The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 1224 In Daxing City, the battle between kings and hegemons

Chapter 1224 In Daxing City, the battle between kings and hegemons


"Long live the authentic bliss!"

"Kill these traitors!"


In Daxing City, a fierce battle is also breaking out.

The long-dormant Maha Ye, the authentic patriarch of the Bliss School, finally no longer concealed his ambition after Tathagata broke the extreme and practiced two moves of Tathagata's palm.Taking advantage of the fact that almost all the masters of the Sui Dynasty had already gone to the checkpoint of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum, they used the orthodox believers of the bliss that they had developed over the years to form a mighty holy war army.

Trying to take advantage of the empty checkpoints in Guanzhong to seize Guanzhong, support Li Yuan and his son as emperor, and then hide behind the scenes to manipulate and become the overlord.

On the other side, Gu Xiao no longer wanted to continue lurking like this.

At the same time as Mahayah raised his troops, he also launched his long-planned plan!
Xiaoguo Army!
The Xiaoguo Army was the Imperial Guard Army of the Great Sui Dynasty. Whether it was the quality of its soldiers or the sophistication of its weapons, perhaps it also had to add the high morale of the Imperial Forest Army for decades.The combination of all factors made the Xiaoguo army, not to mention in the Sui Dynasty, even in the whole world, it was the most powerful army!

No army can compete with it!

In the past 20 years, Gu Xiao has been trying to control the Xiaoguo Army, and he has served as the general of the Xiaoguo Army for more than ten years.

At this point, the Xiaoguo army has already become his possession!

He only recognizes people, not military talismans, and the emperor's order!
This is today's Xiaoguo Army!
In the Grand Master's Mansion, the third Yu Wentuo appeared.

In front of him, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Wei Zheng and other counselors, Qin Shubao, Yu Chigong, the four major generals and other trusted generals were all waiting for his order.

"Qin Qiong listen to the order." Gu Xiao sat on the throne and began to give orders.

"You bring five thousand Xiaoguo troops into the palace immediately to protect His Royal Highness Dai Wang."


"Yuchi respectfully listen to the order!"

"The end is here!"

"With ten thousand Xiaoguo troops, go to Jile Temple immediately and encircle and suppress Jile Temple."

"Yang Shuo listens to the order! You immediately take this Grand Master's warrant and go to take over the defense of Tongguan."


While speaking, the three generals named by Gu Xiao just now left the study one after another, and went to carry out his orders.In front of Gu Xiao, there were only a few other cronies left.

"Teacher, what are we doing?" Han Teng asked.

"Follow me to meet someone!"


"Maha leaf!"


Passing through the corridor, an underground space appeared in front of everyone.

Looking around, I can see that the vast courtyard is full of colorful exotic flowers and plants, and there are so many types that it is impossible to count.Between the sea of ​​flowers, there are countless rockery and stone forests, small bridges and flowing water, painted wall corridors, pavilions, terraces and pavilions, etc., all of which are carved with beams and painted buildings, resplendent in gold and jade, and extremely gorgeous.But although the flowers are like a sea, there is no half fragrance of flowers. When you look closely, it turns out that those flowers are all carefully carved with pearls, agates, emeralds, crystals and other treasures, and they are all lifelike and exquisite.Looking up, you can see the stars twinkling above your head, all of which are inlaid with precious gems.Leaning over and looking closely, the river is basically full of mercury.The value of this artificially piled Qin Shihuang Imperial Garden alone has doubled that of Yang Gong's treasure house.If all these treasures can be transported out, at least it will be enough for the entire Sui Dynasty to last for ten years!
Li Shimin shook his head again and again, and murmured subconsciously: "Qin Shihuang is so extravagant in order to continue to enjoy himself after death. I don't know how much money was squeezed and searched to build such a garden. No wonder the country perished in two generations. Sigh~ he If you are the emperor towards me, you should learn from it.”

"Hmph, old thief Yingzheng, what's so great about it? A real man can take his place. After the establishment of our Chuxiang Dynasty in the future, we will be able to truly rule the country forever. It will never be like his Yingzheng." The old thief is so useless."

