The Villains I Taught Became Heroes

Chapter 16

Although Sowol can use Sword Energy, she’s still lacking compared to Laila.

It’s all about experience.

No matter how talented Sowol is, bridging that gap all at once is probably too much to ask.

As we quickly made bets, Sowol and Laila started to move towards each other.

Everyone watching held their breath when suddenly—


Swords clashed in midair. Sowol, who initiated with Sword Energy, and Laila, who reinforced her sword with aura, even if it wasn’t Sword Energy.

Naturally, Laila’s sword was pushed back.

While it might seem clumsy, Sword Energy is still Sword Energy after all.


But was experience something to be underestimated?

Spinning in her losing stance, Laila executed a rapid spinning cut.

Seizing the moment when Sowol was barely able to block it with her sword handle, Laila’s kick connected with Sowol’s abdomen.



An instant gap opened.

Without missing a beat, Sowol and Laila charged at each other, and soon dazzling sword strikes erupted.


“Is she really that strong…?”

“I heard she was learning properly from this master, but I didn’t expect this much…”

Of course, I can’t say my teachings were insignificant, but Sowol’s skills are a result of her overflowing talent.

For every one thing I teach her, she understands two or three right away.

As a teacher, it’s incredibly comforting.



Regardless of their relationship as master and servant, or childhood friends, they swung their swords at each other without a care.

And it all ended when Sowol’s sword stopped right in front of Laila’s chest.

“…It’s a draw.”

One of the spectators murmured, watching that scene.

It wasn’t wrong, considering Laila’s sword was also pointed at Sowol’s chest.

Both would have inflicted fatal injuries if they connected, so a draw seemed fair.

…Good! Just as I thought! I was worried it might be wrong, but thank goodness.


“Hey, hey! I knew it!”

These guys. They should keep a straight face like me.

That way, you can pull off a proper teabagging.

As I maintained my composure while watching those who bet on a draw erupt in cheers, Sowol and Laila, still dumbfounded, shouted in unison.

“What?! Did we just become your bets?!”

“…I didn’t expect it from you, Master.”

“It’s the joy of travel. Since you all won, I’ll buy you something delicious when we reach Robein City.”

While I patted Sowol’s puffed-up cheeks, I glanced into my pockets.

There were quite a few clinking silver and copper coins.

As expected, more gambling means more rewards.

“What angers me more is that you didn’t bet on me winning.”

“They say the winning side is always aligned with us, right? If you wanted to win, you should have been stronger.”


No words can come back when hit with facts.

While Sowol clenched her fists, shaking in frustration, Laila approached.

She had a bright smile on her face.

“Wow~! That’s impressive! I didn’t expect the young lady’s skills to have improved this much! Is it thanks to your teachings, Master?!”

“Well, her talent plays a big role too. But Laila, when you wield your sword, you tend to lean to the right.”

“Oh? Is that so?”

I lifted my sword to show her.

The sword technique she used earlier was Roadbier-style, which focuses on aggressive offense.

It’s good at first, but becomes food for counter-technique in the mid to late game, so I’d better teach her some security points for later.

“Since you’re right-handed, it seems you’re leaning right. It would be better to wield the sword with your left hand too. Ideally, holding a short sword or dagger would be more advantageous.”

“Are you saying I should use two swords at once?”

“Exactly. Right hand for attacking, left hand for defense. Think of it that way. If you can find it, learning Terrijin-style dagger techniques would be beneficial too.”

“Hehe… Thank you for the advice.”

It was just a few words of advice, nothing to be significant. I casually waved my hand and turned my gaze to Sowol.

“So… next is you. There’s nothing particularly wrong. It’s just that your Sword Energy is too weak.”


“Make meditation a part of your daily routine.”

“Got it…”

“And… why didn’t you use Moonlight Wave?”

“It feels like I’m not ready yet.”

Good thinking.

It’s better to fight using only the basics than showing weaknesses with half-baked knowledge of techniques.

“Good. You did well.”

“So, do I get a praise sticker?”

“You didn’t win.”

You have to win to get one.

During our journey to Robein City, we kept sparring.

Since the draw on the first day, Sowol kept losing.

But that wasn’t bad.

There’s always something to learn from defeats.

And just as proof, we ended with another draw on the day before reaching Robein City.

“I might lose next time.”

Reflecting on the results, Laila said reluctantly.

Sowol’s expression, on the other hand, didn’t look too happy.

It seemed she was disappointed for never winning.

“Let’s go again tomorrow!”

“Haha. From tomorrow, I might have to work too…”

“That’s fine, and at the Robein City’s Sword Guild, you can learn the basics of Terrijin-style dagger techniques. Go there, learn that, and we can spar again.”

“Doesn’t that mean I’ll just lose again?”



I poked Sowol’s puffed-up cheek.

She puffed out a fishy sound in response, glaring at me with teary eyes, but I had experienced too much to be scared of such a look.

“By the way, Master, will you move with us when we reach Robein City?”

“No. I have my own things to take care of. So, you two stick together.”

“Understood. But if anything happens, please contact the Rogenn Trading Company.”

I don’t expect anything to happen, but there’s no harm in accepting goodwill.

I nodded at the martial artist who spoke up to me.

“Ah, we’re almost there.”

While chatting, the city walls came into view.

The walls were several times larger than a typical territory.

Robein City.

It’s one of the major cities featured in the game.

“By the way, Master, what exactly are you going to do in Robein City?”

“I mentioned I have something to gather, didn’t I?”

“But you haven’t said what that something is.”

“You’ll find out when you see. And this will be a good experience for you, so just follow me quietly.”

“Hmm. Understood. How much money should we bring?”

We had enough money for the materials. But money is always better when there’s more of it. Since it looks like the precious young lady gave quite the allowance, I should take enough to carry.

“Is this enough?”

“That’s a lot!”

Just how much allowance did she get?!

I knew the precious young lady was doting, but I didn’t expect it to be this much.

I took out just five from the pile of gold coins filling my pocket and tossed the purse to Laila.

“Huh? What’s this…”

“You’ve worked hard during the training on the way here, so buy yourselves a drink.”

“Oooo!! Thank you!”

“It’s money my father gave me to take good care of you, Master…”

“This is enough to take good care of me, so don’t worry too much.”

As soon as I finished speaking, we arrived at the entrance to Robein City.

Since there are plenty of things to inspect, from carriages to everything else, it’d be better if we went in separately.

“We’ll go ahead.”

“See you later~!”

As I headed towards the city gate with Sowol, the soldiers began checking our belongings.

Having nothing particularly strange, we simply passed through the inspection and entered.

“Wow… It’s vast.”

Proving it was indeed a big city, the first thing that greeted us after exiting the gate was a well-paved road.

It looked almost identical to what I had seen in the game.

While I walked along the paved road with Sowol, who was curiously looking around, we soon reached our first destination.

“This is…”

“It’s a herb shop.”

Appropriately sized for a big city, the herbal shop was a large building on its own.

Here, we bought basic healing herbs, antidotes, and various low-grade herbs in our bags.

“Here. Take this.”

“You came for herbs like this? But we could get these at the Eastern Trading Company…”

“These are just supplies.”

The real deal is different. I walked with Sowol again to continue. After walking for quite a while, we arrived at…


The back alley.

Entering the clearly sketchy back alley filled with shady characters, curious glances were directed toward us.

Naturally. Neither of us looked like we belonged in this dump.

“Why are we here?”

“I have some work to do here.”

I casually laid down a leather mat in a sunny spot and shouted.

“Sick and ailing ones! Come to me! I will save you!”

Help me stack those healing points.

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