The Wizard’s Order

Chapter 3: Practice knight breathing

   Lane stared at the mountain spirit excitedly, this was a major event related to his practice of knight breathing.

   When faced with the temptation of extraordinary power, no one can remain calm, and Ryan is no exception.

  At this time, he noticed that there was a third person in the hall besides him and Baron Tabor. That person was looking at the mountain spirit in the box with extremely complicated eyes.

   Because his mind was full of breathing methods just now, he didn't notice that there was a third person in the hall.

   It was a boy who looked like Baron Tabor and was printed in a mold. The boy was obviously only two years older than Ryan. He was only seventeen years old this year, but he had a face that was as lush as Baron Tabor.

   This boy is Ryan’s half-brother, Joey Albert.

   But unlike Ryan, Joey was born by the mistress of Baron Tabor and was born as a concubine. His status is far less noble than Ryan and Aina's two sons born by his wife.

   There are many children like Joey in Albert Castle. Some of them are badly mixed and even used as slaves. Baron Tabor does not treat them as his own children.

The reason why Joey can stand in the hall and accompany Baron Tabor is because he has extremely high knight talent. He has become a junior knight at a young age and is highly valued by Baron Tabor. If he is lucky, he may be able to Divide into a knight collar.

   Noting Joey's complicated eyes at Shanjing, Ryan knew it in his heart.

   Lane asked Baron Tabor, "Who discovered this mountain spirit? He must be rewarded."

   Baron Tabor pointed to Joey and said, "Joy discovered it. As a reward, I specifically allow him to accompany you to Valle City to participate in the knight assessment in three months."

   When I heard these words, I could clearly see that Joey's body was shaking because of his excitement.

  Because the words of Baron Tabor, in a sense, are equivalent to promising Joey a knighthood.

   Many people in this world like to call powerful people knights. In fact, this term is wrong, because only those who pass the knight assessment and receive the knight medal from the kingdom are true knights.

  Only a real knight with a knight medal can get the knighthood and manage the knight collar.

   And not as long as you are strong enough to participate in the knight assessment, you must be innocent to participate in the assessment, and you need a recommendation from a baron or above.

   If no one recommends, even if you have the strength of a high-level knight, you cannot participate in the knight assessment, and you cannot become a real knight with a knight medal.

   Of course, that kind of situation is very rare.

   If you really have the strength of a high-level knight, you want to participate in the knight assessment and worry that no one recommends it?

However, Joey is not a high-level knight, and because he can't practice the true and complete knight breathing method, he will not be able to become an intermediate knight like Baron Tabor in his life, so he can get the knighthood and manage a knight collar. It was his final dream in this life.

   And this dream is already in sight, and it only needs to pass the Cavaliers assessment three months later to realize it.

   The reason why Baron Tabor gave Joey this opportunity is not only because Joey discovered the mountain spirit, but also because of Joey's talent, strength and loyalty.

  The main reason is loyalty.

   After discovering the precious mountain spirit, Joey did not secretly claim it for himself, but gave it out. This loyalty is already worthy of Baron Tabor giving him a knighthood.

   Lane said to Joey: "Father has given you a reward, but I haven't yet."

   Joey said quickly: "I'm flattered by the reward that Lord Baron has given me. How can I expect more?"

   Lane pointed to the mountain bear and said to Baron Tabor: "I already have a mountain spirit, so I might as well give this mountain bear to Joey."

   Baron Tabor thought for a while, then nodded and said, "It's okay."

   After finishing speaking, Baron Tabor motioned to Joey with his eyes.

   Joey knelt down with a "puff" and kowtowed his head to thank him: "Master’s gift Joey will always be remembered in his heart, and Joey vowed to offer eternal loyalty to Master Lane."

   Mountain bear flesh and blood is not as effective as the mountain essence, but it is also a great tonic, which is of great benefit to cultivation.

   Now, Joey has a little more confidence in passing the Cavaliers assessment three months later.

   Knight assessment is a major event related to Joey's life, and Joey still attaches great importance to it.

   Like Ryan, a son who is so beloved by Baron Tabor, he failed an exam and will have another exam next year. Joey is different.

   Once Joey fails, is there another chance?

   What if Baron Tabor suddenly changes his mind?

   In order to avoid long nights and dreams, in order to reduce the occurrence of accidents, he must pass the knight test once!

   After Ryan asked Joey who was kneeling to get up, he looked expectantly at Baron Tabor, and said, "Father, when will you teach me the breathing technique of knights?"

   Baron Tabor said: "It's better to hit the sun if you choose a day, just now."

   Lane worried: "Father, you just came back from hunting. You should be very tired. Don't you want to take a break first?"

   Baron Tabor patted his chest and said, "You look down on your father and me too much. Even if I fight the mountain bear immediately for three days and three nights, it is not a problem."

   Lane thought for a while, and said, "That's okay. UU reading"

   In fact, Ryan also wants to practice the knight breathing method as soon as possible. He couldn't ask for Baron Tabor to teach him immediately. He just worried about his old father Baron Tabor out of politeness.

  Since Baron Tabor said it was all right, he was too lazy to talk.

   After arranging the chores, Ryan and Baron Tabor walked towards the basement chamber.

   came into the underground secret room, as the heavy stone door closed, the whole secret room suddenly became dark.

   After Baron Tabor lit the torch in the secret room, his face suddenly became serious.

   He said solemnly to Ryan: "If you want to practice the knight breathing method, your body strength must reach a certain level, which is what ordinary people call the primary knight level."

   Knight Breathing Method is equivalent to the inner power mental method. Without the inner power mental method, one can become a master by practicing external power.

   There is no problem with having the power of a junior knight, an intermediate knight or even an advanced knight without practicing the knight breathing method, but the probability is too low, and the probability is lower than the first prize in the lottery.

   And if you don’t practice the knight breathing method, your strength will collapse once you pass middle age. The stronger the strength, the more severe the drop, and the body may even be directly paralyzed.

   So for most people, the knight breathing method is the key to entering the intermediate and advanced knights. Without the knight breathing method, you can only move in the realm of the junior knight.

   And the practice of knight breathing method is also required, that is, the strength of the body must reach the elementary knight level.

   So before, Ryan practiced the same knight swordsmanship as Joey and others. Through the practice of knight swordsmanship, his body strength has finally reached the primary knight level two months ago, and he can formally practice the knight breathing method.


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