With a proud tone and sonorous voice, the reincarnated Overlord walked out of the mountain wall with a thunder knife in his hand.Behind him, Wu Zai carried Danyue on his back, and followed closely behind with small steps.Stopping seven steps away from Li Shimin, Yang Xuangan raised his eyes and looked around.He obviously didn't pay attention to the countless treasures all around that were priceless and rich enough to rival a country.His sword eyebrows twitched slightly, and the Overlord's eyes suddenly brightened, and he said in a deep voice, "Yu Ji, Wu Zai, do you feel it? It's getting closer, it's getting closer! The Overlord's compatriots from Western Chu, eight thousand soldiers from Jiangdong, they It's not far from here. Haha, as long as this group of junior soldiers is resurrected, Shenzhou Jiangshan will be in my pocket!"

"Jiangdong's soldiers? Haha, haha, hahahaha~~" Bawang finished speaking, and Li Shimin next to him suddenly burst into laughter.While laughing, he looked at Yang Xuangan and shook his head again and again, there was no affectation between his brows, but an indescribable pity.The overlord ruled the world, and he was always feared, respected, hated, and flattered by others, but how often did he ever try to be pitied by others?In an instant, Yang Xuan couldn't help being furious, and shouted in a deep voice: "Young Li Shimin, what are you laughing at? Shut up, stop laughing!"

Li Shimin slowly stopped laughing.He looked up at the reincarnated overlord, and sighed: "I laugh because I think you are ridiculous. You are not only ridiculous, but also more pitiful and pathetic. Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu 800 years ago, was ignorant of public opinion, inconsiderate of public opinion, and ignorant People's sentiments, and they don't accept the words of loyalty and advice, but only know how to persuade others, so even if the rule of the Qin Dynasty was overthrown, in the end, everyone betrayed their relatives and had no choice but to die in Wujiang. 800 years later, you were reincarnated and reborn, although your strength is still invincible. But instead of improving your personality, it got worse. From the beginning to the end, besides Yu Ji and Wu Zai, who else in this world can truly trust and love you, and is willing to be loyal to your hegemony?

Since ancient times, there is much help for those who get the way, and few help for those who lose the way, and this "way" is the heart of all people in the world.But you want to force tens of thousands of miles of land and hundreds of millions of people to submit to you with just a thunder knife?It's just delusional!Even yourself, why don't you know this well?It is precisely because you know that no one in this world will be loyal to you, so you put your hope on some evil spirits who have been dead for 800 years, and try to rely on their power to conquer the world, right?Haha how ridiculous, how sad?Even if the world is invincible, so what?You can rely on clay figurines to rule the world, but can you rely on these clay figurines to rule the world for you? "

"Pedantic! Superficial! Naive! Ignorant!" Yang Xuangan was not moved at all, but completely calmed down his previously chaotic mood.With a thunder knife across his chest, the reincarnated overlord said coldly: "Li Shimin, in view of the fact that we have gone through a tribulation together just now, this overlord will remind you a few words. As an emperor, there are so-called kings and overlords. Farewell. A kingly person conquers people with virtue, while a domineering person conquers people with strength. However, human nature is inherently selfish and despicable. You can think twice, always greedy, and always selfish. Even if you have the virtues of Yao and Shun in ancient times, you will never think that you can make people Everyone in the world is satisfied, let alone what sincerity they will give.

Therefore, the so-called benevolent way is simply a illusory, unrealistic and boring fantasy.On the contrary, their inherent selfishness and weak nature will make them naturally scramble to kneel at the feet of the strongest.As long as I am strong enough, even if I am reluctant, in the end they will have no choice but to obediently work for this Overlord. Yes, the Jiangdong soldiers of this Overlord really cannot rule the world.But as long as this overlord has leveled the world and killed all the enemies who opposed this overlord, would he still worry that there would be no lackeys to drive?Hehe, believe me, at that time, in order to be able to work hard for the overlord, they will even bite each other desperately like stray wild dogs fighting for bones. "

"Suppressing people with violence and seducing people with benefits will undoubtedly be effective for a while." Li Shimin held Wanhua Ruyi tightly, and with the help of the supreme Buddha power contained in it, he could recover the power that was lost by breaking the mountain and opening the road, Shen Sheng Sighed: "But so what? What is the difference between your thoughts and behaviors and Qin Shihuang back then? Qin Shihuang has been subjugated for only two generations, and you, the overlord of Western Chu, have just entrusted the princes, and in a blink of an eye, the world will turn against you." .Delusion to ascend to the throne and become emperor by virtue of hegemony, in the end, is nothing more than this result. You have clearly learned from the past, why are you still obsessed with obsession, and you still want to repeat the same mistakes and walk on that dead end again?"

