The Wizard’s Order

Chapter 2: Pride of Baron Tabor

After    separated from his sister Ai Na, Ryan walked towards the lobby on the first floor of Albert Castle.

Although Ryan wanted to reach the lobby on the first floor quickly, he still walked very slowly. Because the castle was too sealed and lacked windows, the air did not circulate at all, and most of the areas were not exposed to sunlight, resulting in a very serious situation in the castle. Dark and damp.

   It’s not good if you walk too fast, accidentally hit someone or slip.

"Da da da…"

   Lane soon came to the entrance of the lobby on the first floor.

   By the entrance of the hall, two sturdy guards in leather armor stood upright.

   Lane, with the help of the faint light, could see the mud and blood stains remaining on the guard's armor and hilt, and it could be seen that they had no time to rest after returning from hunting.

   Seeing Ryan approaching, the two guards knelt on one knee, "I have seen Master Ryan."


   Ryan nodded to the guard and stepped into the hall.

   In the conference hall, there is a long table that can seat twenty people. There are iron shelves for candles hanging on the ceiling, and portraits of the ancestors of the Albert family are hung on the surrounding walls.

   As soon as he entered the hall, Ryan's gaze immediately fell on the middle-aged man who was sitting on the long table and eating steak.

   That was a burly man in his early forties with a beard on his face and two scars on his head.

   This middle-aged man is Ryan's father, the head of the Albert family-Baron Taber Albert.

   When Baron Tabor saw Ryan, he immediately put down his knife and fork and rushed towards Ryan. A bear hugged Ryan tightly.

   Baron Tabor kept sticking his beard on Ryan's face, and smiled: "Haha, my good son, I haven't seen you in half a month, I want to kill you."

   The season is now at the beginning of spring, and the beasts that have hibernated for a long time come out to find food. Many villages in the Albert family territory have been attacked.

   And many powerful beasts have magical powers, which are not something ordinary people can deal with. Only knights can hunt them.

   Therefore, Baron Tabor has been very busy recently, and he has taken a guard to hunt and kill the beasts everywhere.

   But this year is a bit different. The reason why Baron Tabor strives to hunt down powerful beasts is to protect the residents of the territory and to ensure production. There is also one of the most important purposes, that is, to find materials for Ryan to practice knight breathing.

   After embracing Baron Tabor, Ryan's sight immediately fell on a huge body that had no life in the corner of the hall.

   It was a three-meter tall and two adults with a waist that couldn't hold a mountain bear.

  There are also wooden barrels beside the mountain bears, and a strong smell of blood comes out from the barrels, which contain the blood of the mountain bears that will not coagulate in a short time after a special treatment.

   Looking at the mountain bear, Ryan was full of emotion.

   Although he knows that this world contains powerful monsters and weird plants, he has been in this world for so long, and this is the first time he has seen such a powerful creature.

  Ryan walked to the side of the mountain bear, clenched his fists and hammered the body of the mountain bear hard, and he made a sound like a hammer hitting a stone.

"so hard!"

   Lane felt his fist hurt.

  Lane looked at the mountain bear and said with emotion: "Machine guns can only be compared with skin trauma. Most mortars will not be able to seriously injure it."

  , Baron Tabor nodded in agreement. Although he didn't know what a machine gun was or a mortar, as a hunter, he knew very well the power of the mountain bear in front of him.

   Baron Tabor said: "This mountain bear is indeed very strong. It took us a lot of work to successfully kill it, but its strength is still far behind the Lord of the Mountain Bear."

   Talking, Baron Tabor's eyes fell on the front wall of the hall, where there was a bear skin that could almost cover the entire wall.

   It was the fur peeled off from the Lord of the Mountain Bear. It was the pride of Baron Tabor. The two scars on his head that almost opened his head were left by the Lord of the Mountain Bear.

   I heard that someone once paid a high price of a thousand gold coins to buy this bear skin, but Baron Tabor refused without hesitation.

   That's a thousand gold coins!

   You must know that even in the good years, the Albert family’s annual net income is only more than two hundred gold coins. If you encounter a bad year, you will have to lose money.

  The savings of the entire Albert family is only two or three thousand gold coins.

   And a bear skin is worth a thousand gold coins!

   Baron Tabor refused without hesitation.

   Because this bear skin from the Lord of the Mountain Bears is not only his honor, but also records the grief of the Albert family.

In order to defeat the Lord of the Mountain Bear, the Albert family’s father took him and another knight and dozens of elite guards into a fierce battle with the Lord of the Mountain Bear. In the end, only Baron Taibo and seven guards survived. Come down.

   Baron Tabor stared at the fur of the Lord of the Mountain Bears, and said solemnly, "I will not lose now."

  Lane looked at Baron Tabor in surprise and said, "Have you become a senior knight, father?"

The embarrassing expression on Baron Tabor’s face flashed, and then he explained: "I mean our Albert family is much stronger than before. If there is another mountain bear lord at UU reading, it will be resolved. It will definitely not be as tragic as last time."


  Ryan was disappointed, but he quickly regained his energy.

   His eyes looked straight at the mountain bear that Baron Tabor had returned from the hunt. With this mountain bear, he could formally practice breathing.

   Baron Tabor looked at the excited Ryan and pointedly said: "Our harvest this time is not just this mountain bear."

   Lane looked up at Baron Tabor and wondered: "What else is there besides the mountain bear?"

   Baron Tabor’s hunt will definitely have more than one mountain bear, but since Baron Tabor specifically said it at this time, it must be meaningful, and there must be a harvest far above the mountain bear.

   But the mountain bear is already the strongest and most valuable beast in the Albert family territory, what else can be on top of the mountain bear?

   Baron Tabor took out a half-meter-long wooden box from his arms and opened it with a "click" in front of Ryan.

   Looking at the things in the box, Ryan's eyes widened.

  The things in the box are indeed much more precious than ordinary mountain bears, even when compared to the Lord of Mountain Bears.

   Lane looked at the plant in the box and said in shock: "Is this a mountain spirit?"

  Mountain essence is a precious medicinal plant. Its rare degree is no less than that of the century-old wild ginseng in the previous life. However, due to the magical power contained in the mountain essence, its effect is much stronger than that of the century-old wild ginseng.

   Compared with the mountain spirit in front of me, an ordinary mountain bear is really not worth mentioning.

   Baron Tabor patted Ryan on the shoulder and smiled: "With this mountain spirit and this mountain bear as materials, when you practice the knight breathing method, all the obstacles will be passed by."


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