The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 1223 The Mausoleum of the First Emperor, Killing Every Step

Chapter 1223 The Mausoleum of the First Emperor, Killing Every Step

"It seems that everything is about to start." Witnessing the three forces searching for the whereabouts of the First Emperor's Mausoleum, in a place that no one noticed.

A brown-haired man with yin and yang pupils stood with a white-haired young man and said calmly.

If someone saw this person now, they would be shocked.

Because, this person is none other than Yu Wentuo!That is Gu Xiao.

And the person beside him is naturally his military adviser——Yuan Tiangang. Behind the two of them, there are still some other people.Pei Ju, who held the Yin Yang Token, and Yu Xiaoxue, who had silver hair and blue eyes.This fourth force did not leave, but hid in the dark and stared at it!

It's incredible!
Gu Xiao is clearly overseas, why is he here?
This is really incredible!
And the most important thing is, if someone goes to Daxing City Grand Master's Mansion to take a look now, they will find that this invincible Grand Master is still staying in his own Grand Master's Mansion.Troops are being dispatched, and all the confidantes he has cultivated over the years have been mobilized.

Two dogs fight, play off!

While everyone's eyes were drawn to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, he, the last prince of the Northern Zhou royal family, was already ambitious to seize his own country!
And there is another person who made the same choice as him!
That is: Mahayana, the authentic Suzerain of Ultimate Bliss!
It's unbelievable that one person has three transformations!
clang!clang!clang!Pei Ju raised the Yin-Yang Token in his hand and said softly, "That's right, the world has come to a time of real chaos."

"We should go." Gu Xiao said in a deep voice.

The Mausoleum of the First Emperor has been opened, and the next step is the Qianlong Cave.Only by injecting one's own blood into the cave of Qianlong Qianlong can one achieve the career of emperor.

Although he has no interest in Jiangshan from the bottom of his heart, Gu Xiao will never evade his responsibilities.

In any case, he is the son of Yu Wenyun, Emperor Xuan of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the last prince of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.Yang Jian and his son not only usurped the Northern Zhou Dynasty, but also killed thousands of members of the Northern Zhou Yuwen family, almost cutting off the Northern Zhou Yuwen family's bloodline.

This hatred of the country and the family has been carried on him since the day he was born, and it is his unshirkable responsibility and mission!
This point, Gu Xiao was very clear in his heart, and he never planned to escape!


At this moment, the first person to rush into the Mausoleum of the First Emperor had already started fighting.

Among them, Li Shimin's side is definitely the one that attracts the most attention.

Li Shimin rushed into the entrance and looked around, but in front of him was a long and narrow corridor with a height of three feet and a width of two feet.The four walls of the corridor are all made of extremely smooth blue stones, extending obliquely all the way down, let alone its depth.There is a slight cool breeze blowing in front of it, and there are obviously other vents below, allowing the air to circulate freely.But it was pitch black everywhere.If you don't have Wanhua Ruyi in your hand, you will definitely lose your sight.

The sound of Crow's four hooves stamping on the ground was like a muffled drumbeat, and it kept vibrating back and forth in the four walls of the corridor.But if you listen carefully, it is still not difficult to see that the sound of horseshoes is rapidly disappearing.Li Shimin took a deep breath, and immediately set off to catch up.It was only less than three feet deep, and there was a sudden sound of wind in the darkness in the distance, and a little bit of cold star rushed towards it like flying.A flash of inspiration flashed in Li Shimin's mind, and he had searched for relevant information from his memory.Without thinking about it, he used the two ultimate moves of "Thunder God's Lightning" and "Arhat Unloading the Mountain" at the same time, and his body spiraled sharply in the air, shooting forward like a javelin.

When there was no time to spare, the seventeen or eighteen sharp knife wheels flashing with crystal light rotated from up to down, left, and right, and slashed past, almost completely blocking the corridor space, leaving only a half-foot gap in the center.The knife wheel is driven by the machine, and moves along a thin gap in the walls on the four sides of the corridor.The height of the knife wheels on the left and right sides is exactly at the same level as the neck of an adult.If the skill is a little weak, then this first mechanism alone can already cause the trespasser to die in a different place.And the knife wheels protruding from both sides of the ceiling and the floor can even cause the trespassers to be dismembered.