"Hmph, Qin Shihuang's death was simply because he was too benevolent. After conquering the six kingdoms, he didn't kill the nobles of the six kingdoms. Otherwise, how could the overlord have the opportunity to rebel against him?" Yang Xuangan also held the Thunder Saber tightly, absorbing The endless thunder and lightning energy in the knife was used to replenish vitality, and he said bitterly: "As for the defeat of the overlord, it was all because of mistrusting Liu Bang's hypocritical dog thief! King Huai ordered that the overlord and Liu Bang's dog thief divide the troops Resist Qin. This dog thief swore to me in advance that he would not enter Guanzhong first. But in the end, he took advantage of the gap between the overlord and the main force of the Qin army in Julu, and entered Xianyang first to accept Qin Wangziying surrender.

That's all, because of the fact that the two sides finally became brothers, not only did the overlord spare him at the Hongmen Banquet, but he also enfeoffed the land of Hanzhong and Bashu to him.Unexpectedly, Liu Bang's dog thief was not greedy enough, so he turned his head and united with the princes of the world to fight against me again.snort!Isn't this overlord not benevolent enough to treat Liu Bang?Why did he want to betray the overlord again and again?If the so-called kingly way really works, why is there such a shameless and greedy villain in the world?What's more, why let this kind of villain establish a country and proclaim himself emperor, but this overlord will suffer all kinds of pain in hell?Li Shimin, since you keep saying that domineering is wrong, then come and tell me why! "

Mentioning the past life's hatred, Yang Xuangan couldn't help gnashing his teeth, full of anger.In an instant, thunder and lightning lingered all over his body, making "crackling~~" violent noises, making him look extremely terrifying.If this is a debate contest, then Li Shimin can actually point out the mistakes of Xiang Yu's various actions back then.For example, accuse Xiang Yu of killing 20 soldiers from the Qin Dynasty, which was tyrannical and inhumane and shocked the people; Etc., etc.But……

The matter before us is not a debate contest.Even if you can win verbally, what's the use?What's more, insisting that Li Shimin defend Liu Bang, a rogue emperor who is really shameless and shameless, saying that Liu Bang is doing the right thing, which is kingly government.No matter what, Li Shimin couldn't say this kind of speech that reversed black and white.

So in the face of Yang Xuangan's questioning and anger, Li Shimin had nothing to say.I can only shake my head and sigh: "Okay, I admit that I really can't convince you. But it doesn't mean anything. If you insist on going your own way, you will end up with your own destruction. The world will continue to resist you just like resisting Qin Shihuang The fate of Qin Shihuang is also your fate. The so-called domineering is simply a dead end!"

"Dominance may be a dead end, but at least it can really help me achieve success." Yang Xuangan suppressed his anger, showing a mocking smile, and said: "Just as Qin Shihuang is tyrannical, but no one can deny that he is the most remarkable person in history. Even if this overlord fails, the prestige of the overlord of Western Chu can also be immortalized in history forever. And what about your so-called kingly way? From the beginning to the end, it has never appeared in the world. A How can you be so desperate for such a boring lie?"

"The king's way is not a lie. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. As long as we are determined to work hard in this direction, we will succeed one day." Li Shimin said firmly: "Even if we can never really achieve it, we can get infinitely close to it." It. Avoiding difficulties, not even daring to take the first step, always just wanting to take a shortcut to get lucky, how is this kind of behavior different from a coward? What great things can it accomplish?"

"Huh, you have sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, and you only know how to speak beautiful words. You really are a brat who doesn't understand the world." Yang Xuangan sneered, "But in fact, you still have to use your skills to fight with real swords and guns." Is this overlord going to compete? It can be seen that domineering will win, and strength is the only truth in the world. Your nonsense, benevolence, righteousness and kingly way, all go to hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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