The Villains I Taught Became Heroes

Chapter 17

Among the ingredients for the medicinal tonic, there is an item called ‘Essence of Healer’.

This is an item that can be obtained by healing someone and is important for medicine production.

Surprisingly, the Essence of Healer, which can only be obtained after healing a certain number of people, was easier to find than expected, given its high item grade.

Well, of course.

You can earn points just by going out for a battle, taking a few hits, healing, and repeat bam!.

I had racked up quite a few points using this method while gaming.

But now that it’s reality, using that kind of method feels a bit awkward.

In fact, I had tried it a few times.

I’d catch a thief, stab, heal, stab, heal—stab-tazzle!

But after a while, the target couldn’t withstand the pain and ended up dying. sigh So weak.

I tried a few more times, but I quickly realized that infinite healing, like in the game, is just not possible.

Anyway, since I couldn’t use the easiest method, I had no choice but to use the straightforward way.

“Are you… going to heal me…?”

Did he hear my cries?

An old man, on the verge of collapsing, hobbled over and spoke with difficulty.

Looking at him, it seemed like food poisoning, but this level of healing was easy.

I combined some herbs and detoxifying herbs I had brought, created a powder, and handed it over.

“Uh… I’m healed! I’m healed!”

Maybe it was an instant-effect potion; he seemed to feel the results right away.

The old man was overjoyed and then suddenly startled.

He probably got scared I would ask for money.

“I don’t need any money!!”

I just need to earn points!

“Me first! Heal me first!”

“My mom’s sick!”

“I’m first! I’m getting treated first!”

“Ahh! My leg! There’s a wound here…”

Is it thanks to healing that old man for free?

The bystanders, who had only watched, suddenly rushed over, eyes wide with desire.

Haha. Come here, my points!

“Sowol, line these people up.”

“Huh? Ah, yes! Everyone, form a line!!”

But the excited crowd probably didn’t hear Sowol’s shout.

Flustered by that, she finally brought her hands to her waist.


“W-What the hell, you brat?!”

“If I get stabbed by that brat, I’ll have to heal more places!”

This little one already knows how to reveal intentions. Isn’t that adorable?

As Sowol growled, the guy trying to act tough flinched and stepped back.

Watching the people form a line before me, I clapped for Sowol.

“Good job.”

“It was nothing. By the way, are you going to stay here?”

“Yeah. I’ll be here until these people are healed. If it gets boring, you can go somewhere else.”

“It’s fine.”

Really? Then I hope you run some errands for me from here.


Sowol returned around evening.

I thought she had a good time with Lee Hyun, but when I saw Sowol’s exhausted state, I was taken aback.

“Miss?! What happened?!”

“I’m tired…”

She really did look tired.

Sowol stumbled into the room and collapsed onto the bed, making Railla even more flustered.

What on earth did she do to be this tired?

Curiosity was eating her up.

So she began undressing Sowol while asking.

“Where did you go?”

“Back alley…”

“Back alley?”

Why on earth would she go there?

The back alley is just the dark side of the city, with vagrants and infectious people.

It’s not a place for someone like Sowol, who should always be in bright spots.

The question was not resolved.

Railla helped the struggling Sowol sit up and gave her water, then pressed further.

“What were you doing in the back alley?”

What was she doing?

Sowol couldn’t even say.

As soon as she entered the city, she bought a bunch of medicine and went into the back alley to treat people. For free, no less.

No, was that all?

Lee Hyun’s way of treating people was truly impressive, and all she could do was praise him.

He casually handled rotten wounds, squeezed out pus-filled sores with bare hands, and dealt with people who hadn’t washed for ages and smelled terrible without a hitch.

If someone like Lee Hyun existed, he would surely be treated with respect anywhere.

Yet that person would do such things?

Even the church wouldn’t treat them with such genuine devotion.

“I don’t know.”

Sowol mumbled weakly and calmly recounted the day’s events.

Railla couldn’t hide her surprise upon hearing the full account.

“Why did you do that?”

