Chapter 3: Chapter 3
In the meantime out inside the colony itself a battle was taking place. Lt. Murrue Ramius and Kira Yamato board the X105 Strike to try and save it and fend off the Zaft Ginns that came in to help capture the G-Weapons. Kira took the over piloting the Strike to protect his friends that was down below. He manage to defeat a Ginn and made another one self destruct. The Strike had power down. When Murrue woke up she was laying on a bench with a girl close by her. "Hey this think is pretty cool." said a voice in the distance. Murrue quickly sit up and look around and notice there was civilian kids around the Strike. She grab her gun and fire in the air. The kids was in fear of having a gun shot. She quickly got the to gather up by her. Murrue "Since you have seen a top secret project of the Earth Alliance. I will have to keep you by me until I can get an officer to decide what to do with you. What are your names." A tall blonde guy said "I am Sai Argyle. We are neutral and want nothing to do with the war." Another one said "I am Kuzzey Buskirk." The brown hair boy said "I am Tolle Koenig and this is my girlfriend Miriallia Haw." The last one just yelled, "Why is the Earth Alliance here in a neutral colony we went nothing to do with the war that is why we live in a neutral place." Murrue pointed her gun at him. "My name is Kira Yamato." Murrue "I understand your points but it does not matter you still seen something you was not suppose to see." Murrue told Kira to go and see if he can contact the ship or anyone from the Earth Alliance while the other boys went a got a truck that had a striker pack in it to give the Strike energy. At this time another explosion was heard from up above. A Zaft mobile suit enter from the outside followed by a mobile armor. Kira quickly mounted the new striker pack which had a high power beam cannon on it. With Murrue yelling not to fire it. Kira fire and took the arm of the Zaft suit off and blasted a hole in the side of the colony. The Zaft machine quickly retreated thru the hole and back to his ship outside. The pilot was Rau Le Cresuset. When it went to retreat there was another blast from under ground and a large white ship came out of the hole it made in the colony interior. The mobile armor landed in the ship hanger and Kira pilot the Strike and took everyone up to the ships hanger with the Gundam. As they was disembarking "Murrue glad to see you made it out alive." said a woman that was leading a group of people towards the mobile suit. Murrue "Natarle glad to see you too." A man's voice sound behind the group "I would like to speak to the commanding officer of this ship." Natarle "The one with the highest authority is Lt. Murrue Ramius." Murrue "What happen to the captain and the other officers." Natarle " the captain and the others was having a meeting with the new pilots and was caught in the blast none survive." The man said "I am Lt. Mu La Flaga requesting to join this ship. My ship was shot down by Zaft." Murrue "Permission granted glad to have you on board." At this time Kira descend from the Strike. Mu "Your a coordinator right?" Tolle got in front of Kira to protect his friend when the other raise their guns at them. Murrue "Lower your weapons he is not an enemy." Mu "Sorry for that. It just that I was an escort to the new pilots and I watch there training and they could barely move the machines but Kira here could do it easily." When everyone got settle back down and was on the bridge an alarm went off. The sensors picked up a few matching signals coming to attack them. Kira board the Strike this time with the Sword Striker pack on. He took down two Ginns and was up against the remaining one the X303 Aegis which was piloted by his old friend Athrun Zala. When they was fighting the whole colony collapse. The Archangel went out into space to recover the Strike. While they was debating on how to move from there spot without being seen by the Zaft ships that was in the area. Jason woke up and went up to see what all has happen since he took a little nap.