The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 122 1121 Both Poison and Antidote

Chapter 122 1.121 Both Poison and Antidote

Hanka Machinery headquarters skyscraper, disc-shaped central main engine room.

The rustling sound in the darkness was suddenly illuminated by a pair of prosthetic eyes.It turned out to be a coffee cup placed on the corner of the table. It was shaken by the explosion outside the building and made a slight collision, breaking the due silence.

Everything that happened outside seemed to have nothing to do with this place.Only a deadly airtight and never-sunning darkness is the destination.

"Alas..." Seemingly anticipating something, the man in the darkness sighed and reached for the coffee cup.

Immediately after a loud bang, the fragments of the curtain wall splashed and made the main computer room a mess.

The sun had just illuminated the entire space, and the roar of guns poured in fiercely.Putting down the palm that was covering the fragments of the coffee cup, the mastermind behind it finally revealed his true face.I saw him sitting calmly watching the long metal hose tentacles supporting the walls on both sides of the breach, and struggling to lift the huge umbrella-shaped crown of the test-type advanced attack shell.

After taking a sip of ice-cold coffee, the mastermind behind the scenes waited for the visit of the Ghost in the Shell crown.

"It really is you!" Dr. Dai Lin asked angrily from within the Ghost Shell.

"Ah, long time no see." The man put down his coffee cup and gestured with a smile.

"Daisuke Aramaki, do you know what you did?!" Dr. Dai Lin couldn't restrain his anger.

"I know, do you know?" the old man asked back.

"I..." Dr. Dai Lin couldn't help being speechless: "You killed all of us!"

"It seems that you don't know who killed everyone." Daisuke Aramaki, the former head of the No. [-] Division of Public Security, did not back down.

"who is it!"

"It's stupid." Daisuke Aramaki said to himself: "Stupid politicians, stupid citizens, stupid army, stupid bureaucrats, stupid classes, stupid media, stupid stupid, stupid smart people."

"What happened? What happened to Mutant Day." Dr. Dai Lin needs to know everything.

"After your death, the 'Initiative Project 100' to achieve 2573% prosthetics was launched. Soon after, a new type of electronic sclerosis became widespread in the slums. At the beginning of the pandemic, Major Mira reported to me, but in order not to Affecting the stock market, the municipal officials tried their best to downplay the epidemic. They said it was just an influenza, and there was no fuss, so that the citizens didn’t care. As a result, the epidemic spread and death was like an infection. When those people panicked, they couldn’t buy one The Murai vaccine, which is known as a special drug."

"Has the vaccine really failed?"

"No, the vaccine is very effective." Daisuke Aramaki changed his tone: "But it was hoarded by the rich in the city and sold at a high price that ordinary people could not afford. Our shrewd government is naturally unwilling to buy it at a high price, let alone free treatment. Absolutely poor patients. In order to force the rich to make concessions, the media controlled by the city hall began to spread rumors that the vaccine was invalid."

"My God..."

"Just when the city hall and the rich man were arguing, but no one was really willing to solve the problem. Those critically ill patients who had been deemed dead, the micro-machines in the electronic brain quietly swallowed up the human brain cells, turning the dead into Mutant prosthetic living corpses. Later, the war destroyed the city, the rich took refuge abroad, the politicians went into exile, and everyone else was swallowed by the ruins. Life is better than death."

"Who is the mastermind behind it?" Dr. Dai Lin asked.

"He said his name was Hideo Kuze." Daisuke Aramaki said softly.

"The hacker who killed me?" It was impossible for Dr. Dai Lin to forget.

"Maybe, maybe not." Daisuke Aramaki smiled strangely: "He was also the first severely infected person. It doesn't matter whether his humanity was swallowed up by micromachines or not."

"So he, too, came back from the dead, right?" Dr. Dai Lin suddenly felt that the situation was serious.

"The so-called plague is both a poison and an antidote for mankind. All the fools, cowards, and despicables will all die, and the only ones left are us—new humans."