Li Shimin leaped into the air in time, evading in an almost impossible way.The seventeen or eight knife wheels all fell through.When the power of the machine gun was exhausted, the knife wheel naturally retracted into the gap between the walls and disappeared.The scene is somewhat similar to the escalators installed in modern shopping malls.However, after a wave of flattening, another wave rose again. "XuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudsuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutouAnd its azimuth and angle are completely different from the first wave.When the thunder was too fast to cover his ears, Li Shimin flicked his fingers lightly on the stone wall, using his strength to roll in the air, he still managed to move away with a piece of paper, and his body was unscathed.

The knife wheel mechanism in the corridor is so viciously designed that it can be described as exhaustive.But with Li Shimin's ability, it is not difficult to be tough.

In just a moment, the corridor has come to an end.With the help of Wanhua Ruyi's light, it can be seen that the place where you are is a hexagonal stone room.There are a total of six doors in the stone chamber, which are connected to six passages.If you want to move forward, the passage you just walked does not count, and you should choose one of the five branches at will.As for which fork is safe and which is full of death traps, there are neither pictures nor words in the stone chamber, so it can only be bumped by luck.

If you choose the right path, you can enter the "Wanshi Qianlong Cave" at the core of the imperial mausoleum without incident.If you choose the wrong way, you will face endless death traps.But these institutions are more than enough to deal with ordinary tomb robbers, but they are still not enough to deal with the top experts like Li Shimin.So for Li Shimin, the most important thing is not "which way is safe", but "which way Yang Xuan feels is going".

I don't know if there is another mysterious relationship in the passage. In short, at this moment, the sound of Wu Hao's iron hoof stamping on the ground can no longer be heard in the stone room.Li Shimin hesitated for a moment, then bent down to the ground, with his left ear close to the ground, carefully observing. 〖Liu Shen Jue〗Exercising the six senses of the human body can cultivate the six senses and supernatural powers respectively.Although Li Shimin didn't have "Tian Er Zhi Zheng Tong", his sense of hearing was so sensitive that it was far beyond anyone's imagination.While listening, it was vaguely discernible that the passage in the northeast seemed to be vibrating regularly.He jumped up without thinking, and dodged into the northeast passage.Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the stone gate, there was an empty space under his feet, and there was a steep slope close to ninety degrees inside.As if sensing the intrusion of an outsider, the mechanism was automatically activated, and several dark holes were opened on the stone wall to spray out tung oil, making the intruder slide down involuntarily.Li Shimin used "Thunder God's Lightning" as a volley turning point to prevent the tung oil from getting on his body.Taking advantage of the trend, Wanhua Ruyi tapped on the wall, and it fell slowly like a willow leaf.

Killing agencies followed one after another.Li Shimin fell down more than twenty feet, and suddenly there was a soft "da~" sound from above his head.The flint and steel struck violently and splashed sparks, igniting the tung oil covering the ramp.A ferocious fire dragon sprang forward, and its spreading speed was faster than Li Shimin's movement.In an instant, every minute and every inch of space on the entire ramp was filled with raging flames, directly turning into a sea of ​​flames and purgatory.Its temperature is as high as a thousand degrees.If you don't have the cultivation base above the tenth level of [Golden Bell Cover], you will be burned to ashes if you are in it.At the same time, there was the sound of "cracking~~" from the corridor below. Obviously, the door at the exit was being closed, and the intruder was going to be completely trapped in this sea of ​​fire and purgatory, and even a ray of life was completely cut off.

After more than ten breaths, I saw under the light of the fire that the passage had come to an end, but was tightly closed by two stone doors, and there was no way out.Li Shimin took a deep breath, and Wanhua Ruyi danced vigorously, pulling and rolling all the fires in the passage, and in the blink of an eye, they had already condensed and compressed into a super-high-temperature fireball that was as brilliant as the sun, and the "Bodhisattva destroying Tao" was broken. Blast out!
No matter how thick and strong the stone gate is, it is still a stone. How can it withstand the crazy bombardment of the blazing fireball?In an instant, there was only a loud explosion of "Boom~", the thick stone gate was violently blasted into a three-foot-square hole, and the rest of the surrounding area glowed red, melting into magma like a heated candle.Li Shimin got out of the way out impartially, without thinking about it, he waved Wanhua Ruyi again, protecting his whole body with "Guanyin Luanying". "Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!" highly toxic.

Without stopping to breathe, the killing mechanism was activated again.The exit of the passage was a rectangular space with a wide top and a narrow bottom. Li Shimin was still panting, and immediately heard a deafening thunderous sound.Looking up anxiously, I saw the two high walls on the left and right were sliding down the ramp, and they seemed to be closing in the middle, crushing the intruder into a meat paste.If he retreats at this time, with Li Shimin's body speed, there is still time.But if he retreats, how can he catch up with Yang Xuangan again?Weighing left and right in an instant, Li Shimin stomped his feet fiercely, advanced instead of retreating, and rushed forward at full speed.

