Chapter 2: Chapter 2
Jason woke up next to a tree in an unknown place. Jason heard a voice in his head. "Are you ok." Selena said. Jason just shook his head. Jason "how do I talk to you without everyone thinking I am talking to myself." Selena "Just think what you want to say." Jason tried this several times before he was able to do it. Jason "So where am I at Selena." Selena "You are on the colony Heliopolis right outside of Morgenrote." Jason so I need to find a way inside there to get on the ship Archangel. Selena "Don't forget to hid your tail and look at the status first so you can decide on the job you want to be leveling up while do this." Jason was dumbfounded that he forgot about the job system he wanted. Jason quickly said "Status" while wrapping his tail around his waist like a belt.
Jason Knight-Male
Age: 17
Race- Saiyan/Devil bloodline
Race- Saiyan/Devil bloodline
Evil Piece- King
Job System
Job Class- jobless LV 100
Available Jobs: MS Pilot, Fighter, Mage, Incubus
Skills- none
Jason was thinking. I guess I need to go with MS Pilot first so I can pilot a gundam. Jason quickly change his Job Class to MS Pilot. Selena "You will have to get the job class to level 100 before you can change to a new class." Skill Pilot Mobile Suits unlock. Skill Description make it easier to pilot any mobile suit you want. Selena "You will need to level up the skill so you can pilot any of the suits you wish. The skill starts out that it is easy for you to pilot them but you will not be a expert on it." Jason well that helps plus I am a coordinator. Now lets see how I can get into the area where the Archangel is cause I know Zaft is sneaking about setting bombs off. I kept walking around when I notice people in green space suits. I hid and watch them closely. So this is Zaft people that was putting bombs all over which means I must be close to the ship. I follow them while staying hid in the shadows. It took over 30 minutes before we came out to an underground hanger. I stayed hiding til I knew that they moved on from the area. The massive white ship was in front of me and man was it stunning to look at. I look around then found a guy that was taking break off to the side. Well now is my chance to knock him out and get on the ship and just wait for the right time to show up and become the pilot of the Strike. I knock the guard out and rush into the ship before anyone seem me. I found a closet with some work cloths in it. I change into them to look like I work on the ship. I walked around the ship to get familiar with the layout. There was not many people on the ship most was maintenance working on the last minute things in the hanger. After about an hour a hugh explosion went off. It rattle the ship. The lights went off. It looked really creepy. I went a found a place to lay down since it would be a bit before the crew that survive the blast would wake up and get on the ship.