"This is your so-called antidote?" Dr. Dai Lin laughed angrily: "An antidote for a ruin??"

"There is a saying: 'Good medicine tastes bitter.'" Daisuke Aramaki was confident.

"Die, old bastard!" Dr. Dai Lin waved the giant tentacles, vowing to smash Daisuke Aramaki and his host into pieces.

"You really don't know." Daisuke Aramaki said without fear.

It seems that everything is confirming his words.The giant tentacles landed on Daisuke Aramaki's nose strangely.No matter how Dr. Dai Lin pushed, the tentacles did not move.

"After so long, do you know what is the most important thing for human beings?" Daisuke Aramaki said flatly.

"What is it?" Dr. Dai Lin will definitely ask.

"Permission." Daisuke Aramaki waved his hand lightly, and the giant tentacles obediently backed down: "Everything you have now was designed in advance by those in power. Even your roaring anger and the justice you hold in your heart are nothing more than 'stress' The reaction equation' is just a piece of code entered in advance. Everything is manipulated by power behind the scenes."

"What did you do to me?" Dr. Dai Lin's words revealed undisguised panic.

"It's nothing." Daisuke Aramaki calmly approached him step by step, "It's just a backdoor installed in your core code, that's all."

"Damn old bastard—"

Accompanied by the eruption of steam, the laboratory attacked the AI ​​system first, bypassed Dr. Dai Lin, the only user, and forcibly opened the cabin with the higher authority granted.

The dazzling light made Dr. Dai Lin, who was 100% prosthetic, at a loss.In other words, Dr. Dai Lin, who has been transformed into a 100% full body, refuses to show her true colors.In fact, Dr. Dai Lin, who is 100% prosthetic, can have countless bodies.This is just one of them.

"Ah, look at how beautiful you are." Daisuke Aramaki, who walked to the broken edge of the main computer room, praised face to face: "Get rid of the shackles of human stupidity and become an eternal existence."

"Old bastard. I don't need your praise!" Dr. Dai Lin struggled hard, trying to regain control of the first shell.

However, the tentacles that were raised slightly fell down weakly.All-out attempts still ended in failure.

Standing on the sidelines, Dr. Dai Lin struggled without success.Only then did Daisuke Aramaki speak out: "Do you understand authority now?"

"You're not the old bastard I know." Dr. Dai Lin was full of resignation: "The old bastard I know doesn't fight for power, doesn't like to show off, always follows the justice in his heart, and never gives up in the face of evil forces! The one who always trusts Major, with all the members of the Ninth Section of the Public Security Bureau 'flowing with the same blood', where did the former 'Dentianjuku Sanyuwu' go!"

"Perhaps the old guy you and I knew also died in the epidemic." Daisuke Aramaki waved his hand without any disturbance.Several geisha robot assistants stepped forward immediately, trying to disable Dr. Dai Lin's brain-computer interface.

"No trouble... sir!" Dr. Dai Lin's eyes lit up suddenly, starting the self-destruct procedure. The 100% prosthetic body was immediately overloaded, accompanied by flashing electric arcs and flames emerging from the body, burning down Dr. Dai Lin's electronic brain and even the entire prosthetic body.

"Huh?" Daisuke Aramaki, who was about to turn around and leave, suddenly discovered something: "This is just a backup of her consciousness. Find the core of her electronic personality."

"Yes, boss." The player leader who had been spying in the dark replied without any delay.

"Boss, it must be laboratory No. 3." The female player's guess sounded in the channel: "No. 1 is a 100% full-body prosthetic body, No. 2 is the matching first shell, and No. 3 should be a more powerful lab." of……"

"Electronic Ultra Brain." The player leader immediately ordered: "0215, go to the No. 3 laboratory."

"Boss, 0215 is still in Laboratory No. 2, arresting Major Mira." The female player replied.

"0910, you go."

"Got it, boss."

"To be on the safe side, we can't let go of Lab No. 1." The female player recommended herself: "I'll go."

"Okay, go back quickly." The words were correct, and the player leader agreed after thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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