The speed at which the stone walls slid and closed was astonishingly fast, and in just a moment, the room for movement was squeezed to less than four feet.But the exit of the channel has not been seen for a long time.Li Shimin was about to speed up again, when suddenly there was a muffled sound of "Boom~", and the closing of the stone wall stopped suddenly.Immediately afterwards, a heroic voice sounded from the front, shouting: "Yu Ji, the exit is above your head, hurry up and leave me alone." It belongs to Yang Xuangan.It seems that although he took the first step, he still failed to lead Li Shimin too much.And the person who touched the organ and closed the stone wall was not Li Shimin, but the reincarnated overlord.

"Overlord, I can't leave! This mechanism is too overbearing, you can't handle it alone." Shan Yueman's anxious voice followed.The sound of knocking on the stone wall came one after another. It seemed that she wanted to find out the loopholes in this mechanism to disarm it.But Li Shimin didn't need to see it with his own eyes, and knew that her actions would be futile, and ended up wasting the chance of escape.

In terms of the ingenuity of the mechanism design, Yang Gong's treasure house is actually better than Qin Shihuang's mausoleum.But the difference in usage between the two determines that the imperial tomb must be a hundred times more dangerous than the treasure house.Because when Yang Su built the treasure house, in addition to storing treasures, the more important purpose was to use the treasure house as an emergency escape route.What's more, Lu Miaozi has a kind heart, no matter how ingenious the design mechanism is, it will always leave a glimmer of life for people.But Qin Shihuang built the imperial mausoleum as his resting place after death, so he naturally never wanted anyone to come in and disturb him.Therefore, all the arrangements in the mausoleum have only one purpose, which is to kill all uninvited guests who break into the mausoleum without authorization.That being the case, how could there be any gaps left in the deadly trap in front of him for people to escape safely without any danger?
The bravery of the overlord can indeed pull mountains and rivers.But manpower is sometimes poor after all.This stone wall is extremely thick, just like two giant rock mountains.Coupled with the power of the mechanism, when it slides and closes, it is definitely not something that any flesh and blood body in the world can compete with.In an instant, the knocking sound became more and more frequent, and the left and right stone walls were constantly rumbling and vibrating, inch by inch, although it was slow, it moved tenaciously without stopping.The range of four feet was compressed to only three feet, then two feet, and then only one and a half feet.Li Shimin's eyes lit up, and he saw Yang Xuangan's figure standing like a mountain two zhang ahead, with his arms spread apart and pressing against the stone wall, trying his best to prevent the mechanism from closing.The Thunder Knife plunged into the ground obliquely, and Wu Zai snorted and pawed the ground restlessly.Shan Yue held a pair of eyebrow steel thorns in her hand, knocking here and there on the stone wall.With the help of Wanhua Ruyi's light, it can be seen that the exit of the tunnel is not far away, and it is about ten feet away from where Yang Xuangan is.But this distance of ten feet that can be crossed with only two or three lifts on weekdays has now become unreachable, severely separating life from death.

Yang Xuangan single-handedly supported the stone wall to close, even though his kung fu is one of the best in the world, at this moment he is already overwhelmed with emotion.His face was distorted by the heavy pressure, and his facial features were extremely hideous.Shan Yue was at a loss, when she looked up she suddenly saw Li Shimin's figure, her eyes shone with ecstasy.Without thinking, she blurted out: "Li Shimin, it's you! The Overlord is about to lose his grip, and now we are all in the same boat, come and help. Otherwise, everyone will die here."

Between Li Shimin and Yang Xuangan, regardless of public or private, they are sworn enemies.Shan Yue asked Li Shimin for help, Yang Xuangan heard it, and immediately frowned, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart.But he has used all his strength to contend with the organ, so where is there room for him to speak?And Li Shimin was as surprised as Yang Xuangan.He shook his head with a low smile, and was about to take advantage of the gap to pass over Yang Xuangan's head.The distance is only ten feet, Li Shimin has absolute confidence that he can rush over and escape before the opponent is exhausted.

It's just that the reincarnated overlord whom I have cited as the number one enemy in my life died in the trap of the agency, which is really unexpected.Thinking back to Qin Shihuang Yingzheng back then, he was beheaded by the Western Chu overlord Xiang Yu with the seventh blow of the purple thunder. Could it be that... Qin Shihuang's soul is immortal, and he wants to take revenge on his enemies with his own hands?

(End of this chapter)

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