajiya stop being dramatic, what are you cooking?" Simeon asked as he rolled his eyes at their public display of affection. “Oga stop showing your jealousy” Malik answered him as he showed him his tongue.
"I felt like doing swallow so I cooked tuwon shinkafa with vegetable soup. My son you will eat Mumcy's food koh?" Mrs. Samuel answered the both of them.
"Of course, I miss your cooking" Malik replied, she was happy with his response, she turned to see Simeon already bringing out the plates. "Simeon, would you like to cancel with Doctor Dele this afternoon, since Malik is here?" his mum asked since he had an appointment that evening, even she looked happy to cancel it for the both of them.
"Yes, thank you and besides I have an assignment to do" Simeon answered blowing her a kiss.
"Who is Doctor Dele?"
"Didn't I tell you?" Simeon asked a little exasperated, because he clearly did. "No, you didn't" Malik said actually confused. Simeon gave him a long stare, which Malik returned back.
"He's the one with Simeon in Kaduna here" Simeon's mum decided to add because it didn’t look like the boys were going to back down. That brought a lightbulb moment for Malik as he remembered that Simeon had indeed told him, he quickly turned his face away towards Mrs Samuel, because now that he had remembered, he wasn’t going to give his friend the satisfaction of I told you so. So, instead he asked her; "oh wow, what of Mummy Ishola?"
"Oh wow, what of Mummy Ishola?" he heard Simeon mockingly imitating him, which meant that Simeon had caught unto Malik’s tactics.
"She's great, when we finish eating, maybe you can call her and greet her. She will be surprised to find out that you are here" Malik couldn't agree less with her. They prayed and ate their food in silence. When they were done, Malik and Simeon went to Simeon's room.
Malik stopped at the door of the room, to admire the room with awe. The walls were ash in colour, the curtains were maroon, Malik went on to look at the bed that was also maroon and ash. It had four maroon and silver pillows, a silver bedsheet and a large maroon and ash blanket covering the bed halfway. To the left bottom side of the bed, there was a lemon green reading table and adjoining chair. Facing the bed, there was a big flat screen TV mounted on the wall, while it's remote was on top of a small table stand along with a PS player.
Malik Omari then turned to look at Simeon.
"Ferox, this room has my colour here" Malik’s statement was filled with happiness that his friend had not forgotten him. “My colour is here" he repeated his voice almost breaking.
"Don't tell me you are going to cry just because your colour is there" Simeon said giving him an ‘are you serious?’ look "Your tastes are still having the bature’s people touch, that is still much visible with your decoration. Anyways are watching film or we are playing game?"
Simeon couldn't help but smile.
"Pahjgierna, I know what you are trying to do, so just put on whatever device you want to put on, we would have drinks and then you can tell me who bailed you from prison".
"Can't we forget about it for now. Is not like I won't tell you. Zan gayama, kai aboki nah ne. Koh bah ka yada dah ni bah?"
"It's unfortunate I trust you". Simeon responded.
Yah Yesu= Oh Jesus
Tuwon shinkafa = Rice swallow; a delicacy in northern Nigeria
Zan gayama kai aboki nah ne. Koh baka yada dah ni bah= I will eventually tell you; you are my friend. Or don't you trust me?
Bature = white man/white people in hausa
Pahjgierna = it means my friend in bura language, a tribe and ethnic group in Northeastern Nigeria.