Time to Duel!

The Exam(1)



I don't own any of the cards, monsters or art, I only own the OC and fanmade cards. Also, all fanmade cards can be found in the glossary for easier access.

Annie never considered herself someone who holds many regrets, she considered doing things that you might later regret a stupid idea that she wants to avoid doing. Regret is also something she would never associate with heroes as a hero's main job is to save people. A hero regretting saving someone can never be a true hero in her eyes. That is why Annie adores the HEROES, as they always save the day with unwavering confidence. That is why she can't help herself from cursing her negligence as she ran to the exam location. 'How am I supposed to know that my alarm would decide to rebel against me today of all days? Thank the mighty 3 that Jack called me before it got too late.'  

As Annie was rushing, when she was grabbing her deck from the nightstand she couldn't remember which deck was her HERO one, so she just grabbed both of them and stuffed them in her bag. Grabbing a meat bun from the fridge she rushed out the door, stuffing her mouth as she ran. With only 2 minutes to spare, she managed to get to the exam sight before it was too late. The writing portion of the exam consisted of several smaller exams with each covering a different subject. Ranging from math, science, language, and duel theory. Duel theory was the one Annie found the easiest as it consisted of questions about card interactions and rulings. 

Once Annie finished the written portion of the exam, she was given an arena number and the time of her practical exam. Making her way to arena 6, the arena where she was going to take her practical exam. As she was walking she saw a familiar face. Running towards the person, she called out to them. "Hey! Dr.Romach it's me ANNIE!" Turning to face her, Romach grinned and waved to her.

"AH! Annabell it's been months since I have last seen you. How are you doing?" Annie giggled as she stopped in front of the doctor.

"It's Annie, and we saw each other last week. Remember my dad and I came to visit you to make sure my Duel watch was up to date." Romach tilted his head to the side as he thought back to the week prior. 

"Ah! I remember now, that meeting must have slipped my mind." She frowned at his response.

"I hope you're not overworking yourself again, last time Jack's mom had to ban you from your lab until you got proper rest."

"Nonsense! I know my body better than anyone."

"Didn't she ban you because you collapse in the middle of gathering data from a duel?"

 "I remember that, what a shame that was. The recording of the duel was a blast to watch, too bad I couldn't watch the whole thing live. Nothing beats a live duel, you never know when a duel will end. Unlike a recording that spoils how long a duel will last." Annie nodded.

"I agree, a duel is more exciting to watch when you never know when it will end."

"I knew you would understand." Annie's eyes widen.

"Hey! Don't distract me from the original topic. You're not overworking yourself, are you?"

"Haha, nonsense Anniebell. I'm just been extra excited lately with one of my projects bearing results."  She smiled at his answer.

"I'm glad to hear that Romach, with how much effort you put into your projects it must be nice to finally get the results you wanted."

"Yes indeed, I can't wait until the project is finally realized." That piqued her interest.

"What's the project about?"

"Well, I can't tell you that right now Annabell. But I'm confident that you'll take part in the project's completion."


"Indeed Annabell, you are here to take the exam for DUEL Acadamy aren't you?" She puffed her chest and grinned.

"Yes I am, I just finished the writing portion. All I need to do is aced the practical portion of the exam."

"SPLENDID! I'm looking forward to having you as a student when the times come." Annie smiled and nodded until a particular bit of info finally registered to her.

"WAIT! Student? You're going to be a teacher at DUEL Acadamy?!" 

"Indeed! Not only did the academy need a new teacher because an old professor retired, but it's also a great place for me to gather data for my project. "

"That's great to hear! What class would you be teaching?" Romach grinned.

"The answer is obvious, I'll be co-teaching duel theory/ duel practice. It's the best class for me to gather data on duels, as it's the only class that has students sharpen their duelling skills against each other."

"That sounds so cool! I can't wait to have you as a teacher!"

"Well then I suggest you hurry, you don't want to miss the practical exam do you?" Looking at her Duel watch Annie's eyes widen.

"ITS ALMOST TIME FOR MY EXAM!" Bowing to Romach, Annie started to run towards arena 6. "SORRY! I NEED TO GO, bye I have to g-!" Annie's shouting got quieter before she got too far for Romach to hear her. He smiled at the amusing sight, turning around he walked towards a room labelled staff only. Taking out a keycard, he tapped it on the keypad and entered the room.  

While that was happening, Annie was making a mad dash toward arena 6. Bursting through the double doors of the arena dropping her bag in the process. Grabbing her knees, she panted as she tried to catch her breath.

"Your right on time miss Spark." Looking up Annie was greeted by a sight of a tall woman with long black hair, sporting round glasses and a black long-sleeve shirt and jeans. "However next time please consider keeping track of time, you were cutting it close and next time you might not be as lucky."

"I'm -pant- sorry miss. I'll keep that -pant- in mind." The women nodded.

"Well let's get this practical exam going, we don't want to keep others waiting. I also suggest picking up your cards." At first, Annie was confused about what she was talking about before turning to look where the woman was looking at. Gasping at the sight of her fallen bag open, cards spilling out of both decks boxes, making one giant pile of cards. "We don't have all day miss Sparks." Seeing the woman already standing on the other side of the arena, Annie was forced to grab the pile of cards.

"Uh, can I have a moment and separate the decks?"

"I'm sorry miss Sparks, but we're running out of time. You'll just have to make do with what you have." Annie's heart pounded against her chest at the sight of the massive deck. 

After removing 20 cards from the mixed deck, and separating the extra deck, she placed the deck into the arena's deck holder. "You'll be graded on your performance, the results of the duel are only worth an extra 10 points. So focus on your overall performance rather than whether you win or not. Let's get this exam going, I'll make the call and I choose heads." Annie glanced at the deck and then at the women across from her, steeling her nerves she nodded toward her opponent. 

"Duel Starts/IT'S TIME TO DUEL!"

Annie Spark

8000LP / 5 cards in hand / 0 monster / 0 spell/traps

Ai Chika 

8000LP / 5 cards in hand / 0 monster / 0 spell/traps

Hope you guys/gals/others enjoy this new chapter. Any comments/thoughts/critique is welcomed in the comments below.

Like the other times, can any of you guess what deck Ai will use? The extra hint is Chaos Effect. 

Lastly, does anyone have a better way to keep track of the duels for this fic? Because I use duelling book and have a friend help with doing the duels. This process takes a bit of time to do.


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