“I don’t know. Me too.”

“Did you not ask?”

“I did ask. But the only answer I got was, ‘It’s for you.'”

“For me? Why would that…?”

One of the vagrants had asked that.

Why do they treat us like this? Where the heck did this medicine come from?

In response to that question, Lee Hyun had answered lightly.

The cost of the medicine was from Sowol, and the treatment was done for Sowol.

As a result, the people in the back alley showered him with unexpected praise.

But what does that mean?

What worth do their praises hold that Lee Hyun would say such a thing?

“Um… it’s a story that has been passed down from the East.”

“What kind of story?”

“It’s said that every person’s action carries ‘karma.’ They either build good karma or bad karma. It’s a story that it will greatly influence that person in the future.”

“Does that even make sense? If that’s true, bad guys in this world should have it tough. Yet, the worse they are, the wealthier they seem to be.”

The world isn’t that simple.

Live kindly. Don’t cause harm to others.

Don’t live a deceitful life.

Those were the stories often shared by the teachers who taught them.

But is the world really like that? Sowol didn’t think so.

“That might be true.”

And Railla knew this story as well.

Sowol and Railla weren’t naive enough to be swayed by such a dull tale.

So does that mean Lee Hyun doesn’t know that?

“I can never understand the Master’s thoughts…”

While wriggling in frustration on the bed, Sowol grumbled.

Railla, who had been smiling at her, gently stood.

“You said that when you ask the Master, he doesn’t give you clear answers, right? Then can I ask?”

“Do you think the Master will tell you?”

“How about casually asking in passing?”

“Umm… yeah! I’d appreciate that!”

Seeing Sowol’s bright smile, Railla went outside.

Currently, she was staying in a guesthouse provided by Rogen Trading Company.

She came out from the best room in the inn, where the warriors who came with her were also staying, and looked down.

In the spacious area on the first floor, the warriors were gathered, listening carefully to someone’s story.

“It’s best to aim for the legs when catching a Black Tiger Goblin. Especially the third leg…”

“Haha! No, Master! What if we meet a female Black Tiger Goblin?!”

“In that case, just run away.”

The atmosphere was so lively.

There wouldn’t be such a cheerful vibe when warriors are with each other during commerce.

Engaging in business means encountering dangers at any time.

So everyone quietly sipped their drinks, grappling with their anxieties and fears about the next commerce.

But now it was different. Perhaps it was because they were with someone overwhelmingly stronger; shadows were hard to find on their faces.

“By the way, Master, why have you become so strong?”

“Because I have a goal.”

“What’s the goal…?”

“Well? I guess it’s to properly train my disciple?”

To properly train his disciple. Does that mean he’s genuinely trying to raise Sowol?

Railla slowly descended the stairs, listening to their conversation.

Lee Hyun was answering the other warriors’ questions without hesitation.

There were a few crude jokes and stories about martial arts as well.

But he answered everything with heart and sincerity.

‘Is this atmosphere okay?’

“Then why did the Master attribute all the recent events to Miss?”

In the lively atmosphere, she asked the pointed question softly. Perhaps Lee Hyun, being buzzed, would answer easily.

Thus, when Railla asked, Lee Hyun’s gaze turned toward her, making her flinch and shudder.

His flushed face proved he was definitely drunk.

Looking at the empty bottle of wine in front of him showed just how much he had drunk.


Even so, Lee Hyun’s eyes were piercingly sharp.

With a gaze so sharp it felt like a spear was piercing her heart, Railla involuntarily swallowed. gulp!

“Because that’s something Sowol needs.”

With a gentle smile, Lee Hyun spoke calmly.

That smile seemed to have no trace of deceit. The smile of an incredibly strong person was exceptionally pure.

Railla could only stare blankly at it.

“Come on! Let’s drink!”

Again the atmosphere got lively.

As soon as Lee Hyun began to take charge of the ambiance, Railla slowly placed her hand on her chest.


Could it be that Lee Hyun’s smile lingering in her mind was causing this?

Her heart was racing.

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